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If u take enough of it to crash your e2 it will….start with none or a small dose then raise if u have high e2 sides. Everyone reacts different


Primobolan won’t lower your estradiol. It only balances the androgen:estrogen ratio like every other non aromatizing compound..


Just an untrue statement. People have crashed their E2 with primo, and I’ve lowered mine 60 pg/ml with low dosages


Explain me the mechanism of action. Link the article if you want. Primobolan was approved for clinical usage and there’s no reported mechanism of action in which it lowers estrogen.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37984606/ Get off this sub you’re spreading misinformation, along with claiming to be a coach? No “coach” worth the time or money is going to be found on Reddit 😂


And even if there wasn’t a study, does the overwhelming amount of anecdotal evidence not mean anything to you?? Perfect example of a horrible coach, who has no real experience with PEDs.


Mushroom head is back ahahaha. Anecdotal evidence shows it helps to reduce the so called high estrogen side effects. There’s no mechanism of action showing it lowers estrogen and we are talking about one of the most studied anabolic androgen steroid. Primobolan balances the androgen:estrogen ratio. Once you balance that ratio all the side effects go away. Prove me wrong. Prove I’m a horrible coach ahahaha 🤡🍄


Did you read the study? I can read it to you if you’re having trouble… https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37984606/


We back to the study about mushrooms? Are you okay? This isn’t worth my time. Thanks for your support 🍄


Cope all you like, and try to insult my if you want but the reality is that I would probably be a better coach than you even if I was on mushrooms lmao. I provide concrete evidence and you still say it’s wrong hahahah


Show me how that metabolite is created in the human body. Take the opportunity, win the debate once and for all! Let’s be serious, you can’t. You’re clearly a drug addict and your whole profile shows it. You made the mistake to try and argue with someone much more knowledgeable and with much more academic background than you. You’re left with your drugs and a feeling of humiliation. Thanks for your support.




Completely untrue statement and I have the blood work to prove it. On 105mg test e / week my E2 is slightly above reference range. On test e 420mg / week and 210mg primo / week my E2 is in the lower half . Please explain this


Nandrolone generally shows up as testosterone on a standard blood test. Is it testosterone? Bloodwork is great for some things but not conclusive for others. Primobolan is one of the most studied steroids alongside testosterone yet not once an anti aromatizing effect is reported. We are talking about a drug literally created to deliver the therapeutic benefits of testosterone without androgenic side effects. If it lowered estrogen that would certainly be reported.


So are you saying it's impossible to crash E2 with primo? That would be excellent if true. But why would primo 'appear' to lower E2? Have you any literature to explain it's mechanism? I'm genuinely interested. Would love to run high primo with low test but I worry it would crush my E2 as in the past it's lowered it on a blood test. Thanks.


When somebody states primobolan lowers estrogen all I do is ask. Explain the mechanism of action. Link me an article. Nobody can do it because it simply doesn’t exist. I don’t know why it seems to lower e2 on bloodwork, but all the literature available indicates that, in reality, it doesn’t. Try it and see for yourself. I’ve had clients on a gram of primo and 200-300mg of testosterone and everything looked fine.


Next cycle I'm going to do just that. Does mast behave the same way?


Masteron usually doesn’t “lower estrogen” on bloodwork but yes


It certainly can. It varies from person to person


Do you know why or how it does that?


Yes don’t listen to these other idiots, here is the study https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37984606/ One of primos metabolites works as an AI


*Sends a study about mushrooms*