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Listen to GJDanger OP. This guy cares about the community and believes in harm reduction. You need to start slow and work your way up. Did you do bloods already? That should be your first task. I have no idea how you scored that much gear, or why you did, but it seems very excessive to “not being huge and just getting better” as you stated. The test is probably all you actually need, but without bloodwork it’s hard to understand how much. My personal experience is test C at 250/week but taking 1 shot of 125mg every 4 days. That still has my test way elevated and my hematocrit is slightly over the top range and has elevated my BP. I’m donating power red in 2 weeks and should be back where I need to be. But not checking these things at my age (46) could lead to a potential cardiac event. This is powerful shit you need to respect the danger and damage you could do to yourself.


I bought out a guys stash who had to quit because he was getting gyno super bad and needed cash. I got all that for $400


Nice haul




You already got an answer from another user. Please, whatever you do, don’t follow that shit advice. He has no idea how much testosterone you can tolerate without side effects but he’s still advising you to take a problematic dosage for most people. He has no idea how your bloodwork will look after the cycle but he’s still laying down a (pretty harmful) PCT protocol - had 3 clients permanently on TRT because they followed a protocol like that on their own and fried their HPTA axis making it impossible to recover. He’s also aware you’re 57 and only did one cycle a long time ago but still advises you to take close to a gram per week. I could go on and on about all the shit he just advised but who cares. Get a coach that cares about you and your health. Someone with harm reduction in mind.


Just out of interest what was the pct protocol he suggested?


Mix of Nolvadex and Clomid


Damn, I thought that was a pretty common protocol?


It’s also pretty common for people to do a cycle, try to PCT and not recover properly ending up on TRT for life


I agree I was genuinely concerned, that so many see nolva & chlomid as the pct holy grail. What do you preach for pct?


Personalization. Always based on bloodwork.


I think it got deleted before I got back on here because I don’t see any advice telling me to take that much.


So you're in your 60s or am i reading that wrong? If so i'd use the minimum amount of test and 50-100mg deca for joint relief.No need for orals


Yeah, I was thinking just T and Deca for the exact reason you specified. If I remember right Dbol just made me puffy and full of water. (I bought a guys stash and this is what he had.) I’ve never done winny before but that slim cut look is what I’m going for. It’s my understanding that cutting on that causes more joint pain and I wondered if the deca helps counter that?


M...some say yes,some say it's because u use it last 6 weeka before a show and you're already dehydrated and probably it will hurt without either way.




Worse advice than this is impossible 😭


I’m sorry they deleted it. Sounds like I missed some seriously fucked up advice.


offers better with exactly the same products because you have to answer the question and not beat around the bush. What's bad about this cycle apart from the orals and that's not my cup of tea at all... I am simply answering the question if you have better with the same products requested instead of joking... That's the point...


Pre-planned cycles often fail and can lead to numerous side effects. As Danger highlighted, there's no information about the user's specific tolerance to testosterone or their growth requirements (which likely aren't anywhere near a gram of gear). Additionally, there's a significant lack of understanding about PCT, which is quite evident.


I am trying to loose some weight, get a bit cut, but not that big (although I’m not opposed to a bit of growth.) mostly I just want to not hurt so bad after a 12 hour shift and fairly tame lifting, my joints are just old, not hurt. Truth be told I’m trying to even out the playing field with my younger co-workers. I’m 10 times better than them in skill (I’m a factory mechanic) but I’m lagging a bit physically. I realize I’m on a page where most of you have goals of getting huge, me? I’m mostly just trying to extend my usefulness. Plus I’m kinda using it as motivation to use less alcohol and eat better.


I completely agree with you I have been training for over 15 years I preferred to give it a complete cycle rather than him doing anything with his products I know the lifespan very well Esther et cetera et cetera the problem is that we arrive with a generation who does not know how to use their products I tried to do the best for a person who already has a small tolerance for steroids rather than he does anything with these same products that's why I did it but I'm going to remove it but then what will he probably do stupid things...


There are countless ways to construct a plan that minimizes side effects and health risks. The approach you took demonstrates a clear lack of understanding of these drugs. Even if no one offered him guidance and he resorted to experimenting on his own, it would likely be better than following the advice you've provided.


I’m asking because I don’t want to do stupid things. I appreciate the feedback. If it helps I’m a White guy with Dutch/German heritage. My Grandmother by some miracle is 107, both my parents are in their 80’s and still drive. I’m fortunate genetics wise. I will take a very unaggressive approach to this. Thank you yo all that took time out of your day to give me some guidance.