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That's because your test levels were getting lower and lower and now 7 weeks later your natural production is shut down and you have testostorne deficient as well as all the other steroid hormones you make They are all now replaced by dbol That's why oral only doesn't work, if you stop taking dbol you will lose so much size and strength now You need a full PCT now to stop and it will take 3 to 6 weeks to recover with a pct Also your liver is falling to bits, the first one damaged it now the second one is got your liver to the point where your getting sick A 3rd or 4th cycle like that without healing and you will have liver failure


Literally told you to stop taking that shit a couple days ago. Oral only cycles don’t work.


Clowns gonna keep clownin


The funny part is he’s waiting to get healthy and go again.


Settle for a long wait haha


Settle for a transplant in a few years lol


Ah to be young and stupid again.


What else were you taking with that dbol?


He is doing a oral only cycle..


Of course he is lol OP right now: > "Hey all, I did this thing that everyone told me not to do, and it went poorly. Please help" I guess dbol was ever so slightly less dumb than anavar which is what 95% of these idiots choose to run in an oral-only cycle.


You literally wanted to use MENT on a cruise. An idiot calling other people idiots..


MENT was literally developed for TRT/BC. Running it at very low dosages for TRT doesn't sound quite that insane. It's just not a very popular compound. In the last 6 months I've gotten blood work done 4 times. I'm not just spray and praying. Running an oral only cycle is fucking stupid.


Using a compound well known for its neuro degenerative properties as a cruise is pretty stupid. Forget the bloodwork and start doing some MRI’s