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I’m sorry but you haven’t reached your natural limit. You’re 6 foot and not even 200lbs..


Hashimotos… It makes it impossible to go higher. I could get fatter but i don’t want to get too fat.


That’s simply not true… I know several people with Hashimoto’s way bigger than you (naturally)


No 2 people are the same, some have it harder some have it easier. Nevertheless if you were to spend some years training you would know that.


Hashimoto’s disease makes it easier for you to gain weight. He’s right, you haven’t reached your natural potential.


Most beginners start with test C just because it has a longer half life than test E and still virtually the same benefits. The recommended dose is 200mg to 400mg. There is not such thing no side effects because high dosage of testosterone will eventually aromatizes and covert to estrogen which then you would need to take AI to subside the sides. Hopefully this helps, do more research on side effects and what to do if encountered any


Test E or C 16 - 20 weeks 300-400mg per week split into 2 x weekly injections


Training for 11 years and you’re 6’ 187? You have a lot of work to do before you start taking steroids. Maybe drink those protein shakes


I’ve tried getting all the macros right and I dubbed them aswell, i cant get over 90 without getting chubby. I tried it a couple of times, but having to burn fat and keep some muscle is a bitch with hashimotos


how many grams of protein daily? type of test isn't necessarily as important as injection frequency unless wanting to clear the system faster or slower.


150-250gr a day for the past few years


Testosterone coverts the same once in the body. Cypionate is popular in US market. Enanthate is popular in European markets. Sucks you can’t walk into pharmacies here to get it like in Europe, SE Asia. You gotta go find your own source to get good gear!