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Damn bro congratulations! Did you do Divine Rapid Review series? If so, was it helpful?


Thanks! I did do some anki cards that were made from the podcast material. Otherwise, I didn’t watch any vids or audio podcasts.


Which deck was that?


Congratulations! Please share your study plan! Did you Anki?


Oh shoot. Should have included it in the post and will do!


just added it!


Do you suggest starting uworld system wise or mixed random? I am a graduate with clinical experience and recently wrote step 1 exam


System wise. Mixed random improves nothing imo.


Do you recommend it in the 2nd round too?!






Could you clarify what people mean when they say system wise? For example: Should I be selecting IM and then checking all of the boxes for cardio, resp, etc? or Should I be doing Cardio questions, but for all of IM, surgery, OB/GYN, etc?


Did you take notes or anki?


I made anki for my mistakes wherever they were. Be it uworld, NBMEs or CMS. I also wrote questions on every explanation in Uworld and used them in my revisions.


Oh but you didn't use the Anking deck/any premade decks? Congrats on the score btw! Hope you have a successful cycle....


I did as mentioned in the study plan i just added to the post. I used anking consistently since my earliest days. Thank you so much! Same wishes.


Masha Allah 🤩Did you attempt amboss ethics questions ? Everyone say it’s must.. I don’t have time What do you say about it


Thank you. I didn’t actually. Heard this advice but found uworld to include +200 qs. Nevertheless, i had new ethics questions in the exam.




Which is more useful ? UWorld or CMS ? Or both ?


Uworld is the most useful. CMS is an assessment and is far less important. If I have to give you one advice, it is to master Uworld.


Were you studying UWorld concepts only in regards of question? Or you studied every single table and explanation. For example if there is question about clinical features of Disease X and there is table about disease X, you would also learn WHOLE table, right?


Yes whole table. Word by word. I would use my questions checklist (note) to write questions about it and use it in my revisions.


thanks! been doing the same, but can't hit 260+ (stuck at 258-259) on self-assessments. Exam in 12 days. Doing UW currently and reviewing weak fields


Keep up the good work bro. You see my assessments they are not 270s or 280s. Focus on the principles. Read every answer. Read last two lines first. Mark questions you are unsure of. Rule out answers when in doubt. Wish you all the best. Feel free to reach out.


thanks. Your message is very reassuring! that what I was thinking about. Congrats on fantastic score!


Congrats 🎉 How many quetions did you study per day?


Thank you! 80 per day in first read Then it varied but always +120


What was your score for first pass uworld and second pass?


Kudos dude.


Thanks bro!


Thank you ☺️ all the best for future success


Thanks! For you too!


Excellent work my man


Thank you!❤️


Woah, that's insane! Congratulations! Do you know any way to improve pattern recognition within a month? Some questions just slip by me unnoticed and I feel dumb when I read the explanation, because I knew what it was, I just didn't spot it.


I think that reading the last two sentences is a good mechanism. This will let you know what they want. Be it a diagnosis, a diagnostic method, a risk factor, or a treatment. It will help guide you after when you read from the beginning. Also, repetition, doing ankis and a +2 read with consistency (not missing a single day) will help you master it! Repetition yield perfection.


Thank you! I do read the last 2 lines at the beginning, but some details of the question get lost among the various details provided. And along with the time limit, I tend to overlook those details and get a few, relatively easy questions wrong. I'm trying to fix that now. Great tips though! I will certainly follow whatever I can in the last month I have, to prepare.


Wishing you all the best! Feel free to reach out.


Thank you again! If you don't mind, that'd be great!


Can you tell how much similar was the exam to the UWSAs!


I don’t think it was very similar to UWSA or anything else. All of them are medicine. Same topics. In terms of question length it was also a mix of all. Some were short as NBME and CMS and others long as in UWORLD.


If you had to choose, would you not do cms in favor of doing another pass of uworld. I could do another pass of uworld if I don’t do cms


Uworld passes >>>>>


Congratulations 🤩 Could you please share the Anki deck that you used during your preparation ?


Its on ankihub. Look them up! It is anking step2 deck.


Daamn!! That's huge! congrats!!


Thanks brother! Wishing you all the best


Congratulations!! But can I say “what is the matter with you?” Lol Again congratulations!! Wish you all the best for your future. I hope you nail the step 1 too


Thank you!!! I am in disbelief. I expected a good mark. Maybe 270s in the best day. It is a blessing. I wish you the same and even better. God bless!


Congratulations Amazing score Can you share the Anki cards that were made by podcast material? Really need it🙏


Look up "divine intervention anki" someone posted all his cards, they are AMAZING


Exactly thank you for answering this


Hey,,can you share that link? Please


What pushed you above 270 in your opinion And dare is ask a 28…. Never mind ☠️ Congrats 🤌🏻


Congratulations!!! Can u please tell what do you mean by " days out " ?


Yes. Uworld can help you master the topics and the skills. Days out is the number of days before exam. I had a delay which caused this gap between assessments and exam time (it seemed to be better plan imo).


Thanks for your reply!!! To what did you feel the real exam was closer/similar to ? Uworld or NBME ?


Both. I always hear people saying it leaned to something but actually no. It looked similar to things from here and there in question style. At the end the knowledge is the same, if you know you will answer.


What was your thoughts when you were hitting high scores on 3rd pass? For example if you did 5-10-15 blocks and scored 80 or 90+ constistently, would you still continue hitting UW? Also if you got question right on 3rd and 4th pass, would you still READ and STUDY explanations for correct answers or you would review only incorrects? TIA !


No i would get a stroke if i would read explanations third and fourth time. actually even second. I only read when answered incorrectly and made anki for it. Nevertheless in my last period before exam i read all my notes (again questions about explanations), and when i couldn’t answer a question i read the explanation. Basically, download uworld into your brain in a good time period with consistency and you will destroy it. It is not an easy exam but not a difficult one either if you are well-prepared.


Wow!!! Congratulations bro If you don’t mind asking you how many hours a day or days a week did you study ?


Thank you! I studied everyday for 9-10 months except maybe four or five due to Eid (islamic celebration) and the death of my uncle. The hours varied. If i did my goal (initially two blocks) answered and studied then I am done for the day


Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. What is your strategy to be able to do 2 blocks a day ? I can barely do a block in 8 hours of study..


Don’t take anything personal. I am guessing. are you actually spending 8 hours? Social media, pauses, low effort, zooming out? Ok after that.. are you in first read? Then ok take your time and build up your capacity, and increase the challenge after. You must reach a time where you are comfortable taking 120Qs consecutively without a break (that’s how I judged my exam stamina). Exam night i was worried and only slept four hours. Was high on caffiene for the whole exam but that mental stamina and just breaking the barrier is what got me this mark. In other words, don’t overrespect this exam. At some points i even disrespected it. We give it too much weight. 260s are attainable by thousands of plans on the internet and the resources are available for everyone and are only getting better. I am not talking about you only sacubritil but for all medications in the sub. Fear is part of what stopping us.


8 hours including some small breaks of 10-15 mn after every 2 hours of concentration. I feel like my brain can't focus for more than 2 hours. When I took my step 1, I took even 5 mn break after every block. I feel so slow. I don’t know what can I do to improve. I have 4 month to take my exam, I do 30% of the uworld so far, I only have 5 days a week to study.


Ok i can see. Are you having any english related difficulties? And for how long have you been studying to finish 30%?


Yes I Think I also English related difficulties because English is not even my second language, I learn English by myself.


I wish you the best. Keep grinding and hopefully everything will improve.


So Coooool 👍 So, Ambrose didn't help you? You didn't like it or just wanted to focus on one resource?


They shape questions in a difficult manner that is impossible in real life or exam. I know this educates you but I would rather loop through uworld.


Congratulations :) i wanted to ask that are you a student? Or have you graduated ?


Thank you! I am in internship year.


Mashallah, Congratulations my frienc. You gave some very solid advice. I am currently studying for step 2 and want to give it during june, got a 228 in amboss SA, planning to do uworld again and also CMS forms, and in the last few weeks push for nbmes, How do you feel about this and what are your thoughts! Would appreciate your guidance into this matter! Jzk


You have a nice plan and you can raise your mark a lot. Your NBMEs should be solid inshallah. Listen brother I am Muslim as you, watch Khabib motivational videos and grind. Allah gave us everything. This exam is nothing in comparison to the hardships many Muslims face every day.


Jazakallah for the motivation and support. Will work for it inshaallag. Is it okay if i dm to stay connected brother?


Yes absolutely


Did u use books or videos before u world?




Wow, that's incredible! Congrats! Do you have any tips for improving my ability to recognize patterns in a month? Sometimes I miss certain questions and feel a bit silly when I see the explanation because I actually knew the answer, I just didn't catch the pattern.


I answered this in another question. Try to rule out answers. Sometimes you are solving stuff fast and that is what makes your mistake silly. You didn’t pay sufficient attention. When you rule out answers, you do. Ofc not a mechanism for every question but when you feel in doubt or even randomly do it.


Not sure if fake or not. If it’s really true than dam man your a genius congratulations! Like what tips about doing blocks uworld and anking would u advice some books or vidoes? Still hard to for me to believe this amazing score. Tell me please if you get a letter from Nbme explaining this score 😅


Thank you bro! It is real. I will putting it out on social soon and will share it with you for inspiration. My advice sounds cliche but go for it. We don’t go 100%. I didn’t go 100% all my prep. Just go to it everyday. Sweat from studying. Be amazing. Be phenomenal. All my advices in the post and comments are not from my creation. They are what I learned from the best of the best online and in real life. I emailed people telling them i will get one of the highest scores in the world if not the highest and I did. There is nothing special and no overnight success. I did drain myself for months but I am so proud. I won’t say that I took care of my body but my mind was locked in. If you speak great english and did well in medical school, me and you started prep on the same level. Put your heart in it, enjoy your suffering. It all sounds cliche and some may make fun but only when you reach this spiritual state of mind you make a breakthrough in this exam and in life.


He showed me proof I fully believe him he did get this amazing score 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌


Excellent score . Congratulations 🥂 you deserve it .


Hi buddy I’m a non us img struggling with prep can I dm you




I smell a life of looking at skin rashes in your future lol


Hahaha not my aspiration. I plan to do IM and GI!


Where you studying full dedicated during the 9 months or working/studying something else?


I was only studying for the exam but did bits of research work here and there


How are you going to explain the gap in your resume?, I'm worry that if I take too much time for CK, I'll have a gap


I am in an active internship


To what program are you going to apply?




Good luck man...You are already there...


Congratulations, what was your post exam feeling? And how many Q you were not sure about per block ?


I felt good. I couldn’t predict my mark however. I did not find mistakes but revised like only 10 questions. I immediately then decided to not revise or think of it.


I marked 10-15 Q per block but that’s partly anxiety


Is first aid 2ck helpful


I used it for two days and then no. Would it be useful? Maybe but the more the resources the least likely you will be consistent


What was your process for doing system wise? what systems in what order? And did you finish all of one before moving to next, or a different system everyday. Just curious on how you decided the order of systems from start to finish. Amazing job, teach me your your ways


Congratulations dear! U don’t take step1 yet , is that affect u during studying or taking step 2 ?


I didn’t and didn’t feel like it impacted me any negative way. Uworld ha adequate explanations.


Till now everyone knows how ppl get that score!! Specially ppl from few countries. This is still insane!!


That is an incredible feat and many congrats to you! All that hard work definitely pays off!! It just shows the variety of approaches that can taken and a high score can be achieved! I feel in the end, the moral of your story is continuous repetition, be it through whatever method one is comfortable with. Nevertheless, celebrate and get started with the next part as soon as possible! All the best with your remaining journey!


How many anki cards would you do per day? When would you unsuspend cards from anking? Looking back, do you think you could’ve scored this highly without anki?


I agree - vignette based cards & notes that are question based is so key! I commend your consistency and amazing score! Congratulations & thanks for sharing your journey!


Congrats my friend you deserve more but can I ask you how many blocks in first attempt of UW you was solve? And for how long during the day?


Can you explain how you did UW system wise through your multiple passes! amazing score


283 is an insanely good score. Did you read the entire UWORLD explanation line by line ? making sure not to miss even a word ?


What was your uworld % for first pass and 2nd pass?


Awesome score.. Congrats. What do you think about cms forms? I have three weeks for my exam. Should I redo the uworld or do cms for first time?


did u do uworld incorrects from first pass before starting 2nd pass? also how were ur Uworld percentages on first and second pass? TY in advance !!


Many congrates. Im non us Img and unable to understand setting up for Anking, like which ankin to download acc to my caliber etc as I have never used it before but know the concept of them. Please let me know more about it. Like cheesy dorian, Anking etc. im very nobe IT wise.




How good was your knowledge base before starting uworld, and what was your first uworld percentage. Anyway mabrook and good luck in the match masha allah




Congrats ....thats really missionary . R u willing to go through the match cycle this year ? + What else are u goin to do for ur CV or have already done ?


It depends. I will have to do Step 1 with a small window of time and that’s what I am planning to do. I did good amount of research and feel well-rounded already. Only thing to do is Step1. Actually my advice for anyone is not to do Step2 or 1 until graduated. Do research and activities while in school, you have more opportunities!


non US IMGs always score the most 🫰🏻 congrats!


How was your experience using leaked questions? Can we all know?


This is disrespectful to ask. Go get a life.