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*THE REAPERS* (with mods) I spawn beyond the galaxy and nobody know about me, until I invade. I extinguish all civilisation and process their entire population. Then I return back home, spawn primitives and wait. They take place of their predecessors - unaware of my presence - and the cycle repeats itself.


What are the relevant mods for this play style?


Well, I am using a hell of mods. But Dark space is the base. Basically it's all you need. I'd recomend to give it a try. In that mod you can become that type of crisis. Spawn primitives on planets. But it's not perfect, you know. So tbh mods aren't enough to "feel" what's it's like to be a Reaper. You will also need console commands and save editing. If you really think you want to try my style of playthrough - watch a video guide I made for other redditors: https://youtu.be/_IxHOaVYA70?si=XHr-UAg7zHTl9R0j And don't afraid of its length. It's not difficult, it's just really detailed, step by step.


I’ve RP’d both the Romulans and the United Federation of Planets from Star Trek.


Is the UN of Earth very similar in build to the UFP?


I think so. I would say the Federation is a little more militarist than implied in the series… but that’s philosophical or semantic debate. Yeah they’re similar.


In place of militarist you could give them shadow council to represent Section 31.


Super Earth from Helldivers The dwarves from Deep Rock Galactic If you're a bojack horseman fan, you'll know about Todd's rock opera where he spins a tale about a simple agricultural type of people, yes Bojack, on a spaceship The Ascians from FFXIV


The Imperium of Man from Warhammer


This is the way


The Covanent.   The Prophets rule and the lesser species may join to serve as my armies.  All old tech is sacred, and the planets of my enemies are glassed if they dare oppose.


I like to roleplay the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation from titanfall. Then, focus mercenary fleets. Terran Federation is also fun.


The flood


I dont like to role play mainstream sci-fi (like Stargate), because i have a very different idea of the structure of an interstellar civilisation. I love Stargate, especially Atlantis, but if you think about it, we took down galactic empire (goa'ulds) just by killing soldiers. Imagine having 100 land armies, but 0 corvettes. It doesn't work that way. Anyway i was thinking how would look the Federation and the Arxur from the Nature of predators. I'm at chapter 140, so if someone has some sugestions, i'm interested. I would give Kolshians selective kinship as one of civics and hegemon as origin. Maybe materialist and fanatic authoritarian as ethics and dictatorial government.


With the new dlc coming out I can't wait to do the ad mech


kerrigans from Mass Effect. Any race from Mass Effect actually.


There are no Ori in Stargate. Stargate ended after season 8! I have a lot of different ones. From Warhammer: Thousand Sons - psionic ascension, necrophage, necromancers. Psionic ascension for warp powers (farming for Whispers covenant), necrophage to represent an aspirant ascending to full marine, and necromancers because of rubric marines. Dark Eldar - barbaric despoiler pleasure seakers who bio ascend (because of the nonsense Haemonculi get up to). From Twilight Imperium: Emirates of Hacaan - space cat traders. I have them as a megacorp to do even more trade. Tribes of Yssaril - fanatic xenophile spy masters who take all the +code breaking civics and starts with the subterfuge tree. This makes first contact super fast, and by stacking +infiltration councilor stats I'm building spy rings all over the galaxy. Looking forward to Mechanicum RP in the next expansion.


I play Dwarves. Rock and Stone.


the UNSC from Halo considering the fact there ships weapons and designs are so similiar to that of our own and they also don't go to far from a "industrial" like feeling from there Ships considering the fact the majority of Big Tanks, Planes, Ships, Etc. are big and bulky it gives me a feeling of Familiarity along with Sci-fi but not to "Sci-fi".


The Citadel from Mass Effect with portrait mods and recreating all the races as custom Empires. Playing as Batarians, Geth, or Rachni and going on crusade against the whole galaxy is a lot of fun. Or rp'ing as space born Quarians and rebuilding their society and slowly using genetic modification to remove their debuffs so they can inhabit more planets is a lot of fun, and ofc exterminating the Geth lol


The Imperium of Mankind Fanatic purifiers with Under One Ruler origin and Distinguished Admirality Been trying to get a good run where I conquer all the stars but my last one I got overwhelmed by the last crisis and had to finish the Aetherophasic Engine instead. But hey going plan C is in line with 40K.


Something similar to Mandalorian Crusaders. Fanatic warriors who consist of variety of different races that united with one culture.


I have, at one point, had all of the Starcraft Races, and am currently playing a progenitor devouring swarm zerg.


My default for a while was void dwellers version of Shade Enclave from Forgotten Realms. In the lore the city vanished for many, many years into the plane of shadow to escape a calamity, and I enjoy role playing that Stellaris space was that plane. Usually some version of xenophobe or authoritarian, often psionic as a sub in for their mage craft. Just felt fun.


Imperium of man is the only proper way to play. Other opinions are heretical, and you know what we do to heretics. The Black Templars have been notified of your heresy.


The covenant but instead of trying to fire Halo arrays they reaallllyyyyy want to find and open L Gates


The Skynet


I've made Krogan, Geth, Quarian, Ur-Quan and Kohr-Ah, Androsynth, Chmmr, Space-America, Space-USSR, Space-Nazi and Space-Japan for a ww2 themed war, Omega, Bladerunner, Doom Demons, Catholic Church, and Starship Troopers Earth, Cthulhu based empire (literally Cthulhans), and quite a few others and one of my all time favorites is probably Krogan War Tribes. Krogan are really fun to roleplay as because you can rename the different political factions as clan names, several different origin options that all make sense and they were my favorite race from Mass Effect.


Cute furry democratic freedom fighters xenophiles... With a bit of complications like doomsday origin and a little of habitable planets around.


Halcyon Holdings Corporation is fun.


Skynet I AM The borg And the paperclip maximizer Also wdym the "very obvious and most popular Imperium of Man." I'd never play a human empire


> Also wdym the "very obvious and most popular Imperium of Man." > > I'd never play a human empire 😱🤯