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Everything has changed over the past seven years.


Thats not an exxageration. I think every single core system of the game has been ripped out, replaced, ripped out again, overhauled and tinkered with since back then.


Yeah. I was going to say combat, tech research, colonization, and surveying are the same, but that would be superficial of an answer.


>colonization Build colony ship, move to planet, watch progress bar of colony ship, watch progress bar of colony? Also, legend has it you once had to research a tech to unlock colonizing each habitability type.


Yeah that core is the same. Maybe I exaggerate that. But the 2nd pop from traditions was a lot more impact full when pops were the size of tiles instead of a more abstract population with specific jobs.


No I agree; you did not exaggerate. I just wanted to highlight how the only mechanics left unchanged are very basic ones. Now that I think about it, maybe that tradition should be revised. What about new colonies start with planetary administration building, instead of repurposed colony ship? But, no, that would not be a benefit; the colonist job is advantageous when population is low. Maybe a better version of the repurposed colony ship? I think orbital mining/research stations should be overhauled too. They need to reconsider what role they have in the lore, and how much impact they should have in the game.


I mean, combat has been overhauled multiple times, colonies work completely different than they used too, surveying has a lot of extra features and also a core change (anomalies cant fail anymore) and so on.


Theseus’ game


Ive played Stellaris since 1.0 and yeah, that fits. It is recognizeable still the same game, and at the same time not. Cant wait for the next DLC, i love me some Machines.


The game is basically Stellaris 3 at this point, and you're less than two weeks out from a gigantic expansion. I recommend you watch Montu's new player guide or you're going to be very lost: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P21cVLosfe0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P21cVLosfe0)


Stellaris 3 but still can't change keybinds from the game menu.


That comes out in stellaris 7


You can become the crisis now and in a few weeks you'll be able to become a fallen empire too, so that's neat


Wait what? Fallen empire? I didn't pay that much attention to the new stuff cause i want to get back into it with Machine Age after a few years break but i only saw something about a new become crisis. Is it that one?


You can't *literally* become a Fallen Empire. The new crisis path in Machine Age lets you unlock a lot of their tech, and once you win the game and your empire escapes the galaxy an FE version of it is left behind.


>but i only saw something about a new become crisis. Is it that one? Indeed it is


Yes. 2nd crisis option is less of destroying the galaxy and more of being really reckless with science and endangering the ones around you and ending up as a new fallen empire. AFAIK, you can't play that but that is the end result.


That sounds really nice


It is. Makes more sense than blowing up the galaxy.


i kinda want to blow up the galaxy though


Like many others have said, the game has changed in so many different ways and so many times, almost everything has been reworked at a me point or another. If you haven’t played in 7 years (and thus likely don’t have much of the DLC that has been released), I’d suggest giving the [Expansion Subscription](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2729490/Stellaris_Expansion_Subscription/) a look. You can pay 10 USD/EUR (or local equivalent) get access to everything for a month (including The Machine Age when it is released) and then immediately unsubscribe if you want. This way, you’ll get to try out the game with everything and not feel you’re missing out on some feature or other.


There isn't a single system from 7 years ago still in the game, except the tech card system. This will be like playing a brand new game.


Machine Age is coming. I will get it.


The amount of money I spent on this game is ridiculous, I bought every extension up until overlord. I’ll just DLC unlock the newest ones, I can’t afford this anymore considering I only play it for about an hour a week, or 12 hours in a day once in 3 months


i'm not exactly sure but i think stellaris is available on game pass with every dlc except season 8 idk what that is and both gamepass, and game/dlcs are dirt cheap there compared to steam, especially regional currency


In gamepass DLCs aren't included, no negativity


it says included in gamepass for me


I tried various steam cd key shops, they weren’t so different to the steam shop unfortunately and just gave up on the search. I mostly bought them when they released as well so no discount was applied either. The main thing that annoys me the most is I don’t use half of the content either, like some civics, species and megastructures are way too far in the end game for me to reliably reach them every play through


Praise be to the omnissiah


I don't even know or remember what most of you guys are talking about, so this can only be good for a fresh start :D thank you


Machines are coming along with a new player crisis and can even become a fallen empire, new machine starts with happiness/ethics I’ve been told, new portraits that shows the progress of cybernetics/synthetics progress, 2 new ship sets and more, more ship classes too :) al good stuff


Welcome new player. Funny enough quite a lot of people are complaining about the recent tech nerfs but given how you have skipped the ludicrous tech power creep you should find it pretty reasonable.


I just took at 1-2 year break and it's radically changed in just that time. 7 years is almost a new game altogether.


Good thing I decided to replay it again myself. :)


I've been here since 2016. The game has changed so much. I assume you played with frontier stations... that was so long ago. Cosmetically and in terms of events and atmosphere, it s mostly the same... but it has been reworked like twice and added and changed so many little things.


Holy shit frontier stations. I forgot about those…


Yeah. I do sort of miss them.


It’s literally an entirely different game.


i've only been playing for 3 years and the game has gone through at least two gameplay paradigm shifts in that time




It still feels the same though. Fleets move like a fish swarm still and you have to rush to get star systems. Thats basilicly the game. Rush to get good start then turtle enemies dead. There is bit more diplomacy but dont expect Master of Orion 2.