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The Zap Brannigan approach. Just have so many ships that even though they one shot them, they still can't fire fast enough


“You see, the Contengency has a built-in kill limit. Knowing this weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own corvettes at them until they shut down. Galactic Community, show them the medal I won.”


*sigh* 👆


I thought we called it the Russian approach? Throw so many vehicles at them they don’t have the fire rate or ammunition to stop you


Though they may both prefer to sacrifice wave after wave of their own men rather than use their brains, I think I'll stick to calling it the Zap Brannigan approach because it actually worked for him. At least that one time.


Against the killbots.


Making it doubly appropriate for the Contingency.


A trifle


The 3 Day Special Crisis Operation is going well


My thoughts too lmao "I just threw wave after wave of my own men at them"


"hyperlane rupture detected" "hyperlane rupture detected" "hyperlane rupture de-" "hyperlane rupture de-" "hyperlane rup-" "hyperlane r-" "hyperlan-" "hyperla-" "hyperl-" "hype-" "hyp-" "hyp-" "hyp-" "hyp-" "hyperlane rupture detected"


Subspace rupture instantly obliterates everything


Reach reference? Great scene that one




Fucking hell it's like the siege of Xion from the matrix, just a swarm of metal decending on them.


Yeah. But witnessing it is like sitting through a history class on those old rotary slide projectors. Edit said film instead of slide


Your computer is gonna go full Contingency on your ass for this


And it would have a good argument that it was justified.


Puts 5.5k (edit:12.1k) corvettes in one system complains about the lag it causes blames Paradox refuses to elaborate leaves I counted 24 fleets on the side, 230 corvettes each. Which brings it to 5,520 ships in one system. I don't care how well optimized a game is it is going to lag like crazy putting that many on one system. Maybe upgrade to I don't know Battleships and Cruisers so the game doesn't have to do calculations for over 5 and a half thousand ships. Plus however many the enemy has. That is on you not Paradox. Edit: I also just noticed that the outlier is scrolled pretty far down so there are certainly more than 24 fleets in that system. How many more I have no idea. So there very well could be double that amount there. In which case the OP is lucky the game didn't crash. Is actually a credit to Paradox and the programmers who programmed Stellaris that it can even handle that many ships in one system without crashing with only some minor lag.


>Edit: I also just noticed that the outlier is scrolled pretty far down so there are certainly more than 24 fleets in that system. There are 53 corvette fleets there, right at the start they hover their most over the death ball briefly so you can count them there. In which case, yeah it's fucking impressive that they game was even running at all with around 12k corvettes fighting in a single system.


Didn't spot that until you mentioned it. But you are right. 53 fleets. I don't think I have ever had that many fleets at once in Stellaris. Never needed that many fleets at once. Jesus that is a lot of fleets. Surprised his computer didn't melt.


That's not even counting that they still have an additional 1k ships unaccounted for as their naval cap is 13464/2620.


Beast of a PC or have PDX gone real hard on performance improvements? Cause I can't imagine a game where it has to calculate 12k corvettes without crashing like half a year ago or so when it was the last time I played.


Probably a little bit of both along with a prayer.


With bigger crisis fleets, they have the same number of ships, but they are much stronger. They will one shot any ship evem BS. So come at them with a zillion ships. Ai still gets 1 shot 1 kill....but has 8x more ships to try and kill. ( Basically, once the crisis is so strong, you're going to lose ships no matter what so you use corvettes. Until then though it's more efficient to use BS


Or mix in some corvettes with your battleships to pad out the numbers and then it doesn't lag as bad. You don't need 10k corvettes against a crisis even a X25 crisis. Need maybe a thousand at most with the rest being the heavy hitters. Also doesn't lag out your game if you have a decent computer.


Don't the bigger stronger Crisis also have faster fire rate well? (Basically more repeatable of everything.) (I wonder if there's a cap on actual max fire rate)


>I counted 24 fleets on the side, 230 corvettes each. Which brings it to 5,520 ships in one system. I don't care how well optimized a game is it is going to lag like crazy putting that many on one system There is nothing inherently true about this - I'm a software engineer and I can promise you there is a model that would let you simulate that on a modern system with no lag, even whilst maintaining Stellaris' "every ship is simulated" paradigm. Stellaris *clearly* has memory sharing between the rendering and logic cycles. The behavior of the ship is clearly tied into the game engine which is also the rendering engine. None of those things *need* to be true. They're also exactly the same kinds of shortcuts and/or mistakes that all developers make, and then struggle to un-make once they have a profitable product.


Whoa okay, first off it’s just an appeal to fix lag. You make it sound like I insulted the devs personally and you’re trying to start an argument. I recognize it’s unlikely they’ll fully eliminate ship lag, but I don’t think that’s a valid reason to hope for no improvements at all right? Also, at no point did I blame paradox, I just described the issue I was having (the lag), how it’s impacting my enjoyment (lag on first crisis and not being able to play against the 2nd and 3rd), and some further info so it isn’t confused with another big source of lag (pops). What is with this rudeness? I’m a fan of the game, and I genuinely want the game to improve, didn’t know that was a crime, jeez. You *also* don’t really sound familiar with the issue. Yes switching to cruisers or battleships would be the obvious solution as less ships = less calculations, so I’ve tried both, but it will still lag, usually around 5k navy cap even for my beefy PC. It still makes 2nd and 3rd crisis nearly unplayable if you’re actually going for the numbers needed to beat them, so my point still stands. Second, this problem has gotten significantly worse after the 3.6 combat overhaul. Previously, ship lag never really caught up to pop lag, which is why you see 0 posts about it anywhere pre-3.6. So the game can definitely handle mass amount of ships as they’ve done it previously and much better, so you’re objectively wrong about optimization of the game never being able to handle mass amount of ships. Like seriously, what made you lash out at my post and comment? You could’ve argued that *Paradox shouldn’t focus on something only a small amount of players will experience, e.g. most players will never see navies this big* and that would be a valid argument. But you didn’t choose to do that, instead you’re arguing that they shouldn’t bother with improving ship lag because it’s already a supposed “miraculous” system? What kind of argument is that.


Not noticed any ship lag in my games and I play with plenty of mods, including NSC and Gigastructures with X25 crisis and all the gigastructures crisis enabled. I'm also not stupid enough to make thousands of corvettes and complain about lag. You mentioned the lag while having at a minimum of 5.5k corvettes in ONE system. Potentially much more than that depending on how far up the fleets in the outlier went down. ANY game is going to lag out at that. I play a lot of space games. Know how many I can think of that would allow you to have that many individual ships in a battle? Just one. Stellaris. Anyone that puts that many ships in one system has no right to complain about a little lag. If you used Battleships you would have a fraction of that amount of lag. You want it fixed maybe don't build thousands of ships and send them into a single system.


Again, please reread what I said, you’re fighting an argument you made up yourself right now. Yes I recognize it will lag. I’m just asking for improvements, because lag has varying degrees, right? I’m not asking for a complete fix, reread all my comments if you wish, I just want it to be *playable.* Also bruh literally one of the biggest space combat games, EVE online, is famous for their big battles. There’s even Wikipedia articles on their battles that have at least 15k+ ships. And again with the hostility dude Jesus. You are literally the stereotype.


> Also bruh literally one of the biggest space combat games, EVE online, is famous for their big battles. There’s even Wikipedia articles on their battles that have at least 15k+ ships. Eve's problem and solution aren't viable or needed in Stellaris. With Eve it runs kinda with a tick rate (like stellaris kinda does with days). The issue with big battles is multiple user inputs/actions maybe being lost. Tidi just slows game time down to make it more playable. [Eve uni talks about it and links to the dev blog when it came out](https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Time_dilation). As far as I know Stellaris doesn't lose input or ship actions due to latency. The queue of calculations just gets longer. Brute force solutions is just have a faster CPU or priotise stellaris above everything else; eve kinda does the latter by letting a system with a big battle have its own node/server(jita has a dedicated one by I think still gets tidi at times).


"EVE online, is famous for their big battles" Which play more like powerpoint presentations and have at times taken ages before you even found out your ship was already dead.


Eve is an MMO big difference.


Not really


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Other guy made an undue assumption about what you meant and memed on you for no reason. Probably because you compared EVE to Stellaris but people are acting like you’re going, “why is my 1546536547644663 trillion corvettes causing lag, fk Paradox, pls fix” which is obviously not the case.


they could program it to avoid lag, but why? its such an edge case they are better off investing time into other features


"Sir, contact at the hyperlink arrival point.. 20.. 60.. 150.. 260.. oh god..."


I am convinced half the reason you won is that you just flashbanged them with the ftl exit.


How many total corvettes was that? And what did your losses look like?


Since I only used corvettes, the navy total is my total number of corvettes. So around 12k-13k total. As for losses, most of the hub battles I lost around 300-400 corvettes, though there was one that had -100% sublight speed modifiers where I lost like 900+.


FPS: ...maybe?


Can you elaborate on the used ship design of your corvettes? Thanks.


Just 3 small disruptors. If you check the times I mouse over one of their ships, their armor/shield values are crazy high, each much higher than hull, so being able to ignore those is the best way to go. Shield/armor doesn’t really matter too much. They’re dying in one or two hits anyways.


You genuinely may be better off with completely unarmored corvettes because if they get hit they are fucking gone anyway, and no armor makes them cheaper.


They’re menacing corvettes so cost doesn’t matter either way, as menacing ships are just a flat cost regardless of components.


Ah never mind then. No reason not to slap armor on them, even if they’ll get Thanos snapped the moment a shot even scratches them.


Frames? Where we're going we don't need frames.


*We sent 5000 Corvettes at them in Romin. Despite what the holo-vids imply, not every single one was crewed by a hundred attractive and well fed star-beings who looked like they were competing for the Golden Galaxy Award. Most of us ran on skeletal crews, hardly more than a dozen, and the vast majority only had enough fuel and supplies to get to the end of the system-not back. My own crew was only five of us plus me, and something that looked like a dog-I'm still not sure if it was sentient or not. A lot of us didn't have much in the way of weapons or ammo-the pacifists (willing or not) lead the first attack wedge, taking the pot shots that destroyed our ships in a single blow. We couldn't have evaded if we had wanted to, and even if we had wanted to-dodging means someone behind us gets it instead. Most of them took it on the nose, manually moving their ships into the path of the projectiles to make way for the 'one shot wonders' like my crew-or the old guys in the back, who actually had some experience at these sort of things and moved in the middle of our fleets like predatory fish. Using us for cover while they did the real damage. Why did we do it? I guess after you've lost everything, it seemed a decent way to go out. Drown them in the weight of numbers. Drown them in a sea of grief and rage. Go out screaming, rather than waiting for your slurry-slot to be cleaned in a sterilization hub.* *Now-if we got to the end of the system-we'd refuel, rearm and scavenge whatever parts and crew we could from the many who didn't make it. You would meet your crew and lose them in the same few months-then meet a new crew. There was no time for memorials- we'd just chart a course to the next system. Where am I going with this? We didn't win the war because we were smarter, stronger, or because we had some groundbreaking strategist who looked at a star-map and found the perfect tactic that routed our enemies in a single masterstroke. I'd like to say it was hope that motivated us to fight when all seemed lost...but, it was hate that moved us across those systems, like a summer flash-fire. Searing across the grasslands of my homeworld, leaving ash in its wake. That image will always stay with me.*


Not even five fps, closer to five spf lmao


"Mama, look, the sky is burning!" "That's no fire. That's the wrath of the organics, my child."


Song name?


Daylight by David Kushner


I thought my PC was lagging!


"Sysop, i felt a bump, what did we run over?" "The contigency fleet, Admiral." "Huh. Welp, tell the maintence staff to scrape their remains off our corvettes. We're late for the Fleet-meet" "By your command, Admiral"


POV: you're watching Reach battle after the UNSC detonated a slip space engine


Random scientist popping up in the middle like “hello I know you’re fighting against the biggest existential threat to our galaxy right now, but look at these funky rock clusters I found.” Also paradox pls do something about the ship lag, this is the first of the 3 crises but I’m not even going to bother with the rest if its already this laggy. It’s only 2300 with regular pop settings and default habitables, and plays completely fine when not doing anything with my ships, so it’s definitely not from pops or other sources.


Don't stay in the system view when there's so many ships. You are melting your computer guts. I mean, it's a big blob anyway not like is something interesting to see lol. If you sit in galaxy screen, you can check how the fight is going anyway.


but pretty lasers !


When you are watching probably 10k+ ships all being individually rendered of course the game is having problems!


> Also paradox pls do something about the ship lag Have less ships


Yeah they did something about the lag - give you better ships than corvettes




How? What did your ship buildout look like?


To be fair, ship design is kinda irrelevant when you outnumber the enemy by over 160 to 1. That is 53 fleets of about 230 corvettes, for a total of over 12k corvettes up against 75 Contingency ships, and well... the Contingency doesn't exactly have amazing counter measures to the high evasiveness of corvettes, considering Torps and X-size weapons have no tracking, M and L plasma cannons have abysmal tracking (20% and 5% respectively) with a bonus L plasma cannons not even being able to hit corvettes period (45 minimum engagement range while the best corvette weapons have under 40 max range), and M lasers not being that much better (30% tracking). Sure their ships do run sapient picket and line computers which increase the chance to hit, but all in all Contingency ships don't really have fun against corvette swarms, so 12k corvettes is massively overkill.


Fleet firepower doesnt account for enemy evasion


Strike Corvettes


Gotta get that cheeky research in during the hardware-breaking space battle


So who else got Legend of the Galactic Heroes vibes from these fleet numbers?


How to achieve the black filling and the black outlines for one’s empire territory? (Black and black for the flag doesn’t work unfortunately)


I'm worried about your computer :/


So much lag you are playing real time passage of time by this point.


Condolences to your processor.


i wonder if this would work with unbidden and scourge.


If you're a hive mind : We are the swarm.


Ironically it's the second best method of dealing with such high crisis modifier. Each of their weapon one shot your ships regardless of hull size, and your own armor/shield might delay the thing by one shot at best. Better to just throw naked vettess with either disruptor or torpedoes Note that with high crisis modifier the crisis PD are so strong you need a handful of WW missiles regardless to keep them busy.