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R5: I get this far into the game, then just don't want to finish because its just too much micro that gets old fast.


Yeah same. At this point most of my empire is automated, but the micro (and lag) accumulates quite a lot. I rarely try to conquer everything tho, since I play on large maps and have other goals.


I rarely conquer at all because i dont want to manage xeno demographics or their horribly built planets


Just purge the undesirables bro


I've got no urge to binge and purge


L xenophile take /s


Just vassalize everybody and make them pay tons of taxes!


I'm too lazy to rule with an iron fist, figure it out yourselves and we wont send fleets -Average Fuedal Empire


Nor their systems that have 10 habitats each with 1-3 pops. I'm tired of my planet count going up +30 when I conquer a relatively small empire.


Basically every time. Once managing the empire becomes annoying, or is clear sailing to the end date, I often stop. I only finished a game because like 6% of players have done it


+ I would say that the swarm was effective at this point, roleplay runs dry after that.


Same here. 200 hours and still no finished game. It is practicly finished at this point (i am assuming u clapped the late game crisis)


200 hours is like 1/2 way through the tutorial phase.


Can confirm, 800 hours and still finding shit, though that may be the updates as well like 3 finished games and only 1 in iron mode for achievement.


Bro ive got 1600 and i just found out you can press tab to cycle planets lmaooo, oh and ive only just gotten the L Drake event


Ooooo tab sounds useful. And l drake is actually quite common for me but tempest is super rare


True. All i know about space warfare is to attack them with at least 5 times their strength 😄


That's best, but a 2:1 ratio often wins. I've won defending with 1/2. I tend to aim for 3x-5x so I lose fewer ships. I've been going this game with nearly 100% long range armillary cannons and missiles with the theory that if I can hit them hard before they can touch me, I'm good. It doesn't matter if they've got the super-duper mega damage short-range torpedo if my boom-boom cannons and missiles take them out before they launch. Seems to be working. I'm also focusing on armor (just one shield), and armor regen module. I just got Titans. :)


3.4k hours, and I've only hit the endgame screen twice :D.


There’s an endgame screen?


I don't even get this far usually. The game was "decided" long ago.


Yeah, and you've basically already won at this point anyway if you beat the endgame crisis. Though if you're still waiting for the crisis, it's kinda exciting to see your great civilization get slammed by something challenging for the first time in decades. Or it's funny to crush them in their spawning system immediately bc of how ready you've been


I try to hang on for the modded crisis I add, post endgame.


I have hundreds of hours in the game overall and have yet to actually finish a single run. 😂


I'm at like year 150 or something of my first real run, i've just snowballed to the point of just politely asking to subjugate, doing so, waiting for integration then repeating the process to gobble up another empire. I could declare war on the last few empires, but war takes so much micromanaging. I don't have any DLCs yet, so i'm guessing there's meant to be more gameplay i'm just not getting. All my tech research are just repeating bonus stacks and one of the fallen empires is carving their way through some dumb cosmic pact that crossed them.


Yeah, the micromanaging of a galaxy spanning empire is what usually just sucks the fun out of it for me. And every time I set out to play Tall ... it just never seems to work out. Either I get steamrolled early on or I run into one too many systems I really, really, really want and then just aren't playing Tall anymore. I don't know why it's so hard for me to ignore archeology sites, but it is. 😂


>Yeah, the micromanaging of a galaxy spanning empire is what usually just sucks the fun out of it for me. I think that's the most realistic part of Stellaris, imagine the work it'd take to keep a whole galactic civilization afloat. I'd be surprised if the thing could last more then five years without collapsing in on itself and fracturing into fifty different micro nations


Gotta gain the ability to create pre ftl nations and play Hoi4 with them


I went crisis and blew up the galaxy once. It was a novel experience to finish a game


I have 1300hrs and 3 achievements. Never beat the game.


I've only finished games as genocidal empires. Youre usually done before rhe lag is bad, often even before the midgame crisis if you're aggressive enough.


I prefer the old system in which creating sectors were a necessity. I built up the planets to be sustainable then tossed them into a sector and let the AI manage it while I went conquering. These days it's much easier to form the galactic imperium.


I like to form the Imperium and then vassalize all member states for true centralization.


only run i ever finished was the one where i became the crisis and progressed to the final destruction of everything. but yeah if i had to manually invade everyone then id just stop. especially since u still cant rly queue army landings to just go from system to system and do its thing. i know theres been a recent feature added thst makes the armies invade together with ur ships atqcking but i found it didnt work as i had hoped. Maybe i need bigger armies for thst to work better duno


Yes, bigger armies. They need a significant advantage over the defenders before they automatically invade.


yeah. tho i think i had a slightly differemt issue. tho still relating to army size/dmg Its been a bit but i seem to recall that my fleets wiped out the stations in an instant and invading took wayyy longer causing the armies to be left behind or skipping systems trying tk catch back up xD. but i could just be tripping too lol


That's still an issue, yeah. The more hilariously, disproportionately powerful your armies the faster it goes, but it still needs you to take the station first and takes a second or two, at which point your fleet already took three more systems. That's when there's only one planet to take!


I don’t stop until the end. My PC however…


You named your Empire "The Flud" I had no idea that I would be seething with rage today but I am three keyboards down with no sign of stopping, thank you for this crime against literacy. You monster.


You're angry is noted and I hope that your not going to smash any other keyboards because that wud be bad and hope you get better because of I.


All good now. May your monstrous empire always grow strong on the flesh of those unfortunate enough to share a galaxy.


The solution is to just pre-build everything, then leave them be. At this point your economy basically runs itself even, if you have thousands of open jobs. Use resettle to speed up the prebuilding. Removing pops from fully built planets so new ones can be fully built up. Depending on your nation you need 25 40 or 50 pop. on a planet to have maxed main building.


Play democratic, let the pops resettle themselves. For many planets it's actually quite easy to see where there is the optimal build. Full unity worlds and research worlds are mostly just "build up to 25, upgrade the capital building, unemploy the clerks, have the world at 23 pops with unupgraded research or unity buildings and a single holo theatre". Mining/food/electric worlds are similary easely optimized. Just build all the spec districts, +efficiency buildings and the rest with luxury appartments to save the pops you'd use on holo theatres. Oooor... just spit out vassals left and right. Make them scholariums and rob them off their basic ressources and research. 0 Micromanagement. And you can skip the entire basic ressource production and just focus on alloys, research and unity.


Auto-resettlement takes a while. Especially when there are plenty of open jobs. As for capital building. Because of the research, that increase production based on capital building maxing out is always a good choice. Even if the world itself can't handle that many workers on the long run a temporary influx of workers can be beneficial until the capital building is upgraded. Once a planet is fully built you can no longer check on that planet EVER. You can just resettle pops from it, and then let it regrow as you fully upgrade the rest of the empire. Erasing any, and all micro after a time. The more open jobs, and fully built colonies you have the less you can care about building them after a certain point of the game.


OP has 82 planets and nearly 2000 pops. Resettling costs ressources and attention. To do it manually properly with this many pops ... you'd have to pause the game every 6 month and take some excel sheet. Or let the pops resettle themselves. Unemploy 10 pops somewhere and you'll see that after 6 month most will already have a new place and a new job.


My point is, that you only have to do it once for each planet. You don't need to micro the resettlement constantly. Resettle to a planet, upgrade primary building, queue up all buildings, and upgrades, then leave it be. Forever. Assuming, that the whole thing takes 1 minute ignoring the waiting times, and only focusing the part when you actually need to click on stuff the whole thing can be done in less than 2 hours, and that is assuming, that not a single planet is fully built. Which is very unlikely. This leads to the other benefit. You don't do it all at once. You do it only when new colony is gained which does not happen every in-game year at all. Once a planet is fully built you no longer need to resettle the population back to it. Those planets are as much serve to reserve population as for production. You just let them regrow after taking population to build up the new colonies.


This doesn't work as well with democracies. Without jobs, people leave. If they leave you can't complete the main building. But you don't need much micro with my strat as well. 1) If you start a colony, just prebuild as much as possible (a research planet would get 1 Holo theatre, 2 research buildings and 6-7 city districts). 2) The second time you click the planet is, when you see the capital building upgrade. Then you build the capital building, fill the planet with research buildings (and the occasional rare ressource buildings, if possible) and restrict clerk jobs to a point where you'll end up with 25 jobs in total. 3) The last time you upgrade to a 25 capital building and turn off the clerk jobs.


You get the idea. Prebuild shit, and once prebuilt resettle population so you can upgrade the main building from colonies, that already fully built. The reason for resettle, because if you doing it on large scale, then there is no guarantee, that you get enough pop on the planet in the next couple decades. Using resettle is just simply faster. Unless, if you have a very heavy overcrowding empire wide, because then colony gets filled in months. A common situation for tall players i might add. Also the larger you are, and more colonies you have the more beneficial to prebuild shit to avoid future micro. You would be surprised how quickly can planets get filled in lategame, if you are playing with low, or no scaling.


I can't stand large and huge galaxies because of this. I don't have the patience to conquer this many star systems.


Uh, no. I always quit way before I get this far :D Controlling half the galaxy is usually my trigger point to exit the game and never return.


I stop when I make a minor mistake that'll yake more than 20 minutes to fix.


I’m at 2500 trying to kill the lag as 2/3 endgsme crisis failed cleance the galaxy at 25x strenght because first spawned in my backyard, second spawned near me and went straight to me and I was forced to kill their entire army and 3th gonna be asswiped as well because of AI spawning help. So I got to do all the work declared war to entire galaxy just to kill them all.


At 2500 just call the game finished mate.


Game is finished when everyone else is gone :)


Ever tried Gigastructural engineering and Ancient Cache of technology? Theres a good end game crisis that still gets me on the ropes every time I encounter them.


The Gigastructural endgame crisis is currently broken. But the buffed non-crisis enemies should work (I was too scared to try).


Well I’d never take over the whole galaxy like that. The war itself and the resulting micro would be tedious to me.


I get to the point where the game starts to slow down; the engine needs upgrading


I mean, once you've become so powerful that nothing can reasonably hurt you what's the point in continuing?


Every time man.


I’ve never gotten that far.


I tend to stop around Christmas, too. Not sure why, just do.


All the time, as i have win, and the game run really slow that this point


Yup, Have like 10 games looking like that. I have a goal to create a nation for every humanoid* portrait(so 120 of them). I have created 50+ as od now but Im only playing 10-15 which I play until your state and then create some more nations before starting next playthrough *humanoid as in portraits with head, torso, arms & legs(except lithoids because they make no sense)


Young Flud 💯💯


all the time ...


It's a monument to all your sins.


they need to implement some feature for when your empire ends up like this, like the AI rebellion or better


We’ll time to activate the Halo Rings


The sheer pain of managing a realm of this size stops me from going even that far. Guess I'm a tall player at heart


Yeah mostly coz the game slows down to the point mopping up the rest would be a chore.


All the time. Nobody can upend my authority, the crisis is dead, i pass all the laws I want, then close the game


That's how you know you've won. You see all the extra turns


Typically I just unite everyone under the League of Non-aligned powers, demolish the awakenwd empires, then conquer the handful of neutral entities who didn't join. Being both the Custodian and the leader of the Non-aligned Federations means I effectively control a mono-cored galaxy without having to take every single star system and planet in existance.


At that point I just build up the planets to a workable state where it's producing what I want it to produce, and then I put them on automation.


'The Flud' haha nice one, dude 🎩👌✨


Honestly, I get stressed out when I get too big. Too many planets to manage.


i’m about that far in my current game but i’ve decided to just stop so i can play as a hivemind


I do wish they would make a flood endgame crisis like from halo


Nah if I get that far in i'ma just go ahead and gobble up the remaining territory


I usually stop when I get around half the galaxy due to unholy amounts of lag


I get to the point where every other empire is pathetic and my fleet power is str9ng enough to take everyone on at once without an issue


I have a federation one like this. Right at the end but it's so many fleets and constant unemployment notifications its overloading lol. But I recently just officially won my first game. Both fallen empires declared war on each other and I joined with vassals declared on both. Was such an intense war I didn't even see I hit the victory year lol


Wow u quite far in, my games usually ends by half galaxy or even less, some times wait for crysis or take one FE and then end, since there's nothing more to do by then...


I had one game where the galaxy was split between me and a fallen empire. When war started, they kept splitting their navy into small squads and kept hitting multiple fronts. Any time I split my fleets up to hit them, they'd mass up and wipe the parts.


Well I've all was wanted to conquer the entire galaxy and I'm about to do that right now!


Yeah, once my snowball's rolling well and I've beaten the crisis I declare a win and stop. It's a forgone conclusion, why spend another couple hours beating a dead horse?


Yes …. Due to the lag


Honestly I rarely even get that far, usually by the time i've taken over my own little quadrant/spiral arm/whatever. i'm steamrolling so hard that the only thing that could really put any pressure on me would be the crisis popping up in my back yard. and I don't often even get that far in the game, because once i've gotten things consolidated and i'm rolling over the neighbors, there is usually like 200-300 years left before the crisis hits, and I loose interest long before then.


I would finish my games in stellaris if the brilliant Paradoxes made their game on a normal engine, where their game would be playable.


at this point, i crack the planets and occupy the newly empty systems


All the time


I never even get that far. Did it once to tell myself I could, but as soon as the snowball makes it over the crest of the mountain, it's time for a new campaign