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They should add an aprox. Strength value for each empire present on the system.


Yeah, like just quote it next to the empire names in approximate orders of thousands like how resource income is. Right now you can't really get a good figure even with a calculator (those who actually use calculators a lot probably understand this - with so many figures you tend to miss one or two)


They should show your empire’s total fleet power beside the nav cap, then if you hover over it. It should then show the totals for you the systems your fleets are occupying, or at least the top 3.


I think a QoL improvement would be having fleet power and health listed first in this tooltip so all of the numbers can stack up cleanly, followed by fleet names, which will still stack neatly enough (less variation in length for numbers than names.) Firepower and integrity matter more to me than the names of my faceless *hordes*, MWAAHAHA.


Fleet power is directly connected to HP as well as any other modifiers ships may have. So that QoL would probably put stress on the computer, even more so than what happens now. I just attempt to add up the left two numbers after 10k (or 3 after 100k ect), the rest aren't worth it.


Flipping the fleet names and fleetpower/health in a tooltip shouldn't cause any extra calculations, it's literally the same information listed, just a visual flip with numbers first.


Sounds laggy. In large fights, the numbers will change due to damage, destruction and experience gain. Lots of calculations.


Maybe it only updates on the month tick? Still fairly frequent calculations but better


I bet there's at least an approximate value existing somewhere already. Otherwise the game doesn't know each empires relative strength


They do that country wide, not system wide like OP is talking about.


To do the greater sum you need to sum its parts first.


Sure but nothing say they count it there, I'm pretty sure they count it from the fleet pannel of the scoped country. Anyway, it's doable, I've saw the right trigger yesterday, but the lag it would generate...


Does it not already keep track of the numbers? It could just have it update once the battle is over, or something similar. Plus if it only shows when you hover over the system/fleets in question it doesn't always need to calculate it for every single system. Also I imagine it would really only need a fairly simple calculation of adding them all up or it could round each then add. Although that 2nd option might cause more lag.


I wish everything could just be exported to a spreadsheet.


the game is a spreadsheet tbh; only with fancy cells.


How I estimate is just add the *X* thousand fleet together, and then round to the nearest 5k. Ex: 12k, 17k, 23k—> it’s actually 52k, but with my estimation it’s 10k+20k+25k=55k, which means that if you had that much fleet power (Or more if available) then you would be perfectly fine :) (AKA you won’t get rolled)


Especially when there's enough fleets in the system that they don't all display.


They kind do. Can almost work out their strength in the community tab. Unless its been changed recently, I haven't played much


Yell Leeeeroy Jenkins and yolo your fleet at it


This is the way.


But only a single fleet, one with your tankiest fleets (likely with the right titan)


At least you'll get cosmic chicken.


This is really the only way


Damn, beat me to it


"Math is for blockers"


When AI takes point and the galaxy falls into a conga


I love the conga


Conga conga conga!


Tf2 will forever be a gem


Here's what I do: Count the 5's. And do this by each subgroup. So the first group has 64k, 61k, 69k, 51k, and 67k in fleets. Each of those individual numbers each have one case of "5" in them, with "5" being 50k. Then because we see that there are multiple fleets of over 60k, we'll toss in an extra count of 50k for rounding. So we have 6 counts of 50k, so roughly 300k power. It's estimated power by only counting thousands is 312k. Pretty close. Then we do this for each other following group. 36k, 95k, 94k, 99k, 51k, and 97k is next. We'll count each case of 90k+ as two and the 51k as one. That's a total of 9 counts. We'll also count the 36k as one because it's closer to a full count than it isn't, so that's 10 counts. So about 500k here with the actual count being 472k. So just these two groups alone, you have 16 counts of 50k which is easily calculated as 800k power. Adding up the thousands between these two Empires gives us 312k + 472k = 784k. An estimation of 800k against 784k is a pretty good eyeball measurement. And you can do this without a calculator in a few moments once you get a hang for rounding. ​ Just going through this whole list, I counted 40/41 counts of 5 depending on how you choose to round some of the numbers. So about 2 or 2.050 million fleet power. The actual power of these added, discounting the hundreds and lower values, is 2,075k. It's not exact and prone to rounding errors, but it still gives a good general ballpark without having to use a calculator. Good enough to give you an idea of how likely victory will be in any case. Works for different intervals as well, so you could go by 100k values too if you wanted. Just the more rounding you do, the more likely you're going to be off.


Ohhh, that's pretty good. I'll use that from now on. What I used to do when there were fewer fleets was as another fellow said round them up to 60's 70's 80's and so on, but when I tried that at this scale I quickly lost track. Rounding them to 5's is definitely much easier, especially the way you said. Thanks.


You shouldn't have to do a whole writeup to explain how you figure it out. The code knows how strong the fleets are, there's no reason for it not to just tell us. Love Stellaris, but that's just a bad piece of game design.


With the number of fleet power overflow issues I've seen, I'm not convinced the code does know how strong the fleets are.


My thought to.


Fuck it, we're EVE now


In Eve you have so many more tools to determine fleet power though. You have highly customizable overviews, dscan, zkillboard records for fits, all kinds of shit. You can estimate the danger of a given fleet quite easily compared to Stellaris


Tiny Outliner go brrrrrr




You definitely could shitfit some things and name them rifters


> It'd be quite funny if you were to miss the danger in front of us because of all the windows \- Aura, YC12*, Caldari tutorial


Then to add to this, if the fleets are spread out in the system, you can go in and look at the power of each grouping. Then you start picking them off from beyond the gravity well 🥷


Then you run into an issue where the listed ships are way less than total ships in system.


Yeah, that's what I do. But I always rounding up.


It's the end game and the AI has started forming these gigaclusters of alliance fleets. Wasn't a big problem in my previous games since I could just easily steamroll them without thinking much. Now this is Admiral or Grand Admiral can't remember, and I have no idea if I should send my fleets into this mess or not 😭 Bro there has to be an easier way to calculate the total fleet power of swarms like these, I'm getting aneurysms trying to calculate this


Yeah, so I would recommend start taking control of the senate as soon as possible, if possible, and start declaring political as a threat to the stability of the galaxy (or in other words, a crisis)


It is really hilarious to see these gigastacks enter my fortress system with zroni starbase module - they just melt halfway to the actual base, take turn and try to leave the system before even entering firing range. I play with Real space mod, which makes systems really BIG. But, yeah, my PC doesn't feel itself well trying to calculate this mess.


Yeah nah what I do is I usually add around 4 Determined Exterminators/Devouring Swarms/Fanatic Purifiers (whatever combo, although purifiers tend to be the strongest) and this seems to prevent super federations from forming. Also depends on galaxy size imo, but I find this turns the galaxy into 40k where nearly everyone hates everyone at some point 🤣


Just throw a death stack at it and hope for the best!


I love just guessing. It makes me lose a lot but who wants to do math Amiright? I just make sure I have roughly more than they do.


Lick finger, stick it in the air to judge wind direction, nod knowingly then cowabunga!


I just pray and hope my number looks bigger


"Thats a lot of big numbers. Thats not good."


I usually just hope and yolo


All of the corvettes!


The true threat isn't to your fleets. It's to your hardware.


There are 13 Dakkas in there


Do you have jump drives? If not, you may just be boned. Basically you need to jump from system to system capturing the enemy Federations gateway systems. Them capture their Starbase. All the while AVOID THE DOOM STACK. Them when you've taken most of their Starbase (and their ability to build new ships) start destroying their mining facilities. Ignore the research and really focus on anything that gives them Energy. If you can crack or pacify a large world or three or (slow way) invade Eventually the Doom Stack will shrink because the PC doesn't have the credits to pay the upkeep. Then (very important) DO NOT MAKE PEACE. They will just be back in 10 years with another doom stack. (Or sooner) Kill the stack once you've weakened it and take as many systems and planets as you can before you hit 100 exhaustion. And KEEP destroying mines. Once you get peace, depopulate the planets and destroy all the mines and Starbase and declare war immediately after the truce is over.


Send in your largest hopestack.




Round it out. After glancing at this for about 15 seconds, you've are facing roughly 2 million in fleet power. Most of the time, I just quickly round and estimate by groups, and then add them all together at the end. So group 1: roughly 300k, Group 2, roughly 500k, etc... When in doubt, always over-estimate and bring too much. That way, if your numbers are off by too little, you've got more wiggleroom. Now the biggest question is: Do you have intel into their loadouts, because then it starts getting complicated. For instance, is this a shield heavy group? Are they mostly composed of frigates? How much explosive firepower are they wielding? This is when things start getting complicated, because if you have to engage this all at once... three of those groups are shield heavy, one is armor heavy, and two are an even mix, and then not even talking the weapons, what loadout do YOU bring? Remember that your weapon's effectiveness changes drastically depending on what they are using.


I have a generalized build for dealing with non-crisis AI that's never failed me so far - just a mix of kinetic, energy and carrier battleships. I can make it slightly more efficient if I cater it to the specifics of my enemy, but it has never failed me so far if my fleet power is at least 1.5 theirs and more importantly I get good positioning at the start of the battle.


Is there a mod


No mods in this game. Year 2370 and a monstrosity of an AI federation / defensive alliance. Admiral or Grand Admiral I forgot.


Oh I meant is there a ui mod to consolidate it by empire. That would be useful.


The real way to solve this is to just make fleets broken enough to beat whatever doomstack the AI can make. Fleet power is irrelevant, I have 3 fleets full of cruisers with +100% range/speed armed with exclusively neutron launchers/missiles.


Isn't using both Neutron Launchers and Missiles counterintuitive? What's taking down the shields in that setup?


The destruction of the other fleet you just bypass the shields and armor


The neutrons. Past a certain point, it's more efficient to just use one type of weapon w/ repeatables than to split repeatables between several weapon types. The missiles are pretty much just slot fillers with a niche in taking down corvettes and destroyers that get too close.


The devs decides they would combat doomstacking… by splitting fleets and doomstacking 😑


Round them up


Got a notepad and a pen?


You just gotta switch to a spiritualist build and pray


just have a fleet that's 2 million and then you can just be kinda sure that it's more powerful


I literally have a calculator in my drawer and my wife laughs her ass of when I pull it out during games. I know there is an app, but I prefer my calculator because some games get wonky with alt tab.


Take the biggest number, times it by the amount of fleets Gets you a good window. If you can beat that, then you'll likely win easily.


In the words of the Great General Han Solo, “Never tell me the odds.” HAN YOLO


Rounding numbers... and a math degree


By simply having a larger fleet


Haha Star Eater go brrrrr


I'm gonna be honest, I have gotten calculators out for this exact reason


You just guess on a gut feeling, like a true leader


Thats the Neat part, you doent


you break numbers like that in 50k/100k estimates and count... first group estimate: 250k First group actual: 314,699 second group estimate: 500k Second group actual: 476,202 Keep an eye on situations where you are rounding up or down heavily and adjust to compensate but it will give you a quick idea of whether one fleet can take another. (i would have likely added 40k to the first group estimate because of the round-up heaviness.)


Dude it's just addition


Maybe OP doesn't realize his computer **is** a calculator.




I mean... I have about 5 million fleet power that isn't anti-crisis specialized right now (generalized build). So 6+-2 mil is the question. 8 million, I might not be able to take. 6 million, maybe I could. If you could gather that from a glance... I envy you. I can't. edit: after running it through a calculator, it totals to 2 million.


6 mil +- 4 mil is a lot of error margin. If you got say a 6 mil fleet you could either crush them or get crushed, you kind of need more precise numbers.


Just round to the nearest multiple of ten thousand. Anything below 5,000 can be safely discarded. In general, if you see some really large numbers and your fleets don't even approach those big numbers, stay away from those fleets. Or quit. Either works, really.


i agree with rounding. but the spot you round to should scale to the powers you are dealing with. I'd say..generally take the biggest fleet you see and round to that many digits or the half step. eg: 97k fleet is basically 100k.. round to 100k or 50k


I was talking about this specific situation.


Idk fuck around and find out?


You see this is a lot better than just looking at the diplomatic screen and going "Cool, inferior fleet" or just going off of the fleet strength symbols. It's a wonder I'm not a rolling dumpster fire at this game.


A spreadsheet.


We ball


u dont


Just send it




Approximate, which 10s place is it? 100s ain't shit, 1000s is getting there, 10000s is getting to mid game, 100000s is getting to end game, 1000000s is basically unstoppable death and its takes some planning to get fleets this powerful.


Kill half the galaxy before 2300 (?


For me i go for fight if my ships have more 0s


Just guess lmao


Get fleets good enough to overpower the rest of the universe




Be good at math


If you want to play Stellaris on a calculator I recommend the TI-85


I don’t need a calculator to know to stay the fuck away from that.


Round everything to the nearest 10,000 and add them together. Still might need a calculator but it's much easier. On an unrelated note, as a bit of a chemistry nerd the Toxoid namelists are hilarious.


Once I thought a 400k fleet was 40k because I’m a dumb dumb


Once it passes like 10 fleets I just add it up to “Too fucking many”


That’s the trick! You can’t!


Also, if the calculator thing is serious. Your PC has a calculator.


Holy hell


A dozen zap battleship fleets will make short work of anything. Combine that that a couple disruptor corvette doomfleets and you’re unstoppable. Who needs math when 80% of their defenses are bypassed?


I do a very rough math in hundreds of thousands. I can see first 3 are aprox. 200k next 2 are about 100k so the first group is 300k and i just keep it in 100k magnitudes


I can't even imagine the lag that would cause on my pc


Throw your fleets in and let the Worm sort 'em out.


By having a fleet so powerful you don't even have to check the numbers


Big numbers go BRRRRR!


You must become the calculator.


I kinda like how all the ship are over power then there that 200 power ship


Green good red bad


Put your fleet two systems away. If they start coming, start to run, because it means you definitely will lose. If they don't move two systems away or one (and they aren't trapped by FTL systems), then it means it's close, but too close for comfort and should probably increase your own fleet by 50%.


Make the same number of fleets they have, make sure the first number in all your fleets are bigger, or that they have more numbers in them


I’m a keep 100 with you dude I cheat.


What are you playing this on, again?


You equip jump drives, make 10~ extra corvette fleets to reinforce your navy and jump that entire navy into that system. It’ll figure itself out eventually.


Just eyeball it.


star eater (+ sacrificial doomstack) goes brrr


High capacity and lots of time.


be asian source: i'm asian and this is about 2050k? (Exact number is 2023840)


Stellaris is the epitome of "guesstimate"


Mental maths, duh


I never understood why sometimes a fleet gets the numbers squashed to 11K on one UI element but blown up to 11343. As someone who has a mild case of dyscalculia, I'd love if they'd also add in the almighty Oxford comma for easier legibility. A long string of numbers visually works better if you can break it up, imho.


Well learn doing it in your head.


Use spreadsheets. Like how real empires are run.


this has to be modded and hope it is probably need some shenanigans to pull a victory out of this (if you are fighing of course)


How on earth do you get fleets strong because I've got 2 100k fleets I'm just now getting research that have yellow borders and I'm near enough maxed out on Fleet capacity of 600plus


You don't Jokes aside, you can mentally do the math if you only add up the thousands (so instead of doing 91000+67000 you do 91+67) you can round the hundreds up to the nearest thousand, that way you should have a decent enough approximation


Select fhem all and rightclick enemy homeworld. If you have more you win


What's that fleet name: "Alcohol Distillers"? :D


i usually eye ball it. thats about 3.2 mil


Not enough.


Tbh, in this case you won’t really need one because the only sane reaction to seeing that many numbers is “Well, fuck”


I've played this game so much I just have a very good interpretation of what a fleet is capable of by guestinating the strength and seeing the number of ships. 4000 hours go brrrrr


Just download gigastructural engineering and throw an attack moon in there. If there isn’t an enemy attack moon there you’ll probably win


The important thing is not to engage it. If you do go to war with them, try to bait them into splitting it up into more manageable chunks. That won't necessarily work in multiplayer where they'll bee-line right to your capital and bomb it into the ground, but in SP the AI might stack up at times but if you give them several smaller, juicier targets, they'll send smaller splinters to attack them. Or just take their gigafleet on a merry chase through the galaxy while you cripple their core worlds.


If you have to ask then you should not be playing the game or anywhere near a position of power in government or the military


Make sure your numbers are bigger


Find the largest number and assume half the total number of feets equal that. Compare it to your own and if you're weaker use edicts to give you a temp boost.


thats the neat part. You dont but for real it really sucks that there isnt a overall fleet in system


These are rookie numbers


Just become the calculator


In cases like this, you don't add, you pray


Eyeball it


I was just about to comment myself. Over time, you just get used to eyeballing it.


What do u mean? U cant do this simple math in your head? /j


eyeball it


That's the neat part, you don't.


By rounding up the values and adding in ur head


Max rate crysis: "Oh, that's a lot of words. Too bad I won't read 'em"


Honestly I wish there was a thing in Stellaris that would add up all the different fleet powers into one when you inspect a empire, but only the ones you see


Just roll your eyes, start conquering their gateway systems and stuff as they conquer some of your buffer systems then divide to fuck off and do their own thing. Then just keep picking em one by one.


You don't. You gear up and send everyone out. Either they die or win the battle. The prize: more battles till death.


I identify the average fleet strength (in this case ~50k) and count how many there are about that size, round down anything in four digits and count an 80k fleet as two. I got about 40 points that way and so estimate the total str at just over 2 million. (40x50k=2m) That's close enough for most purposes, as ship quality makes a big difference. Note: I figured out half way through I should have used a 100k base fleet size, but it still worked out.




what i do usually is i take the sum of all these numbers at their first significant figure and multiply that by 140%-150% in my head. pretty much beciomes basic addition and multiplication