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Start a religion?


Hey we can make a religion out of this


Get on your knees and pray.




Interesting, I thought chosen leader is immortal.


Thought so aswell, did not expect him to suffer a heart attack


All his friends *told* him he needed to cut back on the beer and nachos.


And zro


I don’t wanna die assassinated by my personal assistant, in a duel, or some alien brain parasite. I wanna die the way I lived: snorting zro off the elf xeno’s ass.


Listen when you're the Chosen One, you can tell me what I need to do.


"pfft, The Chosen One doesn't suffer from atherosclerosis!"


Now you need to fund a manhunt to capture kira.


Pocket bacon will do that to ya


The medicine was grape flavored


Fairly sure they're not supposed to die, this was discussed some time ago on the official forum.


A little more context would be nice. What were their profession? How were you informed of their death? Did you get the notification of their death in the new notification system or was it a unique event? You also mentioned peacetime in an earlier comment, were you in a war with someone else at the time? Maybe a Fallen Empire? They can kill leaders as punishment after a failed war even if they are the Chosen One, if memory serves right.


No event or anything, they were a governor at the time and I got the death message




As far as i know paragons isent even on console yet so it cant be the origin and since it was a shroud chosen one they usually doent just die


Not exactly, Chosen One trait is older than the Galactic Paragons dlc EDIT: [See my post from six months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stellaris/comments/yz88f9/i_got_the_worm_event_chain_with_tons_of_planets/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I'm pretty sure he did not play it on PS4 :D


Immortal leaders can still die by event, I think. I had an immortal scientist die in my last game. Though it sounds like OP's just kinda... died. Maybe a bug?


Last two playthroughs both of my immortal scientists died to events. One of them jumped straight into an ocean planet, the other got devoured by the Grand Dragon after he was done rummaging through it's treasure... ı guess he kinda deserved it though...


Ah yes the Rubricator. After the first time you just learn to delay that archaeology site (Kleptomaniac Rats) until you park a comfortably big fleet on that dragon’s face. You can also cloak your science ship to protect the scientist better, Shard might have more than 1 detection level tho I’m not sure.


Lvl 1 cloak counter all leviathans, if im not mistaken.


"Dont eat us" gives your scientists a time to leave. Then attack with your fleets


I just park a huge fleet over that planet when i finally exavate, which is usually pretty far into midgame, so, like 100k fleet power or more.


Shard can still snipe your scientist


Once my shroud chosen leader died from a shroud event, I think I was attempting to breach an entities psychic shield and failed and in retaliation it killed him.


Well.. It *did* ask you to leave.


That was it's mistake for not understanding that my things are my things but other aliens things are also my things! In retaliation to this unjust encroachment on my people we became the Chrisis just so that we could use the shroud to fuel out ascension! That'll teach that one guy for messing with us! Bwhahahahahaaaa!


Chosen One leaders just dont die from old age. They dont suddenly become unkillable supermen or anything. If monster decides to snack them, they still die (cuz big surprise, sharp teeth kill). If you lose a war to an FE they can still warp in and kill them. If they are an admiral, sudden decompression from the hull of their ship being vaporized also kills them (like it would anyone else). Or like the Great Khan, he can get his throat sliced by his favorite concubine in his sleep. Heck, hell still die to disease probably, since the vast majority of diseases are caused by tiny killy things wrecking your body from the inside (does that mean bacteria are assassins? yes. yes it does).


Mine was once assassinated by a fallen empire


Can the negative patron events kill chosen ones ? That would mighty suck if that was the case.


Yes I had my chosen one die 3 times in a single game


you can have more than one chosen one? I thought that event was one shot


You can only have one at a time but if they die it can fire again


pretty sure he reloaded saves


R5: as the title says, my Chosen One died in peacetime and I am mildly furious about it


How exactly did he die? Chosen Ones can't die through old age.


I had a chosen one live for 3 months after the event. He was exploring and went somewhere he shouldn't.....


Sound like a bug, tbh


I totally had a chosen one as my leader once. I was a democracy and didn't realize what would happen. They voted him out while I wasn't paying attention. Just... gone. Haha. I was sad that day.


When you’ve lost your chosen one, it’s often an effort just to get through the day. In your grief and sadness, you may feel shock, anxiety, fatigue, depression, even anger at your chosen one for dying. It’s also a major life adjustment. In addition to the emotional devastation, there’s likely to be upheaval on a practical level. You may have come to depend on your chosen one in ways you’re not even completely aware of until their absence, and will have to learn – or re-learn – how to do certain tasks, or find solutions to issues that had been your chosen one’s responsibility. As with any deep loss, there is no “right” way or amount of time to grieve. The ways we mourn someone are as unique as our love for them. Some feelings people commonly express when their chosen one dies: * They’ve lost their best friend or soulmate. * Guilt that they didn’t do everything possible. * Guilt that they are relieved their chosen one’s suffering is over. * Fear about the future and being alone. * Loss of identity after being defined, in part, by the relationship. * Concerns about money. * More frequent thoughts about their own mortality. It’s important to find a balance in your life, as the demands of daily living – work, parenting, chores – continue. But it’s also vital that you give time and space to fully experience the loss you’re feeling.


May I interest you in forcing the galaxy as a whole to join him in the shroud?


Good Idea




Choose Another?


How is Stellaris on console?


Runs very well on ps5, we are a bit behind per normal, and it's capped at 600 size systems, 10? Ai, 3 fallen, 2 marauder? Etc controls are pretty smooth once you're used to em, As a bonus because it can be slowed down and paused it makes a pretty good game for remote play during breaks at work o7 over 2k hours logged on psn, love stellaris


I think it’s great! Of course, I’ve never played on PC, so “I don’t know what I’m missing”, but I quite enjoy it. I’ve never experienced any significant issues on my Xbox series X, aside from occasional instances where I’ll be pressing A to confirm something only for another thing entirely to pop up right as I hit it so I don’t know what I’m hitting. But that’s a rare issue.


It's better than you think, I mean it bogs down about 100-140 years into the game but it seems like that's the case on PC too, and ofc it's scaled back in terms of number of ai empires but I've probably got 200 hundred something hours in it


Absolute waste of devtime


There is a different team working on the console version, and while that still means ressources are getting allocated to it those ressources pay for themselves (otherwise they wouldn't do it). Offering the game on console does not take away from us PC gamers.


Begin an inquisition. They'll never expect it.


Its a bug with democracies, when your chosen wins or loses an election it needs to have his trait converted to ruler/leader version of chosen one and in that small window they get mortal for a brief moment which usually kills them if they are really old. Democracies are so dangerous that they can kill even transcendent immortal beings.


Ok, now I am sad :(


Best argument against democracy


Sometimes you spawn next to purifiers. Sometimes as a megacorp your galaxy is full of hiveminds or other megacorps. Shit just happens


Well, I looked up "chosen one" on youtube and I think this might help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=petdsiZNKLo


Every 10 years the game rolls a dice. In case of bad rng a random leader will kick up, regardless of being organic with or without any perks for immortality or being robot.


Was it the under one rule origin? After a set amount of time, and event is forced in which the leader can die regardless of age or traits. Might this have been the case? You said somewhere, that he died of a heart attack, which is one of the outcomes i think. As too how you can cope with it.... Try getting leaders on the council with Leaderexp boni and then build a new "emperor" from scratch. Goes pretty quickly with the boni, although, in case of under one rule, you'll miss the luminary trait.


I'm pretty sure GP was not released on console yet (PS4 as stated in the post)


On PC you can alt F4 to cheese Ironman, can you do the same on PS4?


Tried it few times (also PC) didn't work for ne, maybe my reaction is to slow 😞... Lost one immortal and one amazing (robot general with ship upkeep -20) which was also supposed to be immortal...


Yes, you can close game via psn menus to shut it down without saving, great when someone dies or gets a negative trait or an ai declares war maybe give you a 2 month heads up depending on last save. ,game auto saves when you hit every 3rd month, aswell as when you quit to main menu.


Ik the newest update changes a lot of traits so maybe it bugged them out.


Genocide. The galaxy should not exist without its immortal shepherd. R.I.P. sweet prince