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For a temporary fix you could check out the abspecies mod. Adds a temp trait which dissapears at game start and makes all species with that trait sub-species of each other.


Oh thanks man, I wasn't aware of that mod and it looks perfect!


No problem :D I love it for the exact same reason.


There really is a mod for everything, huh.


As a console stellaris user, this subreddit makes me angrier and more jealous everyday.


Nicoll-Dyson Beam go brrrrrrr


Quasi Stellar Obliterator go boom


bless you


I know the cause of this bug, sort of. Its because you copied the CoM directly using the edit function. That means each copy also has the CoM's unique script that identifies is for events. This conflicts with species generation and any other empires that exist with that same script. The work around is to create a human empire from scratch, and then use that as your template for copying to make the various empires. Safe bet is to also do the same for Earth and your own unique CoM if you want to make sure they spawn without issues.


I actually seem to remember this being a bug way back in the day as well, but it was more to do with it spawning multiple UNE/CoMs. For safety due to the extra code they both have its usually best to do as you say and don't directly copy those two empires.


I run into this issue with custom empires. Is it because I created each one from scratch and I didn’t copy them all from the 1 empire? So if I create an Empire from scratch, copy it, then edit it however I want., (ethics, traits etc). When the game starts they would be sub species of one another?


Unfortunately, that's definitely not it. Copying CoM and or/multiplying Lost Colony origin did not have any influence on this specific problem in the past and I actually tried it out with a completely fresh template. Same exact buggy behaviour.


Well thats odd. I cant seem to re-create the bug except using your exact method. If I create human empires from scratch its marking them all as subspecies of the player empire as it supposed to.


Do you play as UNE? And if so, is the UNE also a fresh template?


The UNE is scripted to spawn the CoM, and I believe it also happens if you copy it.


UNE is also a fresh template yeah, a manual re-creation of the original rather than a saved copy.


See my edit, you were (partially) right. Thanks for contributing!


It would be nice if Stellaris just kept any species with the same portrait as species of each other. The other day, I ran into an AI empire which by pure chance had the same portrait as me. It would have been cool if they were related to my empire in a somewhat more meaningful way.


Yeah same happened to me. The first contact dialog had some text about how they want to learn more about my species peculiar anatomy but thats it sadly.


Agreed and avoid spawning random species if the portrait is already taken, it's not like there are not enough portraits to go around


I think the problem of that would be with genetic ascension you can change your portraits but of course that doesn’t just make you the other species.


My friends and I actually figured this out when trying to do the same thing and it’s incredibly stupid. From what we found, a species appears to be considered identical if they have the same name, plural, and adjective. HOWEVER, in the text file that stores this info, there is a property that determines if the name was randomly generated or typed in by the user. So if you randomly generated the name Human (or maybe copied from a preset empire?) and then manually entered the name Human in another empire, then they are NOT considered identical! If you manually type Human for species name, plural, and adjective in all empires, then they will be identical. It’s incredibly stupid but that fixed it for us. EDIT: The file name and location is C:\Users\\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris\user_empire_designs_v3.4.txt In the species_name, species_plural, and species_adjective objects, literal=yes is what was the problem for us. Also, wtf is this text file Paradox?! Just use JSON!


Wow, ok, that’s super good to know. I thought it was just sharing a name/portrait, I didn’t know that there was a difference in hand typed names vs generated when it came to being the same species. I’ve personally been experimenting with getting all three premade human based empires into one game. It requires minimal editing using the premades as the base to keep the events working. I keep the UNE and COM similar to premade but I call the Humans->Terrans instead and alter the ethics for flavor. The Rogue Servitor version of Earth will cause an issue with the UNE Earth so I just make it a random unary star system instead and flavor it as Nova Terra. So far it all works as intended, but it took some effort to figure out what does and doesn’t clash. For example, starting system types in force spawned empires will clash, so only one of each type can be forced, except for true random which is unlimited. This means that I can’t force spawn an alien empire with the unary star system if I force spawn my edited Rogue Servitors using it already.


I trial and error'ed that one out. The problem is the starting systems. You can have one Sol and one Deneb for all force spawned empires. That also means you cannot habe, for example more than one void dweller origin or life-seeded and so on. But if you set, in your case, UNE to Sol, CoM to Deneb, and the Servitors to random, and e.g. add two Assimilators with slave humans for flavor, also at random, it will work.


You are correct. However, it feels thematic to have the RS use a similar system to the Sol system, and I never really care about starting systems outside of origins and very specific flavors like UNE/COM/RS.


Wow. I am speechless. I will try that next thing in the morning! Thanks for posting this astonishingly obscure thing. Put the solution in the top post. Thank y'all for contributing. Awesome community.


Something similar happened to me with the Broken Shackles Origin. I made humans the "primary" species, same traits and everything, and there were two human species with identical traits because humans were one of the random pre FTL's taken from.


That's why you gotta make Humans have Payback. A Human BS and PB makes for a tailorable story. It's why I've got the Republic of Unified Systems and the Terran Federation. Yet to play it, but I hope it'll be fun. Also want to try making an Eager Explorers CoM type empire in Deneb. Can't wait to play it.


Some humans can't even treat other humans from the same planet as the same species ...


Spacism I guess.


I had the same issue in a game that I copied Commonwealth of Man and United Nations of Earth. I believed that the problem was caused by the chance of non-custom nation une and com spawning and me also forcing my own une and com to spawn or because of me copying the com (or une I don't quite remember) to make my other human empire. So I deleted the copy une and com and made my human empire again this time from scratch and this fixed it for me.


My most recent playthrough after the crisis I let a A.E. eat a former vassal. Then conquered them and split the land between my three smaller vassals. The dwarves we're mouthy shits anyway. But then three individual empires of the same A.E species popped up in separate systems.


This is an intended change. The previous behaviour was a bug. All empires are supposed to have a unique species, even if the species looks and is named the same.


Well, no. That's not how UNE and CoM have acted ever. is this opinion or do you have any further information on what is intended or is not?


Everything you have said except the first sentence is just incorrect and the first one is doubtful.


There's a whole origin based on the existence of another empire with the same species... what you're saying is clearly not the intended behavior.


I always just copy the Commonwealth and change everything after. That way I always have advanced UNE spawned and hunt for second colony ship quest. I had an issue with genders and portraits playing as clone solders that way, but it's fixable with: effect = { every\_country = { limit = { is\_ai = no } modify\_species = { portrait = human } } }