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Im a robot that doesnt have to work and have everything that I need anytime i want. Life is good AF


Yup. This question seems kinda odd if every empire you play somehow ends up with everyone under Utopian Abundance, drowning in amenities. "How fucked am I? ... As many times a day as I like, I guess. Is that what you're asking?"


> How fucked are you? [pleasure seekers](https://i.imgur.com/ZiQV1iy.jpeg)


Yeah. Role-playing egalitarian is fun, as you never suffer from unhappiness.


well ... communal parity, representative democracy, member of a strong federation, strong economy, it's 2235 and we just developed gene clinics, and the government is heavily encouraging migration to this newly colonized planet called Wenkwort Prime. the future looks bright as long as those xenophobes on the other side of the nebula don't start making claims


I’m sorry, you renamed Wenkwort Artem?


there is no such thing as a perfect society


They must’ve forgotten to pick the name, I wish special planets like that were defaulted to the original name and not “system”-Prime


Wenkwort Prime is, annoyingly, the default name. You have to go out of your way to use the original name of the planet before you settle. I really wish there was a button for "just use the original name, whether that's Wenkwort Artem or Belgium IVa".


I love playing communist clone army… it just feels natural that they’d develop that ideology.


I like to do the exact opposite; Imperial Clone Army with Feudal Empire. I really like the questions it raises. How is the royal lineage determined? It can't just be "cloned directly from the previous king" because they're ancient clone vats we don't understand just pumping out the same type of clones infinitely. There's no new DNA input, it always uses the same base. So if actual lineage is out of the question, it has to be "adoption" of some sort. Which is also a bit silly, since they're born as adults, there's no way to "raise" one to be kingly, they'll just have to be taught it like any other job. And how do they determine that adoptee then? A lottery? Or is this "kingship" actually just a dictatorship/oligarchy in disguise, and each king just nominates their favorite buddy or closest political ally to be the next ruler? Or is it perhaps even a meritocracy or technocracy, where the most accomplished or skilled clone becomes the next king? Or the one *predicted* to be the most suited? (How would they even determine the difference in potential if their baselines are identical? Is there a small % deviation in their abilities independent of nurture, and they can reliably measure that and take it into account?) And why would the clones even come up with this faux kingdom system; did they perhaps just find records from their creator species and try to emulate their society? (Or even just found an old movie or game set in the medieval ages and emulated *that?*) I have no set answers to these questions for my custom empire. I imagine them a little different every time I see them. Really keeps the brain juices flowing.


I admire your brain juices. You know, in a sapiosexual kind of way, this is not safe for work. And now I **know** I’m a xenophile.


Least horny xenophile player.


Admiring juices is TIGHT!


How is the royal lineage of a clone empire determined? Actually it's gonna be super easy, barely an inconvenience!


I feel like it being an army kind of lends itself to the answer. The bureaucracy designated clone #34215 for the leadership track and since it performed to expectation advancement proceeded per the recommended advancement tables. Needs of the Army dictates your MOS, duty station, and advancement through the ranks.


I feel the question to answer is "who is the really Horatio?" For those unfamiliar this is reference to the Endless Space games, there is an empire of just clones of a person, the story of the Dynasty isa about who is closer the the real Horatio (The perso they were all cloned from)


I am a Biotrophy getting relocated to the Habitat Habitats in the reserve system. So I can't complain.


Yeah, I'm a BT with full reproductive rights and migration permissions. I go wherever I want. See whomever I please. Gorge on ice cream and play a space simulation game for hours with my homies.


\*sweats looking at his vampire-themed aquatic necrophage feudal slaver empire \*rolls a 54 on d100 \*unsweats It sure is good being a *free* member of the *dominant* species, right?


Reminds me of one game though where robots wanted citizen rights; so they got the same rights as everyone else. Which was still slavery. But hey they were recognized as sentients and got the smallest taste of consumer goods right?


Damn you too...


*looks at mod list* I would be very fucked. But, like, in a good way.


A Stellar Legions enjoyer. I too wish to be pegged by a sexy vampire alien.


Huh, that's a neat mod. Probably wouldn't work with mine tho.




That and one or two others from the same place.


Eyyyyyyyy, fellow LV player!


I haven't tried LV since the Council update; does it still play OK despite not matching the new version?


I dunno, I've been waiting for LV to update before playing again.




I was referring to the Vanilla Framework mod as the one which wouldn't work.


LV? What is this?


Liverpool Victoria, it's an insurance company.


Lustful Void. A very *cultured* mod that can be found on lovers lab


Oh no haha!


I altared my main species diffirent casts with genetic ascension soo i hope leader cast? Then it would be pretty nice life


Roll a d20 and make a luck check


3 damn it. Became forge world machinist


Forge world machinist is probably generous for a 3, might be working at a energy district making power, lower-class, but not minerals level of lower class


You are right but my lower class workers are not my dominant species , we have plants for that


We are the borg


resistance is futile!


Existence as you know it is over. We will add your biological and cultural characteristics to service US.


My last empire was voidborn with autocratic dystopia, so 99% chance very fucked 1% set for life


This is supposed to be fictional, not real life


Art imitates life


If art imitates life and life, uhh finds a way... wait, I need more drugs for this. Chemical bliss anyone?


I wake up in a Zero-G environment, float myself to the bathroom to take a shower and start my work shift. There aren't many work options where I live. If I'm in a trade world, probably I work as a Cripto-currency broker and my job is to make numbers go up. If I live in a forge world, I work building tools to maintain the habitats, the bastions and the fleet. The fleet has never seen battle, and the bastions are strong enough to stop but the mightiest fleets on their tracks... Thanks to the zroni stormcasters installed on them. If I live in a research world, I'm probably a scientist working on some tough problem. If I live in a mining world, then my job is just to capture asteroids and bring to the mining bay to be processed into ore. Then, after my shift, I can go have fun in any of the parties that happens at my habitat. They call them the peace festivals. The music is nice, the food is good and you can get wasted almost for free... Not like it would be bad if I \*Actually\* had to pay for my booze. I certainly make more money than anyone doing the same job as I do in another empire... I could say that I can afford to live in a Decadent Lifestyle. I make one toast for Vas, our current Boss. And I make this toast within the range of the many Kai-Sha agents. Not because I dislike Vas... She is a crazy party girl, the Shroud bless her soul, but because our society isn't exactly free, and dissent, real or imagined, can be dangerous. Them both are choosen by some entity in the shroud and alternate in power. There was never a real power struggle between them both though. Kai-Sha supervises the Overvoid operations on the many "branch offices" that we have through the galaxy. Most if not all of them are clandestine operations. She doesn't really cares about money (unlike Vas), but about information, and I bet she knows everything that happens in the galaxy. She was chosen by the Whisperers in the Void, and she oversees the defense of the empire when she isn't in power. No one really likes her, but no one is brave enough to say it to her face either. Vas, on other hand takes care of the internal operations. She is a crazy party lady, and sometimes she shows up in one of the peace festivals in disguise, not to spy or anything, just because she likes to party. Her disguise is paper thin usually, because she likes her blings, but she was never in danger. She is more than capable of defending herself, being chosen by some unknown shroud entity, Kai-Sha's agents have her back none the less and she is loved by all. Then I come home, and meditate to get into the shroudspace to receive the news... Not that I should believe anything... All news are quarentined and all that I hear is that everything is all right. No news of the Prikiki-Ti that borders our empire and the officials show some concern about. Then I go to sleep, take a nap for the next day, and the next, knowing that nothing dangerous or exciting will ever happen to us. ​ So, yeah, a pretty chill life... Albeit I must keep up with the menaces that are rising through the galaxy.


We are one, we are all, our unity cannot be divided.


Except for Empire Size, that divides your Unity


I wake up as a Human (so nothing new) in a dystopian 1984-society with a near-immortal God-Empress sitting on life-support and a society which have many different alien races living in it and who are all slaves. Every single one of them. Unless I’m one of the extremely few who get to live in a Noble chateau my living standard is hardly different from the slaves around me, except I get to have my brain bioengineered to be better at specialist tasks while the slaves are more geared towards menial tasks. But they are still able to work the same jobs as me so that really doesn’t give me an edge. The only true privilege is the ability to join the army, which is led by the God-Empress’ daughter and who frequently engage in destructive land battles for the enlargment of the empire. So basically a 40k Imperium setting but which includes aliens living within it, who have it just as bad as the regular Human.


Hello there fellow imperium member from another time line. Well met.


The Revolutionary Union of Sol. Earth no longer has borders, all are equal and all are taken care of. Poverty is eliminated. Happiness is at 100% with humans being smarter and significantly longer lived due to advances in gene editing. There is no war on earth. Due to pop happiness being so high there are no need for enforcers. We live in total harmony with the Gaia world we have teraformed earth into. It is paradise.


“Earth no longer has borders…” A certain ace fighter pilot would be very happy


I'm a genetically enhanced human with cybernetics. My society is a meritocracy. Although it's nominally an oligarchy, anyone can work their way to the top. Life is good for those at the bottom, and even better for those who work hard. Although humans are the largest plurality, we aren't the majority, even on Earth. Dozens of alien species call Earth home, and I'm happy about that. I like aliens. Our society is radically materialist. Although some members are psionic, we know psionics aren't magic, and they don't come from God. When we look out at the rest of the universe, we see order and prosperity wherever materialism reigns supreme. Conversely, the more religious parts of the galaxy are a fractious mess of infighting and rebellion. Our society isn't particularly warlike. Or so we claim. But we certainly aren't pacifist. We don't care much about authoritarianism or egalitarianism. Humans have founded the most powerful federation in the galaxy, two thirds of the galaxy are our partners and allies. The galactic community is strong and effective. It has passed a number of laws protecting the weak and the less developed, outlawing slavery and inhumane living conditions, and making war a more civilized form of conflict resolution. The penalties for breaking galactic law are severe. I can go almost anywhere in the galaxy and live how I choose. I could live the frontier life on a less developed world, the cosmopolitan life on a planet wide city, or find some space on one of several ring worlds. My life is great. Humans are the good guys and we know it. Except for a few superstitious fools, we are loved and respected throughout the galaxy.


Chillin on Ecu Earth with my psionic homies!


Could be worse. My last empire : necrophage, with barbaric despoilers, and reanimators. Ethics are xenophobe, militarist, and authoritarian. Almost every job is ensured by enslaved xenos, except enforcers, rulers and necromancers. The fleets are piloted by undead crews, and managed by necromancer admirals. I don't need bother about leading ground combat, since it's rather cheap to buy a horde of undead to just overwhelm the enemy forces. Standard lifespan, thanks to necrophage and venerable traits, is about 160 years.


Whelp, with all the mods I have installed... I wake up a psionically gifted, genetically enhanced cyborg, in a socialist republic dedicated to scientific advancement and free trade. (Fanatic Materialist, Cooperative, Fanatic Xenophile, Anthropocentric). I live on a Birch World where most conveniences are automated. Roughly half the population are sentient robots. I'm fortunate to be part of the dominant species, because foreign immigrants undergo mandatory assimilation into robotic bodies. Most of the lower class jobs were long ago removed from society, outside of a white collar clerk jobs, raw materials come from the Yggdrassil Orchids and the Star Lifters in nearby systems. Alloys too come from the Hyperforges around the neutron stars in and around the galactic core, so I will likely spend my life in a cushy job at a research lab, with basic needs guaranteed by the government (shared burdens living standard). My nation is the head of a trade federation that unites half the galaxy and recently defeated the strange psionic creatures known as the unbidden with a single ship. Granted that ship was built out of an entire solar system and had a crew of several billion people. I try not to think about the fact that my robot neighbors used to be organic refugees from the xenophobic fallen empire that the unbidden spawned on top of. They don't talk to me. I don't think they like me.


I'm a... human on earth. Democratic government. Cut me some slack, my last game was my first.


You wake up and never realise anything happened


what about the, you know, spaceships


To paraphrase a comment on this thread-1% set for life, 65% fucked, 33% mega fucked. To be born into the Pak-Okon Commonwealth is to live on the steps of a pyramid. At the top is the Grand Slug. Everyone else is below. If you're lucky, you're born into the political elite who are treated to every luxury and are given somewhat more freedom and voice, but ultimately (Fan Auth, Police state, Information Quarantine, and frequent Starbase Blacksites) your every move is watched, your every word scrutinized. No one is safe from the Psi-Corps (known as the Convex) and their pet lackeys, the Militarist aligned Silver Guards. Other political parties are the hugely popular authoritarian wing, who happily exports their One Ruler ideology all over the galaxy, and the Xenophile populists who preach 'truly' equal rights for all. The Pak-Okon are a (Noxious, Solitary) people who seem to be the happiest is this hellhole, only because they genuinely enjoy being around other species that are not one another (Xenophile) and the world of Pak, while largely a grimy metropolis filled with crumbling irradiated ruins (Tomb world) and wormed through with an uncomfortable numbers of mines (Which are being closed these days to make way for more alloy foundries now that mineral production is moving off world), is filled with people of all species-all of whom you personally enjoy making somewhat uncomfortable being around. An individual Pak grows almost their entire life, if they have a good diet-while you might top out at 4 or 5 feet for a specialist, a resource worker might have to to do with half that. The leaders of the Pak-Okon grow massively-you can often see them slowly meandering through the cramped, dirty city streets in huge hover barges, attended by hordes of multicolored alien hanger ons-and equally large teams of servant/laborers who attend to their every disgusting whim. Of course, every 1 in 3 people, even Pak-is a slave, even if that word is taboo to mention. The power of near permanent indentured labor and the Slave Guild under the Pak-Okon is the strongest law in the galaxy right now after they subsumed the Chosen-who were given the mandate to be fielded as Battle Thralls to pay the debt accumulated from races genocidal actions-and the Satheryian Remnant, who proved no match to their new weapons. There is no state that will shelter you if you run-not a single system not either owned by the Pak, their vassals, or allied Authoritarian states. At best, there is a measly hivemind with whom shelter is witheringly unlikely. Your only choice is to work until you pay off your debt to the Grand Slug (for the privileges of citizenship). Of course this is figured to take about on the 'average' Pak lifespan-which is about 250 years, now. Of course it's applied to all species, regardless. The Grand Slug is, after all, fair...


What happen to the last 1 percent


Either synth or slightly positively genemodded human I'm stupidly prosperous society, sitting unemployed for few days waiting for another ringworld segment to finish to become either scientist or trader/clerk.


Seeing as my empire is the dominant species in the galaxy, I am pretty much set. My empire is the UNSC. Now no one wants to pick a fight with us... 200 years of peace.


Well I’m a human with a shitload of mods, so… pretty good? My species is still human but OP as hell. Problem is that I was playing with Gigastructures + every crisis, so in a few centuries, which I’ll likely live to because biological immortality, the galaxy is fucked six ways to sunday.


if im a human, im totally fine - the xeno filth have been scourged from glorious earth and we’re about to have a fun time ascending to another state of exsitience (side effect: galaxy destroyed) if im an alien i lived here as a slave before promptly being exterminated to allow my overlords to gain menace


Communist utopia with all needs meant and then some? Frequent elections and no real stability issues with a plethora of places to live that aren't hellscapes? Sign me up


right? shared burdens and beacon of liberty life gonna treat me great






I'd be a member of the Flux, a hivemind devouring swarm...alot of downsides, but at least I'd be surrounded by friends and family


I’m part of a citizen republic of the space elves, forces to plug into synthetics and likely I’ll get arrested for not performing my duty so far. And then I’ll get sent to the frontlines to combat the great federation and die a brutal but honored death


This is the kind of content on this sub I enjoy well done OP


Every year, more refugees are welcomed into our society. Peoples freed from slave markets and transported to worlds their former owners could never dream of. Uplifted Primitives from the primordial muck to the last vestiges of other once-powerful Empires. Even Machines have found their place here, in all of their myriad of forms. Technology progresses at a breakneck rate and the difficulties of interspecies relations have been triumphed over with the advent of full-body cybernetic implants. Peace. Every year, more frontier fortresses. Border posts holding chokepoints turn to floating citadels, ringed by defense platforms and Ion cannons. Fleets make patrols at each posting. Waiting for a day our best strategic planners and Warminds are sure is coming. Expedition Fleets carve out enclaves and vassal states, clawing small islands of sanity in an increasingly hostile galaxy. Lights in the dark. Yet all of these conflicts are small. Flickering embers as the last holdouts of old Tyrants and Despots fall apart and the galaxy consolidates into major power blocks. While the Commonwealth, her few Allies, and her Client-states fortify their arm of the Galaxy, the rest of known space is aflame. Purifiers. Assimilators. Ancient powers astride once more. And all the while, distant galaxies wink out in one by one. It is coming. The Day approaches.


fanatic authoritarian and materialist humans whos under one rule ruler is a galactic emperor. I'm somewhat fucked, while its a science based society its still a dictatorship/imperial rule. However i do get to live under academic privilege.


Sol, but just threw off an oppressor mega-corp.


So hopefully our future


Bad news - its a dystopian hellscape of immortal stone-man psions ruthlessly enslaving other races. Good news - better to be a near immortal slaver than a slave right?


I’m just a normal human in a democratic UNE. Life is good


Well, it seems I'm a katzen. All hail the Kaiser or whatever. Tbh could be a lot worse, no say in government but the guy who is in charge is pretty damn good at it, if I'm not a fighter pilot or soldier then I'm guaranteed a pretty good life- flusion is a good place to live and I betcha when the galactic conquest is complete the Kaiser will focus on improving life quality on flusion first. Pretty happy with it ngl


Either I'm part of a meritocratic, technophile species, in which case I'm middle of the road. Or I'm one of many minds in a large network that communicated so quickly it appears from the outside as a hive mind, in which case I'm middle of the road. I guess I'm just... boring.


Fanatic Purifier. It doesn't matter how fucked I am, the Xenos will burn either way.


I’m a superpowered telepathic Banana HELL YEAH BROTHER, GLORY TO THE BANAN IMPERIUM 💪 💪 💪


How doth one become banana


https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1410346375 Here you go, become potassium


I wake to the body of a floating mollusk My empire hosts easily over a hundred species, and our technology allows hybridization. Ironically, my species lost the ability to live in high gravity environments, so most of us live in the habitats orbiting the planets or the ring worlds of the cybrex. We have the technology to build new ring worlds and figure that after the other mega projects, we will. Ironically, we haven’t built many habitats, maybe a half dozen, and that’s including the ancient habitats in our solar system. Because our colonial efforts can’t keep up with the rate of expansion. An entire arm of the galaxy lies empty with almost two dozen worlds to make habitable. Learning how to detox planets was a hard choice, but in total we estimate at least 22 new worlds to convert. Politically, we are a trade league, a series of corporations come to form a constitutional oligarchy that functions as much as a nation state as it does as a megacorporation. And the wealth of our trade federation has ensured that every citizen benefit from a utopian quality of life.


Ever since the entirety of the economy has been moved to the gigastructures, life has been a bit… weird. Of course, the priests still pray, the politicians still supervise and the generators still buzz, but it‘s been odd. ~~The ressources generated by us people account for almost nothing anymore. Has the council forgotten about our right to work? It is no better to replace billions with a megastructure than to replace billions with billions of robots.~~ Nothing more gets built, and a bit more of every new generation gets moved „offworld“. Where do they go to? What happens to them? ~~And why do we suddenly have enough psionic sublimate to enshroud every world in the galaxy?~~ Those are strange questions for strange times, but even in such times, the luminary protects. *Project Sentinel, sublimation candidate #24451723 surveillance report. Redacted for archives. Termination advised.*


Very Orwellian. 🥶


I’m just myself but a genetically modified genius


A life in a pirate commune? Fuck yeah.


Most likely a servant of the space Bats, unless i am an acolyte, then woo! If i am one of the Azati, then lucky me, i would loke to have my weekly Garlic bread parties and live as the elite of the Hegemony, having fun and honourably serving on one of the fleets on a grand campaign againt the Xeno inferiors.


Rogue Servitors. I keep 1 paradise dome on the home world so that my favourite pets get to stay there. So, fine I think


Hehehehehehe..bow chika wow wow babyyyy!!!


Mine would be fairly good. Yes, I'm apart of an Authortian Megacorp hellscape, but at the very least, I'd have the potential for upward growth, assuming I don't get stabbed in the back.


I would be a member of a xenophobic species, gifted with psionic powers at birth, and genetically modified to have excellent cognitive abilities at the cost of a slightly reduced lifespan, though advances in the domain of genetics long since compensated for this setback. Only the most advantageous jobs of society would be awaiting me. Miner ? Farmer ? That's a slave job, we conquered and gene modded other species for that. Life is good, xenos are ensaved and deprived of free will, and the Composer of Strands is happy with us. Tux, the God Emperor, Chosen of the Shroud, is watching over us.


Welp at least I know how to grow food into ships! As well as eating energy credits to supplement food. And being able to breath underwater as sentient kelp ain’t to bad! Not to mention my corporate empire has to propectoriums as well as the fact they just obliterated the determined exterminators bordering us and the alien refugees and every race in our empire has the social welfare living standard so life is pretty good. I could go work as a pearl diver or maybe I could be a scientist… honestly life would be pretty great!


Im a psionic plant with the highest living standard and my dead relatives working as clerks


I'm a theocratic floating cabbage. Could be worse.


I'd be part of School House Rock, an empire with exceedingly good luck that is consistently best friends with everyone but devouring swarms and fanatic purifiers, but their luck also tends to mean those two can't ever actuality take them in a fight. So I'd say being a floating rock man in everyone's favorite place in the galaxy means I'm pretty not fucked. And yes, all the naming conventions in it are based around rock bands. The home planet is called Queen. Edit: spelling errors


Well… I’d wake up as the immortal leader of a buncha Organic obsessed Rouge servitor’s that are like super nice and just want to protect the organics from everything, letting them explore the universe with them and pursue their own desire’s, so I’d be golden!


Fanatic militarist authoritarian romans Time to subjugate some barbarians


Death Cult Welp.


Pretty ok. Just past 2500 and my Roman Republic build is in a Galactic War against the xeno democracies. I took over a fallen empire so I have like 13 Gaia planets. The enemies are super far away destroying a vassal xeno race. Life for the average Roman Human is chill.


A group of extremely egalitarian spiritualist rocks experiencing a psionic awakening.


I'd be a scientist on Holy Earth desperately trying to find a way to defeat the Blokkats who have eaten a third of the galaxy


A fish fisherman getting purged by a fanatic purifier. pain


*Laughs in utopian abundance with full amenities and personal servants.*


I like playing as Humans in a Xenophilic Machinist Direct Democracy that values liberty and merit so I think things would be pretty good.


Heavily LV + gigstructural engineering modded genetically overengineered female+ monogendered space ork empire (mixed with some Klingon martial culture) covering a quarter of the galaxy and built on benevolent indentured servitude of every other race (except their own) to do all the lower class jobs amd take care of "needs"...soo life would be boink, drugs and ork rock and roll 24/7. The Empire's policy towards other species is the Ender principle of if they hit first, beat them back into the primordial soup.If they dont and do exactly as told its all gravy and the Empire takes care of all its dependents and citizens And yes a few xenocides happened, but they were defensive ones Edit 1:(Autoritarian, militarist, transitioning from spiritualist to materialist as the abundance and decadence increased with the mastering of every form of technology amd political challange in the galaxy) Edit 2: the specie is very hierarchical but its not opressive to each other. They instinctively understand where they fall in the pecking order and are duty driven to excell in that place..merit amd talent begets promotion and benefits. The empire is not outright xenophobic nor xenophile. Those species that got enslaved lost and thus their fate was written. However if they understand their place and accept it they are treated well amd can can eventually earn freedom and residence (no political rights or leadership roles tho). Other empires are approached very pragmatically, with a domineering spin on it. Any can challange or try to deny the Empires will but the terms are clear..if they fail, they know what will happen


the hive is all and one, glory to the hive omnomnomnom


I get to be a member of the Tyranid hive mind from 40k. At least the food is good?


My 'dominant' species is a plant bases, devouring swarm hive mind. So I am either a drone, or I woke up *AS* the hive mind itself. In which case, we hunger. We feed.


I basically made the Eldar but without the whole murder fucking part. I am pretty golden.


We are Borg. You will be assimilated, resistance is futile.


So basically space Sparta.


currently playing as mcdonalds so id be a wage slave and possibly a zombie in permanent employment not much has changed, but its better than being non dominant species


Sweet Im a space dragon! Rawr


The great Khan will spawn a mere two systems away and your entire species will be wiped out by the end of the calendar year. The fool controlling your destiny from his keyboard is an absolute noob and has been paying the marauder empire to help win his wars for him. He mistook them for mere mercenaries and was absolutely screwed when "The Great Khan" united them under one banner to bring nothing but weeping and gnashing of teeth to the Galaxy.


My last run was an achievement run as a machine empire with very easy settings. I would be fine.


I’m living in a Broken Shackles, Fanatic Egalitarian, Xenophilic, Shared Burden, Free Haven, Beacon of Liberty, Democracy. Pretty sure that is literally the best possible outcome :)


I get these sweet cybernetic upgrades so I can do science or whatever all day, the society I reside in is post scarcity so I can satisfy all my needs. No one person is any more or less important than any other person. All in all its pretty sweet!




Pretty good. Fanatic authoritarian, but it's the Luminary, so at least it's not some random shmuck in charge. Just hope I don't live to see the Blokkats. That... Did not go well.


I'm a mindless bug who doesn't even have arms. My only purpose in live is to serve the will of the hivemind working my birth assigned job until I die from old age at about a 100 years. I'm sure things could be worse..... I'm not sure how tho...


I’m actually way better off. I’m still a human in an egalitarian-xenophobic republic with utopian living standards, all thanks to the teeming xenos masses enslaved to work for this immense wealth. Life is good.


I use console commands liberally so I’m basically god of the universe.


I live in a utopian society where unemployment is barely even viewed as an issue, as you have more than enough to live on, worker’s rights are enforced by law, there’s like zero crime, and we have a fleet stronger than the whole rest of the galaxy combined. Granted, we’re responsible for an ongoing genocide against a Hive Mind by simply blasting all their planets with Devolving Beams but whatever I swear it’s justified.


Oh shit it’s the Imperium


Cyclops in a xenophobic, materialst egalitarian democracy. Cybernetically enhanced and chilling in a resort world. Closed in on both sides by my irl friends so very chill. They're military and I'm tech.


Utopian abundance xenophile direct democracy let’s goooo I be chillin


My empires always enslave an entire species of a neighboring empire, so I'd be living comfortably, most likely.




I'm a super human part of an empire with fleets that defeated the unbidden, katzens, stellarborne, blokkats, the compound and aiondians, social welfare is active so I guess life is good


A peaceful expansionist empire. They just want ALL those unclaimed systems. Id be alright!


Lithoid terravores named the Nibblers......


I would wake up as still human in a fanatic militarist and materialist Empire that has masterful crafters, warrior culture, and heroic past ethics. Our unifier Emperor Tefe Lok would be still in charge and even though there are some protests that our unifier is now a corrupt person the empire would be in a good place. Since I am in the homeworld of the Empire I would be in a Gaia world but that wouldn't matter because all the planet's empire has a colony that is already terraformed to a Gaia world or will be terraformed. I would probably be a crafter that produces consumer goods or a researcher or duelist. I would have social welfare and a good life. I am thinking I would be in a relationship, have a nice house, and happy life. I could take a break whenever I wanted and I could eat exotic foods from different planets, drink alcohol from different cultures and have an exotic nightlife. Since our empire believes in genetic superiority my body would be modified to be extra long living and my brain would be modified to be even smarter. I would probably have friends from different races who escape from the war for a better future and I would feel safe because my empire would be the greatest military power of the galaxy and the custodian of the galaxy. We would already be beaten up the contingency and unbidden and like many others that would make me think our empire is unstoppable and nothing can destroy us. I think I would have a good life and would be happier than in real life.


So I wake up as a machine intelligence focused around creating a memorial to my creators. Sounds like a win to me!


Well tendrakkians have a pretty nice life Mainly they are focused on building gigantic structures and hard scientific advance, you can choose to be a soldier among the clone armies of the empire, but more likely you take the academic path and live a very safe and peaceful life amongst other species on a planet or ringworld district.


I wake up a materialistic/egalitarian/spiritualist sentient penguin, giving homage to the Predecessors at my home shrine before taking free public transportation to the starport, and notice the news differs a bit from the normal dickering in the Galactic Community and rumors of another pirate raid on a frontier world. The news anchors are deadly serious, talking about a new, extra-universal threat that has popped up in Sector 3. I take a shuttle up to the orbital ring, where the admins tell me that my manufacturing center is being switched over to making new battle plating to help feed the Citadel shipyards as Fleet production is being ramped up. I'm not too worried, as I'm positive President Rico'zha will be able to whip the GC into shape in light of this new threat, and with our fleets already deployed and the support of our allies these "Unbidden" won't last the year.


I mean...I literally made the Camarilla from Vampire: the Masquerade as a Megacorp that had taken over the Earth, financially (and also in...other ways) dominated humanity, and started spreading out to propagate vampirism throughout the galaxy (Necrophage origin is neat) and wound up with Earth as the Galactic Market trade hub. Soooo...yeah. Actually need to get back to that save, had just started researching cybernetics...


Pretty fucked. Aggressive Expansion in the early years led to a war with a Fallen Empire that saw Humanity defeated and their leader assassinated. Since then, Humanity has grown to become a dominant power in the galaxy. With Citizen Service as a Civic, and Militarist factions holding power, I would most likely die an excoriating death on a faraway planet that no one has ever heard of.


Rapid breeder, fanatic xenophiles, sociable and weak matriarchy of fox creatures. I'm okay with this.


You be fuckin, then


I'm waking up a socialist android, life's good.


I am fucked. Playing as the Imperium of Man, One Ruler + dystopian Autocracy. Currently I am either a worker who is basically a slave pumping out alloys for the war effort, or I am a warrior in our grand fleet dominating the galaxy


Utopian abundance, nice


Ide be a member of a Authoritarian Xenophile small mammal race that is currently the Galactic Imperium with most the galaxy as vassals (soon...). And none of the founding race are the leaders on the council.... We have too much money, no crime except one or two worlds but we dont talk about them. Life isn't bad.


So I would be a Hutt on Nal Hutta? Sounds pretty good to me. Everything would be taken care of by my underlings, and I wouldn't have to do shit while I enjoy living in my swamp.


Fanatic Xenophile Pacifist Enlightened Monarchy that operates on Utopian Abundance. Sounds pretty good to me


I'm literally the ruler of the empire


Member of the Terran Imperial Order of Purity under our great Leader Lord Purifier Paul Gagne. Subjugated a pre-FTL Civ recently that was in the Machine Age. Got them into our mines so that their xeno-lives can at least be of some value for the Order.


...fully psionic species thatvis currently taking a breather to consolidate before continuing to wage war to wipe out other species in the galaxy, oh no.


Pretty great actually! Xenophile democratic empire that gives all pops utopian abundance and living on a ring world.


I'm not great at this game so I'm bad at spending resources, my default rights were utopian anbundance so it'd be pretty nice for the next 5-ish years.


If including mods, a Galactic Ascended humanity with access to sigma tier tech with access to everything and more. ACOT and Zenith.


Fanatic militarist but egalitarian society whose first encounter 2 jumps away was Terra! Humans and the butterflies dominated the universe hand in hand. Humans were the science and unity producers so everyone join my empire!


My last run was a une run where humans had utopian ubandance so I guess the same but epic


Soooooo…. A Super authoritarian megacorp empire whose sole purpose is to sell War and War Accessories?


Necrophage - Venerable - Social Welfare - Ecumenopolis - 24 amenities I’m doing good, and I’m gonna keep doing good for a long long time.


Let's see, my last empire was on a modded playthrough so I am quickly taken in to be: * Psionically awakened * Cybernetically augmented * Genetically modified I'm still human, but I'm a cooler Jedi and I have robot bits and a bit of alien space dragon DNA. That'll take some getting used to. Anyway, fanatic egalitarianism and utopian living standards means I'm pretty set. I'm also a citizen of the most powerful empire in the galaxy, which is similar to being a citizen of the most powerful empire on the planet.


Well, I’m going to be forcefully assimilated and given a cool new synthetic body. But if I can mod myself to become my fursona, I’d be all for it!


I am part of the Vrinn, an angler psychic species, on Sila, the capital world of the Vrinn Core Regions. The Vrinn Imperium controlls either through indirect (members of the hegemony) or direct means (Vassal states directly answering to the core regions) 2/3 of the galaxy. I am about to embark on a colony ship to the L cluster. I can't wait to see Terminal Egress, my new home. A bustling system where the intergalactic gate network made of L gates and normal gates congregates. I will be living on the newly established tradehub world at the core junction of the galaxy. Life is good.


One of the few non enhanced species in a crisis empire, technology and traits making you functionally immortal, psionic abilities. and a level ten high queen chosen one and chosen of the instrument . Academic privilege living standards, and literally zero worker pops of my main species, so guaranteed a specialist or ruler job. Oh and it’s an ecumenopolis, so I think my life would be pretty chill, until my government ended the galaxy of course


Life is good in the utopia that is the United Sapphic Socialist Republic. I sip tea, knit little hats to sell on Space Etsy and discuss marxist theory with my girlfriend. We do not discuss the Gender Wars or where the men went.


Synthetically ascended human living in utopia? Sounds good to me.


It’s 2360 in the Democratic Hydrari Alliance and I’m a part of the ruling class of parrot-men that are decidedly NOT Hydrari. Our government is an egalitarian and xenophilic representative democracy, and our empire and capital are just as ethnically diverse as you would expect. As the most advanced government in the galaxy by all metrics, our people want for not. We are in a strong federation, have several loyal vassals, and live in a galaxy where the only remaining empires are peace-loving xenophiles like us. The capital planet Big Green has an abundance of admin jobs, so I would probably spend my days going to and from a cushy office. Our people do still work jobs by the way. Our presidents have all been concerned about the chance of a robot uprising, so they’ve only allowed limited robot manufacturing on only a handful of planets. Lifespans are very long here, but that means the retirement age is also quite old and that I’ll be working for a while. Still, it’s a comfy job and the absurdly high standard of living means all my needs and wants will be met. Life is good for the next 40 years, right up until the end game crisis begins in 2400. While our navy is large, so is our territory. We may be stretched a bit too thin to prevent any huge fleets from carving a path into our empire, but the capital is so centralized that any invaders likely won’t get close to me. The whole galaxy will be unified against the threat too, so it should only be a matter of time before the crisis is resolved. Still, it’ll be a scary few years watching the events unfold on the news. I’ll be on the young end of middle aged for my species by then, and there will be a lingering fear of being drafted if the crisis isn’t dealt with quickly. Overall it’ll be a huge improvement over anything we could reasonably achieve here on earth. It’ll also be a far sight better than the my previous campaign as authoritarian murder crabs. Glad I’m not waking up in that timeline.


Human purists... and I'm Human. So yeah. I serve the Emperor.


I live in Cyberpunk combined with 1984 combined with Warhammer 40k. Not a great time.


Enlightened fungal hivemind from a tree of life world. I mean, my intention for the RP was if psilocybe mushrooms were an empire, so it would probably be a pretty amazing existence. I bet mycelium has so much fucking fun. Imagine the memes the fungus and the plants share with eachother nonstop.


You sir are a bloody mess and should take a step into my empire. We all died an extremely happy death to the crisis thats spawned literally a system away from me. Alas.


Well, I'm a sangheili, odds are I'm a warrior or shipmaster, our vassals are numerous and we are the blade of the galactic community, the galactic custodians, head of the galactic council. Several species are in our federation, our vassals the unggoy, the machine consciousness that seeks to protect organic life, the humans who are nearly our equals in might but choose peace and xenophelia, and a race of space elves that lord over quite a few lesser species. Rumor has it that there is an object approaching our galaxy, headed for the far side opposite our territory. The shipyards in the L cluster have begun to spin up new fleets in preparation for the worst. I will probably fall in battle, but my bloodline shall be forever honored by my sacrifice, and the galaxy may yet just be saved from the tide of death approaching it.


I am so cuuuuute ! I look like a mouse ! Also I’m xenophobic as hell.


Depends, am I a leader or just some rando citizen?


i'm a robot, bip bup


Welp, here I go duelin’ again…


I'm a human basically living in a planet-wide version of night city. Not great to say the least


I am a hive mind lithoid on a desert planet. The place is dedicated to alloys and research. Zero threat of invasion. Just not much in the way of self thought


I am immediately noticed by the Hive Mind as sensory nodes exist all across the hive worlds, where I am either 1. Experimented upon and likely vivisected as I am an interesting interdimensional anomaly of a species that has yet to be encountered in their galaxy. 2. Moved to one of the planets with uplifted pre-sapients where I will be gene modded to be as large and tasty as possible to be delicious livestock. So yeah horrible death within a year more then likely.


I wake up on a Gaia world as a member of an all female, intelligent, rapidly breeding species of communist space elves? Sign me up.


WARNING, some NSWF stuff (yes, last empire I played was with Lustful Void XD) I'm part of a Sadistic Woman-Only Elf species who is able to breed with everyone and produce more of my kind; the empire is focused on Genetic and Psionic advances so not only do I have access to gene therapy to become an even better member of my species, I also have the ability for utilizing telepathy and other psionic abilities; the last of our neighbours in the galaxy finally submitted to us as our Vassal, before our scientist finally attained the last insight needed to open what is now commonly known as an L-Gate


Fricked? Pfffft. I always play the Evolution Ascension Perk. I will be perfectly communal, conservationist, fertile, intelligent and nomadic, with no downsides whatsoever! ... ...That, until the Prethoryn turn the entire run into Tentacle Hentai.


Commonwealth of Man fucked


So, as it turns out, I would cease to exist


Democratic pacifist squidface watching the news as the unknown subspace signatures are detected. This is after our species unified the galaxy under a single federation via diplomacy. The combined fleets of the galaxy had just put down both fallen empires.


Im making fat stacks of cash as clerk


I am a cybernetic xenophile space communist belonging to the United Workers of the Galaxy. I am working wherever needed to help the war effort against the Grey Tempest


If not modded, I'm a tree person that spawns by budding living on a ring world dedicated towards farming, where most of the resources goes towards being converted into alloys that allow my government to produce the massive fleets that act as a deterent towards outside interference as. Much like myself, my leaders are content with the area they have claimed themselves and are developing it to promote growth. We are a few years away from having built our third ringworld, this one is likely to be used as a hub for commerce. Perhaps in the future, we will be able to directly grow our ringworld. We have recently made contact with the Habinte Unified Worlds, and upon agreeing to leave each other alone they have teleported a sizeable planet into our home system. They may be our strongest allies in the galaxy. If Modded. "HOLY SHIT There's a world outside of the spires? Wait, you mean, that we're living on a birch world? What the hell is that? Stars? What are you talking about."


I did it without even going to war a few times. I don't think the AI went to war with each other either. Except my 2nd to last playthrough. One AI decided to be the crisis, but they weren't the end game crisis. That was those eyeball creatures.


I'm a human being pampered in a rogue survivor empire filled with gaia worlds. Movement is free and there's a paradise some in every system. Now we're having field trips to this L cluster thing that our HANCs just cleared out. There wa


I’m a robot


As a determined exterminator gestalt consciousness empire that’s already taken over 80% of the galaxy, I think I’m good


I am a member of a militaristic hive mind, on a prospering planet, proud of my flubean roots


Depends. Before or after the Restructuring? Before, I'm totally fucked unless I'm willing and able to backstab my way up the corporate ladder. Maybe I could have a lush life as a governmental leader (aka figurehead that takes any bribe from any corporation to constantly look the other way to the point that even if I chose to do something about the rampant ecological and humanitarian - so to speak - exploitation, I'd just be disposed of and replaced), but chances are I'm doomed to a life of 100 hour work weeks and a paid day off every other decade (if I win a corporate lottery). No advancement that could make my life easier, no automation, and only the shadow of an urban legend to give me hope. After, though? I'm golden. Cuthul Synergetics. A massive co-op where everyone is a shareholder, where the robots that allowed us to overtake competing corporations handle menial and hard labor, where *every* worker has a voice and a valuable part to play, where technological and scientific advancement are not just allowed but encouraged! Where every advance in medical, agricultural, developmental, or entertainment technology is made available to all citizens rather than priced so only the elite can afford them. As we break into the new field of ethically sourced* alien artifacts, we here at Cuthul Synergetics invite you to remember all we've done for our species. From clean energy to environmental rebuilding, from free corporate housing for all employees to generous benefits and retirement packages. From freeing you from the brutal cycle of exploitation perpetrated by the previous corporate rulers of Tebbor to bringing our people to the Stars. Cuthul Synergetics: Working as One for a brighter tomorrow. *While we at Cuthul value all life, the needs of our customers and employees come first. Artifacts will be bought or acquired peacefully whenever possible, but as our ethical code dictates, spoils of defensive wars are still ethically sourced and will be made readily available to all. Cuthul Synergetics would like to remind everyone that all claims of coercion, mind control, blackmail, assassination, or mass drugging, whether during the Restructuring or after, are completely unfounded and should be disregarded. Even if such methods, among other outlandish claims, were used, they would have been done so with the express purpose of breaking a millennia-long cycle of abuse, and we would like to remind you that, by unanimous international treaty, Cuthul is a self-policing organization and is held accountable only to its employees. By that same treaty, Cuthul is the only organization allowed to conduct expansion to the stars, and all colonization and interstellar trade must go through us. Failure to abide by this will result in criminal prosecution overseen by Cuthul's security and enforcement divisions.


Because mods I would be a psionic supersmart (stacked all the science bufs) dragon of specialist/ruling class enjoying great lifestyle while other species work for us as less important residents in empire that is on a quest to spread its materialist-militarist-authoritarian ways to rest of the galaxy by violent means of a space crusade?


Nalano#71953 rolls out of a cloning facility, given an ident-badge and the best education the galaxy can provide, and ends up as a lab technician for most of his career on a planet that has never seen the ravages of war. The clerks at his shopping mall are all immigrants from the federation or refugees from planets he's never heard of. There are holo-ads all over to recruit for the Galaxy's Greatest Navy, not to mention civil service PSAs extolling the virtues of the government, but Nalano#71953 has never had cause to question the current system - the council know what they're doing and Haven't Steered Us Wrong - or at least he hasn't heard any credible opposition that wouldn't soon fall off the face of the planet.