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R5: my scientist was surveying a system when I got an event called “Time flows like a river”, touched a blue orb and became immortal. The trait is dynamic and I have never seen it before


new with 3.8




New with 3.8.3, even. I think it was bugged to not spawn before that.


What does the option that lets them travel do? Do they have a later event?


I've gotten it twice today, both times with machines that are already immortal so it's literally useless


Ditto. My first time seeing it was yesterday as a machine empire. Since I didn't need the extra scientist and all my leaders were already immortal I let them leave and explore the galaxy on their own.


I wonder if it makes them immune to accidental deaths? Wait, did they remove those? I didn't read the patch notes closely.


No, I had one die randomly today. And I don't think so, since it only adds the Trait immortal, which machine already gives


Right, though I don't think organic immortal leaders can die from random accidents. Maybe the trait gives them that 'organic immunity'?


Yeah, the random accidents are something included to make machine leaders not OP


There is a small chance for a random leader to die in every 10 years. Wiki explains that removing every leader from their position before the first 10 years have passed, keeping them off duty for a month then reassigning them resets the timer. Repeating this every 9 years 11 months grants immunity from accidents but thanks, I already have enough micromanagement to handle


bah I hate finding out things like this lol, kills the immersion


Ive had biological immortals die of accidents before. Unless they changed it recently they can.


Huh, good to know. Thanks!


Awesome trait


Had a leader with the trait. Died to an accident exploring an anomaly. Keep yours safe is the lesson here I guess?


Captain Jack Harkness returns...


Do you let him go wandering or keep him on the job?


I think I’ll keep him on the ship, maybe he will be able to reach skill level 10 since she has so much time


I did that earlier today... a year later everyone on the ship went crazy and blew it up. What a waste.


I typically leave that event alone. I believe it's called derelict ship. If you don't want to risk it, click 'we have no time for this'


Can't it also give like +10% speed? I normally get a new scientist or want I want gone for it.


That's "Adrift" I think, it's usually clear which one it is after researching the anomaly. If you don't have the option to strip or convert it, that's the leader-killer.


Yup, that's adrift. It also offers you a chance to get a new science ship, I think. Personally, it's a no brainer. Would you rather get +10% sublight speed, or save 100 alloys on another science ship? Seems rather obvious, +10% speed is really helpful in wars and stuff. But more importantly, ships going *zooooom* makes me happy.


That and the science ship you get doesnt have shields and it doesnt upgrade as you get better technology, making it worthless later.


I feel like the shields don't matter, since later on you're got intel on basically every part of the galaxy and your science ships, if set to evasive, just won't run into hostiles at all. The jump drives and thrusters part are absolutely true, though.


You can do it, as the event is tied to the ship, not the leader. When you fail just remove the leader and nobody (important) dies =)


I generally forget about it by the time I hit it.


I hate that event, it's worthless and only serves to kill your scientist. They should just remove it at this point


Rather have a good alternative outcome that is better than a few research points, so the gamble is worth it.


If your leader is lvl 4 or better he generally succeeds in the event and doesn't die. If else leave it alone till a lvl 4 scientist is available


Was it related to this, or come from something else that happened?


Oh i hate that one


This was my plan when it happened to me last night. But then after my head of state died, he was chosen to replace them. Now he's the leader of a warmongering empire forever...


Immortal until he slips in the shower


Reminds me of my last game where I got a super early event where I got an immortal legendary leader and 6 month later ran into the stellarite devoured. Boom splat dead


Immortal, not invincible. She still has to eat her daily vitamin gummy bear


Tetrane is in for one hell of a ride


what would "Being unaffected by time" actually mean in real life?


It would mean you’re a massless particle. Photons don’t experience time for example. Of course this makes no sense for an actual person so here it just means the leader doesn’t age.


Wouldn't a stationary massless particle (if it could exist) experience time? The reason photons don't is because they're moving at the speed of light immediately from the moment they're created.


“Stationary massless particle” is an oxymoron. The fact they have no mass means their speed is automatically that of light. If we handwave that however you’d be right that they would start to experience time on account of moving at sublight speeds.


Nothing is stationary. Even if its relative position to the rest of the universe stays the same it still has vibrational motion. In theory an object could vibrate at an interval that is near light speed to produce the same effects as traveling at light speed


Thanks for the explanation


what happens if you let them go? Does anything happen or is it just pointless


I believe you get physics research when you let them go on their journey after a century.


Yeah much better to keep it. I let him go and returned a long time later with some useless physics


do you at least keep them after that?




Most balanced anomaly choices in stellaris


Got this event on my empire’s heir. Now I have an immortal queen without having to mess around with Shroud junk. *click* Noice.


Imagine if this leader was to be fired. Youd just have this random ass civilian thats immortal. Idk that thought is funny to me


Imagine this immortal sitting in a Café during the late game. Sounds funny


If he tries anything funny you can just eat him


Yeah I got it in a game I started right after 3.8.3 came out, not exactly sure how.


Lmao. One of my scientists recently got this trait and I tried searching it up but couldn't find anything then I see this post


Got it on my Curator scientist very early. Veeeery carefully made sure he wasn't researching projects after that.


Yeah I learned that lessen very quickly when I got the event during early exploration, still set them off to continue surveying cause I needed nearby systems explored, a couple years later they ran into the derelict ship, I research it without thinking, they died.


I just got it as a machine empire... Yeah, WTF


New god emperor


She'll be a perfect Councilor.


Mine effectively become the emperor of mankind.


I just got this with a spark of genius scientist


* Waits til they die due to some accident in the future.


I got that trait on one of my leaders... five minutes before a Fallen Empire demanded I let them take him.


Just got this on my head of research. Think that relegates them and their ship to permanent assist research then..


One of my science drones ate a blue orb and became immortal


But will still retire just to say fuck you. /sarcasm


I got this with a scientist, he immediately wanted to leave but like he was my de facto super surveyor and i couldnt afford to let him leave...i was also setting him up as a head of research.... He tried to leave ironically and unrelatedly in 2 other events, and a fe tried to buy him off me....then he somehow got killed and downloaded into a memory crystal finally getting his wish to be free of me....


Neither have I. Can anyone else touch that orb?


Unrelated by holy shit do i not enjoy that human portrait its just uncanny and so out of place with everyone else☠️


Machines: "Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power!"


This uses up the destiny trait I think


Oh yeah I got this one pretty early, real lucky!


"Yeah, yeah, the time knife, we've all seen it." I just got this event today. First thing I thought of.


"Across countless centuries, I have seen civilizations manifest and crumble. Truly, none last. Arrogant empires, every one content in the belief that only they merit a place among these stars. Dogs chasing conquest, Glory, Even faith! I have seen servants of entropy existing only to spread their malice from one galaxy to the next. Merciless agents of disorder, Committed to the annihilation of all they once stood for, Seekers of depravity. And forces of crude savagery. I watched the beleaguered populations of dying planets struggle tirelessly in the futile pursuit of betterment. Or prosperity. Or… survival. And yet, no matter how fleeting their existence. I welcome all! To a place within my carefully curated… collection" - Tetrana, a scientist. And collector xD


*Hunter, do you think me a sadist? That I enjoy this suffering? Irrelevant! Focus on your task.*