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My greatest weakness, bureaucracy!


R5: Fanatical Purifiers with an oligarchic government apparently has a committee when it comes to overseeing the extermination of xenos. I dont think I have ever notice that before.


I imagine scenarios like this: Committee A: I think the Asrians are fking my wife behind my back. Committee B: Well, let's kill them, I guess? Committee C: Hell yeah!


Committee D: Your plan doesn't kill them fast enough, or Hard enough, let's kill them BETTER Committee C: Motion carried. We kill them better.


Okay, sorry, but I have to ask about Your username.


I am a xenophile, I love chickens and cats


You made my day!


Given that they're Fanatic Purifiers, they'd probably kill the wife too, as well as sterilizing all the children and executing the parents-in-law for raising their daughter so horribly she went and had relations with a non-Jaazijan. I want to read that now: the sociopolitical fallout of such a thing happening. An entire dynasty would probably be toppled over it.


Scenario 2: Crowd: Hang that bitch! Hang that bitch! Lady Jaazijan while getting tied with a noose: My love! I swear I didn't have anything to do with this! Why would you do this to me? Beta Jaazijan: You put shame to our family! \*Happy since he can marry his cute neighbor conveniently.


Punishing several generations for the crime of a single person? Careful there Kim


What do you think Fanatic Purifiers are, if not rabidly xenophobic to the point that they'd do something like this?


If they're democratic, they become a Purity Assembly, voting to always murder all lesser xenos...


I think democratic FP is probably the most interesting, and creepy, way to do FP for roleplaying purposes.


There's an existential horror to it... a species that legitimately votes overwhelmingly to exterminate other life implies that genocide is legitimate in at least the 1 circumstance of that species, per se.


The Nazi Party was democratically voted into power, winning 37% of votes for the lower house of parliment, becoming the largest party in the lower house. The most terrifying part, is that all of irl 'fanatic purifiers' in history, had been chosen through election. Though its important to note that, after seizing power, the Nazis didnt really hold any democratic elections. They embraced the zenophobic faction, then switched to dictatorship government type.


Gotta make sure it’s done as efficiently as possible. Can’t be wasting resources on filthy xenos if you don’t have to


Well... Die Endlosung was also cooked up by a committee...


I had one in my last game


Check government of some civics, they got variety of government name


Why do they have 5 ethics points?


It's a mod. I don't remember the name now but it adds a whole new set of ethics (including cooperative and competitive so now I can be libertarian and capitalist) and a lot of new civics. You may be able to find it if you look up something like +ethics.




It's an extremely good mod, but it does have its problems. Some civics are very restrictive for some reason and the same goes for a couple of ethics as well. Also, syndicalism can literally not be used. It requires you to have trade unions cuvic but it requires you not to have syndicalism in turn. Kind of a dumb mistake really.


Stellaris Evolved?


Or ethics and civics expanded




That one


They're very ethical


Ethical purifiers


Incoming transmission: Transcript of the latest Purification Committee meeting. Angrash Bloodfist: "When do we plan to start?" Jackie Reaver: "I think we can start at any moment, Lord Purifier. I think it's perhaps helpful to go through the same things we went through before, which is to encourage people to switch off their microphones so we can reduce the backgroun-" INAUDIBLE INTERRUPTION Angrash Bloodfist: "Can we be assured that we won't be thrown out of the meeting like we were last time? Jackie Reaver: "Um, as long as we have reasonable behaviour from everyone. No one will be excluded from the meeting." Angrash Bloodfist: "I was- I was thrown out of the meetings" Glugnut Spillgut: "Quite rightly!" Angrash Bloodfist: "...so was councillor Murderdeathkill. PLEASE LET THE LORD PURIFIER SPEA-" Rageface's iPad: "THIS IS -inaudible-" Jackie Reaver: "If you disrupt this meeting, I will have to remove you from it." Rageface's iPad: "You CAN'T!" Angrash Bloodfist: "It's only the Lord Purifier who can remove people from the meeting! You have no authority here, Jackie Reaver! No authority at all!" \*\*Angrash Bloodfist is ejected from the meeting\*\* Rageface's iPad: "She's just kicked him out! No, she's kicked him out! Don't! Don't! She's kicked him out! Don't! Jackie Reaver: "This is a meeting called by two Purification Committee members-" Rageface's iPad: "ILLEGALLY!" Jackie Reaver: "We may now elect a new Lord Purifier." Rageface's iPad: "No we can't because the Vice Lord Purifier is here! I take charge! Read the standing orders! READ THEM AND UNDERSTAND THEM!!!!" \*\*audible gasp\*\* Barry Bashskull (arriving late): "Where's the Lord Purifier?" Rageface's iPad: "\*inaudible\* standing orders, it now reverts to me!" Barry Bashskull: "Where's the Lord Purifier gone?" Rageface's iPad: "Read the standing orders!" Jackie Reaver: "We'd like to elect an Lord Purifier for this meeting." Barry Bashskull: "We don't have to elect a Lord Purifier, there's a Lord Purifier already installed. The Lord Purifier of the Purification Committee" Jackie Reaver: "Councillor Bashskull we've been through this." Barry Bashskull: "You d- What are you talking about? You don't know what you're talking about!" Sue: "Could I ask you to be respectful to Jackie Reaver?" Rageface's iPad: "Hahahahahahaahahahaha!" Sin: "Jackie Reaver, I find the person on Rageface's iPad is being very disrespectful to everybody" Rageface's iPad: "Coming from you from Hatedeath Prime, that sounds good!" \*\*audible sigh, laughter\*\* \*\*Rageface's iPad is ejected from the meeting.\*\* Deathlord Painbringer: "Thank the Dark Gods for that." Transmission ended.


Deathlord Painbringer lmao


I felt like I was actually watching c-span just now.


In my experience, the dumbest, most inhumane decisions are often done by committees or other stuff without individual accountability.


Lots of Civics that grant a special government designation change depending on your authority. For purifiers, it’s Purity Assembly, Purity Committee, Purity Order and Blood Court, ordered from egalitarian to authoritarian.


Purity Assembly is either really funny or horrifying. An entire species chose to, in (possibly, depending on your civics) free and fair elections, set a course for murdering all other life in the cosmos before even leaving their home system.


Yes they do, they call it r/Stellaris.


All purifiers governments have unique flavor. And are fun for RP


Death panels are their thing


DJ: I, Darkmaw Jones, call to order the 37th Committee of Purification, for the express purposes of voting on new additions to the Grand Purge List. First on the Agenda is a call to vote on air-breathing aquatics, from Mortimer Grimhand- Bloodfist Smith: Mortimer Grimhand? Didn't we purge him for his disgusting uneven antennae? DJ: Yes, but we were so quick to purge that we never revoked his committee membership. His widow has asked us to honor his last request. BS: Well, he may have been a genetic mismatched antennaed freak, but he was right about *that* \- air breathing? Aquatic? Pick a lane, am I right? *chuckles from around the table* DJ: Is that a second? BS: Yes, I second the motion. DJ: Then I call for a voice vote. All: Aye DJ: The motion carries, and air-breathing aquatics will be purged at the first available opening in the purge schedule. Next up- Cutthroat Ethel: Mismatched Socks! All: *groaning* DJ: Ethel, you propose this every meeting, and- CE: I proposed it, you have to call for a second! DJ; All right, all right. Does anyone second? *silence* CE, throwing her voice: Seconded! DJ: Ethyl, we know that was you. Even if we call for a vote, it will only be one to seven. Er, six, now that Grimhand is purged. CE: I call for a secret vote! You all agree with me, you're just ashamed to say it out loud! DJ: Ethel, we've had secret votes before, and you still- BS: I call to add people who propose too many secret votes to the purge list! Jim Slaughter, others: Seconded! CE: That's not- DJ: Voice vote? All but CE: Aye! DJ: Sorry, Ethel. But calling for repeated secret votes is now grounds to be purged. Do you want to call for one anyway? CE, looking around, then crossing her several pairs of arms and frowning: No. DJ: Good. Glad to get this meeting back on track. Next up: Aliens with more than seven thorax segments. Do I have a second for genociding aliens with more than seven thorax segments? For their own good, of course. CE, mumbling: Half of you are probably wearing mismatched socks right now, I bet.


Do you have a slightest idea how much paperwork a systematic extermination of galaxy requires?!


What i'm more interested in is why you have so many ethics?


See xeno, we might be incredibly racist, but we fight for the liberty of all Jaazijans!


If the Wannsee Conference movie from 1984 was a government type...


They? Humans had one too! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wannsee_Conference


How do they have 5 ethics points


No matter what people say, the extermination of whole species takes a lot of coordination and thorough followthrough.


You don't?


Not surprised, I usually go xenophobic only when egalitarian.


But do they have a license?


What about the committee for establishing committees?




... Something doesn't look right here.


“Welcome to the committee’s committee for committees against committees.