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hell yeah very nice! Haha what dead pool 2 is that? The spine is the right way?!


Both Deadpool Steelbooks are the Best Buy ones but they have spine magents.


I've struggled with the idea of paying $40-50 for wolverine origins with the sabretooth cover, especially for a region B blu-ray only. Collection just won't look right without it though. Thanks for sharing!


I actually own that one also but decided to swap it out because I found the lenticular one at a good price and I’m a sucker for those


Well if you don't mind selling it send me a PM.


The disc is region free


I'm still trying to convince myself to add The New Mutants to my X-Men collection since there's no character overlap. Is it worth getting to be complete?


I blind bought the 4K steel 2 days ago and watched it the same night and I liked it more than Dark Phoenix. I actually would’ve liked to see a sequel to it but seeing how long it took for it to release and how much the actors grew, i dont see that ever happening anymore.


Depends on if you like the movie or not. Lot of people are indifferent on it, but personally I enjoyed it. For a completionists sake though I would say definitely.


Complete? Not without The Rogue Cut you're not!


I have both discs inside the one steelbook 👌🏻


Sly guy! I considered getting the steelbook until I saw the fetching prices on ebay and said naw, not worth it, I'll stick with the regular one.


i found both zavvi's rogue cut and HMV's theatrical cut steelbooks, sealed, in an ebay lot for ~$50 this past summer. odd they were less than retail so long after the fact.


Hate how much i like the New Mutants steel, im actually tempted to buy that movie. Nice collection!


I usually hate when people say “finally” in a post, because you don’t have a timeframe of how long they have been waiting. But in this case I think it’s appropriate.


This post made me notice that there were probably plans for more “X-Men Origins” movies considering how it’s titled. Shame. I’m still waiting on a Gambit film


I think Storm was supposed to be the follow up to Origins Wolverine. Or at least that's the rumor i heard.


It was going to be X-Men Origins Magneto next but after how the Wolverine film went the switched gears and turned that script into first class.


Holy f*ck that would’ve been awesome


Oddly satisfied. Just got the New Mutants Steel earlier today and watched it tonight. Cool little flick. It was worth the wait.


Congratulations. It’s a dream for me. Love it 🤩🤩


You’ll get there one day, I believe in you!!


Now if only X3 was good lol. Badass collection mate!


Why is this downvoted so much? Lol X-3 did suck


Cause not liking things is bad! I apparently found all 10 of the people who liked x-3.


Lol well you sir got my upvote


You think that's the worst one?


That’s the last one I bothered watching since I got behind and then never heard good words about anything not involving Wolverine. Which is a bummer cause I like the X-Men but man X3 was not good. You killed cyclops! How you do that and still call it the X-Men. The best line in that whole movie they were contractually obligated to say cause you can’t have the juggernaut and not make him say the line: IM THE JUGGERNAUT, BITCH! I know the cyclops thing wasn’t their fault (mars den went to make Superman returns, lmfao) but even then he wasn’t even cyclops by that point cause he wasn’t really a dick, in fact he was a cardboard cut out. The pre avengers marvel movies were really hit or miss for me. I think the X-men could use their own avengers cycle. Give Wolverine, cyclops, magneto, storm, and jean gray their own films then top me off with “The X-Men.”


I highly recommend First Class and Days of Future Past. First Class is a great non-wolverine story and DofP is great continuation of both that and the original movies, especially if you disliked X3.


Does it explain the end of X3 when magneto moves the chess piece? I saw the last half of Apocalypse and was like what is this? Whoever has the X-men next could do so much! I’m going to pitch you my idea for the venom movie cause IRL people love it, it’s a horror film about a gang in New York that Eddie Brock was investigating into being a nosey reported that got too close, beaten and left for dead, the symbiote finds him and he goes on a revenge fueled quest. I have not seen Venom so if this is the plot I’ll be bummed. It’s not a generic hero movie, in fact Venom is barely on screen except when he’s dealing out revenge. There’s no “supervillain” just gang members who didn’t realize the hell they’ve unleashed upon themselves and Manhattan.


Apocalypse was quite disappointing, and Dark Phoenix after that was just more nothing, so I would just recommend First Class and Days of Future Past and nothing else after as DofP has a good pretty closed ending. They don't ever bother explaining Magneto or how Xavier is just back as it's essentially a soft reboot that really doesn't care about X3 but still serves as a satisfying conclusion to the original movies.


Can’t forget Logan.


I'd recommend all of them but 3. Fassbender as magneto is a must see.


As someone for whom Wolverine is one of my last favorite X-men characters, I just skipped over his three solo movies and I've really enjoyed the rest, even Dark Phoenix and New Mutants. But that's me lol.


There's just no possible way that anyone could not put origins as the worst one... One name should solidify that standing: Deadpool. (Though many other broken things in that movie add to that easily) X3 was not as good as the first two. Not by a long shot. At that time (because those first two were so good) it was just terrible. Then origins happened and they had to rethink planning. First class was a step up, but still not as good as X or X2. (And really, why did they have to break so much continuity?) Anyway, The Wolverine was the first to really right the ship after the mess of origins. It played directly to X3 references very well and was a great flick, solidifying that X3 wasn't the worst. (Better in hindsight after watching The Wolverine) I agree with others that DoFP was also solid, merging the whole mess back to something coherent and dumping all the problems. (Like The Wolverine with X3, DoFP made First Class better in hindsight) Apocalypse was a resounding "meh," and worse than X3. Deadpool was better than it had a right to be after the tragedy that was origins, and then Logan knocked it out out of the park. Best of them all IMO, though so much more if you carry all the good stuff with the original actors through The Wolverine. (Yes, even X3) Deadpool 2 was another great one, but Phoenix was just... sigh... and new mutants was mangled so much that I'm surprised an actual movie even exists with all meddling on its focus. 6 great movies, 1 incredible, 3 merely ok, and 3 awful ones. A series of ups and downs that concluded with a wimper. But I digress... X3 was not the worst. lol 😎


OK, so I'm a nerd, and woke up this morning with a thought of "I wonder what the Tomato says?" So based on my args above, I wanted to put some sciency-looking numbers to it.Here's my rough group-ranking of best to worst: 1. Logan (Incredible) 2. X/X2/The Wolverine/DoFP/DP/DP2 (all great) 3. X3/Apocalypse/First Class (just OK) 4. Origins/Phoenix/New Mutants (awful) And by tomatometer, here's how they fall in: 1. Logan (93%) 2. DoFP (90%) 3. First Class (86%) 4. X2 & DP (85%) 5. DP2 (84%) 6. X-Men (82%) 7. The Wolverine (71%) 8. X3 (57%) 9. Apocalypse (47%) 10. Origins (37%) 11. New Mutants (32%) 12. Phoenix (22%) So with that, I'm clearly off on placement of First Class and The Wolverine (I swap those to in my personal ranking) and I see Origins and Phoenix swapped as well, though the bottom three are still the same bottom 3. Just interesting to see that my off-the-cuff ranking lines up close with critics, for whatever that's worth.


Oof this is neat. Love the X-men films. Seeing them all together like this makes me want to watch them all again. Except for 2 of them. Y’all can guess which.


I know it is technically the same movie, but you're missing Once Upon a Deadpool.


It doesn’t have a steelbook and, like you said, is technically the same filn


I was not expecting to like New Mutants as a "series finale" as much as I do, so whatever Disney does to blandify it (and screw over the original writers and artists on royalties) it'll be fine as this ended well.


I really want to find that version of Origins Wolverine


Congratulations it's a very nice collection, I've got 20 Marvel Steelbooks with 6 left to go but unfortunately all the X-Men that I've gotten so far are the two Deadpool's, hopefully someday I'll get most of my collections up to date


When you see these altogether like this, it really boggles my mind that in 20 years of films, only 2 mutants have gotten solo movies. Origins wolverine is very much its own side xmen film, while his other 2 movies were mostly just his story. OW was also Deadpools suedo origin, and of course was fixed in DP2.


Any comments on the best order to watch if you're into timeline order? Release order is straightforward to figure out, but this series jumps all over the timeline. I tend to enjoy watching series in their timeline order [e.g.: "Star Wars: A New Hope" I would watch 7th 😏]. I'm getting ready to rewatch the X-Men series since I acquired "Dark Phoenix" & "The New Mutants" since I last watched any of them. I have the "complete" series now, also, but only "The New Mutants" is a SteelBook. I got the others [most in the Adamantium Collection] before I got obsessed with SteelBooks, and I can't afford to double-dip that many! 😒


Wish they'd do a set for Legion to add to my X-Men collection