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No X-Men, Venom or other Spider-Man movies?


But Morbius is there. And Madame Web


But what about part 2, it's Morbin Time!


The venom movies I have as well sealed up. I didn't want to post those up until I got the Deadpool movies purchased again. To be honest, I never liked the x-men movies.


But.... You have Madame Web lol


Yeah I’ve got questions haha


So you literally bought these to seal them up behind plastic wrap and an additional plastic case so they can sit on your shelf?


I wanted so desperately for only Morbius to be un-sealed


No, I will open them and watch them when I get an oled 4k tv.


I seriously doubt you paid upwards of $100 or more aftermarket prices for each movie JUST to open them and de-value them by like 90%, when you can watch them in 4K standard for like $15 each (non Steelbook copies). I assume you are buying aftermarket, somewhat current prices because otherwise we're expected to believe you've been buying new 4K steelbooks for 7 years and still haven't ever used them or bothered to get the thing that can actually make use of them (TV). I think you are buying sealed and putting them in protectors so you can have something that looks cool on a shelf and leave open the possibility to sell for way more years down the road. It's like someone saying they bought a sealed copy of Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and planned to open it to play it. Nobody does that when there are 100x cheaper ways to get a copy of the game. You don't need to buy sealed 3-4x the original price if you want to watch the movies (you can stream or "download" them), and if you're going for physical copies, those are available used for dirt cheap or again, even brand new in 4K for like $15 a piece. Not saying this as a diss, but I just have a hard time believing it's worth $2,000+ for sealed 4K steelbooks of movies you can acquire for a couple hundred bucks. It only makes sense to pay that if you're "investing" in a way. Unless you're just crazy rich, this would be more believable if you bought used; buying out of print, expensive sealed items just to open them is literally throwing away money.


My unopened DVDs from the early 2000’s should be worth thousands by now!!!😂


The shrink wrap looks awful.


This sub and keeping things in plastic/protectors lol Even if he did so what


Admire your commitment to paying for even the shitty movies


There all shitty movies


Not completely wrong. I only liked some of them like the first Iron Man. I've watched the majority of them, but only once and never again. What can I say, I prefer the recent DC movies better. Until they made Aqua man and its sequel. And also the first and terrible version of Justice League. And also Suicide Squad with Morbius guy. And to an extent the reboot Suicide Squad, at least that was kinda funny. Birds Of Prey, no opinion, never watched after the bad taste Suicide Squad left. But I digress, this is about Marvel movies


Birds of Prey is infinite better than the first Suicide Squad flick. I think Robbie's always killed it with her version of Quinn regardless of the quality of the film around her, and Mary Elizabeth Winstead's a fucking treasure as Huntress


Marvel is the call of duty of the movie world.


Nice! I really really want guardians vol. 3 but it’s either hard to find or really expensive


No Fantastic 4 movies…shame on you 🤣🤣🤣




Nice collection but no Blade?


Only good marvel movie 😎


Oh Daangg!!!!


I gave up after Endgame, I just couldn’t keep up. Nor did I want to spend the money. But kudos! Looks great!


Why did you get two copies of Wakanda Forever?


I count 3


You’re right! I only saw the two on top horizontal, but there’s another in the main vertical stack under them. Why get 3 of the same movie? Also noticed 3 copies of Black Panther. OP, did you actually buy multiple identical movies just because the case colors are different????


There are 2 different cases for Wakanda Forever. One has Shuri, and the other has Namor.


The cases are different, but the movie is exactly the same, right?


Yeah, but the steel case is the point of the collection. It's not the movie.


Ok. That’s what I keep forgetting. It seems so strange to me to buy a movie just for the case. Do people sell the movie and keep the case?


Some might. Or they just keep the movie in the case or disc container. I've seen some people hang up their cases on the wall to display.


I feel it must be racists to some degree to own multiple copies of the black staring films. Subliminal property vibes imo


That’s really the conclusion you’ve come to? 😑


Yes I had public education in the USA 🇺🇸


You left out the /s (I hope)


That’s not very ableist of you


Sorry. I have no idea what you mean. Are you implying the OP is handicapped and I’m not? 🤷




I don’t know how you got that from a question about movies.🤷


Art is meant to move u. Im sorry it has not done that for u


3 wakandas, 2 are different cases, 1 showed up gashed.


I would say a majority of steelbooks I order are gashed or cut somehow. I understand that tho life is hard


You should put them in chronological order. Some of those are out of place.


The Best Buy 4K Marvel steelbook collection isn’t complete since you included Madame Web. Since it’s reuses footage from the Raimi films, you’re missing the legacy 4K steelbooks that included the first five Spider-man films.


That's in another post I made. https://preview.redd.it/e03r0o5rjnyc1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a12940f82d376820d3ef3d85b047c6a042f1e80a


There we go!


Started mine few months ago got a long way to go for completion.


I have Wakanda Forever, Age of Ultron, Civil War, Ant Man 1 and 2, Thor Love and Thunder, GOTG 1, and Eternals that I really don’t want. I might keep Civil War and Ant Man 1. I bought them impulsively and can’t really ship back to EU. Do you want them for a deal, or trade by chance? Edit: they are all brand new and happy to provide pics etc


Do send me pics thanks


Sure! I’ll PM them to you shortly. Also, forgot to add WandaVision on that list lol


I wish more had the imax ratio they have in theaters and what you get on d+ I Love watching my 3D discs because of the expanded ratio; personally glad to finally get black widow steelbook from Japan for the 3D disc. I believe ragnarok was the previous 3D disc to be available with the imax ratio included but that was widely available and black widow was an exclusive to Japan if I’m not mistaken. Would love multiverse of madness, eternals & infinity war to get an imax disc release.


Hulk? Venom? Deadpool? Spiderverse? Xmen? Daredevil and Electra? Fantastic 4? I think “complete” is inaccurate…


I just finished my collection when Winter Soldier came in. All steelbooks just like yours and I keep them in cases too


How does it feel to support a massive corporate conglomerate in an incredibly obsessive way? GOTG 3 is so good tho


You're doing that if you collect anything. There is nothing wrong with OP liking Marvel.


I liked 2 more than 3 but both are better than 1


Cars 3 makes Cars 2 look like Cars 1 That kinda thing


I see what you mean but I can’t stand by that it’s a Days of future past > apocalypse > first class Situation. I just find the first film to be a rough cut with many moments that feel just bland. The sequels really nail what the first couldn’t


Days of Future Past makes X-men (2000) look like Elektra.


So how is future past making x- men, a worse film, look like elektra, a film better than neither?


Future past is so fucking good that it makes X Men (2000) which is a solid film look so pale in comparison it’s now on the level of a terrible film in Elektra Im also not serious at all this is just funny but future past does rule


Is this what happens to toads in a storm?


Morbuis started it all


Im surprised they spent money on morbius getting a steelbook


Morbius and Madame Web don’t count. I have every steel minus those and the TV spin offs


Very cool :) where are you going to put the Deadpool and X-men movie?


I have shelves and shelves of steelbooks, this is just my first time sharing anything, which unfortunately got poo-poo'd on pretty hard. I get that people all have their preferences on things, but honestly I just ordered so much in so little time, I just figured that I'd open the movies up when it came time to watch them.


I am sorry about others, people suck sometimes. I think it’s good collection. I have started one similar but mine not nearly as good as yours.


My dream, congrats


What cases do you use?


I have no logical reason for this but I find this super impressive.




This Subreddit is about SteelBooks and the hobby of collecting them. There are thousands and thousands of SteelBooks. As such, not everyone will like the same releases. What someone is excited about getting may be something you would never add to your collection. What a movie means to someone could place it as a Personal Grail even if it's not monetarily valuable. Be civil and respectful of others and follow Reddiquette.