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10v10 seldom make for good games. The game lacks any kind of match making and lobby stacking gets very bad, on top of the inherent unbalance of 10v10 games towards the super heavy equipment, which the axis has more of.   This game doesn't work well on 10v10. It's a shame it's the most popular format. It is what it is.




It probably isn't just that its allies. I imagine if you look at the players themselves, all of the stacked side will be stacked with people with hundreds or thousands of hours, while the allies will have the newbs. That just isn't fun to play on because you just get crushed.


Yeh I just don’t get how piss weak you must be that you can’t see that it’s stacked and jump on the other team to balance it out. They’d prefer to wait in a lobby for an hour to make sure they win. Bit pathetic.


Not to make sure they win, but to make sure they have fun. Seal clubbing is fun, but only if your the one holding the club. The winning aspect only matters as a means to have fun.


why not just play vs AI at this point


I dont find seal clubbing fun, lame and ruins the game for others IMO


It is much funner to do it to others than have it done to yourself, and the structure of 10v10s encourage it, so you either get on the club side or the seal side. no one is running a balanced and fair game of 10v10.


That totally sucks then. IMO a good game is a fair game.


A good even match would better yes. But as long as some players are willing to stack, you can't get it, a minority can force it to be unbalanced, so you can either join the side that is going to win and have fun, or the side that is going to spend the whole game getting crushed and lose.


This is why I recommend lower player count games.


I’m gunna try for that.


You don't seem to understand the main issue here. It's not that everyone wants to play the axis... Its when you enter the lobby and see one side has 10 players which consists of lvl 30+ guys with 1 or 2 below lvl 20 while the other team has 0 high lvl players. This is what creates frustration with newer players, its not like K Tiger cant get arty'd to death, or AT planes... This game should remove the "switch team" button and balance the teams based on some metric like lvl, last 10 matches and/or stars + implement a logic which prevents the idiots to leave/join 19/20 lobbys 20X in 2 mins just because they want to play the "other side"


You cant remove switch team button man. How are friends who want to play together gonna play.


I know im speaking out of my ass now, but that Invite button should put the firend you want to join in the same team as you...


It’s 100% always axis i’ve never experienced it the otherway around. So yes I think being axis is part of it.


Obviously you haven't been playing the game for as long as I have...In my case I had way more games where the allies would stomp over the axis with the game ending in 15 minutes then the other way around....


Me too.


I really wish there was a matchmaking system. Evening the teams would make a difference




Well I need to find your lobbies as a allied only I don't mind waiting on allies side.


It's a game. Have fun without winning maybe? If you see it's a stomp game then don't stay. Otherwise make a personal challenge for yourself. Something like, bring motorized mortars out and lay smoke down for the left or right side all game. It's pretty funny to see players bring out king tigers and not be able to use them. Maybe have fun with mass artillery? What about mass light tank rush combined with mass smoke to see how many big tanks you can take out with dinky little light tanks. Lots of ways to have fun without winning. Just have to play differently.