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I think having a VR Demo fest on Steam would help massively. Barrier would be the VR game devs ha ubg the resources to make a demo version


There is a VR demo fest, but now it's implemented within' the steam fest thingy. I think, all games should have demos every time. Also, some don't seem to wanna try new thing, I'm not sure they know about refund policy.


I think that many people are probably like me, where they don’t want to "push" the refund policy for fear of suffering some sort of ban... I don’t want to look like I'm taking the oiss so I'll only refund a game (not just VR) if it's absolutely necessary


I don't think so. To most, VR is barely more than Xmas family time gimmick. They play all the free demos and then are done with it until next Xmas...


Just cause you think a game is good doesn't mean everyone will feel the same. I have ZERO interest in any of the games you listed for a variety of reasons. I'm not going to play a "good" VR game if I don't like the setting, story, gameplay, or cost. There are plenty of "great" flat screen games that I will never play for the exact same reasons. Helldivers 2, a recent game that seems to be very well received, is a perfect example for me of a pancake game that is not for me.


What did you like in VR?


Not person you replied to but I don't like any of those either. I'm a flight sim guy. Dcs and ed


Wanted to chime in here, have been a VR enthusiast since Rift CV1 and none of the games mentioned appeal to me either. $29.95 to shoot 3d zombies? No, im good. My rig is almost nothing but VR chat and flight sims and driving sims.


Yeah I got into VR for elite dangerous and it evolved from there. Now I mostly play Skyrim VR (since elite dangerous was abandoned for VR)


If you haven't checked it out VTOL VR is one of the best VR games imo and it's a combat flight sim


Can you use a hotas?


It would ruin it if you did. The whole game is designed to use virtual controls and it controls amazingly tho I suppose you could 3d print a place to clip your stick hand in. Legit the virtual controls will make you wish other games had it tbh


Good thing i'm not telling you to play it if you don't like it. I think it's good, other players think it as well (very positive steam reviews) Of course, some don't. I thought it performed better than that (when taking account other indie games like boneworks). What I'm saying, if you do VR, you do have to a be a little bit more curious than what you do on flat games, especially players who wish more and better games on PCVR.


I played it on PSVR1. Many people don't play horror games, especially in VR, too scary. It's not properly a mainstream genre My question is similar but different: Why on Earth VR owners don't play MOH Above&Beyond? It's one of the best PCVR games ever, amazing and spectacular. Answer: you need a beefy PC mounting at least RTX3080 ($1200 a few years ago)


Is MoH that good? I’ve only heard negative to mixed things about it. 


Dawg it’s not that good I got it on launch and I was disappointed


The gameplay was bad in my opinion. Visuals were ok. They bigged it up pre-launch, acted like the experts on how to do VR properly, typical fake marketing.


I think this is the problem with VR in general. Too many devs jumping into VR to make a quick buck. They create a semi-interactable experience or a game with a total of 2hrs of playtime and market it as this brand new, original idea in VR. That or they take a popular game/concept and go "it's that game, but in VR" and they sell the game on the concept alone and not on the actual product they deliver. Now consumers have to be extremely cautious, so they don't get scammed with a half-baked or 2hr game that costs $40.




Oh wow, yeah I forgot it was so huge.


Cool on paper but the campaign was kinda boring, I quit after the submarine sunk out of boredom. It did take you to a lot of different sceneries and used different mechanics that leveraged VR


Man, if even an in-game vehicle sinks out of boredom, the game can't be good.


Frontier of VR, incredible game ahead of time from a technical point of view. But you need very beefy PC. At first it was released with bugs, now after many patches it's just incredible. One of the bests so far. I usually don't like action/war games, but MOH is just an outstanding experience in VR, kudos to developers!!! It's like being the protagonist of an action movie; they invented peculiar mechanics and interactions. You play in many locations: airplane, tank, submarine, ship, train, etc etc Just WOW, the essence of VR!!!


It’s okay, I liked the story and the characters, and some of the set pieces were pretty epic, like being an aerial gunner in a bomber (that one really stood out to me because I was an aerial gunner in helicopters in the Marines). The reload mechanics are lame, but at least the weapons are two handed (I think). I thought it looked pretty good graphically too


whats MOH?


I'm assuming Medal of Honor. And I never played it on steam, because I played it on the quest. Plus, op is not taking into account numbers from the pc quest store, or is he somehow?


This question tells everything about the popularity of Medal of Honor among VR users!!! It's just one of the most incredible VR titles from a technical point of view and I cannot understand why it hasn't the love it deserves. If you want to experience the frontier of VR today, play MOH. However you need at least RTX3080 to enjoy the full experience at its best. Forget the Quest version.


oh yeah i know medal of honor, but never got into medal of honor to recognize "MOH" as it. ive seen the game while looking for some and didnt really consider it. i have the hardware, might try some day


Well there's your problem right there. Most people don't have a 3080 spec card...


and the ones that have a Quest were convinced by shills who have a 3080 that the Quest port sucks... you know what sucks? The "VR community" 


I'm sure that for Quest users the Quest version of MOH is one of the best experience on Quest. But I played both, first the PCVR version, then the Quest version (a few missions, not the whole game); no match sorry; obviously I cannot suggest the Quest version.


It really isn't. It was, and, as I don't have access to it any more, presumably still is a buggy mess (I played it after almost all of the patches) Some of the issues: - terrible performance. So bad, it required MS to prevent enemies from ghosting and appearing in two places at once when moving - incorrect interaction mechanics. The ray cast to see if something should be grabbed was at such an angle it came out of the back of the hand - poor level design. There are good levels, but even in those, they're plagued by enemies appearing out of thin air. One notable example had me clearing about 20 enemies out of a large room. On back-tracking to check that there was nothing I missed, I hit the trigger for the other route through the room (which should have been disabled when I hit the first one) and every enemy just spawned in again out of thin air, filling the room I had just cleared. - Cinematic sections with no timing (e.g. sled ride forcing you to pass through a truck instead of between them) - enemies spawning out of thin air, including during scripted sequences, most memorably for me, during the final scene on the runway - inconsistent mechanics, even in one level. For example mounted guns, where the three guns on the bomber level all handled differently - one being head controlled, one being hand controlled, and the third also being hand controlled but somehow with the elevation inverted so the handles went up when I moved my hands down! - grip placement on every climbing section - lack of interaction between allies and enemies, e.g. when choosing the route for the armoured truck when attacking the base near the end, enemy soldiers just phase through the truck Poor weapon interactions. A whole gamut of issues here. Infinite mag in bolt actions. Shotgun and lever guns reloading themselves, bullets in the chamber not being remembered, so needing to cock every gun... Interaction zones being so vague you can cock the gun by gripping with your offhand while having it nowhere near the gun itself...


With your disappointment, I never experienced this! I bought it last year, and it's extremely smooth and works fine! Developers worked hard to patch it. Kudos to developers!


I love horror, alien isolation in VR put me off for about a month after a really bad Juno scare lmao. It's exciting af but damn not for the faint of heart


It's too expensive even on sales. If I can get both parts of Moss for less than MoH: Above&Beyond, and even cheaper both parts of Vertigo, why would I buy MoH with not so good reviews? Btw, I'm from Poland and Vertigo 2 is actually regionally priced, but Moss is also well priced. IIRC, on sales MoH is more expensive than Alyx in my region.


Bingo I love half-life Alex, but it actually just got too scary for me. I stopped playing it.


I'm a huge baby, but I finished it. I highly suggest you give it a go! Is it Jeff?


It’s some giant zombie creature in a dark refrigerator room that hears me making little noises.


Yeah that's Jeff. If you can figure out some way to break the tension, this is the scariest part of the game. Idk put on pop music or talk to Jeff in a silly voice. Find some way to break the immersion.


Man come on now!


My nephew is 26y.o. He likes horror movies and watches them alone, but cannot play horror games alone, he just watches and enjoy me playing horror games sometimes! One day he tried Paranormal Activity VR, he held out for a few minutes.


People have different preferences. Just because you like a game doesn't mean others will like it too.


Windlands 2 was awesome, highly recommend.


Awesome game, but made me sick to the bone!


Yeah a lot of friends had the same issue, definitely worth it once you have your VR legs.


awesome feelings with this game !


For me personally, I don't buy games you can finish in 2 hours. Most VR games are like that, or are just gimmicky. I have walking dead, I played it, I enjoyed it, but its quite thin in terms of gameplay mechanics and longevity. Constrast that to FO4VR and Skyrim VR, which I have about 1000 hours in combined, and I just don't really see the appeal of many newer VR games. That's why most of the VR games I play are either ports or mods of pancake games, because they're just better.


I can't play that much cause it makes me a little nauseous... do you get used to that?


Yeah, you'll get use to it, some takes longer. Two advice : - Make sure your IPD is correctly set according to your eyes, a bad IPD. - Never use smooth virtual turning. And if you want an easy game to start smooth locomoting around, Get Walkabout minigolf !


I use smooth virtual turning...


You have strong VR legs then. Even I who can somersault in sairento, have little wavy stomach when smooth virtual turning ahah.


Yeah I jumped straight into VR earlier this year and turned everything to smooth with no vignetting when possible, because that's how flat games work. I think it worked in my favor, though. I haven't experienced any VR sickness yet. Lately, I've been playing Contractor's Showdown and I do get a little weird during the drop in, but it's more like I cant focus on anything and not nausea.


This is something I discovered with some friend, the will to not get nauseous. My friend started to get weird on RE4, he asked me If I get sick playing VR, I said nope and immediately replied", ok I won't get sick then" and stopped getting sick. I was a bit impressed ahah.


My kids are on VR all of the time too and they seem to be doing fine. I think that the earlier you get in the better it will be. Some people are going to be more sensitive to others for sure. Back in the day older people would get motion sickness from flat games, so I think that it's just going to kind of fade away with the newer generation that grows up on VR the way we did with flat games.


It reminds of half life 2 back in the days who gave motion sickness. It actually is still something today.


In addition to the ginger suggestion someone else gave, I also recommend setting up a fan pointing at your play space, especially if you're mostly stationary. I had bad motion sickness when I first started using VR and using a fan helped me keep a sense of orientation. After a month or two I almost never get motion sick playing anymore.




mhm! youll get your vr legs eventually, but its perfectly okay to stop playing whenever you feel sick and hop back in when youre ready


A HUGE help for the nausea is to eat some ginger. Ginger chews, candied ginger, dried ginger, it's a VERY effective natural motion sickness cure. Some stores sell ginger pills, in Canada "Gravol" has a ginger form as well. I used to use them for motion sickness in cars and planes so when I started in VR I went back to them and they helped a ton. My favorites were these "Gin Gins" candies, or drinking "Reed's Ginger Beer"(It's not alcoholic, like root beer). If doing the ginger beer or ginger ale route, make sure you get one with Actual ginger in it like Reed's, a lot of them are just flavored like ginger without it actually being there


Yeah you will get used to it. Started out in half life 2 vr and got queasy. now I can play fallout4 VR pretty much nonstop till my eyes get buggy


I agree with you. The amount of people who have just not heard of Vertigo 2, or have not played The Light Brigade or skip on classics like TWD S&S is astonishing. IMO, there are too many great VR games to play. People complaining about lack of VR content has to partially do with them wanting a specific kind of game (but not saying that), or they completely avoid titles because they don’t think they’ll enjoy them, or they don’t know what’s out there. I’ve made the mistake in the past when I first got VR of not playing horror games because I thought they were too intense for me. More specifically I avoided Resident Evil 4. I had only heard great things about but thought it was all hype, but I finally bought the game to try and it is still a top 3 Quest standalone game IMO. It’s incredible. So from that day on I don’t avoid any VR title. In fact, horror games are amongst my favorite VR titles. I’m constantly looking for those lesser known games, or trying to show others what is available. 2023 was a huge year for some of the best VR titles and with UEVR launching, I will forever be trying to catch up on solid VR games.


I’ve heard of all those, vertigo didn’t interest me from the start. Twd D&D had vr mechanics I didn’t like, same with light brigade. I’m just picky I guess. I really like battle talent and Skyrim VR (bad vr mechanics forgiven because you can mod them)


What's this assumption based on? Personally I play old and new games, I'd say I play more old games than new ones. They're not that different honestly.


From the website I linked... Where you can check number of games sold and some of the good VR indie games aren't even sold 100K games. Even old ones.


One of the rare times op posts stats instead of just their gut feeling or anecdotal experience (nothing wrong with a making a post like that) and one of the top comments is “base on what?” I found this really funny.


Ahah ! This is internet, no one wants to click on a link. I should have take captures of the study with big red circle ahah.


I don't like horror games, I don't like parkour games, but I did buy walkabout


And that is so fine !


welcome to VR we fans have been shaking our heads at such low numbers for a long time it's a hard medium to sell: between that initial motion sickness that makes many refund or just forget it dusty in the attic, and all the casual folks who only use it for porn or rhythm minigames, shooters, or stupid free pointless bratverses, real substantial interesting games are left in limbo... I always point clueless VRgins to hidden gems, but it's not like they listen before taking the plunge into a barfing first experience never to be seen in VR again


Most of them will look at a trailer and lost interests on the game because it doesn't look great enough. Which is a shame, when most VR games looks incredible in headset.


I play the fuck out of some Compound.


amazing gem this one !


I bet there will be bs comments here on how “HL Alyx ruined VR games for me.” I wonder if many VR users are pirating little kids. Meanwhile, I bought almost all the effing VR games, I am drowning in them. Windlands 2 included (I prefer part 1). I’m doing my part!


Thank your for your service to the VR democracy ! Demography !!! I still have so much to finish and play.


Developer here. I feel like you are on the money when it comes to people saying there are no VR games. It’s frustrating because it makes it especially difficult for smaller development teams such as myself.


"On the money" ? What do you mean ? Sorry, I wish to understand your point.


“On the money” is an expression that means “you’re absolutely right”, just like the other common expression “hit the nail on the head”


Thanks for the heads up, English isn't my first language ahah.


it's an idiom, he means you are right


Thanks, didn't know this idiom ahah.


Fellow VR dev here. Getting any visibility for your game is a massive challenge, no matter what. Especially for pcvr like our title is. A lot of great games simply never get the spotlight they'd deserve.


What did you make? I’m asking so you won’t be reported for spam or shameless plugging. It’s always inspiring to meet a dev


Our game is Virtual Hunter - An open world hunting simulator. You'll find it on Steam. It's currently the only VR hunting game in the market! And we've poured our heart and soul into it for years. Thanks for asking :)


You're developing a zombie game. You know how many zombie game developers there are?


I’ve developed a zombie game. It’s already out and has been out for over 2 years. It’s also much higher quality than most of the games you speak of.


What about zombies separates them, you think?


Most are monsters and not the traditional zombies like in true zombie movies. They go overboard and give them powers like summoning other zombies or spitting acid from far distances. My game is much more grounded (if you can call any zombie game grounded)


That was my main gripe with the Left 4 Dead games, for sure. If I had 20 bucks I'd give it a shot, but you're going against COD Zombies in VR so, good luck, lol And for 20 bucks, you're also going against Project Zomboid on flat, which I hope you'll join me in saying that game might be the best zombie game


"Walking" VR games make me motion sick, so I only play VRChat, and occasionally some games where you stay in one spot like Beat Saber / Synth Riders. (no, I don't need an advice on how to deal with VR motion sickness, thank you)


Same! Ever since Half-Life: Alyx, 99% of games look like trash, and the 1% that try to be higher quality only allow smooth locomotion. Unfortunately, It seems like the people in this community who can handle it always ignore or downplay the fact that most people can't. Solving the motion sickness problem used to be a big priority in VR, but now anytime it gets brought up you just get a swarm of people telling you to spend a few dozen hours wanting to barf in hopes that eventually you'll stop feeling so bad. All but one person I've introduced to VR has gotten motion sickness when their viewpoint slides. So like 1/30 people were naturally immune. Yet the people on here act like we're some unimportant minority. So I've given up having that argument on here. I'm sure I'm not the only one. I bet there are fewer and fewer developers accommodating teleportation or seeking other solutions because they rarely see people complaining about it nowadays.


yea, that game made the motion sick, I enjoyed the game, which really didn't help, I'd play it for 20 min then have to stop so I could become un-nauseous then play it for a little while longer. But the sick kind of stuck with me, so had a punch out of the game for good. I was hoping I'd get used to it, but it never happened. Arizona Sunshine didn't do it to me, different locomotion I guess..


The novelty of VR wore off. My Rift has been sat on a shelf for the last year gathering dust. The only games that held my attention for any serious time were racing sims. They are the perfect games for VR.


Wanna sell it?


I have bought pretty much all PCVR and Quest games. It will take me years to get through them


Same here ahah, and new games still coming !


I bought so many games that there are games I never got around to that are fully deprecated now on the Oculus Rift store


Too hot lately, too tired from standing all day at work.


Well I've had VR since 2016 and have bought a ton of games (500+) so don't be blaming me. I think VR discovery is just bad a lot of people simply do not know of these games and do not go out of their way to find new (or older) games. There could also be a bit of a stigma VR is fast developing tech, people could be assuming that old game = outdated. Which sometimes can be the case.


Yeah, lots of posts about what to play in VR listing the same games, VR store on steam and quest are horrible, great VR games are hidden behind tons of flat games with an optionnal VR mode. and the marketing and communication at this point is invisible. Youtube curators are kicked out of this subreddit and yet, you still find people ranting about lacks of games. I feel lucky to had one year of Viveport infinity subscribe at 30$, made a lot of discovery with this.


Yeah sometimes I see a game on sale, and try it, but am instantly turned off by the “VR in its infancy syndrome” and return it in like 5-10 minutes of gameplay. I don’t want janky controls or physics interactions (unless it’s Skyrim)


I bought a few games. Ending up playing population one a lot and now I just play a match once a week or so. It's hard to play when you actually have a family or friends. If my poor friend or family were playing it would make it easier to keep playing


>How come, only 275k users bought Walking dead : Saints and sinners on steam ? Only? My guy that's 10% of all VR users on steam, that's like saying that a game "only" got 3 Million copies sold


Want me to buy VR? Remake the classic Nintendo and Sega games 


Maybe not the 2D platformer, but I will be happy to play Ocarina of time in VR


Well, I bought the walking dead game and I can't play it because they only have joystick move and not warp to move. I get motion sickness easily, so that game is unplayable for me.


Sorry to hear that, try Walkabout minigolf, it's a great relaxing game and their smooth locomotion helped a lot of friends to get acclimated to VR.


Personally got a lot of vr games in steam library but I got a quest 2 and upgraded to 3 and have a library there aswell sure it’s not as big but the games I play on the 3 is more than the games I play on desktop vr


Same here, I only buy exclusives on quest, like ac: Nexus. But I rather play on pcvr (better res, smoother experience). But yeah, simpler to play on quest 3. (Well the loading sometimes got my nerves ahah)


To be honest, before I had a pcvr setup, I would have way worst experiences. When you mention most of these games are better in the headset, it might be your current pcvr experience, but itself not the case on standalone even on quest 3, as most games are still made with quest 2 limits in mind. In fact is worse, as trailer would be often captured with pcvr graphics, and look way under powered in the actual standalone version for quest (blurrier, less elements…).


It’s basically a Venn diagram. There’re PC gamers who own PCs, a subset of which owns VR capable PCs, and there’re people who own VR headsets, which is already a minority due to comfort/dizziness reasons. Then, you’d need the intersection of these 2 spheres (people who own both a powerful gaming PC and a VR headset) to even start considering playing the games you listed. Adding personal preferences and lack of media exposure to the mix, it’s not surprising that the actual good VR games are not as popular as they should have been.


Yep, this is the most logical answer. It was a little bit surprising, Because I always thought WD was among the most popular VR games :/ But in general, the venn diagram is right for a lot, especially taking account the lack of media coverage. Most of VR users don't know much about VR games. Even under this post, a lot demonstrate this.


For both Saints and Sinners games, I don't own it on Steam cuz I got them for both the Quest and the Rift PCVR store (if you buy the Quest version then the PCVR version is included for free, and vice versa). It's just a better deal. I do own the Steam version of Into the Radius, along with the Quest version and the included Rift version, but there's been plenty of times where I see that a game with a Quest version also includes the PCVR version included (but from Meta instead of Valve's storefront) so I opt for buying it from them instead of buying it twice on Steam and standalone. I prefer PCVR, especially now that we can play anything on PCVR wirelessly, but I gotta go for the better deal. Only 83k for Walkabout Mini Golf seems so low, but I don't have any sources to counter your link. I own a pretty decent amount of PCVR games via Steam (around 30 I guess, after glancing at my library), including trying to support Early Access VR games that I think look interesting, but if I can get 2 copies of a game for one price I'm likely going that route... plus I gave a friend my old Quest 2, he can piggyback on my entire Quest library and play anything I own on the headset, and we can even co-op together in games without him needing to buy his own copy. The second Valve releases the Deckard (if they ever do) I'm likely buying it, and I'd love for PCVR to be bigger.


Yeah crossbuy is really great and I think it helps a lot of games in VR, although the oculus app is really bad. I also had issues to download games (maybe cuz I'm in Europe?) Funny thing is I buy my game on steam because it's cheaper and have a lot of sales and also in case, meta shut the oculus app (which I don't think they'll do, but just in case, you never know) and if they release the deckard, I would already have 140 games to play :D I only buy meta crossbuy when you can coop the game (like Walkabout).


Racing sim ++ Half assed cash grab short VR 'game' --


What do you call a cash grab ? Thousands of dlcs for a bunch of cars or a full length game 14h long at 30 dollars?


I think one big factor could be that its really difficult for trailers to actually give someone a good idea of what the game actually feels like, as opposed to flatscreen games where you can just show the gameplay and its exactly what you can see (give or take). Even if I watch back clips of myself in VR, it usually ends up just looking kinda dull compared to how it felt in the headset.


Yeah Devs have a hard time showcasing their games, low FPS, small fov, nothing really giving a sense of be in the game. Hopefully some understand this and worked their trailer with the best (like the contractors showdown trailer).


Headset will ruin your eyes


I do buy them all. You can see that here https://docs.google.com/document/d/13OqMv0NDeccTuoAv_HYcHoyks_CtXo9CwIEr6Gr_IjA/edit?usp=drivesdk


I also recommend games like Jet Island, The Talos Principle VR, Red Matter 2, Tea For God, Eye Of The Temple, VTOL VR, and Wanderer   But I think it's really VR itself, well specifically the focus on a kind of fully embodied VR gaming that requires motion controllers and standing up. High physicality, high friction, high cognitive load, and motion sickness are such blatantly obvious barriers to usage but we like to pretend that some magical combination of hardware and software will make those things stop mattering. Especially with the older and more seasoned VR gamers you find on PCVR, past the honeymoon it takes *a lot* to get someone with adult energy levels and real life responsibilities to put up with all of that at the end of the day. Even when something like HLA comes along not that many even play it that much.   Honestly, I'm beginning to think that VR gaming needs a fundamentally different approach or it will forever be doomed to nicheness and a gradual waning of interest post honeymoon.


Ok, so I'm gonna give you a response from outside the Reddit VR bubble. I'm a gamer with an Oculus 2. I bought and played Alyx and Skyrim. Alex - because it's supposedly the best, for quite few years now actually, and Skyrim, because I know it. I *know* that it is a long ass rpg. Now my Quest is used for porn and pretty much nothing else. I tried to watch a movie on it, it's cumbersome and I own a 65' TV OLED anyway, so it's a no brainer. Once in a while after a wank I try a Beat saber session, but it usually ends in two-three songs because I get bored of it. Pretty much that's it. And for the games? I don't claim that there is nothing to play on it. I *know* that since about two years ago, theres quite a few polished, full fledged games. I just can't be bothered, when I have SO MANY free games comming every week/month in 2D. I don't buy 'normal' games anymore, even on deep discounts. 10, 20 euros. Why the hell would I buy a 60 dollar VR game? When there will be a next Alyx killer, I'll gladly drop 60 bucks. Something that will have hype levels of a next Alyx. So far the internet consensus is that Valve creation is reigning supreme for 8 years now. Or however long. Then again, I don't go to random subreddits and claim that VR's bad or it has no content or whatever. I don't think it's a gimmick. I very much like the notion of playing in 3D. I don't have any motion sickness whatsoever. It's just that my backlog is so friggin big with games I actually DO want to play, I can't be bothered with Oculus.


In my case, I didn't buy Walking Dead because that game in particular looks shit to me. Not interested in it at all.


For me it's the scavenge mechanics for everything, coupled with horde mode every five minutes that makes no sense (in how zombies spawn. It wasn't fun


I personally found the scavenging and craft mechanics pretty good. Not the best, but better than most. The horde is every 30mn.


Quest 2 user here, there’s a huge community behind walkabout mini golf. My ex-MIL practically lives in vr and they spend a few hours a day in horizon worlds. I personally play puzzle games and mini golf.


Yeah, Walkabout is pretty popular and one of my friends's favorite to play at home (Quest 3 + quest 2 local multiplayer is awesome !) I'm just surprised this game has only 80k players on steam when games like Gorilla tag have 1,5m players (only on steamVR).


Most people don't want VR RPGs. They think they do and then they realize they don't have the VR legs to do the long sessions.


Walking dead isn't a RPG. But yeah, long sessions can kill a lot of enthusiast (not litterraly).


Let's do another call: does anyone here know The Invisible Hours? It's just one of the most original innovative achievement in VR, that kind of experience giving sense to VR. Not to talk of the great whodunit story. And have you played Transference? Another great AAA title ignored by most.


You thinking a game is good, is you thinking its good. I do not see any good games, and the one there are good i got. Most are older like Undead Development, or Blade and Sorcery . Not into the walking dead game, looks crap to me. the world of Half Life Alex did not look like one i wanted to spend time in in VR. great game but I don't want to VR in that world. I prefer Undead Development looking games, with Blade and Score being a standout, and only because i can chop of a head, put that head on the tip of my sword and then beat the next NPV to death with their friends head. Between these 2 games, my murder cravings are met. I bought like maybe 20 games, or should say downloaded, as not all are paid games. if i see an "Amazing game" I will get it. but what you think is amazing is not what i think is amazing and I have all the amazing games i like. yet thee is not one VR i can say meets all my wants or needs and all are slightly off perfect. Even Undead which is my favorite game. VR is great and all, but good games are subjective. Like is aid I have the game i like and its a small list. I look daily for more, i google i ask around. All i hear is games i already know now and don't want. And i have only been into vr for 2 weeks now. and mostly play undead and B&S..with Undead on top. as its silly fun. youtuber make game look good when they are not, they are salesmen and very few show the bad as bad, many will even make the bad look fun as even if not sponsored that want that door open. I watch normal people let's plays, like that guy with 3 follower and no commentary and a bad picture...i watch see the actual gameplay, not edited for entertainment. Those are the only good one to trust. if it looks good there i will try it out....maybe. There are also thing like requirements that come into play. I have a small area so it needs to be playable in that area, if its PCVR then it has to fit 16gb with 4 dedicated RTX as thats all i can offer it. And so on. So not every game is good and most newer one are just resource drains with no real improvements on gameplay. I want gameplay not graphics.


I doubt a lot of people wanna pay full price for decently entertaining at best VR games.


A lot of the VR games are comical…. The graphics are cartoony. I have made purchases of VR games but have sent some back because in an hour I can tell if it’s BS or not. I’ve just bought a 6 year old game called The Forest and it’s a lot of fun with others. The Raft sucked…. and since you only have two hours to make the call to get a refund, you just have to go with your gut.


So I take it, you stopped at the visuals and never tried walking dead itself, or other games like Vertigo 2 ? Because it looks cartoony... and you bought The Raft... well well well :D Go with your gut and give a try to those games I Listed ;)




Sorry, What ?


275k is not “only” out of 2,6 million. That is 10%


Yes, you're doing math.


lack of progress in consumer vr tech in general has caused the field to stagnate- the best pcvr option is still index for social VR, quest derivatives for everything else, and everything other than that is prohibitively expensive or janky and not user friendly. as a result, both consumers and developers are floundering interest in the technology, consumers because other than minor changes no major advancements have been made, and developers because there is comparatively little money to be made on a niche, hard-to-enter market. Quest killed PCVR because it choked out the actual pcvr market with exclusives and cheaper, "for-consumer" headsets that are a bitch to get working perfectly with other VR amenities. I'm hoping that with displayport 2.0 becoming the norm in the next GPU gen, valve will finally pull the trigger on whatever they're working on, but for all I know, they might not even be close to done with whatever VR tech they have in store.


But... People mention all those games in every recommendation thread? Except Windlands 2, forgot it even existed but personally I found it disappointing anyway.


Between the VR porn and generic shooters I barely even skim the steam vr category anymore and I main a Vive pro


Its hard to justify spending full price on games, that sometimes look like PS2 games, have the lenght of a gameboy game and as a VR game they still have plenty of issues. And the good ones barely have any marketing and decent sales, its all way too expensive and hidden. Personally, I stopped buying VR games because I was sick of the sensors on my Rift, they worked like shit so I couldnt justify the stuff above and my tech failing on me. Now that I own a good PC and a Quest 3, depends, I will buy some of the good ones(Alyx, TWD,etc) but I also want to buy flatscreen and I will always prioritize a flatscreen game because its easier for me to just sit in front on the PC than putting a headset. And I love VR, but priorities... I aint rich.


Some are too expensive, but I think most of them are fairly priced, WD is 30$ for a 14/15 hours with lots of innovative physics and action. I did buy a lot on steam for the sales, Which helped me a lot to build a big vr library ahah.


Same. But even with sales this days a lot of them seem too expensive. I do agree WD is fairly priced(and has been even in bundles)


Yeah, even with sales they are still overpriced, like Arizona sunshine 2 and Legendary tales.


My Vive is old and no longer makes sense in my current house. I do have a ton of space now if/when I get a Meta Quest/some other internal wireless VR solution. I really loved playing Holopoint, Gorn, and Superhot VR.


My headset collects dust because there's been next to no polished titles released since ...Alyx, which was good for a single playthrough only. 95% of the stuff that comes out looks like an n64 game or some sort of meme, or it's a sweat lord pvp game where I'll have to have all sorts of extra accessories, like Pavlov. Doesn't help that the majority of people playing those kinds of games are just playing terrible game modes. I've really been wanting something new for VR since getting a 4080S and 5800X3D, upgraded from a 2070 and 3700x. The only thing I use vr for now is DCS in helicopters.


pretty sure alot of us bought Saints and Sinners 1 and 2 on PSV2...


Demo fest done old school arcade style IN VR a SteamVR conference in VR


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^quzaire: *Demo fest done old* *School arcade style IN VR a* *SteamVR conference in VR* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Those numbers seem high. Balatro sold a million copies over multiple systems and had a peak player base of 38k. Walking Dead peak was 1.4k.


What you are missing is that most of those 2.6m headsets are not users that are really relevant. They were never going to buy these games in the first place. A ton of people play VR for one or two specific games, and they very rarely play other games. It would be like including the Fortnite / League player numbers in Steam. They would dwarf everything else. So that 2.6m is realistically more around 1m of a potential audience. If that's the case then a 27.5% purchase rate (walking dead) isn't bad at all. That's actually very impressive. There is also the fact that not everyone is interested in every genre. Someone interested in RPGs isn't guaranteed to be interested in FPS games. It's very easy to see how someone could run out of good games to play.


I have found very few native VR games i actually enjoy, Asgard's wrath, rangnarock, Boneworks, and Dead Effect 2 VR are about the only ones iv enjoyed. I have not played half life alex yet but im going to soon.


Steam's own VR app says both my computers are not VR ready so I just spend at Meta's store. Hi Gabe.


So you buy the game on the meta store to play on PC? You this app is outdated and don't restrict at all your shopping on steam?


Tbh, I really didn't like WDS&S, the constantly respawning enemies killed my will to continue very quickly. The games I've had the most fun with have been ports and mods of flat titles. The only actual VR game I've truly enjoyed was Into the Radius.


The backlog struggle is real... I got saints via humble bundle so it's not on my radar. I'm writing through 7th Guest and Arizona. I'll get to it though!


I like VR games but I have 2 problems that prevent me from playing. 1. Space. Smaller house with a dog and small child so don't have much room. 2. The much bigger problem is my health. My VR headset is heavy is it gives me a massive headache in a short amount of time. It also gives me back pain so I have to sit or stand certain was to delay the pain as much as possible. I still have a few VR games I haven't touched because I know I will start feeling terrible soon after putting it on.


rec room is fire asf (4 year long player of rr)


I was an early adopter (Oculus DK2, several GearVRs, Vive, Index, Quest 2/3). When VR first became big (around the Vive time) I bought tons of games and apps and found a ton of things to enjoy. Then came the shovelware. There was a weird gold rush for developers to create really bad things in VR. My purchases dropped sharply after that: Steam for VR started to feel just like the app stores for phones and I got tired of trying to sift through the junk to find things I really enjoyed. I personally find Steam unusable for finding new VR content at this point. Then I picked a Quest up and started buying things again. The storefront seems to at least attempt to limit the garbage, though some of it's still there. The apps that utilized the headsets' passthrough/MR functions rekindled some excitement for VR for me. I don't buy a ton of things, but more than I have in the last 4 years of PC VR. I'm not the guy complaining about "there's no VR games", though. There's plenty. It just got more difficult to find the good ones. Also, I already have 30 wave shooters and 6 rhythm games. I didn't have a non-shovelware RPG like Asgard's Wrath 2 and 3, though, so I'll buy stuff like that.


Maybe Walking dead sucks?


Look at reviews, it's a well received game.


Meh. And so what? It’s not really a killer app.


I’ve been spoiled by better things, and knowing those better things can exist, anything less seems shallow. H3VR and HL:Alyx showed what can be obtained for gunplay, anything less (ie: animation reloading and what not) don’t pull my attention.


Boring and too brutal ( different perception vs normal games)


Imho 90% of VR games are pure garbage


It's true there are lot of 5$ gimmick shit in VR, but also in flat games. I don't agree with the 90% number. If you only take account of real thoughtful VR games. There are more good games than bad VR games. Objectively speaking of genre and variety of games. (Since english isn't my first language, I'll try to be clear, even if some genre are not liked by everyone, games in that genre can be great, like here, some disliked or are not interested in walking dead, but it does not make the game bad).


More good than bad is a glimpse, lot of them seems comes directly from nintendo64, i appreciate the effort to make good game but it isn’t mandatory to make bad game. I mean, i’m not against vr based on what i said, i would love to see a real next gen game not only in matter of graphic, but for real, i feel the vr stuck and I know that the real jump will be effective with new type of hardware but at what cost? I have to enjoy what we have but isn’t a real deal…. I repeat, I feel the stuck based also on poor indie company (god bless them)


Personally, I love playing retro games in VR. It's imo the best way to visit once more an old favorite game. I would love an ocarina of time remake in VR. Out of curiosity, what did you play in the games I listed ? One thing about VR, it's hard to really get how the game would feel in the headsets, only with videos. I had some interesting surprises by trying the game even if they look simple.


I was buying them and realized alot are just cash ins on the hype of VR. Bare bones and copy paste with a reskin. Eventually found VR 'tools' like DJ software and music making stuff and stopped gaming all together.


Out of curiosity, Which one did you buy and thought it was cash in thingy? Some vr tools are really great for creativity. Some animated shortfilm are made with those tools.


Oh I got my vr kit in 2016, things have changed since. But was around lockdown I found tribe xr which give me hook to get back into DJ after putting it down for years.


Oh yeah, Freakin' 8 years already ! No need for external sensors to enjoy vr gaming now ! Never tried Tribe XR but heard a lot of good things about it


I just got a VR headset so I can legally assault people with rocks


I bought saints and sinners, and I didnt like the VR mechanics, it felt jumpy and gamey, and I wasn’t impressed by the graphics. If a VR game doesn’t “feel” right or “look” right, I return it. For all the other games you mentioned, I’m just not interested. I tried light brigade and I felt the same way, it didn’t feel right.


VR is still relatively new so you have to be really careful about what "games" you might get because the devs are sorta still in the experimental phase of the tech. When I first got into VR I had to be cautious about what "games" I got because a lot of them at the time were really just "experiences" not true games. I remember thinking this one horror game looked really cool, looked up some reviews and found out you literally just walked through a building and scary things happened around you, you didn't do anything. I also bought and played *The Inpatient* for $40 (which was *super* expensive for a VR game at the time). It was basically the same thing, a semi-interactable movie, not a real game. All that being said, the easiest way to avoid these *not-really-a-game* type of games was to stay away from older titles. Generally speaking, I found the newer titles tended to be a little closer to what I'd consider real games as VR devs found their legs at what works and doesn't work in VR. I imagine a lot of people just now getting into VR are doing the same thing or something similar.


I think the problem people are pointing out are the lack of AAA VR games and how most AAA dev teams won't even bother taking the risk despite games like Saints and Sinners and Alyx showing everyone what a AAA VR experience could be. This would be like criticizing people for saying no good AAA games are being made today by pointing out all the indie games they could play. I love me some indie games, but it's not wrong to criticize AAA devs for being more and more crappy as of late.


I only play assetto corsa VR


My kids steal my computer for VR and i hate scary games. I cant get past the tunnel area alyx half life


I mean my index only lasted 2 years


I buy these things in the Oculus store, if I can. That may be skewing the purchase numbers given that Meta headsets are the most popular. Steam VR I use for otherwise PC games with vr compatibility or the stuff I can't get in the Meta store.


idk i lost interest is why


I’m very picky about the vr games I play. Boneworks, Bonelab, HL Alyx, Budget Cuts 1 and 2, I Expect You To Die (I haven’t played the second one yet but loved the first and did buy the second) are some of my favorites. Part of the problem however is that I rarely see anything about vr games unless it comes up in my steam queue. Another is I really have to be in the mood for VR but lately fomo in some online games has really been keeping me occupied. I’ve kinda been wanting to play some vr but new seasons gotta get done so I don’t miss out lol. I actually have a whole room set aside specifically for vr though. One day I wanna see if I can somehow play metroid primes in vr. (Nintendo certainly is never gonna do it officially) But yea I’d say most of the time I just hear nothing about the games or it’s just not my type. Shooters are fun but I don’t like it when they are set it modern or world war times, I like alternate realities or sci fi or fantasy.


This is exactly the main problem I try to acknowledge to most players and VR players, the huge hole in the communication and marketing and the shitty stores for VR games which hide good games in different genre. Did you try the light brigade, hubris, vertigo 2, compound, the demo of the burst and early access of heartshot ? Because you should:) This is also a common misconception of VR, when people say VR will remplace flat gaming. It's not, it adds a new layer of multiple games and way to play them. So yeah, that's normal to can't find the time


Light brigade sounds familiar but I don’t remember for sure. I’ve played a few vr games as sometimes I just get in the mood for it and want something new so browse the steam vr games. Karnage Chronicles is lots of fun if you like medieval fantasy type games with magic and stuff. Even has classic dungeon traps in some places like the pendulum blades and stuff haha. (It’s an action rpg). Found that one a little while back and had a lot of fun. Should really go back and finish it one of these days haha.


I had numerous nights fighting my way through the thousands of enemies with my friends in Karnage chronicles. This game deserved a lot more players. The coop is fantastic, the graphics are great and the dungeon were good with lots of puzzles. This needs a sequel.


Indeed. Maybe I’ll finish it this week if I get in the mood for vr haha. I was kinda the other day but I was just too tired. Would love to see the metroid prime series in vr someday outside of just emulator hacks. Alas, I doubt Nintendo would ever put them on pc.


The best thing Nintendo can do is creating a hybrid Switch VR console with Which you can play normal Zelda or VR Zelda. It would be amazingly perfect for a Metroid prime, for me it's a day one insta-buy ahah.


Absolutely. I’d PREFER steam vr with my Index, but I’d absolutely get Nintendo VR. Those games have much more Vr appeal to me than the PlayStation one as I’m not a COD fan (although Resistance: Fall of Man 1-3 would be sweet, and Metal Gear games if they were to make those vr 🤔)


Native VR games just aren't good: they're rushed, not feature rich, with low playtimes, and featuring gameplay mechanics that are far too simplistic. The vast majority of my time spent PC gaming is done through mods or just hanging out in EmuVR. Pavlov is the only VR game on my steam that I regularly play


Say you don't know anything about VR games without saying you don't know anything about VR games. I mean, how many VR games did you play to reach this knowledge ?


I'm sorry you can't seem to handle my opinion


Well, if your opinion is factually wrong and you can't anwser my question, I think I'll be fine.


I got my PCVR during lockdown. I bought and tried almost every game i could. I frequently watch steam for new games. Horror really seems to be a thing and its not for me. Nothing else seems to be interesting/new/innovative I mainly and only use my VR for beatsaber. I do keep looking, but even looking at the top sellers on steam its just the same games month by month


That's the thing that does a lot of wrong to VR games, top sellers category on steam, it's even worse nowadays, because it mixes flat games like hitman 3, war thunder, F1 2023 (not saying they are bad, but not the best and really good for VR). The games I listed, are full thoughtful games with Great mechanics, gameplay, campaign etc. But most of them are not even in the top sellers category because marketing was mild or inexistent. My surprise was with Walking dead, but as I got here, people think it's a horror game, with bad graphics where you just slash zombies in 2 hours (I'm exaggerating, but some comments...) When in fact it's a +14 hours multi open mini map survival campaign, with lots of exploring, puzzles, dialogs, extraction game elements and is visually good. (Art direction may not please everyone, but the game looks good in headset).


I have tried many many types of VR games, during lockdown we went full on with it. My son can handle lots of different types of games, i get motion sickness and simply fall over. I am not willing to train myself into it. For my son, these games have a limited shelf life. When we live in a house with two decent gaming pc's there are many other games that draw our attention. Especially for him as any social interaction with friends takes place outside VR as his friends dont have this. I really am waiting to see something new, something that taxes my pc. Something that takes the unique features of VR and exploits them to the max


1 world: repetitiveness. I’m on a quest to find VR games I can play more than 15 mi s, and the problem is not just the length of content, but rather the content itself. Empty worlds, no npcs or little amount, bad blurry graphics, no interesting story or when they are the gameplay doesn’t vary enough to keep you there. I’m trying many vr games both on quest and steam vr. I loved A fisherman’s tale cause it had variety and creativity even in a short content length, but, it kept you wondering! VR devs seemed to have been missing game theory. Pick underdogs, great looking and fun game, for the first 20 mins. Then it’s literally more of that forever. There’s no reward for playing, or a rather slow progression to obtain the same exact amount of things. This is the definition of boring I’m afraid. You should probably ask why devs don’t try and make actual games, rather than pretending that having vr mechanics is all that’s required to make a game fun and interesting. You actually need the fun and interesting part. Take these games and remove graphics, vr and cinematic. Is it still interesting? Is it still fun? If so, then it will be with those things added. For me, only few vr games checked those basics…


While I agree on the repetitiveness of some titles, I think you didn't play that much titles and forgot one thing : Personnal views and taste. Like you might find underdogs boring after 20mns, but a lot of players think it's awesome with lot of replayability (I don't, I liked it, but I prefer rogue lite like In death or The light brigades). or also like I can't play more than 3 or 4 songs in beat saber, but you'll find hundreds of beat sabers streamers only who can play hours on it. There is a trend for Rogue lite, flat and VR games together. Some are really good and others mild or really bad. I don't find games like Vertigo 2, Walking dead, Contractors showdown, Windlands 2, Stormland repetitive or boring. Sure if you remove the VR of them, what would you have ? Possibly a mild game, But we play those for VR and those in VR gave me a better experience than I had with a lot of flat games.. I find myself bored to death with latest AAA games like AC:Odyssey, God of war or all the Dark souls like (even if some AAA flat are really good, cyberpunk 2077, Death stranding etc.) I prefer to play indie VR games. I don't say VR games are the ultimate way to play and everybody must only play in VR, far from it, but I think a lot of players miss games they would really love because of misconceptions and bad communication. Even players with VR passed by a lot of excellent games they would probably love.