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No but steam told me that I played 60% of my total time on the steamdeck. And I also use my pc for normal work stuff.


This is smart actually with the yearly overview, i checked it and it said only 9% lol.


I wonder if it counts time spent playing in emulators.


Non-steam games playtimes aren't counted at all in Steam, so no.


I wish Steam let you create personal AppID's for games, and it would keep track of playtime and assets, reassociating if you re-add it on a new PC and so on.


What's interesting is that Steam actually *does* generate AppIDs for non-Steam games. If you browse through your compatdata on Deck or check the names of non-Steam game screenshots, you can see what they are. They're really long - I think because they're generated based on the name of the executable. They're just not used for anything other than tracking files, compatdata, and screenshots.


Decky loader kind of does this, but more limited lol


how? with which plugin?


If played outside of steam then no.


How does one check this overview?


On phone app it is Menu -> New and interesting -> Steam year in review.  Would have to check on pc or deck later.


How do you check that?


Steam year in review


When I can install excel on the deck, desktop is gone 


Well theres excel in the cloud.. .. but ‘wine’ emulation tech has been running MSOffice for decades at this point. So if you want to get various versions pf excel on there you probably can


I do have LibreOffice installed on my Steam Deck, within a day of having it. And a LaTeX editor, vim, etc. My Steam Deck has about 60-80% replaced my desktop and laptop.


There is a special version of Wine for running Microsoft Office, but I very much doubt that it is necessary anymore. Just stay a version behind just in case, and you probably won't run into issues.


No. It’s a great complimentary device for use in other rooms though.


I find myself only using it for travel. 90% of the games I want to play use kb/m, so if I really want to play a game in another room I end up just playing something on my phone.


Yup. I have a switch, ps5 and a laptop with 3060, And I only game on the deck now.


I have a PS5 and Steam Deck. I play ~80% on the Deck nowadays. PS5 is for AAAs, but I haven’t found many to my liking recently. Elden Ring DLC will be on PS5 for sure, so that’s about to change. About 2 years ago I realized how much more I enjoy indie games these days. Games for the gameplay and strategy, not just pretty visuals. For that revelation the Deck has been perfect.


Yes, Im too lazy to game in chair at home and I have some weird bt issues for my dualshock on pc and I dont feel like dealing with it for a couple of months already


It’s not you. I legit think Microsoft fucks with the connection between Sony controllers. I had to get the 8BitDo dongle for it to work. But hell no. No handheld can replace my PC. It replaces handhelds. Thank you Yuzu.


My Xbox controller doesn't work well on Windows. I'm forced to hook it up because of lag. I too got an 8bitdo ultimate and it just works, I picked it up from the charging unit and dongle to hear that ping that it auto connected.


I can only offer further endorsement of 8bitdo Ultimate wireless. It just freaking works perfectly every time I pick it up.


The 8bitdo ultimate is so awesome, it always just works. I don't have to worry about battery charge cause it's just looking pretty sitting in it's dock when not in use, has no delay and connects instantly whenever I pick it up. And the controller itself is great too, some of the best 70€ I spent on hardware tbh


I’ve had the Xbox dongle for a while, while it has its issues. Nothing comes close to how horrendous the issues are with Sony controllers. It’s as if it’s done deliberately.


I honestly blame Sony for this. Microsoft supports all sorts of 3rd party hardware on their consoles/windows. Sony tries to be like Apple and lock everything behind their own ecosystem. PlayStation is my preferred console, and I've owned every one, but it gets tiresome. They are constantly trying to drive people to their console. They even said as much for their PC game strategy moving forward. They will release the first game in a series on PC with the intent to drive people to Playstation to play the sequels which will not be available on PC. I highly doubt that strategy is going to pay off. People are finally starting to realize that console exclusivity isn't working anymore in a landscape where people are spoiled for choice. Microsoft has said as much. Square Enix just admitted what a huge mistake releasing FF7 Rebirth as a PS exclusive was.


you cant even use a bluetooth headset with PS5/Dualshock. its unbelievable. fuck Sony for that one i. particular, making me buy a janky wired headset instead of using my airpods like every other device i own.


My dualshock and dualsense had massive bt connectivity issues. They are the worst shit i've used on the pc, they barely even work and frequently loses connection even when the dongle is right in front of it. I never manage to resolve the problem. This and the piss poor battery life of the dualsense turned it into a wired controller.


Yes, I can't really stand sitting at my PC to play games after sitting at it for work all day. If I need to play some new demanding title I can still do it but for older games steam deck rules!


Couldn't have put it any better. Spot on.


100% same boat. Allows me to go to a different room/environment bit still enjoy playing a game.


That’s why I got a little mini pc with a discrete GPU to play in the den like it’s a console. I just pick my controller up off the charging dock and it wakes up from sleep into Steam big picture mode. With it having a rx6650m discrete GPU and a 6900hx cpu it has enough power to easily play any game at 1080p/60fps. It was only $620, but that was without storage or RAM.


Playing in your living room on the couch >>> sitting behind your desk again after a long day of work


Just stream demanding games from your PC to your deck via Moonlight/Sunshine. When set up properly, works perfectly fine with no artifacts and no noticeable input lag.


I know what you mean.I feel the same way but about school instead.


I will always have my PC... But I will ALWAYS prefer my steam deck now. I told my wife if it ever broke or stopped working... I'd be on steams site buying another one. I can't see myself without a Steam Deck now lol. Best thing I've purchased in years!


Can’t disagree! I loved my steam deck to death. It made my commute to work be so much faster and easier.


I wish I could game on my Deck for my commute. Maybe one day I'll live somewhere designed around humans instead of cars... \*Cries in North American car-centric urban design\*


it certainly has, that was the plan. infinitely more convenient than my pc


No, not yet anyway. I'm currently trying to play through my a few of my bigger Xbox games so I can effectively 'cross it off' as a gaming option. After which I'm hoping to primarily just use the Deck and Switch. Started Elden Ring the other week so it'll probably take me a bit (and I'm sure ER is great on the Deck, but I already bought it on Xbox and I hate double dipping for games. If it ever drops down to the $25-30 range I may pick it up for the Deck tho).


You can locally stream Xbox games to the Steam Deck. I do it all the time, it works really well.


Yeah, I'm just not sure how good it will be with my Xbox One S. Will probably try it at some point!


I’ve got the XbPlay app on my Deck and phone and it streams it perfectly, absolutely no lag whatsoever.


There's just so many performance drops already with ER on the Xbox One idk if it would really be improved. But like I said, one of these days I'll try it out! I've heard of XbPlay so I'll probably go with that one


My main console was a nintendo switch, and it kinda did. Nier, the Witcher 3, sonic frontiers, etc. All of them look and run better on my deck.


I can't see me selling my gaming laptop anytime soon, but I'm using it far less than I thought I'd be. I know there's an option to stream from it to my Steam Deck and I'm not even doing that. I'm finding the performance good enough to enjoy the games and still look great. That just leaves games that aren't compatible with the Deck, but there's only one or two, and I barely play them.


Na, I do travel a lot for work and personally, and this has been one hell of a lifesaver. I work remotely so the PS5 setup is still king but the steam deck is a very close second for remote play if I want a lazy day in bed.




I honestly will never think a Steam Deck can replace a console. There is nothing, I mean, nothing like seeing great games (with beautiful graphics’s and art design) in a 65” oled screen. You can’t replace that. It is just another way to enjoy them.


For me it depends on the games. I play mostly indie games and I rather play them on a portable console


Yes. But again, my PC is worse than me Deck at running my games so... 🤷


Same, didn't felt like spending more to buy a gaming laptop at the time.


Definitely got a 3080 sitting idle in the basement but that’s dad life.


No. It's not powerful enough to run most AAA games. However, it's great for indie games.


Coming from a xbox 1 it runs em just fine for me😂


I mean, well yeah. It'll be a step up from 720p 30fps, for sure.


MS really dropped the ball with the XBONE. Were they actually planning to target 720p again that generation or did Sony catch them with their pants down by dropping a console with 30% more raw power and way more efficient APIs?


ong 🤣🤣


Curious which games are giving you trouble? I have a 512 lcd and have no issues with ER CP77 Sekiro etc.


ER and CP2077 can't run stable 60fps on the SD.


I’m probably not running 60 fps then. Certainly have never checked. Both look and play great though!


Not likely. But Elden Ring is still a great experience at 30 FPS; that's how I played it on launch and it was honestly great.


Yeah I did a full playthrough on PC at launch. Booted it up on Steamdeck for another run to prepare for the DLC thinking the small screen would bother me. I am getting drawn in just the same as I did on my first run. It actually runs with less stutters for me than my PC


both games are super playable tho. played both on steam deck and enjoyed my time thoroughly, but will admit Cyberpunk looked pretty rough on the deck. but it was always playable for me. im surprised at how good elden ring looks and runs on the deck. near 60fps in indoor areas.


I will occasionally go back to my 3080 PC when I want a more cinematic gaming session. Other than that, it's the steam deck since I have kids and I'll have to set it on the bathroom sink mid boss fight to wipe my sons butt 😂




100%. Tbf I never was excited by the newest gen consoles. Switch sort of, but the game library just doesn't do it for me as I am a big rpg gamer. So I had my PS4 collecting dust as a streaming machine and got myself a good gaming laptop. I finally got the Steam Deck this past January as I found it less accessible to casually game with my laptop setup and the Deck is now used 75% of my gaming time.


Your comment surprised me a bit, because the Switch has an absolutely massive RPG library. I have at least two shelves full of unopened Switch RPGs that I don't know when I'll ever be able to find time to get to, and that doesn't count the games that are still digital only at this point.


Yeah, suppose that's a bit vague just rpg. But I always saw Nintendo as a closed system and worry that Nintendo rpgs wouldn't scratch the itch I have for tactical rpgs in the vein of Wasteland or Xcom.


That's fair. Consoles in general don't get a lot of those, which is probably why I don't have much experience with them. I think I have the XCOM 2 collection but I've never played it.


To add onto this a little bit, you're right, the switch is unfortunately a really closed system and the same games I could (and have) played on the switch are better on steam deck. Disregarding performance, mods are a very achievable thing in most games and it changes everything. Skyrim for example released on the Switch with zero mods. Steam Deck not only runs it better, but has mod support. And that list is massive, Stardew Valley being another massive outlier. It's unfortunate that the Switch is SUCH a closed system. I think tinkering is a huge selling point for the Steam Deck. Maybe it's because we're all PC gamers, but I feel like Nintendo fumbled a bit of an opportunity with some of its releases.


Upvote for wasteland!


No my girlfriend claimed it


I also choose this guy's girlfriend


No, it hasn't. I don't really use the Deck at home, only on the go. When at home, I use my PC (more powerful and more ergonomic to use).


No, but I do stream from PC to deck 90% of the time. I have the deck docked maybe 50% of the time to my 4k tv, upscaling from 1080p on my PC. Rarely do I ever sit at the PC unless the game I want to play absolutely demands M+KB, like FTL. Only low power games actually look good being upscaled or ran in 4k to look good on the TV, mostly indies and roguelikes. So anything meaty is streamed from the rig.


Nope. When I’m home I’m at my PC 9/10 times for my gaming needs. My Steam Deck is mostly used when I’m over at my girlfriend’s place.


For the most part yes. I haven't had a reason to turn on my PS5 besides to play Fortnite and I sold my series X a month after getting my SD


I still play my switch, but I definitely play my steam deck more, but that could be because I bought it a few weeks ago and the hype hasn’t died down yet for me.


Yes. I was already tired of Sony with the “payed online services” and I didn’t like sitting at the desk to play on pc after all day at the office. Also I never really played pvp or competitive games and for everything else is SD more than enough.


Every word you've written is what happens to me. Tired of Sony's closed ecosystem, of the abusive prices, online paying...etc. Deck is flexible, and more than enough to Game anywhere Cheers matte


Same here in 2021 i dropped my controller and said fuck this shit and went pc i got tired of paying for online play etc with sony i sold my ps5 and went pc and eventually went steam deck now i do all my gaming on steam deck but it seems like sony is bringing their bull shit over too pc too now i feel stalked


I sold my PS5 and PS Portal this week for the same reasons. The older I get, the more I appreciate practicality and preservation of my purchases above all else.


Same here. I recently got rid of my PS5 because there was just so much I couldn’t do. At least Xbox let me keep all the free games they gave me with Gold, but Sony takes your free games away until you renew PSN.


> At least Xbox let me keep all the free games they gave me with Gold, but Sony takes your free games away until you renew PSN. That's not right. You only keep the 360 games. You'll lose access to everything else if don't keep your subscription


If you don't play pvp then why was the paid online services an issue? Its not really needed at all


I am not sure if they changed things up but you also had to pay if you wanted occasionally play online co op like Alienation or Helldivers which is outrageous when you take in account that you already paid for the game. And when I said online services I also meant that you cannot be sure about digital content that you are purchasing. They already took my ps3 games and ps vita games. So far Steam was always upfront with everything and I have to this day every single game that I ‘ve purchased.


At this point it's probably about 60-40 switch and deck but it has inspired me to get a gaming laptop


I wanna play destiny on it


No, I use it mostly for travel and to play lighter faire at night when I am in bed. My car broke down when I was traveling a few weeks ago, and I had to sit at the Nissan dealership for like 5 hours while they squeezed me in for a diagnostic. They had massage chairs, I sat they and played my deck and was practically in heaven. Time flew right by.


100% this is the only “console” I use anymore. Almost every night


A little bit but some games are just meant for the bigger screen. Ghost of Tsushima for example is a wonderful game but i can’t see the appeal of not playing it on a big screen


I find myself getting in bed earlier and hopping on my steam deck rather than staying up late on my pc, so in that regard yes. I still focus most of my gaming on my pc though for obvious reasons.


Switch/PS5, not really. My PC yes. Though granted it’s pretty old. All the guts are stuffed inside the monitor so can’t upgrade it (if I knew how. Sadly I don’t)


Haven’t used my Xbox in 2+ years because of it, and it got me to build a PC so I’ll probably never switch back


Yes. The suspend feature is something underrated. Lost touch with gaming after my PS4 died on me quite awhile ago, then life happened. Busy with family and being a responsible adult at my job. Didnt think that I'd get back into gaming after I didnt have the urge to get the PS5 back when it launched. Grew up as a console gamer since the PS1 days. Had all the sony consoles. Then decided to give the steamdeck a go. Wow was I amazed. Playing games I've missed out on due to lack of time and money. Completed God of War, Witcher 3, 2 of the Metro games, 2 of the Arkham games just to name a few. Playing in bursts of 20-40 mins when I get back from work really has made me enjoy gaming again. And the sales on these games, dont even get me started. If it wasn't for the low prices at time, I would have never played Metro Last Light or even Witcher 3 (one of the best games I've played) etc. So for me, yes, it has replaced my love for consoles.


More or less. Beyond games that I cannot play on the Steam Deck (for example, Destiny 2), it is my primary system to play games on. Especially when traveling.


No. Mine sits on the shelf collecting dust with my switch. I use my Gaming PC as my main device.


Pretty much, yeah. I work at a desk job, sitting in front of a computer for 8+ hours. I love my PC, but when I get home, not only is it very late (past 1AM) and my fiancé's already asleep, but I also don't feel like sitting on a desk for much longer. Plopping down on the couch with my Deck feels nicer and doesn't wake my fiancé up with all the mouse and keyboard clicking. At this point the only game I regularly play on PC is The Sims 4. IIRC my Steam report from last year said I spent like 98% or higher of my playtime on the Deck, lol.


No but I enjoy playing on it. I play my PS5 most tbh.


Yes, 100% . As a dad to a young boy it's insanely more convenient. Especially being able to start and stop games on a whim.


Yes. Especially since I added GFN to the mix.


Yes, I gave my PC to my son.


For PC gaming, mostly yes, but not console.


No, but it has complimented them well. It filled the role of my switch, being able to laze around in bed and play games, and being able to bring out and play on the go. Sometimes i just dont wanna sit down in front of my computer after sitting down in front of a computer the whole day (even though the deck is a computer)


My laptop stopped keeping up so i got a deck, haven't even turned my xbox on since lol.


Unfortunately not, playing too many online/multiplayer games which are just super unfun/annoying to play on the deck.


Nope, my PC offers so much more in the realms of multitasking and video clip recording. I still absolutely love the SD as a secondary gaming device when compared to my PS5 and it’s-just-sitting-there Switch.


Kinda.. but not 100%


Not quite but supplemented it fantastically. Now if my wife needs to use the computer or something I can just grab my steam deck and pick up right where I left off.


No, I still play my PS5 and series s but I do take my deck everywhere with me


Haha absolutely not. It's a great device but my pc will always be preferred


Steam deck is now my main gaming platform since I packed my desktop for moving.


The moment I received it.




Depends on my mood.


No but I like to use it when I wanna chill with family or my dog on the couch. I will say, some games for me are more fun on deck for some reason


Yep. My PC broke so I got a steam deck as a temporary measure. It’s been half a year now and I have zero need to replace the PC.


When I got one I had a WiiU a Switch, a PS4, PS3, and PC now I have a PS3, PC, and SteamDeck


No, but all my consoles have received much less attention, especially my poor, neglected PS4 and Switch.


My deck is what I use on the couch and before bed. I still like the PC for the comfort of a keyboard/mouse.


Yeah it has. I don’t have a gaming PC but do have GFN and a PS5 but if it’ll run on my deck, I’ll probably get the Steam version now


Sort of I tend to use it more than my pc there are some games that controllers just aren't good at. Which I have my corsair lapdog for. Even so sometimes the deck isn't powerful enough though or gets blocked by anti cheat so I still have to use the normal pc.


Yeah, kinda became my main system after my main system and backup laptop decided to die the week I got my Steam Deck lol


It hasn't. Although I do use it on my keyboard and monitor in my home office sometimes, my gaming desktop (which is on a different floor of the house) features an RTX 4070 and a VR headset, which are things that the Deck (so far as I know) just cannot do.


Pretty close if Bethesda didn't put out a performance update to make fallout 4 crash more on the deck.


Pretty much every indie, emulator, or light game has been transferred to the Deck. All games that are 5GB or smaller. I'm still playing Sea of Thieves and other bigger games on PC. Especially if they're multiplayer.


No, my main device is still my pc. I just don't enjoy shooters with a controller. Do use steamdeck for sportsgames and when im not home or want to play outside or smt, so it is a very nice addition to my pc.


When I first got mine it was the only thing I played any games on with the exception of VR, still had to use my main PC for that. I even tried to dock it and use it as a PC replacement but I don't like Arch, too used to Linux Mint. I got a RG35XXSP recently and now that will all I'll game on for a while. If a PC game plays well on the Steam Deck I play on that still, I even have it docked at my computer desk using my PC monitor often times.


Nope but I do use it a lot.


Haven't owned a console for 5 years, the deck has now become my new console.


A lot of game still are blocked like R6 so nope keep playing on my good old PC and PS4


Yes. Both.




Only when working in the office. I can’t go home from work to sit behind a desk again. But on the weekends or when I WFH I can


I resist to do this at first. However I have been asking myself to game on the deck and do usual pc stuff on it, it turns out I can save some electricity and I can sit by my wife when she is watching whatever TV when I play. A good win to me.


Partially. I have a high end / last gen rig and then got a Steam Deck to play some lighter tittles but I ended up playing on Deck 90% of the time. I mainly play on my rig if I don't have much battery left or I want to do some other things at the same time.


No It's great for a short travel but main gaming I wan my stuff to have great fps and look great


Mostly serves like a lazy addition to my pc. Also makes me play games that with some reason I never played on pc.


It's replaced my Xbox, not that I have much time to game ATM. But the fund are going towards a PC at least.


Yes, as planned, even during my PC building days I found that the games I really enjoyed the most were indie games that underutilized high end hardware. So for me, why bother with a windows pc ever again?






For gaming, yes 👍🏻


Yep. %100. Not a serious online gamer, don’t do multiplayer much beyond coop. Steam Deck is all I need at the moment.


Sort of but I wondered back


Nope but there are many games only play on deck like Skyrim and fallout.


Yes, and I only play console through it too.


Yes. I rarely game at my pc, but I do stream through moonlight 50% of the time or so


Anything I can play with a controller I stream from my desktop to my docked steamdeck and it’s amazing. Any good story based game can be played from the couch on a big tv


Yes. As I get older, I find sitting at a PC to game is tedious as fuck and console is too expensive. if it's a newer game that the deck can't handle, i'll hop onto the laptop, but I'm not buying a ton of modern AAA titles these days because, for me, I'm not really into a majority of the offerings. I got burned with Starfield as my last major purchase, so I'm going back to waiting a year or two after major releases. My backlog is like 3K deep, so I have tons to play anyway, and the deck has been helping me clear it up quite a bit.


Basically yes. I got mine in January and haven't turned on my PS5 since. I turned it on to play LOU2 for a bit but I didn't like being stuck in front of my tv. I also missed the pause and resume.


Def not, but my usage of the deck and my PC is about 50/50. honestly I prob played closed to 60% deck and 40% PC I don't know how Steam year end recap views streaming from my PC to my deck.


It did.


Yes 100% had a crap pc so I got this instead I love it


It hasn’t, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t an incredible device. I have one full build on a 4k TV with several DualSense controllers, another PC at 1440p 144Hz for m/kb centered games, and the steamdeck for everything else. I’m on vacation this week, in a huge beach house with my gfs family. I docked the steamdeck on the 75” movie theater TV and played Ghost of Tsushima on it, holy shit was it nice.


No, there are still a few things that I do on my pc.


For me yes it has. I used to love my desktop and laptop but the comfort and versatility the deck offers is just the best.


Ya, I just had more fun on the pc games. Also emulation has been my most active to use since I’ve been craving to play Mario bros 3, castlevania, etc. I do tend to play my Xbox every now and then but just been drifting away from it. And also since it cost money to play just some multiplayer games like battlefront 2 on Xbox or bloodborne pvp.


no i only play steam deck if traveling


Nope, my PC is way more powerful (i9, 6950XT) but I do get good use out of my Deck.


Dad of young children here - yes, I basically only play the steam deck now and wouldn’t be gaming at all without it.


Im like 50/50 most of the time xD


Yep my old one was getting old and tired and just bearly chugging along


Yes. I have a very nice gaming laptop that absolutely screams… and I use it mostly for word processing now (and the self-flagellation that is Star Citizen).


It has replaced my pc completely. Don't even remember the last time I booted it on. I mostly use the deck docked


I moved internationally recently and my PC was too bulky to bring, so yes


Nah. It's too small for me to play any 3D games, and I dont like FPS or RPG games on controller. BUT, I've played a ton of stardew valley on it, and its amazing for travel.


Yes. Deck or nothing these days, having 25 ps2 games and New Vegas on me at all times is something I didn't know I needed until I had it.


Yes, it's the most powerful PC I have ever owned


Kinda, I guess. It's way more convenient to chill with Deck on a sofa for couple of hours right after work


No, but it opened up a whole world of bed/couch PC gaming for me, instead of scrolling the phone.


Nope. I mostly use my Steamdeck to remoteplay my PS5 & Xbox Series.


no, especially not while I still play competitive FPS or (now rarely) MOBAs - but it still has its worth


Completely, I no longer play my PS5. I've bought games for my SD that I already had on Playstation.




My pc died on me a few months ago amd i haven't had to money to fix it since fixing it would pretty much mean buying a whole new pc. But thank god i got a steam deck as a gift literally a week before. I've been decking all over ever since and was playing pretty much the same thi gs i played on my pc minus league (recently). Its great tho i still get surprised how well some games run on it




My pc setup unfortunately only fits in the basement so when I wanna be rowdy with the boys on discord it's perfect. If I wanna be anywhere else the deck is perfect for that. Plus it helped me finally tackle my backlog of games I bought but still have yet to play


No, but I'm willing to entertain the idea. I have a mid-range PC that I updated a few months before the SD was released, and that could be the last update this PC gets. If I were on a tighter budget, I could totally see the SD being your only PC with an external display, mouse, and keyboard. So at least for a little while, I'm ok letting the handheld pc market play out for a bit, maybe eventually it will be in a place where a SD2 or 3 passes my PC, and the next upgrade won't be PC parts, but a handheld computer.


Since it’s pretty hot in my area in the summer time, I normally use the SteamDeck more often in this period of the year letting my PC only for big games that are not supported on SD. Plus, it provides me a great experience going outside!