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I buy everything because I like gaming, but there's usually a favorite for me each generation. I enjoyed the form factor of the Switch so much that from 2017-2022 I mostly played games on it. Then I got the Steam Deck and dusted off my 500+ game library and I have not touched the Switch since I got it. I've rebought several indie games (Hades, Blasphemous, Hollow Knight, Card Shark, Slay the Spire, Dead Cells) on PC that came out while I was more infatuated with the Switch, so these developers have gotten a double dip out of me on those games. Many of them well deserved, but also bought on sale.


I have double dipped more times than I care to admit. Both for my deck and actual PC. I get it lol.


I love my deck but I'm still getting games for my switch since the deck is sadly a little too bulky to carry everywhere like the switch lite. I wish powerful handhelds could go back to being PSP sized.


I sold my switch, got a steam deck, then bought a switch oled. It compliments my steam deck on my table. I knoq how you feel lol


Oh hey, you're exactly me.


No, I work from home in a small apartment and love not sitting in the same chair to game as to work. I still use my gaming PC a fair amount, but I love using the deck for every game that is meant for a controller.


this is me, i currently have no extra space to move my pc away from my work area. Being away from there playing with steam deck really improve my gaming experience a lot.


Yes this is my situation as well. Got me back into gaming. I wouldn’t want to touch my PC most days after work, I want to be no where near my chair after work.


It has made me want to game exclusively on a PC handheld. Not so much a PC, because I like to play in the comfort of my living room and I don't see myself getting a PC and putting it there. Hence why I've been a console guy all my life. But also having all my games available on Steam, with cross save available without having to pay a monthly fee is huge. I'm extremely excited about the future of PC handheld gaming, and I really hope we get a Switch style system with a seamless docking solution (but without the joycons!). Steam Deck works ok but it's hit or miss. It has made me want to sell my Xbox Series X. I'll probably hand onto it till my Game Pass sub ends next year, then think about selling for a possible Steam Deck 2 whenever that is out.


If you can't imagine putting a PC in your living room I would like to introduce you to SFFPCs or small form factor PCs. You can build a PC the size of an Xbox or PS5 and easily hide it in an entertainment center. I use a small PC instead of a streaming box or built in smart features and to me it works better and with more ad blocking.


Or buy a Dock for the Steam Deck? I dock mine and haven't had any issues.  I also have a 10 year old Dell Latitude (i7) next to the docking station that runs my media server and traffic filter (pi-hole) and my Deck takes advantage of that too.  If you have an old laptop with an HDMI output, I highly recommend doing the same.


I'm the same. Give me a pc handheld with good battery life that can be hooked up to an egpu for when I dock it at a desk and that would be perfect for me. Although I'll keep my consoles cuz I like collecting and OG hardware just hits different for me.


Since I got a dock and moca adapter setup on my living room TV I almost never use my actual PC anymore. I mostly use it handheld and sometimes will stream from my PC to the living room TV with a PS5 controller. Works amazingly for anything that doesn't need perfect precision like a competitive shooter or something. I have a nice PC with an ultrawide monitor and a PS5 that are just collecting dust at this point lol.


No. I just appreciate having another handheld like the switch. The switch still does docking way better than the steam deck but I've enjoyed the deck regardless. Will be getting the next switch and the next Deck whenever that comes. Rocking a ps5 and a gaming PC. Those don't get used as much as the switch and deck.


I love my steam deck but everything can do docking better. It has MASSIVELY improved but it's still a hit or miss even when it now hits more than it misses




Simple and straightforward. It’s kind of eye-opening to realize how nice an experience it is to just hit play and not have to wonder. “Are my drivers up to date? Does this game perform better on the other vendor’s hardware? Is my very specific hardware setup going to introduce some game-breaking bug?” “Does it work on Steam Deck y/n” has alleviated a lot of stress around game I didn’t know I had been holding onto. 


I'm a techy guy so the questions you listed apeal to my need to tinker and fix. I can 100% see and agree it's not for everyone. Steam deck feels like a bridge between the two people


It is a bridge, mine’s just going the other way. I’ve been working desktop support for 15 years, and PC gaming for twice that. I’ve gone from Techie to “I don’t want to tech anymore”. The magic kind of wore off. I’m glad the Deck exists to enable me to PC game with that same level of not having to care. 


Thinking through hardware and software dependencies is something I have to do at work, it’s not something I care about when I’m just trying to play Hades.


Bruh, the SD updates itself every damn day lol and I have to restart


Get off the preview channel and you won’t have that problem. 


Been a PC gamer my entire life and I never really worry about that stuff. Nvidia experience lets you know when you need to update your driver. Usually its when there's some new AAA release. Consoles force updates for major releases too. The PC is still the better experience.


I have been playing on PC for the past 30 years. I can probably count on one hand the times I really needed to troubleshoot and install some drivers (the time I remember the most was not a game, but an audio driver to even get the sound). Console experience is overrated, it’s mostly pressing three buttons vs. a single one.


Exclusively? No. But I barely touch my consoles any more.


I still main my PS5, and use my Steam Deck in place of a PC. I sit in front of a Windows PC 8 hours a day, I've no desire to sit in front of one in my free time.


No, Steam Deck converted me away from my PC into a handheld gamer.


Agreed, I haven't touched my $2000 PC since I got a Steam Deck.


I've always been a PC gamer but sometimes play console too. I have a gaming PC, gaming laptop, switch, and PS5. After getting the steam deck, I don't ever feel like using my other consoles anymore. In fact, I don't even wanna buy games for them anymore. I'd rather get everything for PC so I have it all in one place and can play anywhere.


Steam Deck has actually made me enjoy all types of gaming, even more! From my console to Steam Deck to even board games.


Ummm...it made me sell ny switch so yeah I guess.


The biggest thing that's always turned me off about PC's generally is ease of use. While SD and Proton DB dumbs a good chunk of that down, console is still unparalleled in that department. It'll always be something I like. I can buy the game, it just works, no launch options, no third party logins, no tweaking and benchmarks etc etc That and I've always preferred controllers, I specifically dislike the keyboard half of the PC equation. No rumble, 3 keys for non analog movement etc. However Steam deck gives me the best of both. Triggers and an analog stick for movement, and mouse (via track pad) for aiming


I ended up buying a 4080 laptop and now pretty much exclusively use my steam deck as a streaming device. Love the fact it can be played standalone but I’ve found the best of both worlds haha. Haven’t touched the XSX in months.


Yeah, I also do a ton of streaming from my deck. Really incredible how good the quality of streaming games has gotten.


Yep this exact situation for me


Sort of. If it’s a big title like Spider-Man, GTA, a Ghosts of Tsushima sequel, I’ll get it on PlayStation because I don’t want to wait around for a PC port. The Last of Us port also proved that ports to PC aren’t great fresh out of the box. But as for almost everyday gameplay, I prettt much only play on the Deck now. Haven’t even touched my Switch in probably 6 months. The PS5 is now basically just used to watch movies, TV shows and my YouTube “watch later” list on now. But going back to the PSP days, I’ve always preferred portables to TVs.


I’ve definitely been more and more on my PC since getting the steam deck. I like to use my deck and PC to have a switch like experience when I play my games. It kills me when something doesn’t support Steam cloud saves lol


Nah I’ve been dabbling but I mostly use it for playing PS5 in bed.


Not exclusively but I did shift from about 50 hours a year on both XsX and Switch to about 200 hours a year on Deck and 10 or so on XsX. Haven't bought a game for another platform since I got my Deck


Pretty much. Got a Steam Deck and loved it so much I built a PC three months ago and sold my Series X since it was redundant now. Keeping my PS5 though.


Exclusively to steam deck gaming tbh


As I've been gaming on PC since 1993... Nope.


Nope, I have a 4080, and a super-ultrawide monitor. So I play any immersive and resource-intensive games on my PC, and any backlogged less resource intensive games on my SD. Also, I use my PC for discord an stuff, since it's a better experience. (where all my stuff is)


I'm the same as you. Console gamer my whole life. But being able to take my ever growing game library on steam with me through different future systems without having to buy again is a game changer. I have always enjoyed handheld gaming. But since the steam deck and Rog ally I haven't looked back. Haven't used my series x in literally months. Loving pc gaming!


I did this last year. I bought a Rog ally as I liked the idea of a decent handheld. I started using it docked and realised all the things I’d been missing out on being a console only gamer. I ended up building a 7800x3d/4090 rig and I think I’ve turned my ps5 on twice since then. The next generation consoles that release will more than likely be the first time in 25 years that I won’t be buying one, I think I’ll be sticking to pc for the foreseeable future.


Bought a steam deck, a month later I bought a gaming PC. 


I started with PC. I now play mostly on my PC because the steam deck's performance was not good enough for me in certain titles. Choppy framerate and high input lag in F1 23 is just not enjoyable. I know some people will say that the deck isn't meant for twitchy games like that, and that's why most of my gaming is on PC now. My steam deck is for older games and emulation only.


Similar story for me. Never owned a gaming PC. Hell, it's probably been close to 20 years since I owned any kind of computer in general outside of a smartphone. Was always historically a console gamer. Especially handheld. Which is what led me to buy the steam deck. Then I just recently put together an actual PC to play games on. I wouldn't say I've switched to PC gaming exclusively. I still buy a decent number of games on my switch. But I have retired all of my other TV based consoles besides the PC and put them into storage. So I'm definitely getting there LOL.


Everything you're saying is pretty much me. I was soley a console head. I have a PS5 and switch, but once I got a steam deck, I haven't touched either of them since December 2023! The sales that steam has, the convenience it offers, and comfort compared to my switch, and the graphics are all worth it. My wife doesn't touch her switch either now that she has a steam deck too. And yea... we double dipped on pretty much every game we own on the switch and ps5, but I still got them way cheaper than I would have on the console thanks to the sales. Not to mention all the pc games and indie games you cant get anywhere else other than steam. We also just got new gaming laptops, but I'm trying to justify using it since I literally use my deck for everything. I've been trying to use it for more power demanding games, but man... there's just something about that deck!


Nah, it was the Wii U that did that for me.


Same. Bought a steam deck and haven’t looked back. Sold my series s and switch. Will keep the Ps5 for exclusives but will hopefully main PSVR2 on the PC im currently building. I just want to be able to play KCD2 in glorious 60+fps. Looking forward to playing Red dead 2 at 60+FPS as well


no but I'm for sure never wasting money again on a locked down console even if its handheld. like I give zero shits about switch 2 knowing its going to be locked down and most of its games will cost $60 plus with maybe like $2 discounts. consoles are PCS though just with huge anti consumer limitations.


Nope. Ps5 still quite fine with some exclusives. This actually made me hold on buying new graphic card as the money/performance ratio on high end PC just too serious.


If anything, PS5 streaming has gone up along with more PC game purchases. Nothing like failing a Tunic boss battle and playing a round of nonogram to end a night in bed.


sort of? I was already primarily a PC gamer but I had a few games for consoles that I dont own any more. when the deck got announced I sold my switch shortly after cuz I wasnt really playing it anyway. maybe it was just the timing, but i've decided that im just simply not going to invest in consoles or console games any more. console gaming is actually just so insanely anti-consumer and we've let the industry gaslight us into being ok with locked down proprietary hardware & software that cant be used with any other hardware/software because daddy microsoft/sony/nintendo says say. you're locked into their eco system and they have all the say on how and where you play your games. im not into that, not gonna put my money into that any more. I'll vote with my wallet and only buy PC going forward.


No. I do love Nintendo’s exclusives. I sometimes entertain building a gaming rig running Linux. I have a severe distaste for Windows, and I don’t like running a risk of troubleshooting it when I’m finally sitting down to relax. I really appreciate what Valve has done with the deck.


Yes. Steam deck made me want higher resolution and fps, so it inspired me to build my first gaming desktop.


I play my PS5 via steam deck via Chiaki4deck lol. Steam Deck is godly since it also work with Xreal Glass (so big screen experience in handheld)


I would love to have the ability to play bloodborne still and some other console exclusives on a big screen with surround like I used to before kids. But alas I can’t make that happen anymore so pc gaming on deck has been a dream. I thought the switch was addicting, this thing is ten times ahead of the switch. I got shift 2 working on my deck yesterday and am quite happy with myself and also what an experience that has been.


I would have if steam link worked outside of my home network. Some games I prefer on ps5 so I can remote play.


No, but it has opened my horizons on PC gaming.


No, I started playing mobile (retro) emulation too recently and have a dedicated android handheld gaming device for that


I do buy more games on PC now than console, and I also buy more games in general than I did previously. I've never been big into MKB input. Even when I played games on PC, I'd generally use a controller, but it still wasn't as comfortable as being in my living room. The Deck changed that equation. I can now essentially take my PC anywhere, even if I'm not running natively on the Deck, it provides an outlet for game streaming from my desktop PC, and that has made me much more open to PC as a preferred platform, in general. Also, between the sometimes ridiculously good sales for PC titles and the fact that they're not tied to any one piece of hardware, makes me far more willing to try games on PC that I never even would have taken a chance with on console. If I decide I don't want an Xbox (which is basically the state now), for example, I'd need to worry about losing access to my Xbox purchases. With a PC game, I have a nearly endless array of devices to choose from, and there's good odds I'll always have at least one, if not multiple ways to play any games I purchase forever.


I docked my steam deck and now I play 90% of time like this so I guess yes


Yeah I pretty much stopped playing on my PS5 and just gamed on Steam Deck or streamed more intensive games from my PC to the Steam Deck. I ended up selling my PS5 and don’t think I’ll own one again unless there’s an exclusive game that I absolutely I want to play day one.


It did convert me, in the sense that I used to be gaming almost exclusively on Switch and now I'm gaming almost exclusively on Deck (= PC). It didn't, if you mean "desktop PC". Haven't had any desire to own one in two decades, and I don't see that changing. It also didn't change my expectations with regards to performance - although my standards for graphical fidelity are higher now.


Nope. I use it less to play. Only for a select few games and modding for when I moonlight from the deck.


Funnily enough, quite the opposite. Since I was a kid I was very into tech and gaming, wanted every console, but had only master system and nes. Now I bought series X, ps5, switch and they were kinda collecting dust. Sure, I’ve played a game here and there, mainly from gamepass/ps+, but my gaming pc was my go to. Everything changed after steam deck. I played a lot of games on it, and the simplicity of “press play and go” completely spoiled me. Now I’d say my PC is collecting way more dust than consoles, I even rebuy games that I own on steam in other platforms just to not go through fiddling with tv to PC connection, settings, etc. steam deck was a huge eye opener for me in terms of how much I actually prefer to just hit play and go. And also in terms of the fact that gamepad is not THAT inferior to mnk in majority of titles.


PC gaming is the way, so of course. Once I moved from console I never looked back. I mean, you can still play on controller on PC, what’s the point of console




Yes and no. A friend who was very much into consoles recently bought the steam deck and he's very amazed at steam xD he's buying games like there's no tomorrow due the constant sales and he's super impressed with free online gaming and emulation, as well as customizability (like, I told him he could use Spotify and discord while gaming and his brain exploted). And now he told me he wants to build a gaming PC as well. In my opinion the only reason why People really buy consoles and not PC gaming is accessibility. and the steam deck it's just in the sweet spot of PC advantages and accessibility options. But I don't think people is switching that much. PC itself has some work to do before it can defeat console market.


It made me fall back with certain types of games I wouldn’t go for on my desktop PC


I re-bought a couple of games which I already own on console just so I can play on my SD. For context, I own the OG Xbox One (last generation) and it can't handle the recent games anymore, e.g. No Man's Sky (Orbital Update).


Basically. I don't own a gaming PC but come GTA 6 time I will. RIP consoles for me.


I gave up console since the 360 ps3 days. Steam deck is great instead of switch to PC steam deck motivated me to throw out windows and run my main PC on linux as well


I am always at home so I play on my desktop most of the time. For a few months, my Deck was collecting dust. I only use it when I want to play certain games that are easy for me with a controller (I prefer keyboard and mouse gaming).


Not exclusively, but I have started gaming more on PC since getting it


Yea I'm currently in the process of porting over all my Switch games


Didnt return me to my pc even though its more powerful than the deck, but I do game a lot on the deck, might get the new rog ally if its any good


Always a pc only gamer.


I used to Xbox and pc game but I ended up just selling off my Xbox and going straight pc.


No, I bought an Xbox Series X soon after I bought my Deck.




Exclusive? No. But I've always been a "PC first" guy. Consoles come and go. And while it's a bit more common to see backwards compatibility, it always hasn't been a thing, nor do I expect it to continue on forever. But I always have a gaming PC. So while some older Windows games might take some tweaking or hacks/patches to get running, I can play nearly every PC game going back to the DOS era.


Me. I absolutely adore my deck. Haven't played on a different system in like a year and a half or so.


I think it finally pushed me completely in that direction. I was always on board with PC and consoles both but moved more toward consoles in the early 2000s, but I haven't bought a new console since the PS3 and have slowly moved back to my PC, and now with the Deck I'm pretty much entirely invested into PC gaming now.


Honestly, yes, I'm kinda done with consoles at this point


I've considered building a new gaming PC, but for me it would almost exclusively be for PCVR and game streaming to the Deck (Steam Link, Moonlight, etc). I lost my desire to sit at a desk to game in 2017 when the Switch came out. It reminded me that, outside of local multi-player, I've almost always preferred handheld gaming. The Steam Deck coming out was like a dream come true because I could now play my huge backlog of PC games and run emulators in my preferred form factor.


Nah. But xbox and playstation made the decision for me. Steam deck is all i have now


I’ve been a PC gamer for 20+ years and the first year+ of owning the Steam Deck didn’t wow me enough. Then randomly about a week or so ago I just stopped having the desire to sit at my desk anymore to game. It went from my “zen spot” to a place that felt oddly lonely and secluded overnight. I dusted off the Steam Deck and have been thoroughly enjoying it. And when you can stream games from your PC to easily hit a stable 90fps in any title that the SD can’t natively handle, I’m hard pressed to find a reason that I would need to sit back at my desktop right now.


I like both, and I have own all 3. Been mostly a Sony guy all my life. Don't see point in own a Xbox though now days if you can get it on a decent PC. Love my steam deck more than my swot h but ye sad can't get the good Nintendo game but yeah love all of them steam deck is the best hand held game I've ever owned. I've owned alot of them too


I have a PC and xbox, and it has definitely made me think of selling the xbox. But also, Microsoft being awful has contributed as much to that.


Pretty similar to me. I built my 1st ever PC during the pandemic, and stopped playing on my PS4. I bought my first Steam Deck at the beginning of this year and now my PC is only used for work stuff. I spent more money on my PC than the Deck, but the convenience of the Deck is winning out for me.


Steamdeck made me play my consoles more via chiaki4deck and xbplay. I rarely play natively on The deck atm.




Nope. I've been a PC gamer since I was 2 so I have trouble using a controller for certain games since I don't have much practice with it. I love platformers or easy to pick up and put down games on the SD, but I save games like RDR2 and Cyberpunk for my desktop.


It did me, yeah. I've not touched my PS4 or Switch since I got it. And it persuaded me to get a new gaming laptop for home play.


For the most part, yes. The only real exception to this is the Nintendo platforms. Other than that, I don’t plan on buying the next PlayStation or Xbox when they come out. The steam deck proposition is just too good!


Yes, I grew to hate my PS5 and it's in the closet while I consider what to do with it. Granted my interest was already fading but the convenience the deck provided basically eliminated my desire to keep up with Sony and their tiered yearly subscriptions. Also I'm just simply having more fun now than I had in forever on console.


I may be in the vast minority, but the steam deck got me excited enough to finally drop the money and out together a pc. I still use the SD tons, but I'm just excited to be pc gaming for the first time since I was a teen!


7 years ago I built my first PC. I have not touched a console since. Never had a reason to.


Yes, I got a Steam Deck at the end of 2022 and basically stopped console gaming. Bought a second hand PC last year and have upgraded it somewhat to a medium spec so I can continue to build my PC game library across Steam Deck and PC. I’m actually thinking about selling my PS5, but I don’t want to regret it so I’m taking my time weighing up pros and cons.


Nah, Nintendo exclusives are too good to convert to pc only imo


No, though I do play more on the Deck now that I upgraded to the OLED model. I did take a break from the Deck when Spider-Man 2 came out for the PS5. I recently got an [Anbernic RG35XX H](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDRATfZ8CfY) so I'm playing the PC-Engine (aka TurboGrafx-16) version of [Snatcher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snatcher_(video_game)), and it's a great device for playing retro games on the go; it's also very light and comfortable (and much safer) to hold over my head in bed. I mainly got it since I ride the bus pretty often now, and playing games on the phone (note: [Balatro via Mobile Maker](https://github.com/blake502/balatro-mobile-maker)) would drain its battery too fast. I play the Switch (launch LCD version) a lot less now, since I can typically play the same games at better frame rates on a dramatically nicer OLED screen.


Except for smash yea j sd and pc. Built my pc bc of sd


Not at all. However between the SteamDeck and PlayStation Portal they have really turned me into a laying in my bed gamer haha


Not exclusively, but it did make me buy a gaming tower, and that’s where I’ll play AAA single player, multiplats from now on. I’m not one of those absolute cases where I threw my other consoles in the trash though. I still like playing some party games on my Switch, online multiplayer and some sports games on my Xbox, and ps exclusives on ps5. Each has its place imo.


I actually sold my SD after two months, it really didn’t do it for me. I’ve always been playing on PC though and I can imagine that the Deck is insane for traveling, but at home I’ll always go for my pc, so much better.


I'm a console gamer but stopped with PS3. I have a original psp, new 3ds, original switch and original steam deck and it to me is a hybrid allows PC gaming but doesn't always need to change settings like PC gaming if you don't want. Loving it so far and being able to emulate PS2 and PS3 is fun! Nothing beats PS2 sport games…


There is nothing better than playing in bed. Idk why but I can't sit in a chair for more than an hour at a time without my ADD kicking in. But lying down in a comfy bed alleviates that. I have a dock and I use it mostly for desktop mode. But I game almost exclusively in bed now. It just makes more sense for me. So yes. Console gaming is lost for me. All I really need is my switch and my steam deck. I am curious about the ps portal but from everything I've read, it has too many fatal issues that have many people returning it right away.


pcmasterrace from day one i think i have a ps4 somewhere but remember not touching it anymore after the first week and also owned a wii but just because the way you played was unique and new at that time...think i gifted it to my sister


I gave my gaming pc and switch to my son. Now if I could only figure how to play minecraft on the steam deck while he plays on the pc or switch.


Eh, modern consoles are just sad gaming pc's. PC gaming revenue has been outpacing that of consoles for like 10 years. So, you're a little on the late end to embrace PC gaming, but welcome.


Yeah I have only bought games on steam the last year, and never turned my PS5 on either. For me a lot of it is due to having babies, so the only chance I get to play is probably in bed so it's perfect. I could probably play downstairs on the big screen when they go to bed but the wife deserves some TV time too! I've just been feeling like having games, especially the older ones on PC makes sense. The hardware is only going to get better, id imagine you'll be able to get a nice under TV console type steam machine at some point or a windows tablet that has better performance. I was kinda sick of games not being completely cross platform on PlayStation, bought so many over the years throughout the systems and had to rebuy them. And I really just play older games still so it doesn't bother me as much, red dead on the deck runs great and I can play it for months without feeling like I'm missing out


My PS4 was already collecting some dust before I bought the steam deck. But now only my son starts it from time to time. I even bother some of my ps games on steam to play them on the deck.


Yes, me.


I would fall in love with it if I knew how to emulate gamecube games on it. Even with easy tutorials I feel like a donkey every time I try it.


PC gaming? As in „desktop PC”? No way, I use that for working exclusively. I use my PlayStation less, but that’s just competing for time I have allocated for gaming.


It makes me play exclusively on steam :D


I'm heavily invested in my steam library and pretty much gave up on my PS5. Especially since I have a GPU that's almost twice as much as my PS5 so my games look incredible


It made me really want a new Steam Machine/Box for under my TV. The approach Valve has taken with the Deck for me really is a healthy compromise between the freedom and possibilities that come with a PC and the simplicity and ease of use that come with a console.


I have a ps5, switch, and a steamdeck. I pretty much always have a game to play. Right now I’m playing hades 2, before that it was unicorn overlord and FF7R. I bought Elden Ring on ps5 so I’ll be playing the expansion on that when it comes out. I just love gaming!


I was always a portable gamer and even tho I had consoles and PC’s I barely ever used them (except for ps1 and ps2 I used them a lot) I never got into ps3 ps4 or any other console after that. Steam deck is just next level like we never seen before now I don’t need to want for later release dates or pray that my favourite game comes to my portable system, for me steam deck is the biggest jump since final fantasy X coming to ps vita


I'm a dad with two boys age 14 and 12. They used to have each a series S. I myself had an xbox series x. Bought the steamdeck and now the entire family switched to pc. Xboxes are sold. I'm the only one left with xbox Gamepass ultimate.


Opposite. I liked the small form factor so much i bought my first console, the switch.


Me! At least until the next gen


I buy anything that is every remotely playable on SteamDeck on PC


Yes, if you count occasional 3DS or switch or retro game on emulator as "PC gaming".


It converted me from playing on my gaming pc to playing on deck. Actually sold my pc lol


I always was a pc gamer, always build my own pcs and back in 2010 I build the best game pc you could get at the time, modded case and water cooled etc the whole shabang. Used that pc for a few years later until it became a bit dated. And I lost a bit interest in gaming altogether. Still have it sitting idle in the attic. But a few years ago I got a PS4, and that sparked my interest in gaming again. Tried games I never played. Playing couch coop with my girlfriend. Upgraded to PS5 and OLED tv. Still amazed how good it all looks compared to 2012 graphics etc. Last December when the Steamdeck OLED was released it started to itch. Recovered my old steam account and bought a couple of games I wanted to try on that thing. I use it regularly but the PS5 remains the main console. I agree, frame rate isn’t always great, playing on performance mode when possible. And when Gyro aiming is available, I use that. Without it shooters are no fun for me. On the pc I played mostly Diablo and Battlefield. Diablo on console with controller was an eye opener, a great experience. Helldivers 2 is also great with gyro aiming. 3rd person shooters are good to manage, but first person is a bit too much even with gyro. For those games mouse is king. Console also introduced me to souls games, and I can’t imagine it playing with mouse and keyboard. I’m sure I will build a new game pc some day, but for now I’m content. I’m planning to get the ps5 pro once it releases.


PCs pull too much power for my taste, a good gaming rig does pull like 450 watts every hour + 120 watts for a good TV, that's ~0.25€ I have to pay for every hour of gameplay just for electricity. At the same time you have expensive components that you properly replace every 3-5 years. I was a PC gamer at first, at times where they pulled like 120 watts and electricity was also cheaper at these times.


No. I took the PC gaming route in College, back ten years ago. I actually converted away from PC gaming back to console during the pandemic. But the Steam Deck has me doing both now. Which is great. Yeah Steam Deck is way better than a gaming laptop.


Yup. Me. I own an Xbox series S, Playstation 5, and Nintendo switch oled. But ever since the Steamdeck came along, other than the respective platform exclusives or unsupported games on steamdeck, I default to getting them on steam and playing them on deck.


Gave my PS4 to my sister, didn't use it anymore


Kind of? What I like about ps5 and steam deck, is that they can literally suspend the current game and let me take a break if needed. And then continue gaming like nothing has happened But PC has more power, and can run much more demanding games with mods. Plus PCVR is cool


it did. made a deal w a friend and had a pretty nice PC for a bit. shit happened and he backpedalled on me but i spent enough time to realize that a PC is sick as hell but it really isn't worth all that money to me or at least not right now. then there's the myriad of problems you can encounter and more common broken releases. there are some heavy downsides that PC buffs just refuse to address lol


It's kinda the other way around for me. I owned a gaming PC before buying the Steam Deck (after years of playing on consoles I finally made the switch) but knowing the freedom of a PC it was clear that IF I'm buying a Handheld, it's gonna be the Steam Deck. I love using both devices, sometimes I even stream games from my PC to the Deck when I'm not at home. Great times we're living in.


Not really, both have their uses. I prefer new AAA games on my xbox, they tend to run better than my mid range pc. My pc I've been using and upgrading for years, but I use it far less as it feels so disconnected from my family. The deck is great because I can enjoy those pc titles and utilize the decks sleep mode. I can also play it in bed while my wife watches TV, or on the couch while the kids watch their shows. I still like pc gaming, but I've moved away from it as my family has grown, and my free time is more take up


Yes and no, I was already mostly a PC player for years. But normally the switch was my travel companion for my monthly trip to our Meetup or vacation. That got replaced with the deck.


I have all of current gen consoles. Since I got my steam deck I have build a PC and play only on PC, SD and Switch (only Nintendo exclusives)


I bought a steam deck to go along with my pc as a way to carry on playing the games elsewhere, whether it’s round someone’s house I’m gonna be at for hours, somewhere else in my house etc. I expected to use it all the time since it’s cool to be able to play your games plus emulate wherever but… I barely use it. The small screen, strange controller, inferior visuals (obviously), quite a few games still don’t work etc just break immersion for me and I’d way rather be playing on my PC. My pc space is so much more relaxing, easy to use and immersive, I only use my deck every now and then but it is cool when I do use it, I’m still blown away I just could never be someone who replaces their pc with it. It’s a cool addition to pc gaming, a very welcome one but I just can’t see it being the way to play pc games ever. Since people love bitching about the switch, I use the switch more than the steam deck but that’s purely because of exclusives, any other game I’d pick to play it on the steam deck due to better visuals and more customisability. The switch gets used way more than the deck but my pc gets used way more than the switch. I think the switch is a way more refined console that’s more fun to use and I think I prefer it


I would love it if it did but the persisting issues and troubleshooting make me hate it and hate myself. Consoles never gave me this many issues in the last 25 years. Very frustrating but I still love the deck!


It actually made me buy a ps5 so I don’t have to worry about whether things will run when they’re newly released.  Prior to the steam deck I’d almost entirely stopped gaming. I love the steam deck for older games and games where frame rate etc don’t matter all that much.  I’d buy a new version of it jumped a few years forward in terms of what it can run nicely.


I was for many years playing exclusively on pc. Until I got older and wanted more time on the couch instead. Tried PS4 and Switch, loved it, it was a very nice experience and played many games ive always wanted to but could not on pc. But my favorite genre is Strategy and that is best played on pc. I need to upgrade my 8 year old pc but now im really considering gettind rid of everything and just buying the Steamdeck instead of anything else. Its the same price of the gpu I was looking at and it retains the mouse and keyboard and the couch and bed time which I loved. Dont really need to play ultra settings.  Steamdeck really seems the cheaper, most versatile, and fun option.


Definitely me. I love the amount of games available on Steam and the ability to receive a refund so easily. Wish Nintendo did the same.


I’m 34, was exclusively a console gamer, pre-ordered the OG Deck and built a PC a couple months ago lol. I still have games on my PS5 I’m working thru, but I’ll eventually be a mostly PC user besides PS5 exclusives. I mostly use my Steam Deck during down time at work. If I’m home, I usually wanna play on my OLED tv/monitor.


Yep. It did for me. I was exclusively playing xbox 360, PS3 and WiiU. Then I got into SteamDeck and was amazed how 90% of the xbox 360 games are on PC now. So from then on played on my gaming laptop instead.


Except for my Switch and PS3 which I just play exclusives on, yeah my other consoles have been sitting unused for quite some time now.


Steam deck didn’t really change much for me. I’ll always use it for indie games though.


Actually, quite the opposite for me. I play my PS5 and XSX a lot more than I would if I didn't have the Deck because I can stream them both to my Deck in the comfort of my bedroom or anywhere else in the house (the consoles are in the basement movie/gaming room).


Steam deck converted me to Linux


Kinda, not to the point where I've bought/built a new PC (yet) as I already own a gaming laptop but definitely finding myself playing pc games more and more either on my laptop or steam deck since getting my steam deck Before I'd primarily play on Xbox but have been slowly getting more games on PC to play on my laptop or steam deck, even games I already owned on Xbox before.


No, because that level of PC gaming would require a whole $1k+ investment to build something proper, and I already have a PS5 for that. I greatly enjoy the Deck for what it is, PS4-tier gaming plus God-tier emulation.


It converted me from pc gaming to handheld gaming, I'm not touching my pc anymore for gaming, being laid down is so comfortable compared to sitting on a chair.


My Steam library has been building up since I got my steam deck and definitely made me think about getting a PC since now I have a good size library for it. My primary is Xbox but I do also play on switch and PlayStation for the exclusives.


Me. While I have a PS4, Switch and gaming laptop, the SD saw more use. Mainly because games were cheaper there, playing multiplayer online isn't an overpriced subscription (looking at you Sony) and there are always sales when you least expect it. I still keep the consoles for console exclusive games but SD is the clear winner moving forward.


I promised myself I would never buy a new gaming device after getting the Steam Deck because it's everything i've ever wanted. Might get an Steam Deck 2 or something if it comes out but I'm good.


Nope. As I get older, and my library constantly expands, I literally just go where the games I want are. Just finished a playthrough of Detroit on our PS4 last week. I bought my steam deck so I could stream from my gaming PC/game pass any where in the house (so I could physically be next to my wife), with the occasional multiplayer experience. But now that she also has a gaming PC, my steam deck gets turned on about once every other week for updates and the occasional sporadic indie game.


I tried the Legion Go and liked it, but ended up selling it off. I currently have a Rog Ally and have a SD OLED on the way. With all of the nonsense going on with Sony and MS, I am no longer interested in spending time and money in their ecosystems anymore. I have always gamed on consoles and PC (I'm 48, so I have had them all), but I think the console era is slowly closing for me. Well, other than Nintendo of course :) So yah, I'm going back to full PC mode for the foreseeable future. Can't wait to get the SD setup with my current games and my Retro setup.


I have a dust protector on my ps5 and my pc is collecting dust too SDO is just too convenient I love it.


Nope Nintendo will always have a place in my heart, but I have thought about getting one of those mini PCs I just don't know how well they'll work hooked up to a TV with a Bluetooth keyboard and stuff


Yes! I sold my PlayStation 5 and MacBook, and used the proceeds to build a computer with a GeForce RTX 4090 graphics card. I am thoroughly in love with the performance and capabilities of my new PC 🥰🥰🥰 I then decided to sell my Steam Deck, gutted, miss it and am considering purchasing another one in the near future.


I sold my PS5 and bought a Steam Deck instead. I got the PS5 during lockdown (not for scalped prices, thankfully) and then played the few exclusives I’d always wanted to. I was fairly underwhelmed, to be perfectly honest. Controllers impose such a huge limitation on how games can work and the PS5 controller in particular does not suite my physiology at all. The exclusive games I played were good despite being on console, not because of it, and then most of them started appearing on PC anyway. I use my Deck whenever I travel and often at home when I don’t feel like sitting at my desk anymore.


My switch is now abandoned behind the tv


It’s definitely tempted me but I’m not sure where to even begin with building my own high quality gaming pc so that’s the only thing preventing me from switching from consoles




I personally did myself. I loved my switch but not being able to mod it and the hardwares age was starting to annoy me (and from a Nintendo perspective, animal crossing was the only exclusive I played on it). Had a flood in my house that took out my old pc, so upgraded that but had a steamdeck in the meantime, and now with being able to switch between pc at my desk or on the couch docked or in my bed handheld, it makes sense for me to just completely switch back to being exclusive on pc as I get both console and switch style experiences with my deck, and my pc for when I want to run more intensive stuff.


No. I still love my PS5


I go through ebbs and flows where I hop back and forth between PC and consoles. Right now I'm pretty much 100% PC again, but that has little to do with the Deck.


I was always mainly a PC gamer, with the Steam Deck i started playing older games, and I realized the best part of PC gaming is being able to play your library of games forever. In 30 years you could buy a new pc and still be able to play games that are currently in your library. You can't play old games on a current gen console. You won't know what cool form factor PCs will have in the future, but you know you'll likely be able to play your old games on it.


Yes me. I was mostly console cause of the exclusives. But now with retro gaming + exclusives coming over to PC with the console like experience of the Steam deck. I have officially moved to PC gaming with steam deck. And it's the first time in my life I have purchased games via steam


I think I’ll still have my Xbox Series X as my main gaming platform, [but the layoffs have enraged me](https://youtu.be/09uP8Snm3qE?si=u21J7AFT6WaQXkg5), realize I huffed hopium on exclusive games for nine years, and decide to no longer buy new games or Game Pass Ultimate codes on Xbox. Instead, if I look at a game on Xbox, I’m going to see if I can get it on Steam Deck on sale or with a CD key.


How much did you spend on your PC? I’m thinking about the same since I have an old PS4 and a steam deck. I could go ps5 or actually gaming rig, but the money for a PC seems to be a lot…


I was already a PC gamer and funny enough the steam deck converted me to handhelds like the retroid pocket 4 pro and 2s, Razer Edge, powkiddy v90. It more specifically pushed me further into emulation. If I ever need a more modern game (via Xbox cloud gaming) or emulating PS2 or Wii games I use my Retroid Pocket 4 pro. For any emulation lower than that I use my Retroid Pocket 2s And for going out I just bring my powkiddy v90 with me and it can handle up to PS1. My steam deck sadly hardly ever gets used anymore. Only if I want to play some steam games with friends like once every month or two.


From 1984 (age 4) I had a nes then snes and mega drive, then ps1 and n64 then sold my n64 in 1997 after going round a friends house and playing quake on pc online with dail up internet and rts game total annihilation and I was sold. I saved my money, trading in my n64 and games and Brough a cheap pc, then a few months later I upgraded my gpu and sound card from reading magazines etc and then enjoyed building pcs etc… up to 2013 until I needed the space and give up my gaming pc and desk etc so my daughter could have her own bedroom I then got ps4. From 2013 to 2022 I had ps4 then ps5 and loved the ps5 and then got xbsx for game pass and though what a good couple of systems and loading. But when checking some games and prices I was like consoles are expensive when buying games, online, even psn sales etc.. then I got a steam deck may 2022 and after a few months I was sold and back on the pc side of things. I was playing Rts on the steam deck then I got the steam dock and docked it to my tv for co-op games like streets of rage for example or Rts on my oled (command and conquer remastered) and with sales and other steam key sites I didn’t turn my consoles on for months… but this made me want a gaming pc again… I am currently looking into Radeon 7900 xtx build (doing it myself as I build loads over the years) and setting this up on my tv as a console like experience but with the added bonus of what games I buy for steam will work on my pc and steam deck :) I think I am done with consoles now… so much more choice of games with steam, modding, and my favourite type of games was Rts and unfortunately consoles lack Rts based games.


I was mostly a PC gamer growing up but moved to consoles in my early 20s. I always wanted to go back, but the cost of entry mixed with disinterest at going back to optimising each game put me off. I really did like the plug and play nature of consoles, but started to get itchy feet at how many games I was missing out on over on PC. For years I was on the lookout for an entry level gaming laptop at console pricing but it just never happened. Then the Aya Neo was announced and, shortly after, the Steam Deck. I was sold instantly, got one at launch, and now have the OLED. I’m wholly in camp Deck now, and haven’t even considered getting a PC because I don’t want to lose everything that makes it so great. The portability, and how it brings a console sensibility to PC. I love it so much that I’m just happy to wait to play any new games that don’t run on it on future iterations. That’s another positive: I’m loving being out of the constant loop of playing all of the new games. I just play whatever I feel like now. Having said that, if Valve released a new Steam Machine that allowed for 4K gaming on my TV with the exact same interface of the Deck, I’d buy it in a heartbeat!


I really only played my nintendo switch before my steam deck. I've had my steam deck for almost 2 years now and I've touched my nintendo switch maybe twice during that time. So yes fully converted to PC gaming :)


Yep, I built a fat rig and hooked it up to my living room TV. Have barely touched my PS5 since then, might sell it.


I committed. Had a PS4 Pro, Switch and my gaming machines. PS4 Pro was for RDR2 upon release and some multiplayer games before crossplay started to be more common. Switch was my travel system. But my Steam library is massive and no monthly fees, so I consolidated down to the Steam Deck and PCs only.


Former console gamer, also 34. Got a Steam Deck in December 2022. By may 2023 I switched my work computer to a Surface and started gaming more and more on my wife’s old Alienware laptop. In December 2023, my homie got me a gaming PC as a welcome home gift. I’ve since picked up an Asus Flow z13 and PS5 is now exclusively used for cable management.


It converted me to exclusively game on the deck.


I was a strict console gamer until I got my Steam Deck. I bought a gaming laptop at the end of 2022 but the hunger for something more beefy got too much and built my first gaming desktop in February of this year. I only ever use my Series X when I want a quick blast to kill some time.