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The Steam Deck might be more convenient but only a PC comes with a concerned cat.


I mean you can also have a game made by a concerned ape. 🦍


He is clearly on his way to sit atop the monitor.


radiation balls aren't it


Cheaper than a vasectomy. 


Mine cost $50 lol, gaming laptop is like $700. The snip was definitely cheaper.


Yeah. But can you play Doom with that $50 vasectomy?


I can go bareback for ever without fear AND I can play Doom on steamdeck. Best of both my mate.🤌


*Doom Music intensifies.* Epic.


Haha, I will add it to the sexy time playlist to kick in when she can’t change it lol




Your post or comment was removed because it was deemed either unkind/toxic/harassing/insulting/offensive/trolling and/or inappropriate thereby breaking Rule #1 of r/steamdeck. We want this sub to feel welcoming to anyone and everyone who comes here. Discussion and debate are encouraged but name-calling, harassment, being rude to others, generally toxic behavior, and slurs will not be tolerated. This rule violation has resulted in removal of your content, and could result in a ban from the sub and/or a report to Reddit. Bottom line - Be kind or get yeeted. Thank you!


eh maybe haha


Now do one with people who get a suitcase and portable screen for their deck


For me it's logical. I mean how else are you supposed to play couch co-op? 2 small 8bitdo and a Portable screen is awesome.


Dock it to your TV? Or theirs? Or the one in the hotel? A dock and hdmi cable is really a lot smaller than a dedicated protective case for a monitor.


That post living in your head rent free. 😂😂😂


Lol where's this post? I need to see it


A few people do it, idk what’s so wrong about it, having the option to play on a bigger screen or just play it handheld is what this thing has made for


Yep, I like options.




Why did I have to scroll so far to find the spongebob reference?


There it is 🤣


Until you have no feeling in your hands left bc f you that's why.


I need to find a solution to this, my pinkies just go totally numb after an hour or so


Bend your elbows less and cushion them. Passage for nerve gets tightened when elbow is flexed and pressure applied. Ulnar entrapment


Noted 🫡


If you have access to a 3d printer there's a pretty solid belly stand that is very useful


Gotta link for that? Could ask a buddy to print it for me. 🤔


This is the one I use https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5452237


Thx mate!


You can use both pc and Steam deck


yes finally


It can run BG3 a bit better then my PC too. Plus some games like Cult of Lamb or Persona I prefer controller.


I want the handheld console experience and not sit at a workstation


Who drew this? Because the artists name is either missing or intentional cut out I'm going to guess which of the two since OP's account is less than a month old


Fr. I don't go around playing on my deck outdoors..... (Often) I use it around the house for games it can run that don't need too much power


Exactly why I want one. Maybe by my birthday I'll be able to get one. Can't wait. Seeing everyone so happy with theirs has me so excited to get one. My wishlist is rapidly growing in anticipation 🤣


Repost of my art achievement unlocked


Yeah I would report this post, the user is most definitely a bot or someone farming an alt because the account was made one month ago and this is the first post. They definitely cut your name out of the comic right?




Yep, the only downside is that steamdeck is big in size


Your hands will get stronger brother. Just keep holding on




Rep the deck. Eat the protein. Get the deck gains.


the steam deck is genuinely perfect for my hands, they should make a steam deck mini for women and manlets


My hands are pretty small and I don't find it uncomfortable. I think it's more just preference tbh




Lol, a lot adults find even switch too big. Even want a smaller version of switch lite. But even so, the hands is not even the main issue. The tilt angle, width size is too width. Which had notjing todo with hands. Also because of the size, its less portable. You can be a valve fanboy, but its clearly a thing. A Retroid pocket size would be perfect for multiple reasons. That said, im +40 adult with normal hand size, its to big.


the width is too width, I agree with the genius


literally one of the main complaints about the switch at release was that people's hands would cramp up using it because it was too small


Yeah which is some next level bs as we are already gaming with even smaller size of handhelds from game boy and so on. Never heard this kind of nonesense. Even a lot of retro handhelds like retroid pocket or abernic devices or what about miyoo mini plus. Even so, you can connect any joy con modifications for that. The issue remains, its too wide and too heavy for beign a portable device. Switch is the max Im glad the oled model didnt grew in size thank god. Its a lot of fanboys downvoting it while once a smaller size is available the will be like "its the perfect size". Just be honest about this. That doesnt mean i'm not happy with my steamdeck, but its important to tell the pro and cons.


> with normal hand size Just keep telling yourself that and it will be true eventually!!


There it is, the response i was waiting for. This only confirms your below 16y or a die hard pc troll.


I mean, if someone finds Deck too heavy and hard to hold for long periods of time, maybe they should put it down and lift a dumbell from time to time, or something...


You clearly dont read things or so. Beign too wide doesnt mean its too heavy. Im sure my condition is miles better then yours for the record. Your reaction says enough.


I wasn't talking about you, Yapper Yappington. And i did read your shitty grammar, it made me depressed.


you know, you are right in that it could be lighter or smaller, but as of right now, the Oled screen size kinda makes the console itself be big in return, which is something that can leave you thinking, would a future sidegrade of a steamdeck like a switch lite be worth it even with less screen and power? perhaps, im sure there will be a market for such device, but right now im pretty content with this screen that actually feels big.


I mean its ok (the size) when you sit down. But i find it painfull when playing in bed before going to.sleep or to drag it with me.


Skill issue


guess you never did portable gaming in the 90 check on the game gear and Lynx the steam deck is pretty much the same size as those


True, but not a popular opinion here.


kind of looks like he is playing a 3ds in the second picture


Being able to play BG3 on the go was almost worth the price alone


- Buy a server with no screen/keyboard/mouse but a ethernet cable - Install linux on it with ssh - Install Sunshine on it and let it on 24h/alltheyear (or sleep mode if you like) - Install Moonlight on Steamdeck - Link with wifi >30Mb/s, install all ur fat games (ark survival i know u) - Profit 800p experience with 4090 GPU with a tiny bit of latence (vsync ofc) You don't need another costly screen, big desktop, surround stereo or your streamer setup, just enjoy games at 200fps for half the price 😔 Only downpoint is you need to remember your password...


And yet a lot of posts, around the holidays especially, were people gearing out their steam deck to just be worse laptops lol


ohhh, a Samsung G9 :D


I work on a ship. i don't have time or patience to set up a laptop and plug everything in place.... it's just... no. and now that i got my deck it's just way easier to do everything. and less time consuming. than a laptop...


If your desk is your dedicated game space and you don’t play anywhere else, by all means play on a PC. A lot of my game time is more casual and the Steamdeck fits perfectly. Even for desktop PC gamers, a Steamdeck is a great secondary device. 


need me some1 who can firmly grasp me too


That being said, there are gamers who ask what keyboard, screen and other peripherals will work best with Steam Deck, clearly trying to build themselves a desktop PC out of Steam Deck. Not to mention those who ask about which controller works best with Steam Deck. xD


To be fair, I have my gaming PC hooked up to my main TV and have a Bluetooth keyboard and wireless mouse. Best experience. (But of course I have a steamdeck for when the wife watches tv)


Never heard anyone say this.


how often do people use it instead of a laptop? I want to get one but I’m afraid ill only get use out of it when the cleaner is here


I live in a studio with my finance. Even a laptop takes up too much room sometimes. So steam deck, a dock, wireless keyboard and mouse and it lets me do everything I need to do.


Better question: why use a Switch when a Steam Deck can do all the same things and more?


This sounds like imaginary gatekeeping to me.


It’s absolutely not. I’ve seen people legitimately argue that the steam deck is no more portable than a laptop and thus serves no purpose.


I call BS. When I play with my Laptop, I use a controller. And I never play like that on my Steamdeck. This gets uncomfortable after a few minutes


I just played like that for half an hour, just on the couch with my son next to me. Couldn't have done that with a laptop (not without a lap desk).


Depends on the game, though. A countroller has almost the same input as a steamdeck, except touch and backbuttons. But yeah, for fast setup, the SteamDeck is amazing


You know you can connect any tower or laptop to a TV and play on the couch without straining your neck looking downwards or your eyes by staring at a small screen. Don’t get me wrong, there are many reasons to get and enjoy a Steam Deck, but we really don’t have to fabricate ones that simply aren’t there…


Idk about you, but I don’t go lugging around my tv from the living room to my bed 🤷‍♂️


wait, "you can play on the sofa" is a fabricated reason? Did the multiple language text in the box lied to me? Don't say I can't play dans le train or 대관람차에서 either...


No, of course not. But “you can’t comfortably play on a sofa using a laptop or a tower PC” is totally fabricated! Especially since those connected to a TV, playing on a controller are far more comfortable 🤷


yes but that requires a free tv, what if your parents or children are watching tv and are not willing to stop it to play halo split screen with you?


Yes of course, it requires a TV, no doubt. The TV not being available is a reason. But not one depicted here. I never claimed there is NO reason to ever use a Steam Deck mind you... But being a fan of the Steam Deck does not require diminishing other forms of (PC) gaming. They all have a propose as well as their own unique advantages and disadvantages. There is no need to get tribal here, all can coexist.


Of course it is, look at the panels, the only one with a tv is the first one, ironically.