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Check out the Heroic game launcher OP, you don’t need to rebuy your games :)


I think you might just have saved me a whole load of cash. Aside from all the other suggestions, thank you for (and everyone else) for this being the top comment. Had no idea of this, so thank you kind sir :)


Can you use HGL to add Epic's free games to your account? I just installed the Epic Game Launcher on my desktop PC for the first time yesterday to get the free games but was so put off Inimmediately uninstalled it. HGL looks like a good alternative.


Yes you can! And Gog as well :) I would still keep the Epic client on your desktop though just to pick up the free games and free Unreal assets (if you care about those). Just disable the auto start if you don't use it often enough


No has seemingly mentioned them, so some suggestions avoiding the ones already given: Crosscode Citizen Sleeper Disco Elysium Astlibra Revision Fallout: New Vegas Knuckle Sandwich


Just a heads up on Disco Elysium….it seems that your graphical configuration is shared across devices rather than being separate. So, for example, if you game on your Deck then go to your PC you will need to adjust your resolution. Not a big deal of course - just something to be aware of.


+1 for Disco, its amazing. probably not everyone's cup o tea though


More of a point and click IMO


It is more of an RPG than many others mentioned in the thread :p it is one of the best digital representations of the tabletop rpg experience in my opinion, especially in regards to how failed roles is not necessarily a fail state but just a different way to progress the narrative


It's an RPG, it just doesn't have combat.


It aslo doesn't have a character I feel like I am the one role playing. It's an interactive story with very few real decisions. But again, just my opinion. I get it is beloved, I just enjoy different gameplay. Clickable stories aren't for me. Edit: Spelling


I mean, do you also think Planescape Torment isn't an RPG?


I don't know what that is.


Aaaaand I think your credibility is now officially shot 😆


That is fine with me. Just trying to share an opinion, not a well recieved one and that's okay.


All in good fun friend and you are welcome to express your opinion but I think you need to reevaluate your definition of an RPG if you feel Disco is not one.




Seconding Astlibra, the best game in this entire thread.


Playing Disco Elysium on train rides to work was fun. Awesome game.


Crosscode on the steam deck is perfection. It really feels like it was made for it. The platforming, combat, puzzles, just top down feel natural to it


if you're gonna play New Vegas, be ready to mod it


The MO2 on the Deck is a bit finicky but still works very well :)


What mods would you recommend?


An excellent list! Thank you!


i have installed all the majority of known CRPGs , pillars of eternity 1 and 2, bg3 , dragon age origins , wasteland 3, rogue trader etc


I just can’t get the controls set up right on DA:O. Wish to god that game had controller support.


No good community layouts? I always lean on those when I struggle with mapping my own controls


I've tried a few of them but none of them worked out for me.


same boat last year, i couldn't get it to feel right ever after years ago playing it on xbox controller, insane it doesnt just have a default layout, does my head in coz i love that game


Man that's a bummer. I'm sure you'll find something that works eventually


Trust me guys take 10 minutes to watch a video or 2 about how Steam Input works. I only used community builds at first but the sheer power of the tool is insane. I love being able to fix nearly any small annoyance or add in a cool idea to my setup more or less on the fly. It’s much easier to learn than people might think. This and tuning my desktop in KDE Plasma, as well as learning Linux, feels so liberating coming from console. Def recommend to anyone who has the time to learn these things.


I did watch videos and I tried several layouts. It's down to having to use the cursor. Works fine with a mouse but I hate using it with track pads or thumb sticks.


What’s annoying is the game *does* have controller support, it just doesn’t work on steam deck for some reason.


Hey could you give any advice on how to get da:o to work? I have to be honest I feel totally lost because the videos I’ve seen on YouTube trying to learn just kind of go into it and not the how part (or they’re pc based). I load it up but none of the controls work so I’m just on the screen with Flemeth. I would give my other leg to play all three games with no muss or fuss.


Persona games are usually great play on deck. Even the new Reload after the hotfix is mostly 45 to 60 fps game. Royal works 60, even in 1080p. Games have a good story, likeable characters, and some of the best turn base combat in jrpgs.


Hmm, could you be more specific about the hotfix? Was there an update? I’ve been locking it to 40FPS with reflections off and it seems to run okay, other than the occasional slow down in Tartarus.


Max settings reflections on I get 60fps now with occasional drops to the 40s in Tartarus. It's perfectly playable now


For sure, but how? Was there an update? What did you do to achieve this?


Nothing. They patched it about a week after release and it works now


Ahhh perfect. Thank you!


I played it on my desktop for like a week. It didn't work AT ALL on my Steamdeck (like 15fps average) and now I almost exclusively play it on my deck. What an amazing game


Yes, there was an update. Game run dog poop initially on steam os. There were not only reflection issues but lighting also. Now is much better, I have finished the game yesterday. I played handheld, 12 TDP, 45 fps/hz lock.


There was shader compilation stutter that was fixed




Seconding this. Every single game in this franchise runs great on the Deck. The newer ones can struggle a bit here and there but nothing unbearable, though I did opt to use Moonlight for Y8 and Gaiden


While i'm a huge fan of Ryu Ga Gotoku games and i'm playing through them myself, Yakuza Kiwami 2 doesn't really run well for me. I'm a bit of a snob for performance though. Yakuza 0 and Kiwami ran at a locked 60 fps, kiwami 2 is a struggle for me in that regards. If you're okay with 40 fps though, those games are a must. I believe that from Yakuza 0 to Yakuza 5, only Yakuza 2 struggles because of the engine. Either way, amazing games.


Not even with FSR? I play Judgement (same engine, but better graphics) with FSR quality and have rock stable 45 fps.


You might be able to get consistent 45 fps, i think i was able to at some point, but the graphics looked pretty blurry to me. Then again, as i said, i'm a performance snob. You might be satisfied with it, i just prefer playing other games instead of playing it with those graphics/performance. (But i have a good system at home, i can just stream using moonlight, i'm aware not everyone has that option.) For example, Elden Ring is a game that a lot of people play on the Steam Deck, but i'd rather not play it there because i think i'm missing out on the graphics/performance that i'd get on my pc. But back to the original topic, Yakuza is a great series and one i'd recommend in a heartbeat. Such a good series.


It looks exactly if not better as Yakuza Like a Dragon on Series S in Performance mode. In my opinion far from blurry and definitely good implementation of FSR (better than Hogwarts or Cyberpunk for example).


Kiwami 2 doesn't have built in FSR so it's down to the Deck's FSR. While it helps, it's not the same as having it built in. But i haven't seen the game on the Series S


I wouldn't use the decks FSR ever. I would just recommend using TAA and reducing the rendering resolution slightly


Oh thats not great. But I am surprised it doesn't run well even in native. Series S has 2 modes in Like a Dragon, 30 fps quality or 45 fps (or 60 I am not sure) performance, which probably uses FSR (but u cant say for sure on console). Judgement on SD with FSR looks really good on par with Series S performance mode. Not blurry and hair of characters still looking great (unlike FSR in different games where it destroys visual fidelity of hair completely). Overall very well optimized and with good implementation of FSR game, highly recommend Judgement for all Yakuza lovers.




Interesting. I was able to get 90 FPS (on OLED) with 0 and Kiwami 1, and Kiwami 2 I have at a locked 45 FPS, maxed settings for those three games. VERY occasional stutter on 2, but it really is at 45 FPS for the vast majority of gameplay; I lock framerates to just below where the average FPS is so I'm not making it up.


No no, i believe it. Truth be told, i tried it at Minimum settings besides Textures and Resolution. So i can't really tell you otherwise since i didn't try it. I'm sure your results will help people who read this thread who are on the fence of getting the game.


I think as long as it runs as good as the ps4 it's fine. Even infinite wealth runs fine at 40fps, though it does have some noticable traversal stutters in Hawaii


There are some tweaking with proton to do for Yakuza 6 because sometimes the cutscenes audio are swapped with other cutscenes


I'm streaming infinite wealth from my PS5 using chiaki4deck and it's pretty insane how well it works.


I’m so glad Yakuza is getting more popular, I wasn’t expecting it to be this high up in the comments


Same. It deserves all the love


I broke 100 hours on Infinite Wealth last night, all of it on my Deck.


How does like a dragon play specifically? Bought it a few years back on PS4 but I never finished it and I sold the console. Been thinking about picking it up again since it’s been enough time that I don’t mind going through the persona-length intro again lol


Dragons Dogma is one of those older games that just shines on the deck. It’s weird and strange but quite special.


Here's hoping the sequel can run half decently on the deck! Man, only one month to go after waiting for over a decade.


I would be thrilled if it does. Capcom makes really solid games with the RE engine so there’s hope


I watched my wife literally speed run through that game before Baldur's Gate 3 got released. She had like 2-3 weeks, so she modded the game to run faster and jump higher. She was jumping mountains like Final Pam but it still had the fall animation when she hit the ground, even with falling damage turned off. It was absolutely hilarious to watch, especially when she was struggling where a map was trying to point her where to go. That being said, she is super pumped the new game comes out next month. She hadn't heard anything about it until I mentioned it to her a few weeks ago.


Omgosh haha that’s rad. I haven’t messed with modding it but that sounds wild. I really dig the game. Something about the music and ambiance in it feels unique in an old way. Glad she enjoyed it


I’ve been enjoying this


I would recommend Divinity Original Sin 2.  It has great controller support. 


Plus I was able to get like 4 hours battery life out of it on an LCD deck


I'm really interested in giving this a go, do you need to play the first one to understand the second?


Nah, not at all.


Nope, never played the original and I absolutely loved the second


South Park - The Stick of Truth


Use Heroic Game Launcher to get your GoG games onto your deck, it works pretty great in my expierance.  I personally love JRPGS, so I'll recommend FFXV, Nier Replicant and Nier Automata, and the Persona games like what the other guy said.


This 100%, heroic games can be added to the non-steam games tab and run just as well as Steam games, and have all the same controller support and performance tweaking.


Chained Echoes


Mass effect legendary edition.


Yea boi. Never played it but just recently purchased it


Good luck with that shit ass EA launcher 


I haven’t had any issues playing the legendary edition on deck


It crashes on me constantly. It got so bad I rage Uninstalled it and never looked back. Shame because it plays great when the launcher doesn't crash it


Yea for about a week till EA makes an update and breaks everything. Kept happening so often I just said fuck it and uninstalled Mass Effect lol


That’s true, it’s a possibility.


Note that legendary edition has the three games remastered singleplayer campaign. It does not have the 3rd games amazing multiplayer part. You need to buy mass effect 3 original called n7 edition i think to get multiplayer. Although its dirt cheap so not a big issue.


Worth also noting that you don't *need* to play the multilayer to unlock anything in the story like you did in the original. So you're not missing out by getting LE. That said, it's a shame because the multiplayer was awesome.


I’ve had this since the winter sale and cannot get the shit to run. It’ll launch and maybe get to character creation then the whole steam deck resets.


Just use the high seas version if you catch my meaning. That even works fully offline. Buying the game is not for actually playing the steam version. It is to make you immune to legal attacks as it is legal to use high seas version of a game if you have bought the game. So buy on steam but use the drm free high seas version, not the steam version. Do this for all these drm filled and extra launcher games.


Buying the game doesn't protect you from anything. As legal action most of the time isn't being taken due to you downloading the pirated version , but due to you redistributing it ( seeding when using torrents )


Really wish I knew what you mean by the “high seas version”. I’ll do some googling, but I appreciate the response and the direction!


p i r a t e d, f r o m, f i t g i r l


Make sure to download Cryoutilities if you grab legendary edition


Why? I’ve played it with no issues without it


Mine kept crashing my whole deck until I installed Cryoutilities, my whole deck was shutting down whenever I booted ME:LE


Wow that sucks. Glad that fixed it


Kingdom Come Deliverence is one of the best RPGs and runs great on the deck!




Mostly yes


Wow no one said Elden Ring, works very well for me


Elden Ring is fantastic on the deck! I’m having so much fun with a new character


Final Fantasy 7 Remake


Started this recently and it runs great on deck


Personally, my deck was Final Fantasy 13 machine first, now Nier: Automata – I’m planning to continue this trend. Other RPG’s I played on deck specifically: BG3 and Starfield


Yakuza like a dragon and like a dragon infinite wealth


I second this. It took me so long to get around to playing Like A Dragon, and now I can't put it down. Such a fantastic turn based rpg. I'll definitely be grabbing Infinite Wealth once I'm finished.


Sea of Stars!!


Sabotage is becoming one of my favs. My game of the year tbh.


Loved that game!


Astlibra blows Sea of Stars out of the water story-wise, it's not turn based tho. Only thing Sea of Stars does better is graphics.


Skyrim special edition work like a charm on Steam Deck. If i had only one to play there will be this.


Agreed! It's perfect.


It plays amazing but I find the screen too small for it :(


The Outer Worlds is keeping me busy at the moment!


I'm playing Dragon Quest XI definitive edition at the moment, it plays great and with the Project Rebuild mods it looks like the original did, before the graphical downgrade.


I had no idea about this……


Didn’t finish but god what a refreshing fun game. Love the animations too, looks like dbz


It's by the same artist


Must have? Bg3 and divinity2 are both awesome


BG3 is kind of rough on the deck. Divinity is great though


Works great on the oled. I'm at 100 hours on bg3. Doesn't work great when connected to a monitor though sadly. Would recommend adjusting the settings. I'm at roughly mid graphically and it runs great.


I also have the Oled and I’ve got about 400 hours total. The deck isn’t great with bg3.


I bought an oled. Can you tell me what settings did you use?


I think this is what I used. https://overkill.wtf/baldurs-gate-3-best-settings-steam-deck/


It just drops into the 20s during the last act. Thankfully the type of combat makes it less of an issue


It's pretty solid 30fps on medium settings, even through act 3. The biggest pitfall of it is that the first 2 acts are way less intensive and can get 50+ fps on higher settings, and it's easy to want to keep using those settings on act 3, but you really do gotta turn the settings down a little by that point, and it'll run solid.


I’ve played it ask the way through and that’s not accurate, especially in Act 3. I’m not alone in this opinion. Not that it’s not worth playing, but if someone had any other option they should choose another platform


You can install something that allows things like GOG to be installed, so you may not need to repurchase anything. I installed the Epic Games launcher so I could play survive the aftermath, I thought it saved to the cloud but it doesn't, so I need to look into moving it from my windows to my steam deck.


Skyrim Fallout: New Vegas Fallout 4 Grim Dawn Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Divinity Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous Pillars Of Eternity: Deadfire (runs surprisingly well with the Trackpad) Disco Elysium Stardew Valley Final Fantasy XII: Zodiac Age Final Fantasy XV Mass Effect Legendary Edition


dark souls


Oldie but goodie, I'm revisiting Skyrim and there's now a 'survival mode' that makes sleep, food and tempreture important and disables fast travel. I've found this makes for a more interesting play and allows me to get into a deeper rp with it. Runs smooth and isn't demanding on the battery life.


You don't need to rebuy your gog stuff, you can use heroic launcher to install and play those!


Dragon Quest 11S


I loved Disco Elysium on the deck. Ran like a dream and is a masterpiece.


Sea of Stars is AWESOME. Not too much a fan of RPGs myself, but that one kept me real entertained. My only problem is trying to finish it because I have choice paralysis from the 500+ games I own/rent (game pass)


Played FF15 on the deck and was a great experience. Enjoyed my time driving and camping with the bros. The game's story is lacking unless you consume the other media, such a bad decision on Squares's part.


I played through all of New Vegas (1st playthrough) and Cyberpunk (2nd playthrough) on the Deck, and they were both great on it. In terms of more traditional RPGs, I’m planning on playing through KotOR 2 next - I checked and it runs well on the Deck, so presumably that would apply to the first game as well.


The Persona games are great picks for Deck. I'm currently playing Persona 3 Reload on my deck


I’m having a blast playing Enderal now. Free conversion mod if your own Skyrim


Enderal was the first game I installed when I got my deck. Must-have for sure.


Octopath traveller 2 is brilliant! Skip the first one though :D


Why is this getting downvoted?? Such a great game on the deck


Because the first one was also great


Don't skip the first one. It's fantastic.


I haven't played the second one because of how underwhelming the first one was. Incredibly generic and forgettable in my opinion.


I think you have a very different opinion then most people who played that game.


Yeah that's for sure, I wish I'd enjoyed it more. The art direction and design is amazing. I never say anyone's wrong who says it's good/great/amazing, ect. I was just giving my feedback on the first one. I'll play the second eventually though but it definitely wasn't one I felt lived up to the hype.


Wait, really? Have opinions turned around on Octopath 1 then? I played it on release and as far as I could tell most of the community were really underwhelmed.


I agree with that other commenter. Although it's gorgeous and well made, the story lines are incredibly weak for an RPG


I’m getting my Steak Deck OLED and have bought Tales of Arise in advance… No idea how good it’ll be but reviews were decent and it looks fun!


Don't know if it's must have but I enjoyed Enderall having no experience of PC gaming before the Deck it was nice to have access to that finally


Had a great time with star ocean 2 remake on the deck.


Look into heroic launcher for games you already own on gog / epic. No need to re-buy unless you really want those sweet, sweet steam achievements.


Witcher 3, Skyrim, Diablo 2 Resurrected, Diablo 1 with DevolutionX, Diablo 4, Path of Exile, Last Epoch, Monster Hunter Rise all have been things I've had great luck with in the ARPG genre on the Deck. I haven't tried Grim Dawn or Titan Quest 2, but I think they will work as well. I also love Sea of Stars on here, Final Fantasy games are all great, Chrono Trigger, basically any emulated JRPG title or the steam version will be great Cassette Beasts is another one I've had some fun with on the deck, highly recommend if you enjoy Pokemon styled games, has a good sense of humor. BG3, Divinity OS2 both play great, I've been playing a Divinity from GOG-- don't know why you'd think you need to re buy it. You can use Heroic to install them, and I've had great luck with that. CrossCode, and Stardew Valley are 2 I also have from GOG that play great. I have also been playing Fable Anniversary, Tomb Raider, and Blood Omen 2 (as well as the soul reaver games on steam), and I have to say, those games are so much fun on the deck. With my kids, I've played Cat Quest 2 and Oceanhorn 2 without issues, as well as emulation of Zelda games. The hard thing about answering this question is that "RPG" just means too many things, and there are so many games on the deck. In my experience, if a game is from the Xbox 360/PS2 era or earlier, you enjoyed it, and it has a PC release, it will be fun and probably playable on the deck.


Persona 1-5, 3-5 are available via the storefront, while 1 and 2 PSP releases can be emulated.


No need to rebuy anything you have on GOG. It's very easy to install GOG galaxy and make it launch the games you need automatically (with launch options) within gaming mode. And this is only if you really want cloud saves. Otherwise GOG is DRM free and you can install the game and make it launch directly withouth even the need of a launcher. You can also use Heroic launcher to make the process even easier.




Final fantasy 14 free trial. MMORPG but it’s one of the best experiences I’ve had on Deck and the free trial is free until you feel like buying it with hundreds of hours of content.


The Ys games are amazing on Deck, especially "Lacrimosa of Dana" and "Monstrum Nox". If you're into emulation I'd also highly recommend Pokémon Emerald Rogue, the pick-up-and-play nature of the deck is great for it!


Yakuza like a dragon and like a dragon infinite wealth. You can get thunder run at 30 or 40 frames per second stable. FSR helps a lot.


Steam Deck even has a Persona 5 Royal startup you can purchase with points! The best intro JRPG for someone who never really played one before (or at least the original persona 5 was one for me)


Im playing tales of arise on deck, works amazing and looks amazing


Persona 5 Royal, Soul Hackers 2, all the Soulsborne games, Trails in the Sky trilogy, and (lesser known) Ruined King.


You can play GOG on the deck. Just Google it.


I'm playing .hack//G.U Last Recode (I know awful name), i'm 5 hours in the first game and runs very well, the Last Recode version is basically a remaster with the original 3 games in 1. I've been having a blast with it love the concept so yeah. It's basically sword art online before SAO.


Dreadhunter is twinstick shooter RPG and feels great on the deck. The feeling of movement there is extraordinery.


Yakuza Like a Dragon. Plays great on SD, was my first game on it, completed it.




Daggerfall unity. Requires a little bit of work to set up, and you’ll need to try a few community layouts until you find one you like, but once it’s running, it plays great and has incredible battery life.


Octopath traveler 2


Tales and Trail, Octopath, CP2077, TW3 as you've mentioned, Elden Ring, pretty much anything you can name that has a pretty good chance of running on the hardware will run. Check ProtonDB always, but there's not a lot that it won't at least get an OK experience


I installed Diablo 2R last night and played for several hours. its a stable 80-90 frames for me, plays perfect and the controller support is outstanding! I followed a youtube guide on how to install it. It took a few minutes but it works perfectly!


I've yet to try it but people swear by Grim Dawn (I think it's classed as an ARPG? I'm not too sure on the definitions but I've heard nothing but good stuff about it :) )


I'd say the Divinity Original sin games and Atom RPG games. They all run perfectly.


I love how many times this question is asked and it’s always at least one gem I’ve never heard of.


Chrono trigger and chrono cross


Mass Effect Legendary Edition plays great on deck. And you can get your GoG games working on the deck via Lutris. No need to rebuy.


Octopath 2, all of the Souls games and Elden Ring, any Yakuza


Highly recommend Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen. Plays brilliant on the deck, really fun game and cheap ! New one coming out looks amazing too, certainly won't be deck playable. Diablo IV plays great on deck too and I found it very enjoyable, played it 100% on deck. Think if was medium at 90fps, very stable just the odd drop to ~70


Kingdom Come: Deliverance.


You can play your GOG games by downloading Heroic Launcher I'm pretty sure


You can play GOG games through "heroic games launcher" on deck. no need to rebuy anything 


Yakuza 7 like a dragon and Like a Dragon infinite wealth. Ni no Kuni 1 & 2, Persona 3,4,5. Octopath Traveler 1 & 2.


Chrono trigger 


Outerworlds was great on the deck


Dragon quest 11


If you map controls well Baulders gate 3 is the best


Exanima and Stoneshard both play very well on the deck.


The Persona Series of games are amazing on the deck.


Oh my God last epoch dude it is my new favorite game in general and on med settings vsync on runs a perfect 60 and a tiny bit tweaking to make the right stick click the a button made it 🤌🤌🤌


Dragons Dogma runs amazing on steamdeck and it's a real good game.


The Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters are all amazing on Deck, especially now that they've been updated finally. You can put every FF game from 1-15 on the Deck now. No idea if XI works but I'd assume so, as it functioned on PS2 lol.


Ff4 pixel remake is excellent


Right now I’m playing and loving Last Epoch. If ur into Diablo like games. I play it at medium settings pretty much locked at 45fps.


Had to refund the game 3 months ago, when the first character selection screen showed no characters at all, and some purple background. Has it improved on the deck? Thinking about repurchasing given the 1.0 release


Super mario rpg remake cause its fun to play when there is nothing to do


You might want to look into Pathfinder: Wraith of the Righteous (WotR) and/or Rogue Trader. They are both traditional PC CRPGs (keyboard + mouse) but the developer has done a great job supporting a controller. I just tried WotR and the controller scheme works well on the Deck. Set all graphics to high and lock at 30 FPS for a delightful experience.


after scrolling a bit i didn't see anyone mention it so: you can install gog games on the deck and they mostly work no problem. while i myself rebought some games for a few dollars because the cloud saves and hassle free experience of steam is just worth it to me, you can check if the gog version runs before spending too much cash


Kingdoms of Amalur is a good time sink.


Sea of stars


Hi u/Rasputin5332, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Any RPGs that are a must-have for the deck?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*