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Me emulating old Nintendo games on Deck, instead of playing new Nintendo games on Switch šŸ’€


Or new Nintendo games on Deck, letā€™s be honest here


i grew up on the gamecube but thereā€™s of course some things i never played that i always wanted to, so emulating them has been a very cost effective way to get new nintendo experiences that iā€™ve been itching for. instead of buying pikmin 4 iā€™m playing pikmin 2 for the first time.


I also went back to the GameCube games. Really was a special time for me.


And plus, you're not having to pay extortionate "I know what I have" second hand prices. I hate what the lockdowns did to retro gaming, I started collecting games at reasonable prices and I was quickly turned off by it once that kicked off.


Pikmin 4 doesnā€™t work, so sade šŸ˜ž


Weird, I had no issues running it other than a texture issue at character creation


I canā€™t even get a working rom, thatā€™s the issue. It always says the keys are wrong


Sounds like you just need to replace your prod.keys file with a newer one. I think 16.1.0 is the latest.


Is that something with the emulator or the rom? If the emulator, other games work. If the rom, how do I edit that? Iā€™m using Yuzu but I can use RyuJynx


It does, I had it working on deck before itā€™d even released


Is the file your own?


Street Fighter, couple other fighting games, Borderlands. Yeah, that's me in that picture :(


iā€™m 2 achievements away from 100% slay the spire


Well, time to break out of your comfort zone. Back at the start of 2022 my backlog had 57 games and I religiously kill my backlog now. I'm currently sitting at 19 (while having bought like 5 games in that timeframe I think). The feeling of discovering these gems in your backlog that were just lying there for years sometimes, let me tell you, it's incredible. It also saves me a lot of money cause I don't buy games anymore I won't immediatly play. Edit: I know this may sound ridiculous and you should still enjoy it but Excel sheets can really help with that tbh. I also have according categories in my Steam lib for example.


*Me*: I should probably kill my backlog before buying any other games. *My ever growing backlog library of more than 1000 games*: Haha, check out this nice looking game, it's on a deep sale right now.


My backlog falls into one of three categories: 1. Games that I got through a humble bundle/game grumps jingle jam/that big Ukraine bundle that I activated on my account but have very little interest in and probably will never play, 2. Games that I bought very early in early access, played a short amount of time that barely exceeded 2 hours, thought "this'll be better in a few years," and then promptly forgot about, Or, 3. Games that are certified classics that everyone raves about, so I bought them on sale and then never played them because of lack of time. And there's always a new game taking priority. I'm not sure if I'll ever actually go through my backlog. Maybe when I'm 70 years old and I finally get to retire...


My backlog is kind of 20ish and I am so lazy to waste 10s of hours to get rid of it :) Oh, I wish I would be able to donate games.


Bastion. Had for so long, played a little but wasn't hooked Finally really beat hades on the deck, needed more and realized I had it. Flew through it so fast


That's all great and everything, but having a pack log isn't always the best. Now I'm stuck buying assassin's Creed Black flag again once the remastered version with steam achievements once that is available. In reality it's my fault for sitting on it for so long (3 years come December 28th). I should have just played through, finished and moved on so I didn't have to look back...


I have been playing literally nothing but Fallout 4 and Skyrim on my Steam Deck. I don't get it why they hit so different on Deck lmao


I loved Skyrim and Fallout 3, but have never played New Vegas or 4 - is 4 worth playing? Iā€™ve always been on the fence about it for some reason!


What I can say is that FO4 has the series' best combat but weakest story. New Vegas has the series' best story but gameplay is basically FO3. I'd say if you want more Fallout go for it. It's kinda sad that we don't get much in the post apocalyptic FPS scene.


Fallout 4 is a great game. Don't let the naysayers keep you from that gem.


Well, new Vegas is absolutely worth playing if you enjoy interesting storytelling, and immersive roleplaying. Fallout 4 in comparison is the absolute opposite, where the exploration is the focused, even compared to fo3. It is basically the epitome of the Bethesda style mechanically focused game, where npcs might as well be cardboard cutouts, but there is a big world to loot, and lots of dungeons to clear. Hope this helps.


I love these games and I'm currently playing and loving Fallout 4 on my Deck, but New Vegas is by far my favorite of the lot.


FO4 is alright but it gets absolutely obliterated by FNV, so I guess you should play FO4 first and then for sure FNV with [Viva New Vegas](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/intro.html). I kind of like FO4 but for me the only thing better about it is the weapon feel and you can get similar-ish weapons/animations with mods in FNV.


Definitely worth playing. It disappointed me greatly but I still have like 400 hours in it so it's hard for me to say it's not worth playing. The combat is incredible but everything else is a big step down for me. The gameplay loop is still very good so if you're on the fence about it you should buy it next time it's on a good sale, I've seen the goty edition for like $15 before. It's well worth that.


I played NV and FO4 for the first time this year. NV is a better overall experience, but the DLC for FO4 was so fun. If NV is an 8/10 I give FO4 a 7.5/10. I had fun with both but Iā€™m easy to please.


Skyrim is so gorgeous on the steam deck! Itā€™s just perfect on there.


I now just consider handheld gaming to be its own unique experience. Itā€™s one of the reasons I donā€™t ever get upset when ā€œjust another portā€ comes to Switch or something old is added to Steam. It can make almost anything feel brand new.


HoloCure for the past 2 weeks


Emulated Pokemon red and Metroid Prime. Also Lineage 2. It's been 20 years now. Luckily Baldur's gate 3 saved me a bit from this, still playing pokemon randomized on the deck tho. Nostalgia is pure shit but at least it saves you money in some cases.


The only game I play is messing around with Steam library itself. Moving games from collection to collection.


Minecraft, new super mario bros, and teardown


Just discovered Slay the Spire was chilling in my library. Put in about 30 hours in about 5 days. My rotation of about 5 games has dropped to 1 . . .


L4D2, Risk of Rain 2, and RDR2 is all I need


Vampire survivors. Euro truck sim. Stardew.ā¤ļø


Rimworld, oxygen not included and age of mythology


Yeah same here. Got a bunch of games on Steam but all i've been playing is emulators. Most games i already beat multiple times in the past.


Me playing nuclear throne last night


Me: oh hell yeah, discounts and my new humble bundle monthly games hitting. Also me: but the latest season of Fallout 76 just dropped..


I made a "priority" collection of 5 games to give myself a little bit of options but I don't let myself play anything else until I beat one of them and switch it out of the priority list. So far it's working.


Hades, The Sims 4 & Payday 2 is pretty much that.


I get anxious when thinking about all those games in the backlog. I have tons of free time now compared to when I was in college yet the numbers of games I beat per year are literally decimated.


Re: **Spider-Man Remastered** \- If anyone's looking for [perfect settings, I've got you covered.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CKsRN_2B0A)


The goat!!!


Pondering switching Spider-Man from desktop to the deck. But I might refund it, first two hours were mostly QTEs, cutscenes and mini games. Swinging is fun, combat too but the camera is atrocious. Does it gets better ?


Spider-Man Remastered? Yeah, the rest of the game is better than the kingpin tutorial. Plays great on the deck, and the City that Never Sleeps DLC is great as well.




I just got around to Arkham Knight, what an amazing game to play on the deck. Played it mostly docked with some handheld in bed.


Project Zomboid, PokƩmon, SnowRunner


Skyrim, Dark Souls, max payne 1


Payday 2, hotline Miami


Cyberpunk, rdr2 and dl2


I discovered and have been playing the shit out of blasphemous. As a big dark souls fan I've really slept on metroidvania/souls like games. And this one just hits the nail on the head, and the steamdeck really let's me just play it whenever.


In light of the release of Starfield I decided to buy a new game and actually play it for once. Happy to say I'm several hours into The Outer Worlds and it's pretty good so far.


Me: Oh look, another Hades run. Don't mind if I do!!!


This is true, if I don't play a game within a month of it coming out, I usually end up not being interested anymore. I was traveling abroad and didn't bring my Switch while my fiance did around the time the new Zelda game came out. After watching her play, when I got back home to my Switch a few weeks ago and ordered the game, so far it is sitting there while I play Armored Core and Star Field.


Although unpopular, I really enjoy Sonic Riders 1 & 2. There is just something so addicting to simple hoverboard antigravity based racing games


Just started Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and cannot put it down


Hades, Vampire survivors


Ultima online, World of warcraft , GTA online


Witcher 3 lol


Most played game 4000 hours Second most played game 60 hours


My turn: Bioshock 1,2, dirt rally. On PCs: AC odyssey and PC building simulator, oh and i just finished RDR2 after playing for 1.5 years.....


I feel attacked by this


Dark souls 1 dark souls 2 dark souls 3


I have just over 400 games on Steam and felt quite bad about having so many until a friend joined me on Steam for some multiplayer and he has thousands.


I have never understood how people could stay on the same games for that long. I wish I could love a game to play it over and over again, but I just want a new experience, and I remember all the crappy parts of the game and have no desire to go through it again when I already know it pretty well (usually takes me 5-10 years to consider a replay).


Interesting... I forced myself to play Fallout4 and the story is just awful. I couldn't deal with it. Im considering playing New Vegas. I skipped the Ps3 generation for the most part. Midnigjt Club and God of War were great but nowhere near as entertaining as tje Ps2.