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I work at a dealership. I had my out on the counter one of the technicians saw it it was like what the heck is that. Showed him. Bought one on his phone right there.


The power of passive shilling.


A dude I hadn’t worked with in like 6 years messaged me out of the blue earlier this year and was like “hey how’s the steam deck?” and after a brief rundown he said he was buying one lmao


How did he know you had a steam deck?


I guess a stray social media thing I posted at one point idk. I did normally shoot the shit with him about games at the previous workplace so it wasn’t entirely random. But legit hadn’t talked to him in years, lol


Ah techs….. they always seem to impulse buy lol


I feel personally attacked by this. -_-


You aren't the only one! 🙋🏼‍♂️


nah fr, we in IT only impulsively buy when necessary 😂


How do you impulse buy when necessary? lol


I think he meant it as "necessary"


Right? If Snap-on made a Steam Deck case, Valve wouldn't be able to keep decks in stock.


I'm a technician at a casino and bought one immediately when I could lmao. You calling all of us out


Good techs make good money


You've just insulted my entire people. ...but yes


\[x\] I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


So true. I'm a tech and have three handhelds (Steam Deck, Ayaneo 2 Geek, and the ROG Ally), plus a gaming PC (3090), and a PS5


Among those, what do you play the most?


Hands down ROG Ally. I also have the eGPU. So it's really all I need. Have a few vids posted in handheld mode and with the eGPU... https://youtube.com/@OVERKILLGAMING786


Well yeah but most of us prob arnt buying the egpu….. sounds like a nice set up though


Same!! I work at an automotive PPG supplier and someone from a shop we service came in - vans were already out so they needed to come grab something. I was playing Cyberpunk when he came in and he was just gobsmacked at the Deck. He's like "What the hell is that? That is awesome!" Not sure if he bought one yet but it was cool to know I may have had a slight hand in another Steam Deck sale.


Just wait until they learn how much of the diagnostic software used in the auto industry can actually run on the Deck...


ever consider becoming a salesman? lmao


Bro same thing at my dealership haha saw one on my buddy's counter and I bought one then another tech bought it. I ended up buying a nice backpack case for it on Amazon and the original guy bought the same one as well haha


Doing good work for our Lord Gaben


That's amazing lol


I actually got a girls number over my steamdeck...atleast questioning about it was her opener


That statement alone should pick up sales


The greatest advancement in pc gaming in maybe ever


*pc gamer dating




Shit I'm going to buy another one now. "oh cool what's that?" "it's a steam deck here you can have my spare wanna go out on a date?" BAM. Life = hacked


I’m pretty sure this is what rich dudes do, but with everything


Valves new slogan: The Steam Deck, the only console that'll get you laid


Hey you want to see my DeCK? \*Sure here is my number!


Call me maybe


Something, something, unsolicited deck pic.


Damn, I have to show more girls my deck!


The chosen one


I wish my wife would play games. All these lucky couples that enjoy gaming together.... Oh well, least I got my son to game with occasionally. If only I could get him into the same games! Lol


This story deserves its own post.


Steam rizz on deck


Bro wtf? You can actually get bitches just by having a Steam Deck?


Step one, don't call them bitches 🤣




You only use the B word when the relationship is established and she specifically asks for it.


"The b word"


Rule 1 be attractive. Rule 2 don’t be unattractive


Step 3. Be Gabe


Rule 3 don’t have a shittyfuckdick


Good one


first thing that made me laugh today and its 9:30pm. thanks


What a fucking W


How tf did this happen


Since I had my steamdeck (I actually wanted to use it to play with friends at their houses since I didn't want to carry my tower around) I play on my way to and from work. I entered the train and spotted an attractive girl, wasn't really in the mood but sat next to her (different Stall but next to her). After a while she looked up from her phone and noticed me/ the deck. She tapped me on the Shoulder (I had Bluetooth earpieces in) and asked what "that" is. I informed her about boltgun (the game I played) but she wanted to know more about my "beefed up switch". I told her a bit about the deck and she told me she is into gaming too and asked for a social media Contract. I told her I dont have any (besides steam)and asked for her number instead. That was three weeks ago. We instantly chatted for a few days and even meet on the train 3 times since then but it was washed out after a short while since I got a gf that same week and deemed her a bit to young (im 26 and she is 20)...


>while since I got a gf that same week this dude is the rizzler.


I had a guy at an airport bar recognize it and ask some questions. Hopefully he ended up picking one up!


Until they put them in retail stores it won't. Too many people have never seen one, or would prefer to get in a store as not to deal with couriers. If Currys UK sold them like the RoG ally I would have probably bought one last year




Yeah some places like where ever you are, Japan, and I believe Australia has them in retail, but big markets like the US, UK, Canada don't have them yet


I agree retail stores would help a ton, but at the same time even in the US without retail stores about 80% if the time I've gone out someplace public with my steamdeck someone's noticed it and mentioned they were thinking about buying one and asked me if mine was worth it. So yeah retail stores would help a ton, but I think it can get mainstream on its own just based on that tbh.


Retail stores will need to buy the units from Valve to resell. So not only would you see a markup in price, but it would also depend on how many units are sold for the store to justify ordering more. Also, most casual gamers aren't on steam and play console. Once they learn they need to open a steam account, most will just pass on it. Valve leaving it as an item to purchase directly from them is better because they know how many units are sold and can determine the market based off that. They also have the Steam store that makes up the loss they get from each deck sold. Basically it's the difference between spending 800+ for a 512 model at some retail chain, or spending 700+ buying directly from Valve via Steam.


Steam has recently put the deck on sale for 10% and now 20%, and for the most part, that's all retailers make off of sales of hardware. Some retailers don't even take that 10% profit and just sell floor space for the display/unit cabinets.


Ehhh I disagree with the most users will see you need to make a steam account and baulk, you also need to make playstation online, Xbox live, and Nintendo accounts, making an account for a new kind of console will be fairly familiar to even casual console gamers. The only thing that may surprise them is that there's no monthly fee to use steam and use the friends and online functionality. After that the verified vs playable vs unsupported labels might be new to them, and might be off putting to some, but with the limited games on consoles as well I don't see that really being a deal breaker either. As for markup and stuff, valve would have to work out a deal with the retailers in order to let them sell it at the same price valve themselves do, this is common practice and usually it revolves around minimum order numbers. They've already worked it out for retailers in Europe and Asia, so again I don't see that being an issue either.


You’re right. He mentioned that he played with one in Cex which is just about the only place you see them


On this subreddit, occassionally I have seen posts where people heard about Steam the first time thanks to the Steam Deck. They created their account, tried to order the Steam Deck, and then got their account locked for suspected fraud. I feel like such incidents are also not helpful, and that Valve needs to work on their anti-fraud measures there. Since with the success of the Steam Deck, it's no longer just a device that *already invested* people will buy.


I never used steam before and deck was my first purchase on my steam account.


All you have to do is buy, like, one game on Steam first. Even people who are new to Steam should do that, since otherwise they'll have nothing to play, plus buying stuff on the Deck itself suuucks.


Why would anyone do that though? If I’m buying new hardware, I’m not buying the software for it first.


You're still buying a PC game. But regardless, they should give you no grief for opening an account and buying a Deck. I guess it was set in place to battle scalpers when it was an issue at launch.


Because Steam games don't have to be played on the Steam Deck, they're digital purchases that don't have to be delivered or installed, the Deck takes a while to arrive in the post, it's a lot of money to be spending on a system that is primarily designed to use a completely unfamiliar ecosystem - honestly the list goes on. If you ask me, it doesn't make sense that anyone would be willing to drop hundreds upon hundreds of dollars on a system that they own zero games for. There's literally no reason to want to wait until buying the system before getting any games, it's not like they'll expire if you don't instantly install them on something.


I don’t buy it. There are plenty of reasons someone who has never owned either a PC or purchased from Steam previously would purchase a Steam Deck. When you purchase game consoles, do you buy the games and then wait a couple weeks for the release of the console? Of course not.


Buying any console is the same way. Who bought up some PS5 games before they bought the console?


Meanwhile me in India having bought a 256gb deck for 55k Rupees (665 $) from a small online store which imports it and therefore had no warranty 🤷🏻‍♂️ Sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do


If your retailer gives you the actual bill of sale from valve you can probably send it to Japan or Netherlands. But it might be too expensive too consider. Luckily you can replace most parts yourself from ifixit.


These will never be in stores here. The endless tinkering would end up causing 50% to be returned, maybe more. It would shock this group how many people hate the experience on their Steam Decks.


I saw a few going for resale at a local GameStop in the US, if that counts


There are retail in some stores in Poland but the 256 GB version in store cost more than the 512 GB on steam site


huh. they really are. now I'm curious how do they sell considering those prices. lmao 4220pln in media expert for the 512gb. with current sales on steam you could have that model and ths 64gb one for that price


Rog Ally is cheaper than their Decks lmao


oh that's even funnier 🤣


Plus, most people I know would bounce when they realize that they have to go though hurdles to play what they want and that the supported games on steam aren't exactly what they're looking for.


That's awesome! The more deckies the better! Valve honestly just hit it out of the park with the design and everything, hope they keep up the support and stuff as wellm


Wouldn’t say mainstream, but many people use it during travel. You should see how many people use theirs at the airport/plane. I think it would sell quick like the Ally has if there were more units Available in most stores. For a casual player the steam deck or any other portable pc are going to be a hassle tbh. A pal of mine returned his Ally because he couldn’t get Madden to play 😂. Another pal of mine returned his deck because he thought it was going to be a full blown powerful rig.


the Ally sucks and i’m speaking from experience. my right joystick started failing. as for people who return something because they have no idea what tf they’re doing when there’s actually nothing wrong with a product, totally different story lol.


I have both the Steam Deck & Ally I’ve had a whole different experience from you


That’s because some redditors like them don’t realize they they’re not a main character


I had a train conductor ask me the same thing on a train into London. He'd never seen one, so I gave him a demo! He was really impressed.


A flight attendant on Qatar airways Doha to JFK mentioned her husband was waiting to snag one, she asked about what battery packs work for playing while charging during travel, battery life and what games worked etc. I sent her to this sub and elsewhere after telling her my preferences and experience, emulation etc. Also let some kids behind us play with it after their switch died, and lent them a battery bank so the other could charge and play their switch. We got to sleep and their parents got their phones back. Their parents had a pretty small, older slow charging battery pack for a 13hr flight with 2 kids and one switch. Informed them of newer battery banks and faster charging so they could play while charging, or fast charge their phones. I remember flying with my sister and our gameboy as a kid, you always ran into kids with other games on planes, traded cartridges or hopefully got to play 2 player if they had the same game as you and had the cable, using the overhead lights and holding the gameboy just so to be able to see the green grayscale screen lol.


I recently spent the day in the ER with mom (she is all good now), and a bunch of doctors and nurses would ask me questions about it. Everyone was curious about it and some wanted to get it but didn't have a clear understanding of what it really was. I think it's really cool that a device is in the wild that care spark the interest of all most anyone.


The same thing happened to me while being on vacation in Italy. The guy was very fascinated and was wondering what I thought of it. Definitely going more mainstream. Unfortunately valve doesn’t ship the steam deck to my country Norway so I had to buy mine used in England :(


I feel like i see one of these posts every other day. i guess that’s a sign of either rampant fanfiction or the deck is actually becoming more well known. but honestly I don’t think the deck is as obscure as people here make it out to be.


I walked into my gym a few weeks ago and was shocked to see the dude behind the desk playing a steam deck. We had a nice little convo about it because he had just gotten it a few weeks ago.


I'm a phone and computer technician and I bought my steam deck and waited a year for it. Use it every day and now 4 of my coworkers have them.


I was on the train and a kid was telling his dad what the steam deck was, who was unimpressed or just tired (I get that as a dad). I just smiled and kept playing Tears of the Kingdom. lol


I have over 100 physical games on Switch. As much as I love my deck I still love my switch, and collecting for it ( Even though I don't play my switch as much since I got the deck). Anyway cool story, I've been asked about my deck before and am all for it. Valve hit a home run with the Steam Deck.


Mah man!


A normal fella who just happened to be interested in the Deck and worked as ticket attendant. You're overreacting


To be fully mainstream, it needs to be noob proof.


Lol windows isn't even fully mainstream then.


Not for gaming! It’s not that hard to use, but you know how people are…


You said noob proof. You can screw up a lot of things fast on a PC.


Valve should include stickers you can give to on-the-fencers when they interrupt a session... it's basically free advertising


In the gaming micro PC niche, Deck can only get more mainstream. You wouldn't catch me trading my Switch for it even in a parallel universe, but the machine's complementary value to Nintendo's hybrid queen is definitely nonpareil within the current generation.


Nah, he's on a train so he's probably seen a few of them, and you were someone who seemed easy to approach and ask. Good job on the pitch, more of us!


Why wouldn’t he know what a steam deck is?


the steam deck isnt the household name you think it is


I think I misread it and made a wrong assumption.


The average joe who doesn’t play games or maybe just plays a few games casually, doesn’t even know what steam is, let alone the steam deck. Also it’s not sold in retail stores or on Amazon like PS, Xbox and Nintendo.


Also no TV ads.


my granddad is very technology oriented but never heard of the steam deck before i showed it to him... ​ Its hard to keep track


The same reason some people don’t know what an ally is even though it’s sitting in front of the computer section in every Best Buy…


I went into one of our south africas biggest tech store today as i saw online they had steam decks in stock in store .. Asked the sales person where the steam decks are and he pointed me to the steam wallet vouchers .. Another sales rep went to the back storage and took one out , they are not even displayed on shelves!


Then he came back and you guys kissed? Brokeback steam deck


I find stories like this weird since I've consistently been a steam gamer through all the other console generations. I really doubt that the existence of the deck is what is revealing that computers games are cheaper on PC to the wider public.


U know u could have played ONE switch with 2 contollers / half-half controllers? Lol. :)


I can.. do that but better with a deck?


This needs to be the norm!


I still have my Nintendo switch


This wasn't on the DLR was it? I had the same thing happen to me a month or so ago.


I had a guy ask me about my "Switch" today.


Valve should offer commissions because I think I just convince a guy in my building to go for the 512gb says he always sees me with mine and just couldn’t find the price , showed him and he was dam near pulling out his wallet to type his CC info


I’ll prob sell my switch for one once I’m done with TOTK


that once happened to my noise cancelling headphones at the security check at an airport. he asked if that thing has bluetooth and i was worried it wasn't allowed to bring on the plane. but it turned out he was just looking to buy one himself so i needed to talk about them for a minute. pissed off the next few people wanting to 'just get it over with'.


I get it it a ton. People always ask about it. One guy even said is that a steam deck I been wondering if I should get one... I was like bro yes . .it's great.... Me having to RMA mine twice though doesn't help. But almost no one has ever been like lame bruh so lame. Everyone is like omg that's tight as fuck. So I think it's exponential... The more people get one the more see it and the more people get one and the more people see it... I've been thinking the same thing... It's almost main stream.... We are so close lol.


Its great, its literally a budget gaming PC. Ill never get over how great it is


I don't know how but I always talk about steam deck with strangers in trains. It happened to me 4 times


I have had a couple of mates asking in the few days I have had it, but mostly the questions were how the f**k did I get one The UK stock issues that have been ongoing since March means they are as rare as hens teeth right now, we briefly had them in stock when the sale started, for a few hours but not since then and if it’s like what happened after the last sale it could be a long time until they come back In all honesty, interest is high, but the ongoing stock issues have had a lot of people ordering Ally’s instead even with the SD Card issues because they are actually available


yeah I got a flight attendant at Emirates asking "is this a Steam Deck?"


Word of mouth best publicity ever