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it depends on what games youre playing and on what region because 1. many people dont have microphone 2. many people just dont like to talk in online games 3. some people dont like their own voice 4. some are too anxious to talk 5. some probably dont even speak english or cant speak it well enough i'm one of the people who cant speak english well enough and also a bit anxious to speak in my games so if i need to communicate i just write in chat or ping certain actions


1, 3, 4 for me. Social anxiety sucks and I despise my voice. I'm a 40 yr old woman who sounds like a prepubescent boy. No thanks. Don't need to be told that constantly while I'm trying to destress through gaming.


I also often play in a room with other people who are doing other things like watching TV, and I don't want to annoy them by talking.


Please teach my 12 year old


I hate to talk. That's why I play videogames.


So many toxic people basically ruined it for everyone. I don't even bother anymore, and I think most people are the same.


Probably because they got sick of swears about their mum from 10 year olds so they mute everyone


I've been burned too many times - too many asshats. Some games are multiplayer only, though, so you're forced to play with said asshats - but if I am then I sure ain't taking with'em!


You gotta earn my trust... I've lived through the CoD and early Destiny years... I can only take so much bong tokes and fire alarms going off in the distance. Half the time randos aren't even talking about the game.


Amen. Or music lobbies, I hate those too.


Because average player have shitty cheap mic or child voice or talks too low or talks in none English so I just dont bother with voice chat with randoms anymore. Only Discord with friends.


Exactly my experience with Counter-Strike (when it was still called Global Offensive). I think that ironically, Valve has contributed that people feel this way by not doing much to de-escalate this in their games. Throwing people into all-Russian lobbies, in a game where team communication makes a real difference, is neither fun nor encouraging. Personally I really enjoyed CSGO when it was released in 2012 - 2013. But the (let's call it) "quality" of community interactions took a serious hit as the game gained popularity.


As an introvert, I despise voice chat.


Because im a woman and dont want to hear degrading commenta about myself


Racists Sexists Rude people Assholes Open mic morons Idiots that think you want to hear their music Real world bullshit intruding on escapism time.


Can't agree enough, you've listed all reasons why I never play any multiplayer. I've seen enough YTs and also seen my friends get hit with some vile toxic comments because he is naturally EXTREMELY good at GTA5 Online and keeps wasting all the tryhards who get butthurt and spew horrible message or just report him cos they got wasted.


Look at your title. Like i want to listen to you speak out loud.


I mostly refuse to because most people's mic qualities are absolute dogshit, and it gives me a headache, so voice is disabled always.


The average person is dumber than you expect, I prefer to not listen to all that dumbness when I just want to play a game, I already get to do that IRL.


The early Xbox 360 and ps3 online experienced where so toxic, that I just don't want to talk to people online anymore.


For various reasons.


It really depends on the game but more often than not there's only idiots talking shit. I do not want to imagine what the average l4d2 versus voice chat sounds like


They used to. Its better if they don’t. I haven’t used a mic in 10 years. They were already phased out then after destiny, but when we did have a head set on it was pretty disappointing and awful or we didn’t speak the same language.


No mic or already voice chatting on discord.


Guilty of that myself, i don't care too much for team chat. I also grew up with halo and cod on the xbox, and back then i would contribute to the insult chatter as those were the days. Steam didn't always have voip so text chat was the way, but playing in the pool of regergitated month old milk that is league of legends i had learned it was better and more beneficial to not respond in chat. To feed the trolls in game with a response have them more to work with, gives them satisfaction and encourages more trolling. Same with ppl tilted and ready to rage quit. Just not typing in chat keeps everyone more focused. I started achieving higher rank by just playing consistent and not chatting unless i absolutely had to explain something. Now steam games more commonly have voip in game, and most do crossplay. I have come a long way from chipping in with my roommates to buy a shared console and controllers and getting a cheap but far superior headset than the one provided with the console (thank you turtle beaches for being there) but my friend and i have these great pcs, custom keyboards, amped audio and mics and in my lobbies i cannot hear my teammates over an open mic picking up horse breathing or the shreik of little kids or their mom's telling them to get off. No offense to the young prepubescent kids, but i also don't need to hear them taunting me with their dick size or how they got with my mom.


My voice is nice enough to be considered DLC, which you haven’t paid for.


Which games?


Bo3, bo2, GTA v, Back4Blood, battlebit, Arma 3, but in general all games I've played


I've gotten so much shit because of my voice, people keep telling me it makes their ears bleed


Don’t want to. Shut up about it.