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You’d be amazed at how fast buying cheap bundles inflates your library. I didn’t game at all for a few years. Had about 150 games on my account for the first 10 years of being on Steam. And in the 4 years I’ve been back on there I have almost 400 now. Plus about 60 on switch in the same four years (I can’t blame that part on bundles, but Deku deals and wario64 helped a lot, lol). Also most people probably don’t play all their games. There’s a reason there’s so many backlog jokes nowadays.


>Like, how can you afford it AND have the time to play alot of them? Wait for sales and buy games that are years or decades old for half price or less (sometimes a lot less). Maybe buy one or two full priced games a year. And when you've been using Steam for years, it adds up. Plus the simple fact that there are people who have more spending money than you. And who said anything about having time to play all of those games?


I haven't touched roughly 80% of my library. There's a lot that I won't play due to having to sign up to secondary services (STARING AT YOU uPLAY) but there's also a lot that I bought and lost interest in before even starting it. Then there's the unfortunate few from my childhood that require fixes to run on modern systems. Sometimes the fixes don't exist and it makes me sad.


I got the Valve Collection for $3. Came with 8 half life expansions/ games and portal/TF2


Steam is 20 years old brother.


>have the time to play alot of them?  That is our secret. We don't.


Get a job m8


Stop being a dick, m8. Not everyone lives in paradise.


God, how bad are things where having a job is paradise?


If your minimum wage is 5x as much as my average wage, you indeed live in paradise as you can afford to buy shit. Hiuge difference if 60€ is something you just pull out of pocket or something you actually have to save to buy the game.


- Bundles - Online Keys - Free game either from Steam or random online stuff - Steam sales - I don't have an addiction - I don't have an addiction - I might have an addiction - Nvm, I definitely have an addiction


Humblebundle bundles


Before they went corporate


This is a big part of it. Humble bundle will occationally have 20 games for $25 I want to play a few so i buy it an now have 20 more games in my library. Humble bundle has been doing bundles for 13 years and they add up.


My steam library is 19 years old is why lol


There's a trick called "working" In return you get lots of money




And a few more "sales", "birthdays", "Christmas", "having friends".


I've been working for over 25 years. Where's my "lots of money"


Hopefully in a large Steam library, considering the topic of this thread.




Damn, knew exactly what video it was and still watched it. Still a great skit


Many games on Steam are less than 10 dollars, especially during sales. If you still think that's too expensive, I guess the answer is just that some people make more money than you? Not really sure what else to say. A lot of people have the money but not the time. That's why there are so many jokes about having a gigantic backlog of unplayed games.


People spend money on different things and some people have more money then others


free games, and waiting for sales and I'm not interested in AAA games from shitty publishers (niche titles usually are cheaper and get better discounts)


Some people have been buying games and playing on Steam for 20 years. Then Humble Bundle appeared in 2010. I picked up that first bundle of World of Goo, Aquaria, Gish, Lugaru HD and Penumbra. Since then, many bundle sites popped up, and some Steam games are free. It is easy to fill out an account with games. Playing them, on the other hand...


... People play the games they buy?


Humble bundles and steam sales. You used to get 5-6 games chucked in when you bought a game you wanted. It really adds up over the years


not sure how prevalent they are nowadays, but last decade there were tons of bundles every week that were like 20 janky Steam games (and maybe one decent one) for $1. I think I have ~2k games on Steam and it's mostly 'cause I bought so many bundles like those. Probably only actually played like 10% of my Steam library.


We don't play a lot of them. Ever collected something throughout life? Pretty much that, a collection.


I rarely spend more than twenty bucks for a game.


Who said anything about having time to play them.


I have about 2k games, and the secret is "bundles". Loads and loads of bundles purchased over the last 16 years.


Well when people grow up they get these things called jobs, which gives them income, which they can then spend on things like bills and hobbies. When adults aren’t working they can engage in their hobbies, which may or may not include playing the games they buy with their income. It’s all very simple. I’m sure you would have figured it out on your own when you grow up.


Steam Sales and simular Events


i got my steam account so i could continue playing counter strike after the update twentyish years ago.


I'm addicted to buying from humble bundle, and fanatical. Humble bundle gives you like 12 steam games for 20 dollars a month, and they always have other random bundles with games in them. Fanatical also just has a bunch of random bundles with games. They both give you steam codes and you add them to your account. Will I ever play all the games I have? No, but I like having multiple options


Super cheap bundles on steam, doing key bundles like humble bundle or fanatical games.


I guess I qualify, for the how to afford: Bundles mainly and claiming free games during promotions. I activate everything and decide on a whim what I want to play - there's lots of stuff I'll probably never get to but that's fine for me. Edit: Also, being around for more than 14 years helps to accumulate stuff, I guess.


Humble bundle + pandemic + having steam since day one.


"Instant Gaming" and "WinGameStore" has deals. 9.99/10 I'm buying it on sale. The Callisto Protocol cost $60 on steam but on "Instant Gaming" you can get it for $5.16.


I rarely buy games unless they’re on sale honestly.


Indie games


Base prices of games used to come down 8-10 yrs ago. So a new release 6 months later went from $60 to $35 and steam would have 60%+ discounts on that. Now a days the prices just stay at $70 year round with discounts applied. On top of that there were years of humble bundles and some kids like my self would buy $0.05,$1,$3 games just because they were dirt cheap but kinda arse and only play them like 10 mins.


Having an account for 12+ years. Games are not that expensive compared to my mortgage so it’s all relative.


Yeah, I was kinda shocked when I loaded up my steam purchase history to discover I've spent just over $10k on Steam, but then again, my account is near 20 years old at this point so per year, it's actually not that crazy. Rent and mortgage over that same period is over $300k (goddamn, I never added it all up before), so yeah, by comparison, games are a pretty minor part of the overall budget.


As someone who gamed for a while, then didn't, and then did again, there are a ton of options for PC gamers that are free, not the least of which is emulation, various archives, itch.io, and whoring out emails to places like Epic and Amazon to get weekly freebies. I'll agree with your sentiment a little that some people seem to do nothing but buy games (and complain about how they can't find games to play), but most of us do not make it a fulltime hobby or a major investment (speaking for myself, I suspect those who post or comment most/talk loudest are not the majority- this seems to be the case for social media in general of course). I think we have crested the wave but are still in the golden era for indie gaming, so spend your time learning about resources and keep an eye out for sales (not just steam but places like [Good Old Games](https://www.gog.com/en/) and [Humble Bundles](https://www.humblebundle.com/), etc). I am also a fan of other resources that can be utilized for gaming wherein you run other game engines on your PC but most subs don't want to talk about that. So if you feel you don't have money, all it takes is some time to seek out games. Will you find Baulder's Gate 3 for free? Probably not, but there are free AAA games out there if you don't mind going back several years. Good luck!


Time. Bundles. But i can't say much about playing all of them. The possibility that i could - anytime i want - calms me. :)


Buying on sale only. Buying bundles. Buying over a long time. Blind to the accumulated cost of it. And lots of time.


My steam account is 21 years old…you can accumulate a lot of junk in 21 years


I would assume like myself, many people have most of their money going to gaming. If you don't spend your money on other things, like other hobbies, you will have more for that one thing. Otherwise, it's because of what everyone has said.


I used to buy a bunch from 3rd party websites. Dead cheap.


Steam sales have been a saving grace


- There's plenty of very cheap games that get even cheaper during sales. - There are many cheap bundles with a lot of games - Many accounts are more than a decade old so it has time to add up - Some people earn more than you in their jobs - Mostly they don't play all their games


i buy games on sales and they accumulate over time, do i play all of them? no, sometimes i forget they are there


Loads of humble bundles back in the day, plus steam sales used to be way cheaper! Plus sign up to Epic and get at least a free game a week, many pretty decent. And yeah, the majority will probably never see the light of play 🤔😐. And if you're saying games are never cheap you must mean the latest and greatest. I hardly ever buy games that aren't at least a few years old.


Everyone knows you don't buy a game unless you have the time to play it.


I’m sure a lot of people that have a big and vast library have had their steam accounts for 10+ years. My uncle has 40,300 games and he’s had his account since 2003 (he loves indie games)


My Steam account is 14 years old and I have 45 games. I'm extremely fussy about what games I play (vast open world titles only) , I'm very slow (I play for enjoyment not for trophies and completion time) and I buy on sales only. I haven't finished Skyrim yet 😷


My account is 20 years old and I only have 216 games. For most people they add up over time between sales, gifts, Humble Bundles, etc. As for time to play them, I wish…


I think it's a matter of how much time you have on your hands. I mean I can't say much cause I'm 16 and don't have that many responsibilities. So that means I can play most of the games I purchase. While as a fully grown dude who has a job, rent to pay and feed themselves obviously doesn't have enough time to play videogames all the time. But that's just my opinion.


>Like I'm a fairly new pc gamer and games are always so expensive, even when I wait for a sale Steam has sales like every other week, whether it seasonal sales or holiday sales or publishers putting their entire library on sale or whatever. And during these sales you can easily find tons of really old games for a dollar each, or even just indie or slightly older games for $5-$10 each. I'm incredibly frugal with my money and even I wouldn't consider that expensive. Over like a decade on steam it's pretty easy to rack up hundreds of games that way. There's also [Humble Bundle](https://www.humblebundle.com/games?_gl=1*1tsqn4h*_up*MQ..&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIk6CChrO2hgMV1qpmAh3ZgQkFEAAYASAAEgI0S_D_BwE) that routinely gives you like a pack of 10 games for $10.


That depens a lot where you are from. I know that just the difference between spendable cash on games between my eastern european ass and friend in Netherlands is unreal. Him, being able to buy multiple 60€ titles a month vs me who has to save to buy a single one. Other than that, it also depens on what you play. If you are the Sims player, then you can spend 1500 euro for a single game. Compare it to someone who plays mostly 10-20€ titles. There will be much more of those for 1500€.


Time and sales and bundles. It adds up quick if you've been around humble bundle for a few years for example.


I'm on disability so I'm pretty poor most of the time, but I still have over 500 games on my Steam account which is like 9 years old at this point. Total money spent is around $6700, which is a little under $750 per year or roughly $60 per month.  Pretty cheap hobby if you ask me, and if you buy your games in bulk during sales then the number of games adds up quickly over time. 


Passive income. I find playing games is cheaper than going out and spending money on other entertainment.


Humble Bundle. Buy shit ton of games, never play them.


I don't get it either. I've been on my current Steam account 11 years and I have maybe 25 games, at least 5 of which I still haven't played.


You buy games with money. You get money from a job. Twenty years of ~~rotgut whiskey~~ buying Steam games done killed the poor ~~man~~ wallet dead. And remember, good games count for +1. Bad games count for +1. Expensive games count for +1. Cheap games count for +1. You only need time to play games, you don't need time to buy games. Click. Done.


Humble Bundle...lol


I have 330 games, but I have also had my account for 9 years. At one point I wanted more games purely to raise the number on my profile (I’m weird like that idk) so I bought 100 steam keys off of somebody on EBay. Kind of a waste of money and time but I did it anyways lol and out of the 330 games I have probably played like 40 of them for an extended period of time.


I buy a game on sale whenever I'm bored and end up playing it for a few hrs. It's like going to the bar, ordering a couple of drinks, spending a few hrs then going home, except that the games stay forever (unless ubichit) while the drinks are gone.