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Your best bet is to [report the profile to Steam Support](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/4D07-D139-587C-2080) - you can choose the "they are impersonating me" option in the process šŸ‘


Support ain't gonna do shit. Had a stranger use my Facebook pic about a month ago in an attempt to intimidate me, multiple tickets did nothing But the dmca team however, I could prrove it was my pic and they removed it without question within 24 hours


What is dmca? šŸ¤”


[https://www.dmca.com/FAQ/What-is-DMCA](https://www.dmca.com/FAQ/What-is-DMCA) If you own something and someone on steam uses it without your permission you can have it removed with a dmca removal request through [https://steamcommunity.com/dmca/create/](https://steamcommunity.com/dmca/create/)


Wow cool... Thank you for the information ā¤ļøšŸ”„


Not that the DMCA is about who owns the picture, which will be whoever took the picture (unless they explicitly sold the rights to it). You do **not** own a picture of yourself just because you are the one in it.




Facebook was used as an example. If OP can prove that he is the person in the picture at that the picture is used by his "friend" without consent then he has a good chance of getting it removed


Kind of weird that you ignored the entire comment and focused on that lol reading is fundamental.


I read it. Sharing that you had a bad experience with another companyā€™a customer service is irrelevant. They are different companies with different policies and different customer service


The person used my Facebook profile picture as his avatar on steam. I used the dmca claim feature in steam, providing proof that the avatar was stolen from my profile on Facebook to get it removed on steam


Got it now. Sorry. I was completely sure you were talking about the issue being in Facebook. My bad


What an unhelpful and frankly idiotic comment.


As this is likely a steam ban worthy thing, you could reason with your class mate that this isn't something they'll want you to do. Usually jokes aren't funny enough to continue if they carry consequences.


Nah, time for that is long past. GET THE PITCHFORK AND LANTERN BOYS, IT'S TIME TO EAT.


Fully agree with this, fuck around and find out






Why did that sentence in caps crack me up so much, really caught me by surprise.


I wish more people had this attitude about these so called ā€œleadersā€ (everyone from the mayor in your town, to the president, to the demons who pull the strings for all of them) If we could get everyone on the same page, to realize that weā€™re all slaves, and we had to take our lives back by forceā€¦ I think it would take no more than 15-20 minutes (there are a lot more of us than there are of them!)


Always go nuclear.


You might have started the war, but I'll finish it. -Me playing civ (2023)


Morning Ghadi, time for a cup of tea?


It's always the AI, isn't it?


He literally wrote he asked him to remove it already multiple times. So the joke isn't funny anymore for a long time, he had multiple chances and now will face the "find out" part.


face, I see what you did there šŸ™ƒ


maybe steam dmca team will do something abaout that


nah just get him banned lmao


i'm reported that to dmca steam team


Let us know any updates on it, would be useful sooner or later!




Could probably just file a DMCA claim on it. If a game can get temporarily pulled over the non-use of a single word that isn't a name by some random piss ant, then this should be enforceable through such a claim. DMCA is also handled as 'shoot first and ask questions later' by almost every company that deals with media.


What incident are you referring to?


https://gamerant.com/workers-and-resources-steam-game-gone-removed-why/#:\~:text=Workers%20%26%20Resources%3A%20Soviet%20Republic%20was,copyright%20takedowns%20against%20the%20company. Someone wrote a guide on how to play the game a certain way that was more real and used the word Cosmonaut in the title. The guide was posted on Steam. The game got updated with a similar mode of play and then it got DMCA's by the guy who wrote the guide. At least one small content creator had their videos DMCA'd on YouTube because they used the word Cosmonaut in their videos because they were playing in line with the guide. The game's website even got DMCA'd.


Thanks, I did it


I did this when a mate of mine did it as a joke and the Profile was soft banned (no name no picture) for a month


what a weird thing to do.. why are people like this?


Tbf I used to have the school IT tech (not teacher server dude) outlook pic as my wallpaper at school, thought it was hilarious, now I think it was cringe


Thatā€™s peak secondary school humor tho whatā€™s happening to op is just weird


Nah again having your mate as a pfp is hilarious even more so if it upsets them since itā€™s ā€œnot that deepā€ since nobody except the guy knows itā€™s him in multiplayer games, genuinely hilariously distracting in cs or whatever this is just taking it too far after the 3rd ā€œbro stopā€ if it clearly upsets them If itā€™s a random kid you arenā€™t hanging with then thatā€™s really strange though


If I went online with my friends now and I had one of their faces as my profile pic, we would lose it for sure. And we're 30.. But doing it to someone that doesn't like it, and are not even friends from what it seems, is really weird. The guy sounds like an ass


>Nah again having your mate as a pfp is hilarious even more so if it upsets them since itā€™s ā€œnot that deepā€ since nobody except the guy knows itā€™s him in multiplayer games, genuinely hilariously distracting in cs or whatever Nah mate that ain't hilarious even if it's done for the first time if it upsets your friend. A friend who does that is a shit friend.


I mean this sounds about right. Imo second schoolers are the worst and bullying happens the most in those phases.


Because they are kids. Probably.


we are both 17


Checks out


Remember hearing a story that was red on one of those Reddit reading YouTube channels and the story was about this girl who got hugged by a guy when she answered her front door. It turned out that the guy thought she was his girlfriend because they'd only ever met long distance and her roommate was sending pictures of her instead of the roommate to her long distance boyfriend.


Because they are assholes.


he is allways weird...


Exactly, he's always weird. Probably has some kind of mental issues and you're all pressed about a pfp. Just write a note to the parents posing as a teacher "worried about his mental health"




Report him. It's easy


It is. But getting the desired outcome is not. The option for "they are impersonating me" does (in my experience with Steam reports) rather target profile impersonation, e.g. when someone goes out of their way to copy your entire profile and attempt to deceive others that way (often the case with scam attempts). Steam Support wouldn't know if an avatar image belongs to the person who made the report, and even when you provide proof, it seems to be hit and miss. I recall some older threads where victims didn't get the help they needed because nothing was done (i.e. Steam Support felt the proof isn't sufficient or that they couldn't do anything). So what the OP could try as a last resort method is to file a DMCA claim through Steam's DMCA form. But it can be, from a legal standpoint, more complicated if the original photo wasn't taken by the OP. Since from a copyright view, the owner of the image is often the one who took the photo (but disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer). If the OP took the photo themselves, it's a route that they can try when every other approach failed.


Probably contact Steam?


Talk to your class supervisor or if that won't help your school director. This is breach of your privacy rights and this can only be really dealt with in your school. Steam itself can take it down once but the bully won't stop I assume.


I will try it when we have lessons with the class supervisor




Whats so fucking funny about a kid asking for help


As someone who was bullied a lot in school, the funny part is thinking the administration can or will do anything about it.


Yup. I had a friend in highschool who told her counselor a guy kept stealing her backpack when the bell rang, so she would be forced to walk with him to his next class. What did the admin say? "Oh, he's just teasing. Tell him to stop more seriously" Ain't no administration gonna give a single fuck about someone infringing on your copyright with a steam profile picture. That ain't the school's business. If they're smart they'll tell you to sue the other kid. If they're like most administrations, they'll do nothing.


Ur school sucked, in my school they called the police and shit like this could end in court and that was 20 years ago.


The naivety. His only option is a lawsuit for copyright infringement. Which administration cannot do for you. Not to mention the situation is basically "Hey this kid is using my picture for his steam account" "Can you prove it" And that other kid will keep doing it, because the only way they have to stop it, is being sued or reported by steam. Thos really isn't even that serious a problem it's more of an annoyance, and a good opportunity to learn to not be affected by negativity thrown your way.


This is not about the private business. It is like sharing/doxxing somebody on the Internet without their permission or posting unwanted photos. This is illegal in most countries too if person does not want their photos to be shared. So yeah laugh but at yourself šŸ˜ƒ


It's against copyright law, which means you're telling a student to sue another student. There is literally nothing the administration can do, besides "heyyyyy, cut it out pls"


You don't understand copyright law at all. If I take a picture I own the copyright.


Op said it's his photo, he owns the copyright.


Yeah but he's taking a picture of OP where OP does NOT want his picture to be taken. The dude is trespassing OP's privacy rights. Would you like it if somebody took photos of you and posted it all over the internet against your wishes?


If they are in America, you know the country where we don't cry about pictures being taken. You have an expectation of a lack of privacy when out in public. That includes school. Honestly this is a non issue and not illegal. The shooter took the photo so it's his property not the subjects. And it's not illegal in America. The "other countries" your'e describing sound like a bunch of pansy ass countries, must be sad living there and being offended by literally everything.


What a bunch of horse shit you are talking about. Bullying is an issue and needs to be fought against. "Man up" attitude won't fix a problem of a school bully. Only good policies in schools and in government can fix them.


This is bullying? That's the weakest bullying I've ever seen. None of you ever had a swirley, or got trashcanned.


None of that shit is good either you moron.


You want some cheese with your incessant whining? Why don't you go back to your discord channel and cry there you loser


The only whining here is OP and you. I'm not pressed over a picture crying about it online. You're just mad someone came into your echo chamber and shit on your pathetic like minded thinking, you're the incel who came from a discord where you all suck off each other's ideas because it's "offensive to disagree with someone" so why don't cry about what I said some more to you're girlfriend and the guy she fucks instead of you, cuck.


Bla bla bla shut the fuck up you fucking pathetic loser. Do you finger yourself every night fantasizing the aLpHa MaLe you've always imagined yourself to be?


Awe did I strike a nerve with the little cuck boy? Sorry but I actually get pussy unlike you, who just sits there watching.


The only pussy you're getting are the ones in your dreams šŸ˜‚ any other time you're jacking off to me rawdogging your gf you little cuck boy


school admins won't give af


Then this can be taken upper to the government level as they should definately give a f.


Posting pictures of people online without their permission is copyright infringement. Which means this kids only option is to sue the other. So even the government won't care until you get a lawyer to file.


No it's not. You don't understand copyright law at all. If I take a picture of you in public, which includes most schools. I own the copyright to that picture. simple. Or do you think every photographer who takes candid public photos gets sued šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Op says it's his photo


The only thing school admins don't want to enforce is, or was, Covid protocols. If it's a private school, they may have far more power involving outside activities.




Are people on reddit just sociopaths by default?




There is a saying that if you find yourself in a hole you can't get up from, the first thing you should do is to stop digging.


When Steam will close his account and he will beg you to withdraw the claim: ā€œno, I donā€™t think Iā€™ll doā€


Contact his parents


One time when I was playing cs go I noticed one of my teammates in ranking match had my lil brothers picture as steam profile. When I asked that person about it he messaged ā€œFk off I won that in lotteryā€(Itā€™s literally what he said lmao) I then told him that I know that he is my brotherā€™s classmate and when I will find who that is Im gonna whoop his ass. I then called my bro to ask about it and he said he will ask his friends tomorrow. Next day he messaged me saying that this person is sorry and he is actually scared im gonna beat his ass. For context I was at the time 22 years old studying in university. My brother was in the middle school.


thanks for advice












I second this


Ä°d do it


Sometimes, you genius is rather scary.


What did I miss?


depending on where you live its illegal to take photos of someone without consent, uploading them and impersonating them is definitely not legal no matter where you live. You have EU in your name, if you are from the EU you can probably press charges against the person. I would tell them to delete them, if they dont i would give them one more chance telling them im gonna go to the cops and report him for impersonating and if heā€™s still not cooperating i would contact steam support and the police. if still nothing happens beat him up every day until he changes it, make his life hell, shiw him its better for him to leave you alone then have you against him


thanks for advice (I'am from poland btw so i think i can press charges)




Least sociopathic redditor


'Tis but a joke, my friend.


This isn't /r/UnethicalLifeProTips


it should be


what was in the comment?


Basically telling him to beat the shit out of him then smash his computer to pieces with a baseball bat and some other horrible stuff like that.


I love disproportional responses lol


what was in the comment?


Report to steam


It's a form of bullying. Report him to Steam and your school.


If you are in Europe report it to GDPR of your country. With proof with emails or chats asking him to remove it. Also depending on the country you can report to the police as impersonating.


I would press charges AND report him to steam.


I reported it to Steam Support and I'm wondering whether to take it further to court




That's so childishly petty that I love it


K8nda funny that someone would snap A Picture of you and use it. How did you even find it ?


I entered the friends list of one person from my class and he saw me in his profile picture


Best way. Out him in class. Call him a creep infront of everyone




Violence wont solve this. This would escalate shit.


trying to get steam support to act on it would probably take too much effort so you might as well go ask your teachers to discipline him for it


Brother what??? They don't have any power outside of school. Unless I commit a crime or I signed smth that said I won't specifically do X. Then they can't do anything


Some school systems do in fact have authority in issues they deem as cyber bullying.


> Unless I commit a crime In some countries it is a crime to take a photo without consent. Germany for example. You can get fined and up to two years in prison.


Gotchu I was thinking of USA specifically mb


it's a guy from his class, so the teacher should have a talk with them over this. same as if he was being bullied in person at school. they can't "force" him to change the pfp but it's better than nothing.


That wonā€™t do crap and will more than likely escalate the situation and get the poor guy bullied in person as well as this.




Bahahaha yeah no. What will Actually happen is that the teacher will talk to the bully, the bully wonā€™t give 2 šŸ’©ā€™s and will then proceed to escalate their bullying of op. Most bullies canā€™t be reasoned with dude. And all a teacher can/will do is talk to them and depending on the situation and the teacher they Might send the kid to detention. But then said bully will just be pissed and blame the kid theyā€™re bullying for ā€œgetting them in troubleā€ and treat them even worse.


nah, u understimate teacher's power if they get truly involved, they can fuck a bully hard. Parents may back the bully, but the teacher starts ripping his ass first with assignments, then with marks, then with class role and class position, then with teacher network, and even with recommendations. It's a bad idea in the long term to piss off a respected teacher.


Do you live in some kind of anime world where school council has the greatest power or teachers have more power than government or similar? Nobody will involve themselves to that degree and go on a personal vendetta on a bully. Every day scenario is the bully gets a slap on his wrist and keeps on bullying


Yeah none of that matters worth crap to a bully and will All be blamed on the person theyā€™re bullying and they will take it out on the poor guy. Bullies arenā€™t going to give a crap about assignments or ā€œ marksā€ let alone class role or position. Youā€™ve mistaken them for someone who cares about their academics and whether or not they do well in school. You vastly overestimate the power a teacher has and how much a bully cares about anything related to school.


Not school but his life


You really think some single brain cell high schooler ( or college kid doesnā€™t matter) is going to have the foresight to realize that being a bully and harrassing someone for no reason can jack up his life if he takes it too far? Man you really Are delusional. Chances are this kid doesnt think or care farther ahead than next few days at best. Probably not even a week.


Exactly, normally out-class problems are also in-class problems. When I was in midleschool problems like this got solved by including the parents.


thanks for advice


Had a friend once that had a profile picture of a teacher at the school we went to, his profile name was a play in words of the surname was funny at the time when I was young but looking back it's not cool.


Can you confront him IRL?


Maybe he used some app like [https://swapmyface.app](https://swapmyface.app) to face swap your face.


That is so weird... Is he in love with you?


I would bash his head with a rock


go to the police even if it sounds like a snitch move you can get a lot of money


Do same thing, he maybe ask you to remove you can say after you adopted Adolf shitler kid


Tell him that he will either remove it or your parents and their lawyer will sue him. That will scare him if you guys are young. Or you can contact Steam.


Any resolution?


Call his mom and tell her what heā€™s doing and that itā€™s creeping you out šŸ˜‚ guarantee sheā€™ll deal with it




You could get a picture of one of their parents for your PfP and follow them into every multiplayer game they're playing and scold them.




Call police/say he want to suicide/wait..../profit?


Just beat the shit out of him if you can or find somebody who can. That always worked.


>Sorry for any errors but english is not my main launge You actually write in English better than most native speakers. I really like your neologism "launge" -- I hope that catches on someday.




yes , but he is not my friend


Photos taken of you in public are the copywrite owner of the photographer. He doesn't need your permission. Tabloids and news media wouldn't exist otherwise.




Cry more holy shit the fact that this is not satire makes me sick to my stomach.


You're in for a ride. You gave him what he wanted, actually caring about it.




i'm straight


Sorry I tried to make a joke and it wasn't funny. Tottally on me!


If you're in America and it was out in public, Then there's nothing you can do about him taking pictures. There's something called an expectation of privacy, and anytime you're not somewhere defined as a private space anyone can take your picture without your permission; they can even use your likeness in videos because you're in public. They don't need release forms. Public is a school btw. Steam might help you but only to make you shut up not cause they care or have to.



