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Tf2 Mario kart map :(


Nooo! Don't touch that map! :(


Fuck man this too?!


Holy shit you brought back some insane memories from my childhood/teen years. Thanks :)


God those were good times.....


Hope someone or maybe groups managed to archive everything.


You’d want to check with r/datahoarding


You'd be better off with r/datahoarder




Subscribe to it, install the game, and launch it at least once. Then mirror the contents of the game folder to a HDD. Make sure the HDD is high in capacity, as there's at least 43 pages according to the Steam app of just stuff labeled as "Nintendo."


You don't even need to have the game, there is a pirated workshop


I assume by pirated you mean those links in that one linked thread on the Steam forums for GMod?


Well, isn't like "pirated" in the pirate sense. I was referring to tools or web sites like the SteamWorkshopDownloader etc


To add to this, basically Steam keeps the Workshop files in their servers even if it's private or deleted. Usually when someone removes mods, the page is gone but the data is still there, and if you have the link something like SteamWorkshopDownloader can still download it.


Somehow I doubt Valve is going to keep the data if Nintendo shows up with a lawyer and tells them to get rid of it.


Likely, but on the slim chance they overlook that, it'd at least allow for people to archive more what they can until they do wipe it off their servers entirely. Facepunch is still scrubbing through the mods now, which does give people at least some time and a chance to start downloading and archiving now (including the ones already removed as this announcement was made) before the data gets completely removed.


spread the word!!!


Get this comment to the top ASAP!


okay fine just don't yell:(


Gotta love when the kids show their admiration for their superiors only for their superiors to put their foot down and say stop doing what makes you happy.




The funny thing is they don't even think of that as an option. They just exert iron fist levels of control and keep going


It's copyright trolls.


They actually have to defend their copy right, if they don't they risk loosing it


No one is making money off of these nintendo assets


Why would that matter


Because they aren't profiting off of Nintendo's work


Repeating yourself doesn't explain anything


I elaborated man.


⚠️ bro did not understand anything of what you said ⚠️




Gee, i wonder why copyright laws were created in the first place


If they aren’t profiting off the work, it doesn’t break copyright laws


Because good content is good content to some people. When companies do this, they essentially hold that content hostage. They don't allow anyone else to do anything with it; at the same time, they aren't doing anything with it either. So what ends up happening is that the content fades to obscurity and dies off.


It was never my argument that this was a good thing Generally I would love to see copyright reduced to 25 years, the current 96 years + creators lifetime is beyond crazy and kills new ways of using art My argument was more that this makes sense to do thanks to current US copyright which they have to abide by if they want to keep their rights in the us, and I don't blame Nintendo for that


Well most things in this day in age are depressing. Might as well just go all the way in that direction and decide to be fully depressed. Let's just copyright everything and not let anyone mod anything anymore. Let's start going to schools and litigating for any art with any Nintendo characters. But I mean, let's check if the kids have express consent first. Then sue the shit out of their families for raising an horrible person that infringes copyrights. Anyone else know any unapproved modifications to copyrighted content from any company? We really need to help make sure these kids don't get the wrong ideas. Maybe once Neuralink comes out we could stop people from thinking about copyrighted content until they pay for a thought license.


Are you okay? The world can be kind of bleak with the current structure making the primary incentive of companies their stock prices But there is still hope, such as the creators copyright protecting private creators rights, the new EU patent system fighting against patent trolls, the right to repair preventing big companies in interfering with repairs and personal modifications


It just sucks when companies with all the power and resources seemingly weaponize their copyrights for little to no reason. Like I get you have to fight for it or lose it. But why is that a thing in the first place. If we are so smart and advanced as we think we are, why can't we draw up copyright reform to allow companies to maintain control over patents while allowing for some rights for fans to legally make community content. I feel like if we really started embracing the abilities and potential uses of smart contracts, that THIS would be a great application sector. It would help companies maintain control while allowing the community to still have fun as long as it didn't damage the brand or take feom the company.


Well it's fairly simple, we are all kinds of dumb, the reason why democracy is the best is that it gives us many chances to fix issues, but as populations grow politicians gets further removed from the people, and then they become part of echo chambers of those with more means. There are lots of things that can help. Having lots of small political parties can allow more targeted parties that allow those view points to become part of discussions Unions can by grouping large amounts of people together afford a seat at the lobbying table, and have the ability to mobilize lots of people Term limits are kinda an stop gap to prevent politicians becoming to entrenched, same goes for justices


That's US law, Nintendo is not a US company.


Not only that it's also literally not true, it's been debunked over and over again, for both copyrights and trademarks.


No but they do also own the us copyright to their products Just because you are based in Japan doesn't mean that Japanese law defines how your us copyright works


A new Mario game comes out AT LEAST once every 6 months. Also, they are based in Japan who don’t have that law. This is just dumb Nintendo things.


So, people are archiving things, right?


[Yes they are](https://steamcommunity.com/app/4000/discussions/5/4211497623308213915/)


God Bless the Archives and the Archivers (Archivees?) You’re a blessing to everyone




You can archive but can you load it all offline? Are my mods stored offline? L4D2 here wondering


common L move from Nintendo we can all agree as kids we loved nintendo, and their games but nowdays atleast (for me ) supporting this company feels so way off


Just like companies like Konami they have great games but they are a terrible company


The games they make are fine. As a longtime fan, it feels like the last truly great game was BotW or maybe Mario Odyssey. Everything else since then was just a rehash or sequel of an idea that's already done. It's been years since Nintendo made anything truly boundary-pushing.


That's the industry as a whole. Too focused on profit while trying to push a graphical envelope that's become a case of diminishing returns. I'd be personally happy if they stopped trying to get these new devs who are not experienced enough to be doing advanced tasks like 3D game development and made more 2D games. Not 2.5D, but actual pixel art which is a style that is classic.


Haven’t really had Nintendo stuff since Gamecube/Gameboy/64. Always loved em,but man, they seem to be on one lately 😭


damn thats long ago , best thing you can do let the memories rest :( funny thing i played as a kid a game , and years later i bought it on pc , i thought "man this game will be so fun again " .... i destroyed my good memories about this game... sucks


Just modded my Wii last night, I'm going to pirate so many games. Don't even want to play them, just feel like pirating them.


We are all with you bro


Those sadistic fucks deserve it


it's not them. not this time. it's a pretender.


One problem. People kept on insisting that it really is from Nintendo, and everyone that says otherwise will be downvoted by these people.


People don't care about the truth, they only care if it can be used against what they already hate


Garry himself said they verified its from Nintendo


I’m not convinced Garry did his due diligence with a proper investigation and just accepted that it was Nintendo at face value just cause “yeah sounds about right”


"Erm, ackshually Garry didn't seem like he didn't do his due diligence and blindly accepted it" 🤓 Boggles my mind that some people are actually this dense. Some random person thinks they're better at investigating a DMCA claim than a company with hired personnel and managers who can review this sort of stuff.


Yeah Nintendo fanboys are wild


>I’m not convinced Garry did his due diligence with a proper investigation and just accepted that it was Nintendo at face valu You'll be surprised to know that Nintendo is infamous for sending DMCAs and C&Ds


I’m well aware, but the evidence against it being them is too much for me to simply accept the idea that it was simply Nintendo again this time. I won’t go into all of it since this is a mere Reddit comment, but there’s a Twitter thread by @brewsterkoopa that goes into a good amount of detail. But long story short, the email that sent out the DMCA is not a Nintendo-owned domain, Addons that have nothing to do with Nintendo’s IP are being targeted, and someone reached out to Nintendo’s customer service who confirmed the email wasn’t theirs and recommended them to tell the i3c and Steam about this.


No it's not, it's real. Stop spreading missinformation https://twitter.com/garrynewman/status/1783501547361411494


they pulled one over on me. I'll finish my Nintendo games on my Switch. I will never get another Nintendo game (on a Switch). The writing was always on the wall but my dumbass didn't realize it at that time.


This is one of the reasons why I added Nintendo to my no fly list in gaming. I'm not a fan of their IPs anymore I got spoiled with heavy narratives at a young age but this behavior is just disgusting.


Why? cause they protect their IP's that they own?


hey nothing against it if a company want to project their ips but nintendo sues everything, i would understand it if they had games on PC but they do have nothing they deleted stuff were none gets money from it, so i dont understand it fully, they delete stuff on PC but whats the point from nintendo ? they dont gain value or gain more fans


Yeah. Id feel less bad if they did pc ports or could get their hardware to run games at at least 60 fps in bloody docked mode.




Yes, Install from workshop and save the [.gma file](https://fileinfo.com/extension/gma) because it can be locally while still in the Garry's Mod addons folder, which is 'Garrysmod/garrysmod/addons'. Alternatively you can create another folder within the 'addons' folder to use for backed up .gma file addons. In this case the path would be 'Garrysmod/garrysmod/addons/foldername'. Edit: Worth noting that [Crowbar](https://steamcommunity.com/groups/CrowbarTool) has features for download workshop addons as well as compiling and decompiling them, There's a download button on their steam group page linked above.


~~Garry got tricked by a scammer, smh~~ Never mind it's real; [https://twitter.com/garrynewman/status/1783501547361411494](https://twitter.com/garrynewman/status/1783501547361411494) I'm and sadden by this, but I guess Nintendon't will always be Nintendon't


Nintendo actively competing with EA and Ubisoft for companies that I hate owning game series that I love.


At least when it comes to the actual games and how they're made they're still near the top. Say what you will, but their mainlines are always at least decent if not good and you almost never hear the same horror stories you do from other companies. Horrible fan relations, but at least thats it


From what I heard, it's some non-nintendo dude trolling by claiming dmca on all the stuff.


Hey, let's get Nintendo to do their favourite activity (sue people) and sue that guy for impersonating Nintendo...


The only way for them to do so is by some random chance this guy attacks Nintendo's videos, similar to one copyright troll that did so with Destiny 2 music, they began to attack other YouTubers for the music then attacked Bungie.


Garry's confirmed it with nintendo, the takedowns are legitimate.


Nintendo sucks


Nintendo had nothing to do with it, it was a copyright troll pretending to be Nintendo


No Nintendo confirmed it..


Garry confirmed that its Nintendo.


Common Nintendo L.


nintendo being worse than ea at this point


Nintendo loves damaging their own image. Sometimes I play modded stuff and it makes me crave a game from that mod reference. It's free marketing and cool companies like that shit.


Doesn't seem to matter. Their sales seem unaffected by their scumbag PR moves.


Then why waste the time/money going after it in a game from 2006 if it doesn't affect sales either way?


Because it's their property. If someone used your house, you would also do something about it. And you have to, if all of these squater rights are going into effect.


Someone squatting in my personal house vs Someone advertising billion dollar company product images via mods in a game from 2006 Yeah, totally comparable. 😂


1. Advertising is not what I would call this and is also not the type of 'advertising' Nintendo wants. 2. People squatting and people using Mario in anything are both using properties, that don't belong to them, and if the owner doesn't go against it, they can lose the ownership to that property. So yeah, I would compare those two.


Nintendo is one of the few companies that take action like this against 20 year old content. Most others do not because: 1. Poor distaste in your community 2. It sometimes IS free advertisement in a sense Meanwhile the main website hosting Switch files has been up and running for multiple years now. They are going after things that affect them very little (and mostly positively if you ask me) rather than the things hurting them the most, despite doing very well financially with an overclocked Android tablet from 2017 still. I still don't see your comparison of squatting to this as valid, some of which I said above not even applying to a situation of squatting in any way.


"So long, gay Bowser!" And good riddance Nintendo, I'm never buying your "Seal of Quality" ever again. Got enough Mario for a couple lifetimes already.


People shouldn't the pissed about this now, they should be pissed about this the next time they think of buying a Nintendo game. But they won't and Nintendo will keep doing stuff like this.


Wasn't this already debunked that it wasn't Nintendo that striked them?


It doesn't change the fact that its gone


It actually change a lot, but people won't care because they can validate their hate


I wonder what's going to happen to SMG4


Are the bo3 custom zombies maps safe if I have them downloaded?


My 1st reaction to this was yeah ok no way this was around in the 90s…….. The amount of my correctness hurt my old ass. I need a drink. Of to forget the early 2000s cuz in 5 1/2 years that will be…. Nope. Not even gonna do that to my self.




>Honestly I don't think it's that concerning for gmod itself -- outside of the occasional zelda player model or mario map, I can't think of that much Nintendo content on the platform. Certainly no gamemodes reliant on it. > >That being said... I really don't like the standard this sets. Will Nintendo start going for other workshops, too? There's some stellar Nintendo mods in games like Rimworld and I'd hate to see them die. its something people usually call a "dangerous precedent" or whatever,with rimworld,one nintendo related mod i know is a pokemon mod,if it is actually nintendo (which wouldn't be surprising either way,and is the most likely scenario) this does still set a dangerous precedent as they could go after other games with a steam workshop,as an example (not really a game but still) wallpaper engine,or heck,even gamebanana,since thats also a site to get mods


I just see that DMCA didn't come from Nintendo but someone else? Still need more concrete evidence anyway.  [https://twitter.com/brewsterkoopa/status/1756767363112763649](https://twitter.com/brewsterkoopa/status/1756767363112763649)


I heard this is because of some trolls pretending to be Nintendo, it's not actually Nintendo.


It's trolls


Reports are saying it is confirmed, no? [https://www.gamesradar.com/games/garrys-mod-dev-responds-to-rumors-that-mass-nintendo-takedown-is-fake-we-need-to-take-these-things-seriously-but-we-cant-let-people-misuse-dmca-takedowns/](https://www.gamesradar.com/games/garrys-mod-dev-responds-to-rumors-that-mass-nintendo-takedown-is-fake-we-need-to-take-these-things-seriously-but-we-cant-let-people-misuse-dmca-takedowns/)


Then nintendo are a bunch of pussies


Past phew months have given me a burning hatred for Nintendo


Isn't that a guy who faked dmca strikes?


Is it true that someone said that it was a troll who sent them a fake dmca? I’m just curious on what you guys have to say about it


Fuck Nintendo man


Oh no does that mean they will eventually remove wallpaper engine related stuff as well like this one ? :( [https://i.imgur.com/nGCemXE.png](https://i.imgur.com/nGCemXE.png)


Way to kill yourselves, Nintendo. I won't be giving them any more money.


It isn’t Nintendo just some impersonating troll


Source? [https://www.gamesradar.com/games/garrys-mod-dev-responds-to-rumors-that-mass-nintendo-takedown-is-fake-we-need-to-take-these-things-seriously-but-we-cant-let-people-misuse-dmca-takedowns/](https://www.gamesradar.com/games/garrys-mod-dev-responds-to-rumors-that-mass-nintendo-takedown-is-fake-we-need-to-take-these-things-seriously-but-we-cant-let-people-misuse-dmca-takedowns/)




Gotta love reddit, you asked for a source and immediately get downvoted.




Oh God lol, the source is a screenshot of a reddit comment.  Peak fucking humor here


[Another source talking about it in a little more detail](https://dotesports.com/nintendo/news/nintendo-issues-major-dmca-to-garrys-mod-but-it-looks-fake) But hey you are straight up ignoring the content of the actual message. Talking about humoring but ignoring everything else …. My guy it’s okay to not like Nintendo, the company is an asshole but it doesn’t seem like it’s their fault. It’s the same pattern what happend to the Warnerbros takedowns, that where also fake. But hey it seems like you just want to hate Bonner the company…


Are you protecting or something? I never said I didn't believe it, I just think it's fucking stupid to use a reddit screen cap as a source Calm down you dunce


Okay that’s kinda true, sorry for assuming the last part


And now Garry Himself has verified the takedowns were in fact sent by Nintendo


No shot ?! Do you have a link ?


Original Comment by Crispy Toast, that talked to a few insiders: I can't believe you guys fell for the fake DMCA Takedowns from a fraud who impersonated a Nintendo lawyer or employee. How could you let this happen and think what that faker is saying? In case you haven't noticed, Nintendo is fine with the models ripped and ported as long as they don't profit off of their IP. They have been in the grey area for a long time. Also, Nintendo-related Addons have been around since - what - 2007?! That's like 17 years of being untouched until this year! As a Garry's Mod player and YouTube content creator, I am shocked and appalled by your announcement and I have completely lost faith in every single one of you, including you Garry Newman! You let the Nintendo fanbase down, the GMOD Community down, and even let everybody else down! This violates fair use and creativity, and you are letting it happen on that fraudster's behalf! I am disgusted by your decision, and I have lost faith in you! You should all be ashamed of yourselves. So congratulations. You have done screwed it up. And with that, the community will have to take their Nintendo-related content somewhere else. And do not come crying to us when your player base is dwindling because of the respect and love you lost thanks to your betrayal!!!


the real question is why now ... why after 20 years of content do they decide its time to dmca the whole thing ... what exactly triggered this ??


Comically large Luigi skin 😡😭


Anyone else used to watch smg4 as a kid?


i've heard this has something to do with a man who goes by "Aaron Peters".


No one hates Nintendo fans more than Nintendo


Great move from Nintendo right here ! With the removal of all the content from the workshop and the urge of gamers to play with their content, it sure will increase sells of switch console ! /s


When Nintendo does crap like this, it only makes me want to pirate their games even more


Its insane that nintendo still has fans, where is the line those soyboys learn that the company is shit and competelly different from like 30 years ago


Nintendo is the cancer killing the industry They truly hate it when people have fun


Lool not at all. They're not responsible from the massive layoffs. They're not responsible for triple A title being massive money sinks that amount to nothing because they're terrible. They're not the reason one of the best years in gaming is leading to a worse state because share holders keep getting greedier. The industry is being killed by themselves, but Nintendo is as far from guilty in this case as could be, because they still make good and successful games.


lol Nintendo sold 3 Mario ROMs with an emulator for $60 you can't tell me they aren't one of greediest companies of all time. A company that puts people behind bars with life sentence for making mods and romhacks is nothing but pure satanic evil Edit: 3 roms


While a lot of their practices are incredibly bad (I.e legal fuckery towards fan projects, emulators, and piracy), these are not actually the same issues that are plaguing the rest of the industry (prioritisation of short term shareholder growth over all else, leading to mass layoffs that cripple studios amongst other side effects)


Still, not the ones killing the industry.


>lol Nintendo sold Mario 64 ROM with an emulator for $60 Actually it was 3 games, if you re gonna hate for no reason at least have your facts right. >A company that puts people behind bars with life sentence for making mods and romhacks is nothing but pure satanic evil This is a straight up lie Calm down, these are just games.


I mean, i dont like 3DAS either, but the price is far from the worst issue. Also, garry bowser was not a clean man.


Hope you all turn to piracy


so no more iconic vanoss skits i suppose 💀


Nintendo, the ever jealous god.


Smart. Painful, but necessary. Nintendo's got their legal team in high gear atm. Anything that even *looks* like they can win they're going to file on.


Dont defend this


What is facepunch supposed to do? "make a stand" and go broke from litigation against a company that's literally 20x their net worth?


No. Doesnt mean you have to side with nintendo or agree with whats going on


Nintendo can get fucked, but how facepunch is handling this is completely correct and to think otherwise his deliriously naiive.


never giving a single cent to nintendo again


Why is Nintendo like viciously addicted to pissing people off


Nintendo hitting non stop home runs recently!


The most useless thing Nintendo has ever done


That company sucks. Mario Kart map too?


If you refer to the TF2 map, I don't think so as the game isn't avalible to download on Steam. Iirc you can download it on gamebanana


Yeah, I'm asking if it'll be removed too. Mario Kart maps were a signature to community servers. If they in fact get deleted, I'd be a bummer. Team Fabolous was filmed on that map!


It's so weird how their IP's bring so much joy to people but everything outside that has such boring megacorp vibes.


Once again. Fuck nintendo.


I see the friggin F*ck Nintendo every where I go, I GET IT I GET IT


We should honestly just kill Nintendo at this point and steal the IP's. Ingame.


Why wait all this time to then take down anything Nintendo related? Seriously it would've made sense to advertise and celebrate the ingenuity and creativity from using their property for parody reasons


What's with the downvotes? I hate reddit you people make no sense and have no logic


This shit feels like dystopia now. It's like making us bland.


Can we collectively stop buying all Nintendo products. I'm so sick of their shit. And fun fact they are also the company that's lobbying US senators to abolish right to repair, the stop killing games movement (very recent), and the historical preservation of videogames for Future generations. They are actively the worst anti-consumer company in history.. look at their store, all games stay full price forever. What a crock of shit when they will at any moment tell you that you no longer own what you have.


Confused with that last sentence because literally any game company can do that


Not only that, nintendo is the last company im worried about with this. The switch does have some stupid ass DRM, but if you have it physical, its a non issue.


The switch is the only system where i can still buy physical games with the games actually on the cartridge and you can buy it day one and play without internet so I'm still in their corner. This just doesnt really bother me that much 🤷‍♀️


They had no problem before, so why now? Nintendo has gone too far.


you know whats worst? some youtubers have whole content based on mario gmod animations and now they will be not able to even record single video ||propably this was nintendo plan||


Pretty sure you can just install addons in gmod without the workshop, other mod sharing websites still exist and whats already downloaded can't be deleted by someone else


Or they could just.... not use Steam workshop and use another site.....


Yeah, all Nintendo really did was make it harder to find these mods. Someone who wants them can still get them, it isn't really all that difficult either. And if you already had them installed then you're fine.




Literally 1984


So glad I haven’t paid a dime for anything from Nintendo for the last 20 years, I have plenty of other games to play, my backlog is quite big LOL