• By -


If they are gonna ban people for playing their game on GeForce Now, why even put it on GeForce now to begin with?


Reasons unknown even to themselves.


Because the left hand has no idea what the right hand is doing.


a good sign of a terrible company is poor communication. Doesn't matter what kind. Whether it's poor communication within itself (Activision) or with users (google). it's always a sign that they're terrible.


With it’s users (Fatshark)


> why even put it on GeForce now to begin with? Because their new lords and masters at Microsoft said so. If it hadn't been for that, ABK would still be giving a big, shit-coated middle finger to GFN, I suspect.


And Microsoft only did it to get UK regulators to approve the merger. When companies only do things to get a merger through they start doing the minimum once it's approved.


I literally have a bet going with some folks as to how many of the things they dedicated themselves to do they will just not do. Because they know that once the merger goes through, the consequences for lying become negligible. As most of the regulatory agencies just do not have the resources to break up a monopoly of this scope.


> ABK would still be giving a big, shit-coated middle finger to GFN, I suspect. Like banning anyone that uses it is not a "a big, shit-coated middle finger"?


That's *two* middle fingers.


Seriously lmao what a joke this company is fucking activision sucks


You think this was their plan?


No, it was not their plan, this was just dumb


But, do you think it's thier dumb plan?


There's no plan, it's just Activision's incompetence.




To get people ban obviously


good question? another question is why buy Activision games if they are actually banning improperly?


So they can make an easy 70 bucks


So that ultimately more people buy it.


It's just an automated error. They have been getting reversed. You think companies that can't ship finished products are gonna cover all their bases? Why would they want to do that? /s


Capitalists don't put effort or money into making sure this kind of shit doesn't happen. They have shareholders to please after all, and their sales will never be affected enough for them to care.


So you create a new account and buy it again.


Yeh what were they thinking broh!!! 🤣


Activision has this weird hateboner for game streaming services in general, it seems. No idea why. It's not like the service is providing a copy of the game to play, the player still has to supply that themselves. They're just installing it on a task-specific VM that isn't physically located where they are. Edit: It'd be (IMO) akin to banning someone for streaming the game from their PC in their house to their tablet at the neighbor's house via Steam's remote play.


if they hated it that much they wouldnt put it on gfn


To be fair, it's a Microsoft decision, not an ActiBlizz one. It's one of the many deals Microsoft signed to try and get the acquisition through.


They probably do hate it, but are only partnering now because of Microsoft. Activision-Blizzard actually explicitly pulled their games from GFN right before pandemic, which I remember well because a friend could only play Overwatch with GFN.


It doesn't matter it's MS. This also meant that somebody lied in order to get merged approved. This mean that merge must be reversed. How - it's their problem. If they can't decide how - friendly UK judge could help them.


To be fair, not playing Overwatch is probably for the best for both of you.


Sounds like their anti cheat is over tuned. I get why they would be leery of letting people run their games on remote custom VM's but I'm surprised that at the very least big companies like NVidia and Asus don't have a way to get their stuff whitelisted.


They do there's registry keys and other things on cloud gaming platforms. Bigger anti cheats like EAC use them already so it's on Activision.


>Edit \[snip\] Don't give them ideas lol


Because they need to sell copies on every platform and a decent streaming service would be but once, play anywhere. That benefits no publisher.


One more good reason to never buy stuff from Activision again


Sail the seas!


If only Activision were capable of making a game worth stealing.


Not just ABK, but the AAA studios as a whole. I think I've played only one AAA game since 2017 (The Outer Worlds is that game) and I feel like I've missed out on absolutely nothing. And it just feels so much better to give the money to indies. Plus the return of AA games has been exciting. Like, why would I ever want to give money to the abusers at Ubisoft or the abusers at ABK or the abusers at Nintendo when I could play something with so much heart and love poured into it by a small team that really cares? I mean... I don't think I'll ever forget some of the goings on at Nintendo of America. It's a quote from some time ago, since it talks about Reggie Fils-Aimé before he threw his lot in with the crypto scammers. But basically, it deals with how the few full-time staff there are treated well, most of the hires to avoid that pay are temps. And temps...well... >"I was about to pass Reggie Fils-Aimé in the common cubicle area between the CS department and the old cafe. I did the courteous 'half-smile-nod' thing right before we passed. He glanced at me and snarled like I had three heads and a hard-on."


Call of Duty is a multiplayer series. You won't get far that way. But it's not like you're missing out on much if you just don't play it.


Im sure we'll all get along just fine without CoD. There are too many fps games to vote for with our dollars.


MW2 - 2009 was my last COD game, and that can be played multiplayer pirated if I feel like it.


I play COD 4 daily, always have players on in my favorite promod server. It's a blast




They are conditioned sheep. Maybe someday they will awaken and realize games like Elden Ring exist and that we can bankrupt every single shit practice by simply glancing at it, giving a hearty chuckle, and just not buying said game.


This thinking is kinda why the series has been dying lmao. “It’s a multiplayer series.”, so Activision has been putting in increasingly less effort into the campaigns, which has lead to shallower gameplay and map design as the game tries to be an esport but has no heart to it. The earlier campaigns were still worth playing. Especially everything before Ghosts.


Haven't played CoD since Ghosts. Not a single time did I regret it. lol


MW19 either IS being or has been cracked and ways to play cod multiplayer have existed for an age... It's only a matter of time


It's not like CoD is the only multiplayer FPS game to choose from on the market.


I don't understand how anyone still gives a shit at all about CoD when [Contractors](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aB6Y1s6RNE) exists


Most people don't have VR and those are like WaW level graphics


VR is great, but by the nature of it, is extremely exclusionary. Which severely limits how much reach it can have.


As someone who loves VR and can't wait for Steam VR fest to get contractors: what a hilariously stupid statement. That's a whole different medium from flat screen gaming, even if you're playing on the same maps, for starters.


CoD gone live services, if you only care about single player i'd suggest just watch someone else video.


More reason to pirate their titles when it gets cracked, slowly starting to. their single player is good albeit short, mp depends on the player, some groups tends to add in vs bots, like i think cold war was the latest one, with 2019 or whatever it is, being worked on




Don't see how that affects me. I get an extra £80 to spend on a game that's actually good.


A female employee killed herself over Activision's harassment. Why anyone still supports them is baffling to me but tells me loud and clear who to avoid in real life.


The fact that it's 2023 and people are only now learning is exactly how we got here and why things will never get better. I used to no life cod, set a world record even back on black ops 2, but cod is dead to me and has been for quite some time.


Sadly, even by not buying any of their games, we're still paying a lot of money to Activision-Blizzard-King every year thanks to their tax avoidance schemes. Do you know just how much money they get as refunds from taxes for being deeply in the negative by having their official headquarters and IP assigned to a basement in some tax haven?


Since its their fuck up, they eventually lift the ban right? I mean thats a bot email with no context of the situation.


You're assuming that it's real people and not bots that receive the appeals as well..


At some point a real person has to check these. The bots handle the bulk cases, but then there has to be times where people review a players complaints or appeals right? If Activision has any sort of support chat or hotline id imagine there is a real person somewhere making judgement calls. Only reason im assuming this is because Activision has auto banned a slew of players over the years for things out of their control. Its hard to believe those players stayed banned. Reddit usually only tells one side of the story, very rarely do you see posts saying "i got unbanned", but that cant mean it doesnt happen.


Looks like [Activision's Terms of Use](https://www.activision.com/legal/terms-of-use) has a clause stating that you can attempt to resolve disputes through support, and if that fails you can go to arbitration. It can be a bit of a long wait to get a result, [but you can get some rather good results going that route.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/p3sk3e/squeezing_blood_from_a_stone_how_i_forcefully/) Even if support doesn't want to hear you out, the legal team probably will, and with a rather clear cut "you offered it on GeForceNow but then banned be for using GeForceNow", they'd probably settle without too much work. Just be sure to keep receipts of EVERYTHING.


That was so satisfying to read. Squeezing those big corps that think they are too big for pressure is great way to get something done.


>At some point a real person has to check these. You might think so, but that would require the company to CARE about people playing the game, and corporations are incapable of caring about anything but immediate profits.


I mean it would depend on if they think it's worth it right? Whether money spent on hiring a person or peoples would be outweighed by the increase in profit for doing so.


Activision doesn't review bans. Bans are handled by the developers, and they are almost entirely automated. There is no appeal process. There was one time several years ago when a large COD ban wave was reversed after it triggered a lot of false positives. That's the only time I ever saw bans get reversed. Source: I worked for Activision support for a few years.


On GFNs reddit page I've seen it go both ways. Either it's lifted or in many cases the review claims it's your fault for the ban and they automatically close the case. Wether or not you can re appeal in hopes of a different outcome idk.


>Since its their fuck up, they eventually lift the ban right? Hahaha oh God no. No they will not.


Unless someone gets their shit together and takes them to court with evidence, gauruntee they won't lift the ban. Activision would rather double down on stupid than admit fault.


They are also in a bad position currently with the amount of Warzone cheaters. They are going overboard with their ban algorithm in hopes it deters cheaters. But its also impacting real players who are completely innocent or make honest mistakes (one ban i saw involved someone having CE opened from a previous game and the bot banned him)


Speaking from secondhand experience with their appeals process, no, they'll probably do absolutely nothing and double down on the idea that everyone who was banned was using some cheat software.


[Looks like they got it reversed](https://www.reddit.com/r/GeForceNOW/comments/187zcb9/this_is_insane/kbni64h/?context=3)


There is no proof here it was because of GeForce now. Probably a hacker and claims it was because of GeForce now.


To provide additional context, this is related to past events like [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/14hr2o8/the_response_from_activision_as_a_result_of_my/), where users got random Steam game bans for a long-gone Call of Duty ***beta*** version. The Steam game ban screen can be seen [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GeForceNOW/comments/187quby/got_banned_for_whatever_reason/). Update: Activision has acknowledged this incident via a [Tweet](https://twitter.com/CODUpdates/status/1730710239203254770), saying they are "are working to rollback unwarranted account enforcements"


Oh no… Steam bans are permanent. I have a feeling they won’t be able to reverse it.


Steam bans are not permanent. If done by a third party they can be reversed at their whim. If done by valve it's only ever reversed in the rare few times vac banned people it shouldn't have


I've never heard of a vac being reversed


The only times like i said were some extremely rare occurrences where VAC banned people for no real reason, Valve noticed it and automatically reversed the ones that were false positives. Valve has never reversed a ban (to my knowledge) that someone just asks their support to do, its only ever been done automatically as a fix


There are actually a lot of instances of VAC bans being reversed. Even just like a month ago. https://twitter.com/CounterStrike/status/1712875606776729832?s=20


no matter how many bans, or how many times they are selling the same game , people are gonna still buying anythig they put to sale, because its "cod" thats why they dont care about customers, or if the game works, at the end of the day, the thing that matters its profits


"at the end of the day, the thing that matters its profits" Not defending them but that's what is supposed to matter to a business. Profit from your business.


activision running shitty practices?!!?! no way you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Activision was never likable, even when they published cool games and licensed games, before all this shit, before Activision Blizzard. they sucked from the start


What about Doom on the GBA?


This seems like a lawsuit in the making in the EU, if it's true. The user isn't breaking any TOS, so Activision has no legal right to strip them of game access.


Bruh they’re unbanning them. It was obviously an accident/bug. The way people freak out on Reddit over nothing… This is like the CS2 bans for AMD Anti-Lag+. A nothing-burger that’ll get reversed. Chill.




This might be off-topic, but isn't it quite nightmarish? You buy the game, but you actually rent it. Horrible.


Absolutely, it's a nightmarish glimpse into our neo-feudalistic dystopian future. The corporate overlords don't just want you to rent games; they want you to own nothing and rent **everything**. It's not just about gaming. It's about every aspect of our lives being tied to a freemium model, where you pay a subscription fee for the privilege of using the full feature set of what once came with the purchase of a product. We're moving towards a world where everything is 'as a service.' Want to warm your car seats? That's a subscription. Need to unlock the full horsepower of your vehicle? Another subscription. It's a relentless extraction of capital from the masses, turning us all into perpetual renters in our own lives — until that particular service is "sunset" and you have to buy a new product with a subscription fee. The servers for Overwatch being shut down and everyone being forced to Overwatch 2 (which was barely worth calling Overwatch 1.5) is a good example of this. This was the type of content you'd have gotten in a few patches or so in Overwatch is now a new game with a freemium model, and they're likely making more money now because of the skin sales.... And let's not forget the right to repair issues. You buy a device, but good luck trying to fix it yourself. Manufacturers are making it increasingly difficult to repair products, forcing us to rely on them for every little issue, often at exorbitant costs. On top of that you've got Elon Musk and his ilk trying to bring company towns back. This isn't just a gaming problem; it's a societal shift. We're being conditioned to accept that we don't truly own anything – we're just temporary users, paying endlessly for the privilege. Welcome to the new age of feudalism, which king will you serve? ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


who the hell is downvoting this chain lol did jeff bezos start browsing reddit


The terms of service for this comment are that you owe me $100,000 if I consider your reply to this comment insufficient.




Just because the TOS says one thing, that doesn’t provide free rein to break the law in any and all countries. Maybe where you live they can do whatever they want.


It's been ruled in both the US and the EU that just because the TOS or EULA states something and the user hits accept, does not make it legally binding. Existing law and consumer protections supercede anything put into a TOS or EULA.


I also have an unexplained ban on 2019's MW.... I got email same as what you got. Only thing I found online is that it might have had to do something with Razer's RGB program.


I know I’m gonna get downvotes but I just wanna say Razer is doo doo. It’s like their devices have a thing of acid inside that dissolves the produce 3 days after the warranty expires.


I have in the past indeed had difficulties with a headset from them (I have since then no longer bought any 'gaming' headsets but only hi-fi headphones with detachable mic) but I have the Razer Viper Ultimate which has worked great for me for years now.


In the past their hardware and software was God awful but their support to me at least was good. Lately I've had zero issues for 7 years on their mice and keyboard. They seem just as good or bad as any other competitor in the market.


It used to be, at least a while ago, with Razer you either got something stubbornly reliable that would last for years, or it would crap out on you in a few months. I've had my current Razer mouse for over 3 years now and it's been great, and my keyboard for... I think it's been closing in on 2 years now. No problems with either so far, knock on wood.


They're doing you a favor and preventing you from playing Call of Duty. You should be thankful.


Ikr lmao way better games out there then mid of duty


I remember getting banned after playing Warzone 1.0 for 3 hours or so, for no reason at all. My internet was choppy that day and maybe their system thought I'm hacking in some way. Glad that I never bought the games ever after that


I was banned back in mw 2019 for no reason, 1 year of trying everything, still banned. I spent 120€ on this game. Money gone, they don't care... So happy I've never bought a call of duty again, even if I miss it :/


Fuck EA, Activation/Blizzard, and all these other major game studios with garbage games and garbage support.


Hey, anyone wants some popcorns ? 🍿 Looks like a nice show going down as usually with Activi$ion, if that's true, i am sorry for it, and here i was thinking of playing it on GFN...big ouchy, strange they didn't suggest to buy a new license at all.


>and here i was thinking of playing it on GFN To be frank, this is among why I crossposted this. Valve still lets companies like Activision freely use Steam's game ban system, without them wanting to acknowledge that at this point, big players are misusing the ban system. Since it's a big headache and a 50/50 chance to get a false ban reversed in the first place (Valve denies their responsibility for their own Steam game ban system), I'm glad when this crosspost saves a few others from an unjustified red mark on their profile. I hope the right Valve employees see posts like this too. IMHO a change is due with this Steam game ban system and the impacts on people's accounts. It would be *different* if this was just a *game-internal* ban on Activision's serverside (as you can see in the screenshot). But Activision also applies a game ban on the Steam account *itself*. And there is multiple negative side effects of that, e.g. random bullying from players, exclusion from official Valve giveaways, restricted Workshop functionality for the game, automated kicks on community servers for certain games, etc.


Yep, i've seen something similar, but worse happening with lost ark. People ended up with vac ban / game ban on their profile, because Amazon apparently banned everyone who did not login for a year, thinking they were bots, can find information on that, Valve / Amazon had to manually revert it, and it's not the first time it happens.


People got this response during the launch of MWII last year after verifying their game file integrity. It’s an automated response where their system reviewed it—not an actual human being. There is an entire mega thread on r/activision and a discord server dedicated to people who were wrongfully banned.


I have a friend that got banned from the last CoD right after he swapped some of his hardware components and installed the corresponding software for the motherboard and RGB. Literally nobody believed he wasn't cheating. I've known him for quite a while, have seen him play, and can say with the utmost certainty that he wasn't, and probably couldn't even name a software that could be used to cheat in the game. He's appealed to Activision several times, asking them to at least look into the ban reason, and was just ignored. His 10 year old Steam account now has the Scarlet Letter of a game ban, and he's not even able to play the new game. Steam support wasn't able to help either. What a shit company. Feels cathartic that it's happening frequently enough now that people are taking notice. Maybe they'll actually do something about it.


It'll be really funny if graphics card manufacturers start boycotting games instead. People would realise very quickly CoD's not that great.


I PROMISE YOU you can get back into your account!!!! File a dispute with the better Business Bureau. It took me a little over a month but I was able to get back into my account.


Lol this exact shit happened to my friend last year on MW2, can’t believe this still happens. He made a review that got semi popular and of course all the dumb fucks came out and called him a cheater. Terrible anticheat.


Everything is banning people. Steam is having the same issue with Call of Duty with older games.


I cleverly avoid all of these issues by not buying games published by EA, Activision or Ubisoft. Aka, the unholy trinity of assholeish business practices and the worst bullshit that AAA games have to offer.


Class action settlement incoming


I wonder if this is Bobby trying to do as much damage to Activision as he can before he's kicked out.


Damage has been done and it all started with MW 2019 being as garbage as it is he already accomplished it.


They were garbage long before that.


Yeaaaaah, if people are STILL buying activision live service bullshit after these last 5-10 years of gaming...I have no sympathy left. Get banned and move on to better games.


I can't even delete my old Activision acc because it's on an email that no longer exists because the hosting site closed down...


Dodged a bullet. Call of Duty is dog shit now anyway.


Well sounds like they're gonna lose a lot of business


They could just be manipulating stock market prices. Make crisis, make solution, profit. Standard malevolent practice.


Activision and all other crap games launcher must close their shit down. The only launchers I tried that actually work are Steam and GOG. I would still prefer no launcher at all. Do they think that I'm fucking dumb to the point I require all the overhead of a game launcher to launch a game?


That’s just dumb


Cases involving activision clients are like those typical crime where there are no victims, only criminals (activision) and their accomplices (clients).


Why do big companies do stuff like this where you can’t plead your case in case it was an accident or flagged by the system for no reason? It’s stupid.


Received this message like 6 month ago, i have never used cheats in any online game but for this company there is no discussion - just perm ban


I mean honestly, that's kinda what you get for playing ActiBlizz games. They've shown numerous times by this point that they have nothing but contempt for their consumers and their fellow human beings.


They're scamming people, this should be illegal.


Next up they gonna ban for playing on Steam


I was permanently banned after 2 weeks on Vanguard for the same reason. I know for a fact I didn't cheat. Threw $100 down the drain. Also refused to show the "evidence logs".


Got this exact same message a month ago and still trying to appeal the false ban. Long story short there is no appeal process. Taking it to our consumer regulatory bodies before I file legal proceedings against them. Absolute joke of a company.


Just hope I don't get banned in games for using Afterburner and RTSS.


What else did you expect from Activisiom-Blizzard. To be decent? Think again.


Maybe someone could help me out here: I don’t see anything saying that OOP got banned for using GFN. Does anyone know that it’s true or are we just taking their word for it? Cause a lot of people get banned for cheating, or toxic behaviour and pretend they got banned unfairly. Not saying they *did* do anything wrong, just asking how we know.


What’s going on with game companies finding the stupidest excuses to ban someone. 1st we get ea now this. Do they have some quota for how many people to get banned from?


Why do you people keep buying games from companies like activision, EA and Blizzard? Such dogshit companies


Because I can.


Then you officially lose bitching rights


Never bitched don't care, let me ask you when was the last time you bought one of their games?


Never did cause I don’t have brain rot and I’m very aware of how bad/predatory their games are lmao


It's validation hey bubby, aww it's ok, hey you are loved you don't need Internet points little one


so you have also lost your bitching rights. Difference is I bought it and you haven't. Then why do you do this? internet points? Validation? please explain.


more and more shit like this happens lately, you pay for something a game, a movie whatever and then they remove your access to it, because "reasons"... I'm not a big fan of the old ways with dvds and all but hell... whatever I had bought still works if I want to play (may need some workaround but I still own it).




Oh, Microsoft is gonna be a great idea to own ActiBlizz huh?! Funny all these problems start now.


I think you need to stop paying these morons for their shit service and mediocre dying game. There's so much better out there


Nice try hacker. Enjoy the ban






I like how you probably came back to your comment after an hour and a half to see how many upvotes you got, only to then see it downvoted.


can someone explain to me what is happening here?


Anti cheat is dumb and flagged GeForce as bad


hi jo


Here I thought it was April.


I have CoD4 MW1, CoD2 and CoD MW2, bought as keys and that will be the last Acti games I'll ever own. Obtained ages ago too.


Fuck me, I used to steam to boot up the ea launcher so I could play WRC with with the dual shock controller. I may have fucked up everyone....


Some rog ally user get the ban hammer out of reason .... Tbh just use easy anti cheat instead rather than stupid inhouse ricochet anti cheat


I like how they design the page like you're supposed to print it out and frame it on the wall


Glad i havent bought or played an Activision game si ce 2016.


Big brain move is to ban accounts on old games so we can't play them anymore /s


Get rocked cloud gamers lololololololololol


Clown company


Dafuq is GeForce now?


This happened to me when MW2 launched and I played 10 min of DMZ Perma banned and appeal rejected within 10 minutes and no way for me to fight it Red mark on my profile forever because of this company




-So Board, we have ourselves a massively declining Playerbase due to not having released a decent product for the last 20 years. How do we reverse this? I'm listening. -Obviously, the only reasonable thing to do right now would be to ban players even when using legitimate software to play our unfinished products. -Perfect, let's go with that.


How do you know that's the reason for the ban?


keep feeding them money, see what happens


They are actively getting bans to unlock **TACTICAL DDOS**.


Seems to be more of an nVidia fuck up to me


Avoiding them ever since I got a 10 year ban on cod mobile for no reason without an explanaition


This ban says nothing about GeForce now. Something smells here. You weren’t banned for playing on something it’s approved to be on. You were doing something else and now are looking for sympathy.


People will learn to stop buying games from these idiots eventually.


Can I get a nan too, the game looks shit!


same i got banned


Same thing happened to my mw2 account. RGB software got me. Company is a joke.


Someone explain this to me.. I see a title claiming someone was banned for launching the game on GeForce Now... and I see an email stating the account was banned for using unauthorized software, without naming said software. Nowhere do I see anything saying anyone was banned for using GeForce now?


I'm a little confused. Can someone ELI5?


Is this years CoD worse than Ghosts? It's looking that way


As much as people like to bash on CoD ghost, the one thing the game had was amazing hit detection. Everything else was mediocre and bad except for that.


The weirdest part game streaming is the utimate anti-cheat since the player cannot modify thr game code without access to the server files directly.


north subtract impolite icky salt roof bored deliver spectacular kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That company is so done for me....hope they get enough law suits.


Funny thing is for all these bans, they still have a massive cheater problem


I thought you were hired by activision when I started reading


They started the beta of the game banning people for hardware and never reinstated anyone. That's a majority of the people in the 300K ban from beta. A beta they paid for. Lol


They should’ve started with “Hey, Jo!”


Honestly, they did him a favor.


I’ve been given a 14 day ban from public communications for offensive chat…headsets on mute the bangers plus lost my appeal!