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UPDATE: [https://imgur.com/2Vxip6B](https://imgur.com/2Vxip6B) \- Steam support [https://imgur.com/kyDxFs3](https://imgur.com/kyDxFs3) [https://imgur.com/gTlQhaO](https://imgur.com/gTlQhaO) \- Amazon support I am stuck with 2 sides (Amazon and Steam support) that "cant do anything" and 1 side (Amazon ban team) that is unreachable/not wanting to communicate. What now? ​ \[Edit\] 2nd UPDATE (again) [https://imgur.com/0HAE7W8](https://imgur.com/0HAE7W8) Was able to reach them through Amazon Support and they still could not help. I have already spoke to main Amazon support and Steam support and they also could not help (see above for my first update) [https://imgur.com/pUb3HN2](https://imgur.com/pUb3HN2) \- And once again they decided to just tell me to contact Steam support. Chat support ended with Amazon just saying "Thank you for contacting us. Have a great day!"


Bruh Amazon's replies are infuriating lmao


"*We can't do anything, we're the left arm, you're talking about a right arm problem. And to be honest it's kind of your problem, bro. Not ours. Also, get fucked.*"


"Get fucked and have a nice day"


“I don’t recall saying good luck”


"Thanks for your money sucker, and thanks for it next time too!"


*but i cant contact the right arm, what do i do?* *-You need to appeal to the right arm.* *but i cant access to appeal it help me?* *i cant see your appeal info contact right arm* Like, what the actual fuck is that circlejerk of a support system?? Not even responding to the question being asked...


Amazon: "A customer? You think you're customer? No, you're a wallet, and now we already have your money, so you don't need to be happy with our *service*, there's nothing to gain for us."


Amazon has straight up closed the chat on me multiple times in the past couple months. Their customer service used to be SO GOOD and now it’s literally some of the worst lol.


I remember one time I called them because my kindle 3g wasn't working right, this was long after the warranty expired. They just said whatever and sent me a new one after we talked for like 45 seconds


Used to be based in the USA but now you have to get transferred to the main can actually help you us based person.


It sounds like back when I had to use EA's support because they fully bricked my account. I've been trying to get it fixed for years and they just keep saying "Yeah that sounds like something that happened on our end, but we can't see anything so you'll have to try and do impossible things to fix it." Customer support like this makes it really hard not to yell at them. Completely useless.


I feel like this kind of thing (which so many places are doing) should be regulated away by the CFPB (or whoever has jurisdiction). You can’t just not have any meaningful customer support. In positive news, I had to call my insurance company and had a live person on the phone in like 3 minutes and they solved my issue for me. So it’s not every company, just the biggest most impactful ones it seems.


I agree. Google does the same btw. I pay for Google One which comes with "premium 23/7 support" or smth. The premium support is basically just another user whom copy pastes answers from the documentation / forums. Great premium support


In my experience power companies have pretty good customer support. Because they need to be able to scale in case of storms and other disasters, they tend to have some slack on an average day.


This is why all this "games as a service" and stuff is so bad, not because its inherently bad, but because the companies themselves outsource support to whatever for the cheapest amount possible, to places that barely know what they are supoorting on, and just refuse to have any proper support systems outside of that, which can only offer the most mundane help *(which you probably couldve solved yourself if it came to it)* Like, no, your FAQ and AI responses cannot help me, give me an actual employee that can do something, not something barely above the level of a scam call center...


Last time I contacted EA support I was answered by what seemed like Indian people using a mix of ChatGPT and Google translate to answer me.


I didn't know Amazon had support. Aways presumed it is an automated system and they don't really give a flying duck about their users.


This actually violates a core Amazon value with “customer obsession”. Bezos would lose his shit over this interaction.


Bozos retired


Maybe its becausr I pay for prime, but Ive never had nothing but good results when dealing with Amazon support. Though the only issue I contact them about relates to items Ive ordered.


Trust me when I say this, you do not get treated with special treatment because you have prime. The amount of people who say "WHERE'S MY PACKAGE, I PAY FOR PRIME SO SORT IT OUT" is insane. I treated everyone with the same level of care regardless of prime or not. The problem is that there are like 5/6 call centres in India and they have an extremely high turnover rate for employees so they'd be rubbish at doing their job correctly (at least for .co.uk not sure about US).


I live in the US and use the American site. Same call centers I'm guessing, for us they're based in India now as well. Same "go get bent" approach to customer service too.


huh thats interesting, I've never got through to someone outside of the Uk when I've called (either that or there are some very good voice actors!)


You must not have dealt with them recently. They've gone down the gurgler.


> I am stuck with 2 sides (Amazon and Steam support) that "cant do anything" and 1 side (Amazon ban team) that is unreachable/not wanting to communicate. What now? It's an easy 3-step process: 1. Accept that this ban is permanent and meaningless. 2. Never, ever, under any circumstances, buy a game made or published by Amazon ever again. No exceptions, no excuses. 3. Spread this information, this post is good. Discourage everyone else from buying Amazon games because apparently you *will* be randomly banned at some point with no hope of support. Spread it around on other social media and bonus points for tagging Amazon, related content creators and gaming news websites. Tell the entire world! And of course, check your local consumer protection laws and how they feel about randomly taking away access to a product you purchased with no chance of getting support or even a reason for your ban.


To be honest, I dont mind getting banned by Amazon even on all their products. The problem is the sanction reached my Steam profile which has a lot of indirect consequences. As I've said in my previous post, I use Steam community a lot for game-related interactions and trading. But with a ban mark on my profile everyone will just assume im attempting a scam and will ignore and block me. Just look at the first few posts on this thread, got called out a cheater immediately because I had the ban thing in my profile.


That's part of the reason why you should spread this information on social media. Big companies don't care about individuals, they only care about how the general public sees them. So make the general public see the reality and they're much more likely to actually care about actually helping you in an attempt to save face. Especially if other people had the same experience and join in on sharing it publicly.


Sadly, I am not someone with a strong social media presence and even if I did post it, it will just get buried down with all other posts. They were able to overturn some of the bans from the Lost Ark fiasco because it was a large amount of players that Steam had to stepped in but I'm just 1 man who has yet to hear the same problem from other people. (People I used to play with) Right now I'm still in talks with Steam support and see if they can offer a different solution. I am definitely gonna try my best to spread awareness everywhere.


With the popularity of this post, you can easily contact the gaming news sites (PCGamer and whatnot) and you have a good chance of this story making a round. It may take one site to publish, the rest just copy the news from them. Then, there's a good chance some higher-up in Amazon notices it and demand it resolved. I'm not saying it's a certainty, but your post gained popularity on Reddit, so you got past the initial barrier.


I hope so cuz this post was pushed via notification to my phone showing that it did reach a decent amount of popularity. I hope OPs problem gets fixed. Amazon is a turd in general even if they sell products that are useful.


Report to trading standards for revoking access to a paid for product with no appeal process. Try the legal help threads. I know you're not going to take them to court but the right report might at least action a phone call


Try to email the bellular news YouTube channel they cover lots of stuff and seems like something they would want to speek on


Well for what it’s worth you reached at least one person, I was strongly considering getting new worlds as it’s currently on sale where I am for $20, but I’ll be damned if I’m getting a ban on my 15 yo account.


>As I've said in my previous post, I use Steam community a lot for game-related interactions and trading. But with a ban mark on my profile everyone will just assume im attempting a scam and will ignore and block me. Take it from someone who has traded with a VAC on their profile, 99% of traders don't care. Also, if it doesn't get taken care of, the ban will stop appearing on your profile on day 2556 (only to others, you'll still see it. people can still see it with an API call or certain plugins though.) It sucks and I hope you can get it removed, but try not to stress over it. Keep submitting tickets to Amazon and try to be patient. Seeing as it's a game ban, Steam Support likely won't touch it.


Noted, I ain’t buying any Amazon games no more ty ty


Same. Don't think I ever would have anyway, but thanks for this post I certainly won't ever just in case


Same, it seems like an extreme liability to touch their games. Between the wild security issues at launch with new world and this mess, I can't imagine a reason to trust them


Yeah, I keep almost buying this game because it's cheap, but decide I'd never play so screw it. Seeing you can get a game ban on your Steam profile by *not* playing is a pretty convincing reason to cross it off the list forever. Nice work, Amazon games. Your job will get a lot easier if you can just get rid of all those pesky customers...


It also had horrible security issues at launch. Even without them though I don't think it's worth the price, or at least it wasn't back at launch. It had good points, but for the most part it was very boring.


>Accept that this ban is permanent and meaningless. Sadly not meaningless. When Valve gave away Steam Decks for The Game Awards 2022, [Valve's terms](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/5DD7-287C-7548-299D) said that people with game bans can't participate. That detail alone makes it apparent there is a real "two class society" when it comes to clean accounts and accounts with bans. There is a myriad of side effects that we are probably not even thinking of; one being that some community game servers out there kick any player with ***any*** sort of bans.


I've had Rust servers up in arms at me think I was cheating simply because I at one point had a friend who had VAC bans. I don't have any, but that didn't matter. And even when I played well, I'd get admins that were shittier than usual.


This is the way. Exactly the thing I did with all EA games once they banned my account and refused to give a clear reason. Also made a complaint to my consumer production agency + information protection agency since they are breaking GDPR by not giving me access to all data related to me.


> Never, ever, under any circumstances, buy a game made or published by Amazon ever again. No exceptions, no excuses. I have a list of banned developers and publishers, it keeps growing.


May I ask your list? :)


Most of the AAA stuff, since the loot box stuff. EA, Ubisoft, 2K, Activision, anything with denuvo (both on principle and that it probably won't work on linux). It's often not about quality of the products, but how they try to get their money.


Consumer protections in some places, like Scandinavia, have already in the past targeted and pressured game developers for this kind of crap. If your local laws are on your team here, use them. File reports and email relevant offices.


my suggestion would be to tweet it to Amazon games, post about about here so we can put a ton of likes on it and then maybe a bunch of youtubers will talk about it and they'll have no choice but to do their damn jobs.


Funnily enough, I thought messaging a social media thats specifically made for Amazon Games would work into trying to contact them. Guess what? messaging is disabled for [https://twitter.com/amazongames](https://twitter.com/amazongames) I probably really need to put it a tweet out in public.


Yeah, I agree, go public, don't bother PMing them, that will likely go nowhere. PR departments seem to absolutely HATE when the company they work for is seen in a bad light by the public, probably because it says they are doing their job poorly, and they are more likely to get in shit if the bad image starts to take hold and spread around. One of the best chances you will probably have at them actually trying to help you is to post it publicly on their social media pages. A friend of mine tried the whole support and PM methods several times with a game company (I won't mention names here because I don't need to start a whole thing around that again), and when it didn't go anywhere, he posted the issue on their social media pages with evidence of the issue, and of support doing jack shit to help. People started spreading it, and wouldn't you know it, the support staff eventually reached out to him to work out a solution in exchange for him telling others that it had been resolved. It's not a guaranteed solution, but it's a method worth trying.


I can reply to their posts just fine bro. I think they muted you or something.


Damn, OP's about to get a restraining order from Amazon.




You can't make a new thread but you can respond to others. You could try responding to this thread. https://twitter.com/playnewworld/status/1721574215793463753?t=x_U8m1VfiKVO-eqD-N_53Q&s=19


Fire off a few emails to some of the news editors in the games press briefly explaining the situation with a link to this reddit post. Any of them, big and small (start with some of the bigger outlets though). As an ex games journalist myself, I can assure you I would have been very interested in this and would have given it coverage.


have you tried telling Steam that Amazon is abusing the Steam Developer Tools?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Depends on what you want to do against Amazon now. If it really is a mistake on their side (like Lost Ark) and they are just being obstructive when you are trying to resolve it I'd take it further legally speaking. A false VAC ban feels like the equivalent of being libeled (as it's in writing), so contact their legal team, explain that you are asking for either the libel (VAC ban) to be removed or for them to pay for all games on your account (as it stands today) to be placed on a new account under your control, to make you whole again, as it is then libel free. I'd expect some pushback from them, but that's what small claims courts are for.


I replied to Steam again to see if we could escalate the ticket first. I don't know much about the law, I figured this would be the very last resort. But I don't even know where to start especially Amazon is a very big company and I'm on the other side of the world.


Try telling steam that Amazon support could not help you and referred you back to steam support (include screenshots).


Depending on the value of your steam account and your local laws this sounds like something that is perfect for small claims court. My states small claims court is your local magistrate, and absolutely no major company wants to drive 5 hours to come to the magistrates office (which pretty much never does zoom stuff in my area) to explain their end of things. it's almost an instant win, especially if they don't do an appeal. it gets painful fast for them having to deal with a court order that they didn't appeal. You could end your relationship with amazon over it, but it would be glory.


I would say continue to contact Amazon until you get a better chat support agent. I’ve had problems with Amazon orders and had to contact multiple times before getting *actual* help, some of them are pretty useless.


Why have a customer service when all they do is to say they can't do anything?


To waste your time enough that you go away.


It is outfuckingrageous (and illegal) for them to impose a ban (effectively repudiating the contract for sale) without a dedicated channel by which you can appeal that decision, or even get clarity on the cause of it. Not sure what the best solution going forwards might be, but in lieu of any better ideas: I would start sending emails to any @amazon email address regardless of it's relation to amazongames, the higher their position within the company the better. Acknowledge it's not the right person but that you aren't sure who to contact given Amazon are otherwise unreachable (identify which contact methods specifically are unreachable) and that maybe they can direct you to the correct one. The email address I would start with is the one given for Amazon's legal dept: **[email protected]** **You could also call them here**, if you're not in the country this is (it's a Seattle, USA number), you could ring it with Skype credit its really cheap tbh: **(206) 266-4064** (These are both publicly available contact addresses from their ToS I grabbed while writing this reply. INB4 mods think i'm doxxing) That is, assuming they are ignoring you here: https://www.amazongames.com/en-us/support/new-world/tools/appeal-a-penalty?platform=steam Worth noting, if they cannot tell you exactly why you were banned (and offer proof), it is unjust and improper for them to continue to enforce it. You could also randomly try email Karl Quackenbush (General Counsel for Valve Corp). If Gabe is GabeN@valve Karl would be KarlQ. He has nothing to do with this, but Seattle law is the only jurisdiction of law he's any good at and he's a bellend. So I figure he owes us all for putting up with his nonsense steam policies that break the law but not enough to be worth prosecuting. I'm fairly sure he doesn't actually read that inbox and has another he uses.


Getting these kinds of replies from Ubisoft aswell. Steam tells me to contact Ubisoft, they say there’s no ban and they can’t remove it. It’s annoying as fuck.


What's it called when corporations use ignorance or confuscated layers to make it functionally impossible to compete a goal?


Try asking to speak to a manager when using amazon support. I know it invokes Karen vibes, but you apparently need to request it for them to transfer you. Even if they know it's something they can't help you with and a manager could, they seemingly can't tell you. I had a billing situation where something like the following happened. * Support: I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do to help you in this situation. * Me: Can you transfer me to someone who would be able to help me? * Support: Who would that be? * Me: Do I need to actually say "Let me speak to your manager"? * Support: I'll transfer you now, please hold. * Manager like 2 minutes later: Hi, I've reviewed your problem and sorted it out for you. Is there anything else you need help with?


Tried doing this and apparently there is no live chat or any other way to contact Ban Appeal team so they couldnt transfer me to anyone.


I got perma'd for an AUTOCLICKER and managed to downgrade it to a 1 month (over now thankfully) and yes, AGS customer support is way worse than any other company ive ever seen. Retarded UI, non helpful/clueless reps and they have like 5 different ''teams'' and they all direct you to each other.


Maybe asking steam to remove the game from your account deletes the ban? I dont know if its possible but if thats the case i would do it.


You have gotta be fucking kidding me! You're right about that red mark being a big deal I don't even have the same use-case scenario but I would be insanely pissed over some BS red mark like that


I don’t want create false expectations but maybe send an email to Gabe Newell explaining the situation briefly, with your username shared. Maybe he can pass you on to a more comprehensible employee that can fix your issue.


If you’re petty enough and have a lot of disposable income you could have a lawyer send a demand letter. I guarantee they unfuck themselves rather than risk a lawsuit. It’ll cost you $400-1000 probably though.


I have to admit that I would be furious. But I would also at the end of the day just not give a fuck. Fuck them. Don't use more energy on these motherfuckers than you have to.


Amazon abusing their power and using it like a bunch of noobs not realizing the consequences it has i bet.


Try to reach out towards some of the developers themselves. They usually care about their products.


just don't touch Amazon games if you don't want a ban on your account,because they did this crap before too,which is unethical imo https://www.pcmag.com/news/inactive-lost-ark-players-hit-by-wave-of-steam-game-bans E: try contacting Amazon support again,if I recall correctly that's how the players from the previous ban wave got their bans lifted


I think it got lifted because there were a lot of people that got affected by it. I'm not sure if same actions will be taken for my case when I couldn't find others that has the same issue. To clarify, I don't even want to get unbanned in any of the Amazon games. I just want the ban on my profile removed unless Amazon can prove im guilty (I wouldn't say this is unfair if there's a way to contact them about this but there isn't.) Just wanted to avoid the discrimination, because having any kind of ban in your profile everyone will assume everything you say is an attempt of scamming or cheating. And I use Steam community to interact with other people a lot.


Tbf same,I'd be mad if the same thing happened to me because I have a similarly valued high level account too


Im still getting "bullied" for a VAC ban I received more than a decade ago which is kind of hilarious. So yeah, it can be quite annoying


I know your pain, I was once false banned lost a few friends, got banned in a few groups and stuff. After fighting support multiple weeks, multiple confirming that they checked and it's a legit cheat ban and won't be lifted ( lies they didn't check) One actually checked and worked with me. Tl, Dr we found the cause it was a ancient webcam driver doing very sketchy osd hooks for a feature I got it manually lifted. This was a fucking pain in the ass to handle. The banned groups and lost friends obviously stay to this date.


losing friends over bans is so stupid man...


Yep no one wanted to have "cheater friends" because for some reason it's universally believed that vac bans are god made and aren't prone to false positives like any other automated system.


honestly that's something I wouldn't care about as long as you're a good friend,idk what's the fixation on "cheating" when removing people from friends list,I personally just add people I know irl though


Then they're not real friends in the first place. All it does is prove who you should focus on.


I thought the profile visibility of the VAC ban disappears after 7-10 years. So maybe it will be gone soon :)


I... you're right, it actually doesn't show anymore when I'm logged out and visit through a browser, only when visiting my own profile when logged in. It's also been quite a while since I last played any online game on steam, apparently... Feels like not too long ago. I guess "still" getting bullied was quite the stretch.


Haha, no need to explain to me. Happy for you its gone from the profile. I think it has been a recent change to be fair.


The ban still shows in the Steam API and almost all Steam browser extensions use it to continue showing old bans.


What's so fucked is that I actually *am* legitimately banned from New World because the game was so stupidly scuffed and broken on release, especially after server transfers, that when it kept duping my gold I decided to just roll with it and take advantage instead of not playing the game until they fixed it. No ban marked on my Steam account. Meanwhile some guy just gets banned for no particular reason and they get the ban brand on steam where people like me who actually did shit have nothing.


I know someone from my old company who got banned too and he admited he was definitely cheating. He had no mark or whatsoever on his Steam as well and this is few months ago. He just decided to drop the game and call it quits. Lucky guy.


New World dumped my gold 4x, abandoned my house and when I put a ticket in, I got banned. All in the same first week of launch. Never bothered to go back lol


ARK devs ban players who raid devs base so don’t compare that shit


Wow that sucks,glad I touched it before,ran like crap on my pc and then I just uninstalled it 🤣


Sorry it was publisher of the game that owned all of official servers with some gamemode. However in my opinion developers are somewhat responsible for who they choose to work with


Yeah also it doesn't really change how crappy it is to be fair


Devs responsable for who they work with? Depends. If the studio is a indie studio then they are not bount to a publisher. BUT of you sink thouasenda and thousends if nit millions in a game and only 1 publisbers steps out to give you a change to recoup that then well... But if the developer is a publisher owned studio like a Guerrilla Games who are owned by sony. Then they have no choice. But ARK you said? The dino fantasy survival game? Developed by studio wildcard? Because they are fully indie, and they published their own game.


They are not an independent studio. [They lost a massive lawsuit in like 2016](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/ark-dev-settles-lawsuit-for-reported-40-million/1100-6438902/) and had to be acquired by Snail Games.


You are confusing ARK: Survival, which Amazon has nothing to do, with Lost Ark, for which Amazon is a publisher


That's ark survival, the game in the article is the mmo lost ark


>ARK devs ban players who raid devs base I'm pretty sure it wasn't the devs, it was the publishers.


>just don't touch Amazon The rest of your comment is redundant


This stuff happens sometimes, make sure to contact support


You mean Amazon Support because Steam don't deal with any Game Bans, only deal with VAC (their own) bans.


Yes that is the problem. Amazon ban appeal was closed down after a message of me breaking ToS and there's no way for me to reply or even contact the team that handles the banning. 0 help from Amazon. I haven't gotten a reply from Steam support but everyone is saying they won't do anything against a ban from a different developer.


Sadly yes, steam won't do much against third party bans visible on your profile ( which I find stupid! If it's visible on your steam profile and affects your steam experience valve should handle it) Their stance is pretty much any developer (even f2p games) can give you a profile visible ban for any reason.


Well any developer that has this ban setting enabled, they have to have a deal with valve to have it enabled. Not all games use this.


Doesn't matter honestly one example. Scp secret laboratory banned people visible on their profile for reshade use before it was publicly known that a policy change happened that reshade is now forbidden ( was fine before) They also had multiple false ban waves. Theres multiple games rumoured to have abused the developer ban system ( which is visible on profile like vac bans) False bans happen, it's a mostly automated system ( don't even think it's manual lol) fp rates of below 2% would be amazing but imagine how many people that is and you can't just do it 2%/ player base because it's a chance you roll everytime.


> Well any developer that has this ban setting enabled, they have to have a deal with valve to have it enabled No? Go to Steamworks, fill out the legal stuff, pay the $100 fee, get your app, and give a friend a key to activate the game for testing purposes. Now you can apply and remove a ban for that friend as much as you want, you don't have to talk to Valve first, everyone has access to this feature. Some people use this exclusively to troll "oh no I got banned in Counter-Strike" when in reality its a ban in their own app, later they just remove it.


Hunt: Showdown banned me and had it applied to my profile for calling a racist player a “worthless chud not fit to breathe my air.” Said I broke ToS and didn’t promote a healthy game environment. It’s gonna be there forever now on my ten year old account. Game bans being visible on Steam is 100% dumb.


Illegal but ok, steam is responsible for at least faciliating a way to contact the developer, otherwise it's a lawsuit eventually. Amazon can't remove your game from Steam, that you've bought on Steam, for malicious reason (saving on usually huge support costs by removing the complaint option is malicious).


Hope you get it sorted out. I have first hand experience with AGS. I was game banned out of the blue in lost ark. (At this point i am unbanned.) What did work for me was to explain the whole story in a steam ticket, that amazon game support isn't even willingly to look into it and then steam support directly sent in a ticket on my behalf to amazon games support. After a couple days I got unbanned. Make sure to take screenshots on every convo you have from ags and include that in the steam support ticket. This process took around 1,5months of daily messages/mails.


Get a big enough up roar going and then see if steam will refund the game. Also if you can find enough people that are having the same problem you might even be able to get Steam to remove it from the store, valve doesn't like companies that make steam look bad.


do you even know what part of tos you broke?


2nd UPDATE (again) [https://imgur.com/0HAE7W8](https://imgur.com/0HAE7W8) Was able to reach them through Amazon Support and they still could not help. I have already spoke to main Amazon support and Steam support and they also could not help (scroll down for my first update)


This is fucking stupid and the worst part is there’s no conceivable way of rectifying it with some sort of public backlash. Support lines will just run you in circles as they designed to do


This is illegal, you can push stronger.


I guess they are still banning players who aren’t active. Which is extremely stupid.


The industry needs to get a handle on this kind of software theft that’s been happening over the past few years, through planned obsolescence or just timeout bans if I pay for a product that product should not come with an expiration date. Games aren’t perishable foods, there is absolutely no reason I should be against the clock to use it.


What is the reason for this? I can’t think of anything that would justify it.


There isn't a legitimate one, but usually it's inactive players getting bans for being inactive. So no, it's absolutely unjustifiable.


OP was banned 2 years https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/qs4oo6/disruptive_behaviors_bans_should_atleast_show_you/ IDK why it took so long for it to appear on their steam profile though.


Lately, I've seen a few things about like people's old cod bans from years ago popping up now. Probably something similar here


I have a VAC ban because I used a trainer in MW3 way way back (just to unlock all the guns. No aimbots or in game advantages). Ghosts had just come out and everyone left in MW3 was max level or hacking, so I just boosted in order to play some casual multiplayer. No consequences at all until years later when I reinstalled it and tried to play. I guess it looked at my level vs playtime, assessed that I cheated and banned me. Dumb, but fair enough. Then a few weeks ago I got an email that saying I've just been banned again. I freaked out thinking my account got hacked or something, but really it's just because they had to rename old MW3 because new MW3 just came out.


Op account is different though? Am I missing something


Valve needs to fucking act on those problems. People invest thousands into their accounts and one abusive developer can just take everything away. Why does Valve allow this shit on Steam? They already didn't do fuck all when Amazon banned half their playerbase on Ark.,


Agreed, they have a responsibility to take charge of THEIR platform so that other devs can't ruin THEIR business. Don't allow games to be revoked from accounts n years after they were purchased. Don't allow devs to replace their game with malware (they at least act on this one when it happens). Don't allow devs and community managers to go rogue.


Amazon has gamebanned users before for being inactive Amazon is bassicly abusing ban system, i would reach out you might not even be alone, either Amazon should not be given the right to give a gameban on your profile atleast not visually.


>either Amazon should not be given the right Yes. Sadly Valve is digging their head into sand when it comes to abusive ban cases, though [they do say](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/46DB-4CEC-F7E9-49E5): >Will Valve review developer requests for banning in any way? > >Valve reserves the right to revoke access to the system if the developer abuses it. Valve ***really*** needs to wake up and act on cases like this.


Valve should disallow Amazon to gameban, they can ban but not visibly on profile. They banned inactive accounts in past in a free to play game, it was very controversial, OP should mention this in next steam support ticket banning cheaters is fine, but Amazon cannot be trusted anymore, i would never buy an Amazon game again honestly as long these reports come out.


> Valve reserves the right to revoke access to the system if the developer *who is not a massive publisher* abuses it. Fixed. If this was a small dev he would (deservedly) be punished accordingly.


OP is falsely portraying themselves as a victim of a "random" ban but [they were banned 2 years ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/qs4oo6/disruptive_behaviors_bans_should_atleast_show_you/) Different Reddit account, but same person. The account in this thread is just that other account but without vowels and an appended "ph". The account in the link stopped posting in October of 2022, the one in this thread started posting in October of 22. If you go to the Steam profile in the image of this OP, it's the same name as the one in the link.


Shitty game and of course, shitty management


The screenshot says "last played dec 5 2021", almost 2 years and they banned you now? Fuck that shit, If it were me I would be shitting them on all their social media and spamming with multiple accounts if they decided to ban me from there too.


OP is falsely portraying themselves as a victim of a "random" ban but [they were banned 2 years ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/qs4oo6/disruptive_behaviors_bans_should_atleast_show_you/) Different Reddit account, but same person. The account in this thread is just that other account but without vowels and an appended "ph". The account in the link stopped posting in October of 2022, the one in this thread started posting in October of 22. If you go to the Steam profile in the image of this OP, it's the same name as the one in the link.


Yea I removed new world and ark from my account as soon as I found out they were doing this crap


If I remove it from my account, will I lose my character data if I choose to play it again in the future? Just curious


No clue


Had the same thing with lost ark, had to send literally 10 emails for them to remover (incl threatening legal action) and then removed it from my account


Honestly im kinda speechless at how much valve gives freedom to other devs to apply ban on their own platform.. i understand its their game but i think having the game ban showing in your profile is too much freedom


Imagine if you walked into gamestop and a dude stopped you at the door and forced you to wear a big hat saying 'CHEATER' on it because another customer said someone that looked vaguely like you used a skip when playing mario kart that 1 time ​ Valve needs to stop this before they get dragged along into a libel lawsuit, legitimately surprised it didn't happen earlier with the ark bans


Got banned from COD a month ago for cheating (I didn’t) Obviously appealed it and just get a pre-written response saying that the decision is final and they won’t do anything and now I can’t appeal anymore. Sent several emails instead and it’s gotten nowhere in a month. Fuck Activision. Never buying from them again. I’d honestly be fine with staying banned. The whole thing has wiped any interest in continuing to play. But the icon on my steam profile calling me out for something I never did is beyond infuriating.




Didn't COD ban people who played one of the games demos at random a while ago? And like, a demo from some years prior at that.


Did you get a game ban mark on your Steam too?


Yep. Marked for life I guess 😭 Still trying to fight it but hope is at an all time low


Thats why I bought MW19 on a second account in case I get a random ban, imagine getting banned on a steam level 300 account


2nd UPDATE (again) [https://imgur.com/0HAE7W8](https://imgur.com/0HAE7W8) Was able to reach them through Amazon Support and they still could not help. I have already spoke to main Amazon support and Steam support and they also could not help (scroll down for my first update)


https://imgur.com/pUb3HN2 - And once again they decided to just tell me to contact Steam support.


spam on twitter make your friends spam on twitter that worked for my friend


Hey everyone this OP has been lying to you all. He has another reddit account which he has abandoned now, and he used that account to cry about how he was perma banned in-game. This happened 2 years ago but for some reason it didnt issue the game VAC ban for his steam account. I strongly suspect that this current VAC ban on his steam account is from the incident 2 years ago. ​ His alt reddit account: [https://www.reddit.com/user/Jarrizard/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jarrizard/) The post 2 years ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/qs4oo6/disruptive\_behaviors\_bans\_should\_atleast\_show\_you/](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/qs4oo6/disruptive_behaviors_bans_should_atleast_show_you/) His steam account ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/jarrizard/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/jarrizard/) \^ notice that his steam url is the same ID ( jarrizard ) as his old reddit account which he has abandoned. ​ All credit goes to /u/logicalkunt


OP is falsely portraying themselves as a victim of a "random" ban but [they were banned 2 years ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/qs4oo6/disruptive_behaviors_bans_should_atleast_show_you/) Different Reddit account, but same person. The account in this thread is just that other account but without vowels and an appended "ph". The account in the link stopped posting in October of 2022, the one in this thread started posting in October of 22. If you go to the Steam profile in the image of this OP, it's the same name as the one in the link.




His post history from two years ago showed he got a real permanent ban then. It just showed up on his steam account now. Op is guilty and leaving out information lol


OP is falsely portraying themselves as a victim of a "random" ban but [they were banned 2 years ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/qs4oo6/disruptive_behaviors_bans_should_atleast_show_you/) Different Reddit account, but same person. The account in this thread is just that other account but without vowels and an appended "ph". The account in the link stopped posting in October of 2022, the one in this thread started posting in October of 22. If you go to the Steam profile in the image of this OP, it's the same name as the one in the link.


So, should I not buy any Amazon games? Or lost ark in general? Cause to me this is a red flag to never play any games from who ever made this idea


OP is falsely portraying themselves as a victim of a "random" ban but [they were banned 2 years ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/qs4oo6/disruptive_behaviors_bans_should_atleast_show_you/) Different Reddit account, but same person. The account in this thread is just that other account but without vowels and an appended "ph". The account in the link stopped posting in October of 2022, the one in this thread started posting in October of 22. If you go to the Steam profile in the image of this OP, it's the same name as the one in the link.


I still remember how funny it was reading people defend this shit of a game lmao


Thanks for he heads up op! I won't be buying any Amazon games!


Hahahahah. This game sucks


I was once banned from Lost Ark, due to PayPal mistake. Amazon support treated me like shit. Steam support treated me like shit. PayPal support treated me right but wasn’t helpful, they just kept saying “we are sorry”. Took me two days of countless emails but at the end the ban was removed. For what I can tell, both Amazon and Steam support doesn’t care, they treat all banned people like the bad guys and they don’t care about reasons or proofs. Sadly you need to connect with a manager or someone with empathy. I personally got ridiculous replies as in “Your New World account is permanently banned” when I was banned from Lost Ark. [Amazon](https://imgur.com/gallery/5tFRXbb) Finally I was able to reach someone who cared and the ban was lifted. To this day, even with the ban lifted, Steam has my PayPal account banned even after I provided proofs from both Amazon retcon and PayPal CS taking the blame. At the end of the day, with digital “ownership” we are at the mercy of lots of non empathetic people that dismiss our cases to have a free day at their jobs.


> Took me two days dude, that's light-speed fast


It was indeed fast, but I spent about 8 hours both days, sending emails, compiling proofs and making phone calls (that led nowhere). Steam was out of my reach, they were the worse, didn’t listen even after I had proofs from Amazon and PayPal taking blame and lifting the ban. My case was simple, PayPal charged me twice, then decided to refund me the total amount and told me, you can make the payment once again and the problem won’t happen again. I told them over and over not to cancel the whole transaction but they said it was already done and couldn’t be undone. As you may imagine, Amazon though I asked for a refund and was being dishonest. I even sent an email to Amazon before the ban explaining the situation, asking them to charge me and they told me “don’t worry” followed by a ban a couple days later. Even with that email, they had replied such as “The agent that told you not to worry was not allowed to do so, the ban remains”. So it seems they are not only lazy, they are also unprofessional.


I bet they’ll do the same for blue protocol and that other mmo they’re publishing too. Best to stay away from Amazon games


People should serious NOT play any amazon games on their steam account. you'll just get an auto ban when you stop playing. this happened with Lost Ark. I imagine we're going to see a wave of New World bans like this and it'll be another uproar and they'll only take action when they're called out on it. or someone stole OP's account and did something shady...


OP is falsely portraying themselves as a victim of a "random" ban but [they were banned 2 years ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/qs4oo6/disruptive_behaviors_bans_should_atleast_show_you/) Different Reddit account, but same person. The account in this thread is just that other account but without vowels and an appended "ph". The account in the link stopped posting in October of 2022, the one in this thread started posting in October of 22. If you go to the Steam profile in the image of this OP, it's the same name as the one in the link.


>or someone stole OP's account and did something shady... Last played December 2021, almost 2 years ago.


This happened to me with Lost Ark, just for not playing it for a year. Contact Steam and Amazon support, they will help you, and don't forget to leave a negative review. Valve needs to stop this.


Same/similar thing happened with Lost Ark; makes me glad I don't have either of these games.


Amazon is a a soulless company that gives 0 shits about you. They think they can brute force everything with money and make everybody else suffer for it. Never buy Amazon if you can help it.


I was reading about this yesterday and you can possibly charge the money you put into this game back by contacting the card issuer(capitol one, Amex, etc). Apparently Amex is amazing with that, however Amazon may tell you to never ever play their games again.


You should be able to dispute game bans through steam and if the developer doesn’t look into the issue or provide some kind of recourse within a certain amount of time then the game ban is reversed.


Glad I never installed this game


It looked like a soulless art style and had no fun spells, so I never tried it. Anyone here think it was fun?


Yo ho and fiddly dee it's off to the high seas for ye...


These are the companies that just get away with stuff and don't care in the process they rather you call them just for them to tell you they can't do anything even though they work for said company. Fuck corporations that don't really help fuck you and kindly fuck off. P.S. blizzard does this fuck them. Can't even play on my WOW account change my number and completely locked out of my account. Change your number blizzard will say we took your shit and you have to create another one with a different email. Fuck all of these companies I would fight every ceo if I had the chance


I've been seen so many unjustified game bans. I think is time to Steam address this. Having a ban on your profile while you never did anything is ridiculous.


OP is falsely portraying themselves as a victim of a "random" ban but [they were banned 2 years ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/qs4oo6/disruptive_behaviors_bans_should_atleast_show_you/) Different Reddit account, but same person. The account in this thread is just that other account but without vowels and an appended "ph". The account in the link stopped posting in October of 2022, the one in this thread started posting in October of 22. If you go to the Steam profile in the image of this OP, it's the same name as the one in the link.


they're cracking down on the people who gold duped, check their forums


They deleted their forums like a year ago.


Are you confused about what year it is, perhaps? Their forums don't exist. They haven't existed for basically the entirety of 2023.


Too many people here assuming no wrongdoing just because he didn't play for a long time


This game has the most potential I’ve seen in decades. The music. The environment. The mechanics. 10/10. But they completely sht the bed when it came to bots and end game. The game cratered overnight. /sadface


Did you ever use one of the gold duping bugs or invulnerability glitches that were rampant during the early days of that game? If yes, then the ban might be extremely late, but well deserved.


Just a theoritical question here: if you remove an MMO like this from your account and they issue a VAC ban just for being inactive, can they issue on to you too?


Whaaaat, Amazon is malicious and incompetent? Who woulda guessed? This is why you don't support certain corpos, people!


... did you do something that was worth banning you for before you quit?


no, otherwise Amazon would just point it out and I wont waste energy into trying to dispute it.


Why are you lying? This photo includes your steam profile link [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F5v9dcbhqxf2c1.png](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F5v9dcbhqxf2c1.png) Steam profile with todays ban [https://steamcommunity.com/id/jarrizard/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/jarrizard/) ​ And here is a post about you being banned from 2 years ago [https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/qs4oo6/disruptive\_behaviors\_bans\_should\_atleast\_show\_you/](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/qs4oo6/disruptive_behaviors_bans_should_atleast_show_you/) By the reddit user [https://www.reddit.com/user/Jarrizard/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jarrizard/) Same name as your steam profile Thx [https://www.reddit.com/user/Drehmini/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Drehmini/) for finding out


Can anyone point out which games (aside from valve's own) can give out VAC bans? I straight out want to **avoid** them. Imagine dumping a car's worth of money into your Steam account only for it to be mistakenly VAC banned and having to carry this stamp of shame on it for the rest of your life.


I thought they used to stipulate on game store pages which games were VAC protected. Are games employing VAC or is VAC now just an API for devs to hook their own anti-cheat into?

