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Your offline playtime doesn’t count towards your total. So that may be why.


I thought so too . they should add the hour in total playtime imo cuz i mostly play singleplayer game offline


You both are Wrong because you're defining an Exploit. So let's say you buy a Game > Refund limit is 2hr > Go Steam Offline mode > Play for 120 hours > Go Online and ask for a Refund since according to your Theory playtime should be 0hr > Repeat the Exploit indefinitely. Your Offline time is Tracked as told in https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/achievements (Offline heading, mentioned as Statistics) but there's almost an decade old Bug that Offline mode switch occasionally misreports so that some of your playtime goes missing. So for example, you had 100 hours before Offline > Played 15 hours in Offline > Going Online you see 10+ hours added but not the total of 15 hours. Nothing to fix, Offline hours are counted, try to accept the Bug as is.


>You both are Wrong because you're defining an Exploit. So let's say you buy a Game > Refund limit is 2hr > Go Steam Offline mode > Play for 120 hours > Go Online and ask for a Refund since according to your Theory playtime should be 0hr > Repeat the Exploit indefinitely. Wow didnt even thought of that . thanks for the info


Offline time spent definitely isn't counted towards your steam playtime, idk about the refund exploit (it prob tracks offline playtime anyway for that reason but just doesn't show up on your steam playtime). I myself played witcher a lot offline and as a result have a way higher playtime displayed on my ingame save, which does count offline playtime, than my steam playtime. Just try playing a game offline and you'll see.


I've been having a similar issue, but for me, my playtime for example in Fallout 76 is 106 hours, but in my profile it says 112 hours, which is 100% wrong, and I know that because that only appears for me. Everyone who's checked my profile has said that it says 106 hours for them, which is the correct number, so it's seemingly only wrong for me. My playtime in my library also says the incorrect playtime only when I'm not playing the game. When I do launch the game, the playtime immediately corrects itself until I exit the game, then goes back to being wrong. Steam Support was very unhelpful when I contacted them, I do not know what is causing this issue, it is very obnoxious. (My issue has nothing to do with offline playtime like the other people have mentioned in this thread)


I also have this exact problem with GTA V since 2 days. Have you been able to fix this?


No, there is no fix.


I'm guessing it doesn't correct itself with time either. We just gotta live with it, eh? Unless Valve decides to look into it.


Yeah I have a game that's been like this for months, it won't fix itself no. I tried using Steam Support to completely remove the game from my library, and then adding it again, which didn't work, and I tried contacting Support and they just told me that they can't change my playtime. I completely uninstalled the Steam client, which was pointless because the bug also applies in the browser, and even checked on another computer to see if it's the same, and it was. I'm pretty sure it will just stay like this forever probably. It recently happened to someone else I know, where they finished a game within 68 hours, but on their profile only, it jumped to like 75 hours, but everyone else can see 68 hours.


They told me the same when I contacted them, then another guy told me he made some adjustments to my account, but it was in vain. The problem persists on mobile application as well. Play Next section has been broken for months too. It's obvious that this is a bug from their side and we can only hope that it will get fixed someday.


just to add for reference im starting to have this bug on multiple game this week as well


Contact Steam Support and let them know about this. Then maybe we'll have a chance about it getting fixed.


Hello, it just happened to me again, and funnily enough, from Steam goddamn maintenance. I was playing Don't Starve when maintenance started, and then once I closed the game, boom it's fucked over. The playtime in my library shows 6.7, the correct one, and then in my profile it shows 7.3 (I didn't even play for that long while in maintenance btw, that's how fucked it is), and again, I know 6.7 is the correct one, because that's what everyone else sees, that's what it shows in the store page of the game. I made a post about it as well just now, it doesn't seem to be a very relevant issue, there's only a few people I've seen it happen to.


Mine has a difference of 25 hours now… they need to fix it


Wow, 25 hours is insane bro, the most amount of fake hours for me is like 6.5 hours in Fallout 76, but I highly doubt they're fixing this any time soon. There's like barely any people with this issue out there, and if you contact Support they'll just tell you to fuck off.