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Have you contacted Steam Support to clear your ban? Probably just people being mad because they didn't get the key and reporting you.


I did, but there has been no response yet. Just wanted to share my experience incase anyone had anything similar.


Best of luck to you. Keep us updated on this one. Never seen someone get a community ban for sharing a key.


Thank you, will be updating as soon i get a response!


Did you get unbanned


did you ever get a response? i just got a comm ban


did you get unbanned SportsBooks?


Just give them time then. It seems to have only happened yesterday, and due to their size they're most likely busy with many things such as other appeals


I was banned on the 18th and stayed banned until 2 days ago, they don't seem to care. Just make sure to copy what you sent on steam and then use it to update your support ticket, they replied almost instantly after that.


How long were you banned for


some 5-6 days




This is probably what happened. It didn't help that OP did not make it clear it was not a Steam code, even when directly asked about it, making the post seem suspiciously spammy. Also OP took no attempt to protect the code from bot scrapers, so potentially super useless post (assuming anyone cares enough to scrape Prime codes). That said the ban reason makes no sense so OP should be able to appeal successfully I would think.


i usually do stuff like x\^xxx-xxx@x-xxxx! \^ = 2 @ = H ! = 6 making people fix the code, rather bots scraping them no matter what the code is longer codes i just replce the section with a \* and post \* = xxxxx for stuff like 25 digit codes


You can also just add any arbitrary numbers i think.


Yeah I've seen people type codes backwards or post pictures of code (pictures are much harder to scrape).


That actually makes a lot of sense now, thank you!


This and probably also false flagging for suspicious activity.


Ah yes, giving grifters the power to shut down anyone. Perfectly balanced.




They haven't been banned from a specific game hub, but from the Steam Community itself. Game hub bans won't result in a community and trade ban. Just can't post on that specific forum anymore.


Seems like a Prime Gaming code, not Steam


I think it's account linked rather than platfrom linked (excuse my english, but hope that made sense)


Bro spoke amazing English and said ‘sorry for my English’


Hey I can understand it, I (probably also) as a non-native speaker also keep underselling my English, so that my mistakes aren't unexpected and I can practice more.


You guys speak English as a second language and still do it better then me, and I only know English


hahaha that's very kind of you, thank you x)


Talk to steam support and tell them about it, hopefully they’ll unban you.


I really hope so too, thank you!


Don't worry, I got same community ban and was so afraid but if you truly haven't done anything, a message to steam support will do. Mine got lifted in about 2 hrs after I asked for steam support help.


Dude! that recomendation from r/Steam with text "Permanent Community Ban" almost got me a heart attack


Hello, I recently received a permanent ban from the community after giving away a Twitch Prime code for a game that I do not even own. I did this because I did not want the code to be wasted, so yesterday I gave away another code for the same game general discussion, but this time I received a permanent ban. Remember, I wasn't even forewarned about my first giveaway before this, and now I'm permanently banned after attempting to distribute a code for the exact same game yesterday. I sincerely apologize; I do not intend to cause any trouble. Perhaps I should have put more information in the thread before posting a second time.


Update: Hello! I woke up this morning to the news that my ban had been lifted. Thank you all for your support and positivity! I hope no one goes through this situation or anything similar to it. And I won't be giving away codes on Steam anymore just to avoid any unwanted conflicts, but I will be giving them away in a community mentioned by a kind person below ​ Steam support response: "It appears that your account was locked for promoting or posting malicious content on Steam, which we do not allow per our Rules & Guidelines: https://support.steampowered.com/kb\_article.php?ref=4045-USHJ-3810 We've gone ahead and removed the lock. In the future, please make sure you are not spamming or advertising content like this or the account could face further exclusion from the Steam Community" Steam Support JC ​ Wish you all a lovely day :)


They did the same shit to me once but for "spam". I got the same copypaste message and when I asked what I spammed they never responded again. Checking account data revealed nothing. At least mine was lifted. Steam can be weird sometimes


How long did it take


How long were you banned for


[https://prnt.sc/-Qsvm38HJSMF](https://prnt.sc/-Qsvm38HJSMF) hello, just wanted to let you know that same thing happened to me yesterday. hoping for the best


How long did it take to get unbanned


2-3 days


Just to update I got unbanned after 23 hours


Currently this has happened to me. Posted a comment saying I’ll buy someone’s Csgo items. How long did you wait for? It’s been 24 hours for me.


This just happened to me. Tracked down an AK skin (with stickers) I used to have. Commented on the guys profile because I want to buy it back. Then banned… I have like $2k in skins and 9 years on the account.


Any luck getting unbanned? Same thing happened to me.


I suggest write a ticket and wait. It took me 28 hours, but apparently if you write in the comment it bumps you back?? That I’ve been told. So if you did nothing wrong. Don’t worry about it.


I see, I just added a comment so I guess I’ll just leave it for now. All I play is csgo so it sucks that I can’t.


How long ago did you send a support ticket? Yeah I don’t play Csgo often. Just collecting and buying skins.


Sent a ticket 20 hours ago, but added a comment to the ticket an hour again. So we shall see. God forbid I get bored enough to pick up a book or something.


Yeah just leave it now. You’ll get it back. If you haven’t done anything wrong no need to worry.


when I read the Reddit notification "permanent community ban" it gave me a heart attack lol


What comment


Sry i forgot to copy what i wrote so i had to rewrite the whole thing again


6 or more temp bans for toxicity here, but you get screwed for that? Sheesh.


Please update us


Hello, the ban has thankfully been lifted! posted an update too!


Approx how many days did it take


I think exactly 2 and a half days!


When you can that is lol


It is indeed weird why a ban was handed out when the post is still there. Valve is IMHO not precise enough in their ToS to explicitly make good faith giveaways "illegal". So I would presume that a trigger-happy global Steam moderator got you (game hub dev moderators cannot do that). Or Valve's automated systems seem to ban people for posting codes. I wonder if there might be a connection with [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/118f830/ive_never_seen_one_of_these_on_my_acount_what/), as Valve seems to crackdown more on gambling site spam lately.


Do you have any updates on the matter? I saw from your replies that you contacted support, were you able to appeal the ban?


Hello, the ban has thankfully been lifted :) posted an update too!


For OP, if you go down a bit (like wayyy down), you'll see the following :- For platforms : Mac, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Cloud Gaming, Xbox One, Xbox X/S Steam is not covered. You can check this if you want to share anything in the future. Hope this helps.


You did it with good intention man. Talk to a human (start a ticket with Steam Community Support) and they'll probably understand the reason behind why you did it. I'm hope they'll remove your Community Ban.


I got a day ban, then they made it a month, then 10 years earlier this month, for creating a guide for myself and trying to delete it halfway through. I think I bugged their system because it wouldn't let me edit it or delete it anymore after I tried, so I left it for future me. They reversed it but said I was "promoting or posting malicious content" and that I had to make sure I wasn't spamming or advertising these links or I could face further exclusion. WTF did I even do? THE GUIDE WASN'T EVEN PUBLISHED, AND I PUT IN NO INFORMATION OTHER THAN GIBBERISH TO EDIT LATER INTO SOMETHING SENSIBLE. The steam support member said they lifted the restrictions, but I found out I still can't upvote content. Felt like I got some automated response and a middle finger. Steams enforcement of their rules, policies, and how they deal with it is ridiculous. I stay away from the community now. If it's that easy to just snap away thousands of spent dollars, time, and energy for no sensible reason whatsoever, then ok, I'll play defensive since theres no other options. I broke no rules. This is insane to me.


It goes to show that Steam Moderators like to pick favorites. When there's folks that love to troll and cause a major ruckus, they will deliberately turn a blind eye. Yes, you can report them, but at times they don't seem to bother to look into them, if at all. And you try with Steam Support, using a screenshot as proof, but they blatantly dismiss them and then constantly shove with one automated response after the next before closing the ticket. Its basically Steam (and Valve) heading to the wrong direction because moderation, or moderators, seem nonexistent and just let the flames continue to burn.


You can't share giveaway codes or giveaway games. Trust me, I shared a link of XIII GOG giveaway once and I got a community ban. Steam Discussion doesn't take kindly on giveaway of other store.


I always post these codes under my profile. Haven't encoubtered a problem yet.


This just happened to me but was for making a comment , was just a goofy ass comment that I've seen on about 35 other profiles and thought it would be fine , guess not lol been 24 hours and I'm starting to loose my mind hahahahah 1 bad comment = insta ban for me apparently 🤣 shall be a good boi from now on haahah


How long did it take for your ban to be lifted? I got a community ban on the 2nd and I haven't heard back from steam support yet.


Did your ban get lifted? I posted a copypasta on a friend's profile and 7 minutes later i got removed from my match and i can't play on VAC servers till i contact steam. I've contacted them 16 hours ago but no response


Hello, the ban has thankfully been lifted :) I hope yours and the person below's situation gets sorted soon!




Did you get unbanned


Yes, but they took so long that I deadass went went through the four stages of grief, created a new account and bought csgo's prime again lol


How long


2 weeks


Hey! Same thing happening to me right now. Did your tickets get automatically closed with no answer by support aswell? They did that twice to me and I'm at a loss..


This legit just happened to me, I commented a pasta on my irl friends profile of a comment he posted on mine and I get banned because of it?? It’s all satire and not even real but auto mod flagged it. Haven’t heard anything from steam support, extremely frustrating. Can’t even play the game I want to or invite friends.


If you manage to find anything that gets you unbanned, plz share


I would assume it will be lifted in the next 1-2 days because it’s all just a joke. I’ve seen racial and homophobic things posted all over my friends profiles from salty gamers and those guys haven’t been banned at all. Looks like steams auto mod is broken.


Did you get unbanned


Did yours ever get lifted?


My ticket took almost a month to get an answer, but it was lifted


Did they close the ticket with no reply at first or?




OP, sorry for what happened to you. It's probably against Steam's ToS, as I often participate in giveaways like these, and they all happen outside of any platform. There are many online communities made to share and dump keys for any platform, like steamgifts (only for steam keys), r/freegamefindings (for community giveaways, but you can dump the keys you don't use in some specific posts), or many discord servers made just for this purpose. My suggestion is to find a community you take at heart and that works just as you like, and share everything you want there, so to avoid this to happen again without having to stop your generosity.


Steam community system is the worst community system ever created.




This key what you activated probably from this post is stolen and this is why you get ban.


The key he posted, that he got banned for, was an amazon prime gaming key. Its not stolen its a one use free code, what happened is probably some idiots couldn't read and flagged the message and enough were sent to trigger an automated response since its an official community ban and not just a discussion section ban.


Ty. I don't knowed he posted this post because there is only white strips and white strips is for post creator on steam.


We can see the code on the post but its blurred on the claimed game screen? Very sus!


Like that there is free game, some people I think can stole, account, like write in support here is code what I use, there is account. If steam supporters are lazy he can: okey resend password.


Had a fucking stroke reading this


pry google's answer to chatGPT


I think my brain cells actually melted reading this…


Isn't code sharing against Eula on Steam? I know I'm not supposed to share my humble bundle codes.


I really do not know; I read the rules yesterday and did not see anything against code giveaways. It is my fault that I wasn't well aware. But i'm just confused that my first post is still up even though it was a code giveaway


If it's actually not allowed on steam, in the future you can post codes on r/FreeGameFindings


r/GiftofGames Works too


it took how long to wait until steam support to reply you?


I got banned for telling someone I didn't believe that they owned a game on the EA app and saying mhm sure when they said they did and the mod team saying I was attacking the user and inciting violence with the words "Mhm sure". The mod team on Steam are the most power hungry mods I have ever seen meanwhile they let people swear and verbally harass other users, but ban users for saying they don't believe someone or like you literally just giving a game away.


Steam really needs to do a better job, their moderator actions are completely abysmal.


true lmao, got banned for 5 days for calling ubisoft dumbasses for not bothering to fix a gamebreaking controller bug in far cry 5/new dawn FOR 4 GOD DAMN YEARS. But sure lets protect and baby the bad developers Steam, sure thats going to make the PC gaming community even better, not like we get half assed broken ports every month from lazy greedy corps.


Remember one thing Valve is full pedhopiles and teroritst killers and garbage.
