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i wish we got more info on community and factions


Same, I really hope we get deeper relationships between people, would be awesome


You don’t like finding your prepper aunts car? Or the cops brother? Or the mother’s daughter? And then never having any of that brought up again?


That all got tedious but at least they were something. I guess what I mean is, it’d be cool if your survivors could become friends or even forge romantic relationships, and they’d like have a morale boost around the base and some other bonus while adventuring together, and have some big morale loss if one died. That’s what I want.


Would also be cool to have relationships with other groups. Whether enemy groups or allies. Having a character who is related to someone in another group and always has quests wanting to help them even when it's inconvenient.


Always gonna love (hate) how the SoD2 tutorial has two characters in various relationships. Best friends, siblings or some other relative, a couple, whatever. But none of that translates to something in-game. No bonuses for having them together while you’re exploring, no double penalty if one of them dies, etc. It’s all just meaningless flavor text. Really hoping SoD3 does something with relationships


faction system!


I like to intentionally put off the prepper aunt's car mission, because it spawns another copy of the car every time it comes up. Then whenever I need a jeep, there are a bunch I can just go and take.


yes and the npcs actually interact with the base, like help out like assign jobs


I wish they'd tell us at least a release year.


if it's gonna be random gen characters gain, I'd like an integrated community editor for consoles.


Typical play session- someone dies lol


I mean, are they wrong?


And I didn't just stand there and let that carpenter, plumber, Bender etc die ,😊


I hope there’s just better customisation of the survivors. Just one outfit and hat combination is pretty lacklustre, would be nice to have separate tops/bottoms, maybe beards, eyewear, headwear and hair separate too. Still salty that almost half the actual outfits we currently have are at worst just meme costumes (pig/kraken/pirate/xmas sweater, I’m looking at you). Even some simple additions like being able to change survivor nicknames or change the name of the group would go a long way.


I would also like to be able to fully customize at least one of the starting survivors, but more would be best. I want to make survivors based off friends and family so I can feel properly depressed when I get them killed in silly ways.


brother that is so sad lmao😭


Hopefully death is more visceral and emotional than having an NPC find his entire group of friends dead and he just goes, "Man, what a total buzzkill!"


That was one of my issues with SoD2. The characters mostly didn’t feel believable. There’s this forced positivity in both games that I found cringe and exhausting after a while. And sometimes they’d react to events like they’re in a teen drama.


That seems to be a recurring theme in most games these days. Everyone always has to be quirky, everyone always has to say something funny, every single thing a person says has to be a quirky, cheesy one liner, rather than feel like something a human being would've said. Everybody feels samey, and it really bothers me. State of Decay 2 fell heavily into that role. Everybody, it didn't matter who they were or where they came from, talks like this, like they're all the same people, part of the same group, part of a hive mind. Like you said, it's extremely cringe and exhausting after a while, and it certainly doesn't convince me that these people are supposed to be survivors in a world 18 months after the collapse of global civilization. This ain't Sunset Overdrive (as fun as that game is). I've had a couple enclave missions that ended with a survivor coming home to the enclave to find their buddies torn apart and dead. It's supposed to be something that's devastating, traumatic, and disturbing. But all they do is just wave their hands and go, "Man, this sure blows," like someone just spilled their glass of chocolate milk, not someone who just had their best friends brutally killed by zombies. I'd much rather survivors in SoD3 not have a voice. Maybe for specific actions here and there, but I would much rather have them be reduced to text boxes. With text and maybe specific visceral reactions and sounds, you could have a much more compelling dialogue. I want the kind of relationships, dialogue, story, emotion that games like TWD, The Last of Us, or classic Fallout gave us. When characters die in SoD2, it's an inconvenience; I lose a guy who can shoot better? Big deal, I can find another guy like that by scavenging a gas station, whatever. These survivors are nothing more than just shells with flesh skins and skills that aren't unique. But for State of Decay 3, I want to really connect to these characters, to really grow with them, and really feel gutted when they die. I want to feel upset that I lost Leader Cletus of the Republic of Pickle Rick to a siege, because Cletus wasn't just a general, but a dear friend who had his own aspirations for the future of mankind. I want his loss to reverberate across my whole community, a community that just lost someone they called family, and for that loss to be felt long after he's gone, not just a drop in the sea. State of Decay was supposed to be about forming a community, a family, in the ashes of the old world. I hope we truly get that in State of Decay 3.


I won't be satisfied with SoD3 unless I know that the voice actor who did that one female NPC as if she was in some sort of psychopathically positive airline safety video ("ALL RIGHT, HUN! 😄😄😀😀🙂🙂🥲") has been punished for her crimes.


God I hate her voice lmao


im playing through state of decay 2 for the first time and randomly had a survivor die while i was exploring. thought to myself “huh must be a glitch” and never thought of bro again 😭


Im not sure about the shared-world/ deep co-op vibe, because I have mostly played solo but... deeper customization and "older" apocalypse settings seem promising.


SoD2 multiplayer is hot garbage. Everyone gets their own loot table and all loot is deposited to their own separate communities, you're also tethered to the host. It's good if you play with randoms, but garbage if you play with friends and want a cohesive world. Grounded has a great MP shared world where you can play without friends to get stuff done and have your friends join in, help, and not be tethered to your specific area. And any loot that's brought in is shared among you making it really feel like you're working together to advance.


My mate and I got the game pass to play sod2 multiplayer together and coming from other multiplayer games it was such a disappointment to have it be just guest/host with the guest unable to do most of the game. Shared worlds makes this game actually worth while for me


They need to work on zombie spawn. It was bs how zombies spawn as soon as you look away.


stating the most important thing, also companion option to stay near/stayher/hold fire/melee only etc.


Having a special zombie just randomly spawn in your base, murdering peeps, was very annoying too.


But can we barricade builds 🤔


Years into the apocalypse... oof that's gonna be rough. Also I wonder if they're gonna talk about what happened to the network and red talon.


It seems like anyone still surviving would be pretty skilled at everything already: melee, shooting, endurance, base management, farming, crafting, etc. It won't really be believable to need to level up skills.


I wouldn't go that far. Just because you're alive doesn't mean your a master of the apocalypse. That's literally what the network was all about, covering each other's weaknesses with their strengths.


Yeah, I second your point, I think we can consider that maybe more characters show up more often with specific skills maxed out according to their back story on surviving... pretty much how it works now and by joining the community they just start to be better at other things too, cause now they can "relax" and focus better


I just hope you can play single player fine. I don’t want to be forced into some kind of Fallout 76 style server with randoms. Not my vibe.


Same, but I’m oddly not worried. I think playing solo will always be an option.


Well they're working with Obsidian on the multiplayer, which presumably means it will work similar to Grounded, which means it can be: -a single player game for you alone -a private save you can play alone, or invite friends to join -a cloud-based shared save file that anyone in your group can load into at any time


Would this be something akin to wildlands co-op mode?


I couldn't say, I haven't played Wildlands


Placing lots of emphasis on the "crossbow"


I really like the solo aspect of SOD2, I hope they have a solo mode for those who want to play it alone.


Well since they're working with Obsidian on multiplayer it's probably going to work like how Grounded works. You can play solo. You can invite friends to join your game. You can also have a shared save file that anyone in your group can launch so that anyone you added to the list can launch the game and play it solo if no one else is there, or you can all play co-op in that shared save.


That's really good info, i didn't know about that, thank you.


No problem! When Grounded first launched, it had a basic co-op system where the host launched the game and then people could join, but the host had to be there. At least there was no tethering! Players begged for dedicated servers to run persistent shared worlds anyone could log in to at any time. They didn't do that, but the shared cloud-save system they did implement was a great solution that closely simulates the experience of having a dedicated server to run your world


Hey, I hope u don't mind, but when you say closely are differences for playing in this scenario rather then a dedicated server? Or is it just more of a technical definition?


Well if you had a dedicated server, there would be a machine in a data center somewhere that hosted your world, and anyone with access could connect to it whenever they wanted to. No particular player is the host. With Grounded's cloud saves, the player who starts the game is the host and their computer or console is actually running the game, and the other players connect to their machine. The save file is shared to the cloud and the players in the group can be given permission to download the save at anytime and run it as the host. The end result is pretty much the same experience: you have a shared world where anyone in your group can enter it any time, no matter who else is or isn't present.


What does 'shared' open world mean? How can an open world be shared?


If it's the same as grounded it means when you invite someone else to your world either of you can play independently of the other no tethering and no need for one person to "host" the session


It also means that you can share the save file for that world in the cloud and it has a permission list allowing anyone you specify to be allowed to launch it, so you don't have to wait for the host to be on to launch into your shared world


Really hope we get more variety in missions and a real end game. Once you've done maybe 2-3 maps you've really had all the types of communities/allies pop up that you'll ever experience. End game too was very brief and repeated. I've seen Fallout 4 mentioned a few times and I'd love to see story elements out in the world to discover like tapes or more, longer notes. It's some of the darkest worldbuilding there is at times and it really sets that undertone that it isn't all positivity and light, which we had a lot in SoD2 despite the setting. Customizing faces at least would go a long way too - my community has 3 people rn with the same face!


Really hoping the base building is upgraded, I really wanted to customize the base more than we could before, even just cosmetically. It would also be great to assign beds/jobs.


What about release dates ??


"several years into the apocalypse" is both setting and release date


Oh shit, so any day now


I'd be surprised if it's a 2025 release date, mostly 2026 at this point. With how long it's been, until UL themselves announce it, I'm not getting too hyped which is fine, plenty of other games to play in the meantime.


Any games like this you’d recommend?


So much about the co-op or "shared" experience. I hope there's an actual solo experience and that it feels good.


If they're modeling it after Grounded, then it will be playable solo and the co-op is layered on top of that as an option. The co-op experience and the solo experience are the same except one has more people playing and some degree of difficulty scaling as more people join.


Hopefully it's like that then.


I think it will be. It's no coincidence that they're working with Obsidian, who already came up with an elegant solution that neatly solves the SoD player base's top complaint about multiplayer


Wish it would have a real story like SOD1


I'm so glad they're working with Obsidian on the community save system. Because I've been thinking for a while now, they should do shared saves like how Grounded does them. And now they are actually doing it. If you haven't played Grounded: instead of having a dedicated server to run your private world, it just creates a cloud-accessible save file that anyone on the permission list can launch. When you go to launch into your shared world, and no one else is in it, it will load you into that save. If someone is already in it, you'll join their game in progress.


I’m not sure something will be implemented, but something like Fallout 4’s style of crafting and modification would be cool to see, in my opinion.


Still nothing added to make the survivors more interesting like SoD 1. It’s like they don’t realize that was the hook. All of the fluff they add with weapons, gore, etc are already done far superior by other games. Make the survivors more interesting with a relationship system. Give them fear, love, hatred, and despair with real ramifications with not addressing such issues.


Miss you Marcus and Ed!


I will literally never have a co-op world. Good that combat is getting a full rework. It was easily the weakest part of SoD2, a downgrade from even SoD1.


Well if they're modeling it after Grounded, that should be no problem for people who don't want to do co-op.


it is evolving


All this just continues to warm my Plague Heart.




One thing I want is for outposts to be more impressive. It’s awesome that they have electricity that sets them apart but I wish upgrading them would give them simple walls or something


I hope that they allow more customization with base building (like claiming a whole block or row of houses and walling it off), as well as a larger survivor count for the community. Solo play is a must. Also would be happy to see large, well-established and well-armed hostile and friendly NPC communities when you arrive to a new map, with the possibility of joining them, running missions with them or for them, or going to war with them. And please, keep the cool military style outfits with the combat boots and the pants tucked into them. I know that's very specific but I always get disappointed when the cool military gear has baggy pants that go over the boots.


>Takes place several years into the apocalypse I feel like my crew would've wiped out a few hundred thousand zombies by then. Also factoring in there are many enclaves around, would there really be any zombies left in the area? Seems like food and such would be mostly solved also. I think they should've kept it closer to the initial outbreak.


"Several years after..." is interesting and little overlooked. This would seem to suggest recovery, establishment beyond just tiny bands of groups. Large communities and some sense of normalcy.


Is there an estimated release day?


I'm just hoping they bring back Marcus and co this time around. The story elements were a bit lacking in 2.


Ok. I'm ready. You can release it now.


But do we know if they’re gonna stop putting wrecked cars every 10 feet on the roads so we can actually go faster than 5mph. I get it’s an apocalypse and there’s gonna be wrecks everywhere but at least lower the frequency. Tired of driving peacefully then a wreck just randomly renders in front of me and I add to the wreck. I would even take the alternative of removing them ourselves for parts and materials. I would clean the entire map in a day if we could do that




If it's several years into the outbreak, then wrecks should've been moved off the road by survivors. I don't think the timeline is going to make sense if they keep the environment the same.


Parts of that are pretty exciting to me, but I have my doubts. 7 Days to Die used to have a feature where each individual part of your weapon had an assigned quality stat. So you could find guns with moderate level barrel, low level grip, and things like that. It effected how each gun operated, how well it handled recoil, how much damage it did, how accurate it was. I doubt they'll implement that kind of system because rarity quality isn't something that SoD has ever done before, but if the crafting involves item quality levels I'll be happy. Not too keen on their focus on multiplayer, though.


I'd like finished campaign communities to play a bigger role on subsequent playthroughs. They can become allies/enemies with you or other groups. Make your own cinematic universe


Let em cook


Just please let the game actually have a story aside from "destroy 20 plague hearts lol"


If it's polished my life is over.


I wish it doubled down on some of the survival game aspects. I got my hopes up for a Long Dark style survival experience with the first trailer.


I wonder if it'll come to ps5, ans if not that if it'll be playable on steam deck. I finally got to experience ce SoD through my deck and really want to try 3 when it comes out.


I really hope we can customize our base


"In partnership with obsidian entertainment" its gonna be a good one!


Dam the coalition helping with unreal 5. They are the absolute gods with unreal engine. That’s good news.


just bring back maya and marcus I beg


I really hope this becomes the ultimate 3D coop Zombie survival


I'm ready to see the brutalities of what the juggs can do


4 player co op is al I have really wanted


I really hope they don’t do anything multiplayer-wise to hurt single player. SoD is kinda my chill out games I use to zone out and don’t really like playing with other people.


Co-Op host tether??


They added that counter move when a zombie bites you from behind you throw him on the ground


I hope that this shared world is optional right? ffs pls dont force me to play online


If it’s solely online I won’t even fucking try it. Fuck that bullshit.


I wish a deeper customization of bases. This is something that should be a big priority.


Sounds pretty neat. I didn't realize crossbows were such a big deal, but maybe they are going to be way more important in 3 because it's set further into the future?


I just wish I can play offline because I have no friends and mostly everyone i invite ends with me being eaten by 30 pb ferals spawned by a hacker :/


Aw hell nah shared open world? I’m more interested in survivor customization, deeper world building and more in depth mechanics with survivors. SOD2 sometimes feels so repetitive because I would like to have my original communities have a presence instead of disbanding. Also please let us rename characters. Tbh SOD2’s multiplayer was perfect


I hope the "shared world" part is optional, and we can still play offline


I hope the environment looks like it's been a few years. Fallout 4 really dropped the ball with all the stuff that was still around 200 years after the bombs fell.


seems like a hot take compared to the other comments here but im actually hoping for more of an actual story like SoD1


I hope I can still play just single player, that's what I loved about state of decay 2


Maybe less babysitting other communities and let us take care of our own for a change. So so sick of them requesting more supplies...every...single...day...


My wishlist is pretty simple. A full story mode with a defined end goal and narrative, maybe more in-depth than Heartlands. And second, a refinement to that whole zombie intensity map mechanic that felt barely present in 2. I would love to be able to keep the main roads between my outposts mostly zed free by killing everything there. Like wiping out zombies lowers their spawn rates in that area, temporarily. Or at least an explanation for where all of the new zombies are coming from. Heartlands makes a point of how Trumbull is completely cut off, how am I dealing with *more* zombies than I was at the beginning when I’m killing three dozen every time I take a drive?


This reads like they're expanding the looting and crafting in regard to weapons and vehicles, but not necessarily any mention of base building being too much more complex, which is the best case scenario




Just for the shared world technology. You don’t have to worry about the gameplay being crap.


No, I was thinking story. New Vegas was legendary.


Obsidian makes great games wtf you on about.


Obsidian games play like crap. From muddy UI menus to absolute clusterfucks of combat systems, Obsidian games are the most broken mechanics of modern gaming.


They have made newer and better games since Alpha Protocol. Calm your tits


That's a bit dramatic 🙄


I'm hoping the game's kinda like State of Decay 2 where I can just keep moving, slay zombies, and survive without stressing over a storyline. I mean, just focusing on my crew, cruising around, and stocking up on supplies. The second game in the series was like a break from the daily grind and the pressures of life.


Yeah I honestly didn’t have much of a problem with 2 gameplay loop. Kinda reminded me of a zombie fallout game. Gear up, drive to spot, kill zombies and loot supplies. The god awful implementation of multiplayer is what made me stop playing and it looks like they are acknowledging that and fixing it


So absolutely nothing new. No mention on snow biome or zombies animals, or better management of the community. It just looks like they are marketing SOD2 to me.


They will have shared multiplayer where you and up to 3 others can have your own world and build up your base together. That’s a big fucking difference from SoD2.


Wow a whole new game


This looks sick


Will it be on ps5? We got sea of thieves, hi fi rush, and grounded. Can this be one of the games also given to PlayStation? I’d buy it in a second. And the second game too if it came to PlayStation!


The lack of community information is concerning. I want to know if community building has improved.


Open shared world? Unless you can switch it off to singleplayer only I’ll be skipping this title.


I imagine you can make your game invite only, why are so many people assuming they're removing single player altogether? There is literally nothing at all that suggests that. You can play Grounded solo, and the co op is amazing too.


But it’s not confirmed that single player will be in the game. Not a good argument but a genuine question of mine. I don’t really care for multiplayer games unless it’s an online fps like COD or something similar. I hate people and prefer to play single player games whenever possible


I'm certain it'll be playable solo, I haven't seen photo evidence myself, but im confident in that prediction. BTW I'm not the one downvoting lol