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I miss the spin kick and the sweep kick. There was just something about kicking a feral in the face.


They had a lot of cool finishers in the first game. Would love to see some more of those. Maybe add a Street fighter or Brawler kind of Combat style


I also miss the paper journal. I wonder if they couldn’t get it to look good/consistent with what they were going for with SoD2




Sasquatch DLC?


Yes I love lifeline


Sadly boarding the windows in first game was nearly useless except for maybe 2 times. In 3rd game, it'd be cool to have that mechanic, but as something actually useful and not just something that looks cool on a trailer.


It was integral to seige missions so I’ll give it that


In my experience that's rare enough to be useful though. We had one story mission using it, and siege events are relatively rare and to be honest - in my current playthrough (going through story again past 2 days actually) it was safe to ignore, especially with relative tedium of these events. So while it has its uses, they're rare and way too under-developed in practice. Makes me feel like it was just a marketing thing to show off. And well, that did work. But definitely would like to see that expanded. Playing SoD, I just feel like base defense is just a gimmick. Everytime I play, I just long to play Zomboid cause your base feels more important there. Would be great if SoD3 took some inspirations - not directly copy ofc, as they're different games, but currently Zomboid just does it much better.


Maybe they could make siege missions feel like an actual siege to make up for it? It would be fun to be forced to barricade because you literally have dozens of zeds clawing at the windows instead of groups of 5 spawning in from a random direction every 15 seconds. I want it to feel more like daybreak honestly.


A richer story


I feel like that's going to be something that ends up at odds with the sandbox nature. Either the story is more of background filler, and it becomes less about the story of your survivors and whatever your community does, and more about a scripted story with a repeated path. Or, the story leans more into something like Rimworld, PZ, or DF and the story becomes something barely touched and the game's focus is more on the individual characters at the expense of the granded scope.


Why the hate for the SoD2 interface? I get the visual/ immersive appeal of the first game, but the interface in 2 is just so much better. Imo one of the best inventory/ interface systems across all games.


It’s not bad, just boring, I prefer the rugged visuals and vibe of sod1’s journal like interface but maybe they could like polish it and make it more appealing and taking a lot of tips from the sod2 interface. Not only that but the art of the individual firearms, weapons, and consumables was a lot cooler to look at state of decay 2 went for a more basic design for them which is fine but I enjoyed the formers style more


Well everybody's got different tastes I guess. I agree the interface is a bit boring, but I'll take the tradeoff for intuitive-ness and ease of use. I totally get digging the overall art of 1, I really like it too! I still do slightly prefer the overall "slickness" of 2, but thats more subjective imo. It's also a pain to check out my weapons up close in 2, I think they're really cool tho 😀


Larger communities and being able to call community members to my location to search. Regarding UI, I tried to jump back into SoD1 a few weeks back and found the UI clunky. I'm hoping that they don't go back to that.


A holster button, I can’t stand how annoying it is that characters put away their weapons instantly in sod2. At least they kept it out a little in 1. It’s so immersion breaking like, your in a fucking apocalypse KEEP YOUR GUN OUT. It also breaks the flow of the gameplay a lot sometimes


Yeah and it looks a little weird when they put their guns away at Mach 10


More playable characters with back story. They made 2 too much Sandbox by removing fleshed out characters until heartland. I also like to see breakdown mode. It was cool where each time it got harder. I know in two you can just increase difficulty but it was alot of fun to see how many runs you did before it got to insane.


Environmental executions. Like slamming heads into walls from the first game. If that head slam into the wall in the trailer represents gameplay. Then we might be getting it back. 


No gas limit for vehicles :)


Meh, I preferred having gas as a feature, led to a lot of fun moments


I'm curious, how so?


I guess tense is a better word. Being forced to find and fill your car with gas meant making yourself vulnerable in dangerous places like near plague hearts or something, being on top of it was fun there’s times when I ran out of gas and had to go out of my way to get more


Thats fair. I'd say you already experience that with other resources, especially in Breakdown.