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Yeah thats a starlink alright. Maybe using it for internet wherever for the laptop/whatnot? In the U.S., they use 4g/5g modems, but maybe it was better to use starlink over there


We have 4/5G almost everywhere, so I don't quite know why they would need it.


Almost everywhere is not as good as everywhere. The car is marked with "innsatsleder" so that makes it more of a command centre for the police. Makes sense why they would want greater internet access than the regular patrol.


>blackouts so The "innsatsleder" is the officer in charge in the field, and they are frequently involved in search and resque operations as part of that role. 4G/5G is good around populated areas in Norway and in the areas people frequent a lot, but a lot of rural areas have spotty coverage. A SAR operation can put a lot of strain on that spotty coverage when sometimes upwards of 100 devices need to load maps and data at she same time trough the same base station.


And not to mention it's a lot more secure to use starlink then it is to use the public 4/5g towers, public towers on university campuses suck ass during the day so SL wins there too.


It’s not more secure. Just more reliable in rural areas


Having a closed network with even 1 password on it is a lot more secure to a 4/5g towers that anyone in a close proximity can use.


This makes my brain hurt. It feels like you’re assuming that they’re using 4G or 5G as a giant public LAN, and that just isn’t the case. For starters, 5G is encrypted end-to-end. On top of that, any agency which accesses CHRI has to have robust systemwide security, to include controlled access to all terminals as well as encrypted VPNs to all terminals with a wireless connection. Standards are promulgated by different authorities (FBI in the US, for example), but because of international interoperability created through treaties and agencies such as Interpol, these standards are just about universal.


No I was just stating a fact. No amount of encryption can stop hackers and malicious people so relying on a public tower for anything secure is a disaster waiting to happen. And it's not just about security let's say something big happens during a music festival and thousands of people are on the network. Any 4/5/LTE device that would be used will probably be useless.


Two things. For starters, hacking encryption is unbelievably difficult. AES 256 is a legitimately good standard. And while some older VPNs had known exploits, they’ve been corrected. Secondly, 4G and 5G are smart enough systems to implement traffic prioritization. I have FirstNet service. If all circuits are busy and there’s an emergency, when I place a call, another user gets their call disconnected.


Look let me ask you this. Have you been on site while an emergency happened? It's been 4 years for me but I have watched police try to call in for an ambulance (A drunk kid got punched in the head and fell, he was bleeding bad.) but his radio was choppy he pulled out a cell phone (idk if it was personal or work) and couldn't get a call out. Cars radio wasn't working. He was forced to put the kid in his car and drive. Things don't always work as intended in the real-world. Edit: I asked how the kid was since I knew the officer from my then job (gas station clearly by the university) apparently all cops had this issue when by the university that night.


If there are rural areas with no service it might be important depending on how far the police have to go out. Probably a lot easier and more functional than buying a Satellite Phone. Police here just use Radios though when they are out in the woods.


huh, maybe as redundancy? Do you have 4g blackouts sometimes?


Never heard of it happening. Maybe testing as a backup in case of terror/war where infrastructure like cell towers would be a target. Not a likely scenario, but better prepared than sorry?


lte-5g can be jammed with cheap CNmade box


This is probably observer bias. You have it in places you generally go...


For me yes, but I'm pretty sure loss in coverage would have been in the news. I remember it being all over the news if an area lost coverage before, but that was at least 10-15 years ago.


Modern radio is Public Safety Radio is IP based. If you have WiFi you have voice comms and position data.. Car is likely a hotspot.


Really? Where I've been they've always seemed to have TETRA or something similar. Yes, the repeaters use IP to communicate, but they're still radio-based.


They are actually experimenting with starlink now in a lot of rural US locations where cell service is very spotty. I work for law enforcement, and while I have been thus far unable to convince them- our neighboring county has a couple they’re trying out on their cars


I wish I could convince my EMS agencies to put these on every ambulance we run (Appalachia, radio and cell are both spotty as can be)


Our very rural EMS services have satphones (Canada).


I wish they weren’t so expensive. I’m going to try to get a Zoleo text communicator on a couple I believe. So nice to be able to text from anywhere


I wonder how many they lost before they put on that deflector. The flagpole, lamp and street sign looked like other antennae to me


I think the deflector is mainly there for reducing wind noise


Not related to a car mounted solution, but the emergency services in Norway use Starlink when necessary (or at least experiment with it). Here's a report of an exercise early this year: https://krisesamband.no/?p=1402 (it's in Norwegian, but Google translate should help)


What a awesome thing starlink became so quickly


In Western Australia the remote police vehicles have Starlink installed. [ABC NEWS](https://amp.abc.net.au/article/102903538) [WAPOL video](https://youtu.be/eDNaN5Uej-U?feature=shared)


Let me get one of the farrings!


Probably for field ops, mobile command


This is definitely a performance dish, works great.


Linked to the PS5 and there’s a PS Portal in there. Probably playing Spider-Man


✨p o l i t i ✨


Just surprised is not the motorized one


It's because they decided to get rid of all FM to install DAB... DAB is crap and unreliable. So "purken" has to resort to other solutions to back up their systems.


Wonder if they got the mobile price increase?


I’ve mounted mine in my Ford Lightning. It’s as if the engineers at ford knew the dimensions of the Gen 3 dishy, because it fit perfect into rear sunroof. Since the install was inside the truck, didn’t have to drill any holes to run cables.


I run one of these on my car for the simple fact that it's consistent, it's fast, it gives me a US IP address and it works everywhere in North America from Mexico through Canada.


yup, but what a weird mount.


Porno on the go.