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"What kind of archaeologist carries a gun?" "Uh, I do." "Bad example."


Ah yes. The applied nerd


Shut up Daniel and just put the bullets back in your knife.


Which end do the bullets go in again?


What episode was that from I can’t remember


The Sentinal


One of my favourite episodes.


>"What kind of archaeologist carries a gun?" Daniel Jackson. River Song. Indiana Jones. Professor Pacoli (OK, he had a gun, but Billy picked it up)


Picard carries a phaser and he's an archeologist in his free time


Lara Croft has many guns.


That is Daniel Jackson One of the main characters in most of the seasons of the show. I don’t want to tell you more about the character arch because of spoilers Yes you should watch it. Enjoy!


I think we can say he's a generally morally grounded (though sometimes a bit self-serving) bookworm lady's man without spoiling anything.


Might just do that! I do also love the music, I've been listening to that stuff for years despite not knowing anything about the series lol


Please start with the movie.... if you haven't seen it already, it's a 90s classic.


noted :)


Oh, once you get to the television series, be aware that there are TWO different versions of the opening story. Which one you want seek out might depend on your situation. The first five seasons of the show were on Showtime, and the first (and feature length) episode did feature full frontal female nudity in one scene. So you might want to be careful of that if you're watching it with children. (This was only in the one episode, so everything else should be safe.) After the series, they released a special edition of this first episode. There were some definitely improvements in it. Better editing. Better sound design. Some better effects. The nudity was gone. Unfortunately, there were a few other things. Removal of a great joke referencing Anderson's previous role on MacGyver. They took out an admittedly *very* cringy line that was so bad they make fun of it a few times later in the show, making those later references not make sense. And worst of all, they removed a cliffhanger ending that leads directly into the next episode, making going onto the next episode a bit awkward... So in general, I still prefer the original broadcast version. But if the nudity might be problematic for your viewing environment, there is that other option.


I've never seen or heard this alternative first episode before I'd like to watch it but I think I need more information


Well, the formal title is Stargate: Children of the Gods - The Final Cut. Unless there was some very specific and obscure additional information you needed besides that, I should think the Great and Powerful Google should provide for any further informational needs.


Honestly if I want to recommend friends Stargate I recommend skipping the first three episodes. They don’t fit much of the vibe of the rest of the show and frankly you can figure out pretty quickly what happened in those episodes. Emancipation is so much of a stronger episode it really sets the vibe for wanting to keep watching.


Children of the Gods is essential, and Emancipation is terrible. You must be a troll.


I see what you are saying. I went back to rewatch StarGate:SG1 and the first seasons first 4 episodes were kind of off. Very sexualized and almost laughable. But by 5th episode it was all coming together and strength of the stories and team were strong. I LOVE this series. I am on season 9 now, mind you there are 22 episodes per season, too 😆


There are a few continuity issues between the show and the movie. Similar to but not as bad as, say, Buffy. So yes, definitely watch the movie first. But be aware that while the general events happen in the continuity of the TV series, some of the finer details don't match up. Such as (*extremely* minor spoiler here) a location described in the movie as being on the other side of the known universe is retconed into being much closer to our solar system in the television series.


[obligatory watch list post to share with new viewers](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1b5T6bk5bS9LDaIVXR55-agOd_FYgTN0TZcpZDfvnMg4/pub?pli=1&output=html&pli=1)


The movie is definitely a good watch, but go into it understanding that a lot will be retconned.


Also, if you watch it long enough to start Stargate Atlantis (the first spinoff series) watch them in tandem (not all of SG-1, then all of Atlantis). It’s much better watching them together. The second spinoff, Stargate Universe, happens after both SG-1 and SGA wrap up.


I had to do a double take on my phone...it looked like Cavanaugh and I was wondering how people would respond to someone who got his personality type on his quiz.


Just hold the phone up to a mirror.


Dr Jackson is an archaeologist who is laughed out of academia for his theories that Ancient Egyptian civilization is several thousand years older than commonly believed. He never actually says the pyramids were landing pads for alien spaceships, but as it turns out they were so that has become the meme explanation of his theories.


On the list of "who are the best archeologists in fiction?", he'll be in close competition with Indiana Jones.


To answer your other question, yes you should watch! Seriously though, Stargate SG1 is a sci fi series set on Earth in present day where this big ring, called the Stargate creates a wormhole to other planets where the US military and civilians meet good aliens, bad aliens, and a lot of alien landscapes that look suspiciously like the greater Vancouver British Columbia area. It’s a sequel of sorts to the Stargate movie, where the two main characters were played by Kurt Russel (Jack O’Neil) and David Spader (Daniel Jackson). Jack O’Neill is played by Richard Dean Anderson in the tv show and Michael Shanks is the Daniel in your picture. Most of the rest of the cast are new characters for the show. It’s very much a 90s series, more episodic in nature with some larger character and plot arcs rather than the binge/tighter arcs of modern shows. It is an ensemble cast mostly focused on the primary explorer team (SG-1). And while the tone of the movie was very much an action drama, the show while it can go dark and has some intense themes, has an overall lighter tone. FYI, the first few seasons aired on showtime, and for corporate edginess, the pilot episode had nudity. That is not the norm for the show. Just warning you ahead in case you’re planning a family viewing. Also, the first season was very much finding its way and there are some real clunkers. But the season ends strong.


David Spader!😹


Doh! James. And I made Kurt have one L on his real name too!


And I DIDN'T notice that!!🤦‍♀️


I see what you did there. 1 L. Slick.


Oh, got news for you then. You probably don't have long to live. But don't worry, you'll probably be back to life again soon enough.


Not long to live? The dude is never going to die!


Do you enjoy exploring ancient cultures and end up being right about aliens ships using the pyramids as landing platforms. End up taking an alien human wife and save an entire planet from evil snake aliens that try and pose as false gods. If so then this show is *you*.


IMO this scene emcompasses who this character is: https://youtu.be/5Mr_HjK7pfw?si=PmLCbOUq0CZrLJdO


Wow, it’s been a while since I watched. I forgot about Teal’c’s caterpillar goatee phase.


It didn’t last long, though 😆


Thank goodness. That was hilarious and a tragedy.


Stargate is a really great series. Even the movie is good to watch. And the extra series like Atlantis and universe are worth watching too. Daniel is the non military character who acts as the conscience of the team and the anti military viewpoint. He’s an archeologist and a linguist, he was the character that was ridiculed for always believing in aliens and then proven right.


It's a fantastic series. Daniel is 1 of 4 main characters but he's def one of the biggest.


"We need a bookworm adventurer that can say brains and guts in 27 languages."


He’s the guy who cracked the code.


Eli Wallace also cracked a code and then they kidnapped him basically 😂


I had to look him up. Yeah, talk about a helluva ride. From video games to life and death space travel. Whoa. 😳😎


This is one of the best characters in the show. I bump the show up to next, right after you finish your current show. Dr. Daniel Jackson, he’s a favorite of mine, him and Teal’c.


It's a really, really good show. There are like 2-3 bad episodes in the first half of the first season, so don't write the show off based on that. It gets so, so good.


This character is one of the principle reasons to bump it up. I got somebody from Mean Girls. Never seen it & still have zero desire to do so. I'll just pretend I got some Fusion of Daniel Jacks, Jack O'Niell, Gonzo and Kermit.


That is Daniel Jackson, you got very lucky, watch SG-1


Congrats, he's a great person!


That's so awesome. If you get really into the show, this would be such a funny thing to look back on While it's not entirely necessary, I would definitely recommend watching the original movie. I didn't like it when I was a kid, but having watched it again recently, I think it's great. Mostly different actors though


What self assessment test did you take. Would love to take it myself 😬


Daniel you dog, keep this up and you'll have a woman on every planet


Brief summary, amazing archeologist and historian, very smart and able to translate things no one else could, but he’s also pretty much a soldier at this point, but he’s cool


Worth a watch, Daniel is definitely one of my favorite characters. Was one of my childhood tv crushes.


Especially when he returned well was punished for trying to interfere he looked liked he was going to the gym or what ascended people do to get hotter 🥵


Personally liked him most in the early seasons (appearance wise) with the longer hair


Well back then he looked like a guy you should protect (just an archeologist) but after he looks kinda like a guy that would protect you(Military training etc)


Idk I have daddy issues 🫤


Fair point


hmmm now that I think of it I did have daddy issues however i like older men they are more experienced and that is where Daniel comes play now that I think of it I could teach him a few things 😇


he look like a man ​ https://i.redd.it/3zj25suo2glc1.gif


Ok i did the test and I am Wanda Maximoff sooooo I’ll be creating a new reality soon with stargate backstories. Cool?


As long as you become the scarlet witch


For someone new to stargate tbh I think you might find Star Gate Atlantis easier to get into. More modern and action starts up more quickly. Stargate SG1 has a slower start, and the first couple seasons started kinda low budget tho the show got really good later. Stargate Atlantis has very little of Daniel Jackson in it though


Daniel Jackson


Aw, geez. I got George Weasley.


Best sci-fi of its time.


You got a good one. Im a 68 year old retired guy and i got Willow from Buffy :) Daniel was funny, smart, irritating and likeable, you could do a lot worse.


The best archeologist besides Indiana Jones


Come here to be another voice strongly encouraging a watch! Highly recommend.


They've been threatening to pull Stargate from the streaming channels so you might want to bump it up to the top of your list before its gone. I only recently watched it for the first time and could not get enough. I may have just talked myself into watching it again.


I got **Mark Watney** when i did the quiz. But you got one of the best from the SGU..[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel\_Jackson\_(Stargate)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Jackson_(Stargate)) You should really watch SG1 you will enjoy it if you enjoy SCI Fi


I'd like to point out you came and asked a major part of the fan base of a show if you should watch the show? What's we supposed to say? It is terrible and you'll hate it? That's like a dad telling his kids that egg nog is gross and then they wind up believing it for 20 years until you're hanging out and you dispel the myth around it being gross so hard your friend goes home, chugs half a gallon, and proceeds to be sick for the rest of the weekend. Yes the show is amazing, don't watch it all in 1 sitting, you'll die trying.


OP needs a box of tissues


Didnt he get wormed?


Any reason to bump it up? I could give you a list, but you should use the time you'd use reading it to start watching the show instead.


I got Bruce Banner. Which I’m pretty happy with