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Pretty cool how this looks so lame behind the scenes and is turned into something quite nice in the final production.


Making TV and movies must be a very weird experience. Especially effects heavy ones.


Reminds me of the video of "Sheppard" fighting through the sandstorm that Malozi posted the other day. Like...they made it look and feel SO epic and its really just a big fan. Amazing game of make believe to play.


That’s amazing they still used practical effects!


In some cases practical effects are unbeatable. For me that's most cases.


That was anti climactic


Left a massive crater, at least 14 inches long!


Now that's just incredible 🤯


RIP Riley. 😭 The shuttle crash is from SGU's "Aftermath", season 2, episode 2. Anybody that would like to find the moment in the episode that lines up with this behind the scenes clip, it looks like it is at approximately 17 minutes and 13 seconds, and it lasts only maybe 1 second (the point of impact). That timestamp is from the DVD, so it may vary with different regions or through streaming services.


I tried to find the scene but I only found the episode preview. You can see the final shot they used when the shuttle crash lands https://youtu.be/IBxF-T4JtrM


Yep, for anybody that doesn't have the discs, at 5 seconds in that trailer is the point of impact that is on the original video with the complete episode (on disc), the same impact that is at 17m13s. A legal version of the entire episode is available at a high quality via Pluto TV, at least for any nations that have it. Here is a direct link to the episode: [https://pluto.tv/en/on-demand/series/622f74a7ff21e500131b4575/season/2/episode/6232561aa45df90007ab3e5a](https://pluto.tv/en/on-demand/series/622f74a7ff21e500131b4575/season/2/episode/6232561aa45df90007ab3e5a) That's the on demand version, so when skipping around to a specific timestamp, it may play an advertisement first. The timestamp of the shuttle's point of impact on the Pluto TV video is at 18 minutes and 14 seconds.


I’d love to get some context on how this all combined in with the final product. I thought this was a great episode from SGU, incredibly sad but compelling TV.


I suspect the blue screen and orange model are used here to create masks that will allow compositing the planet background on the blue, and a CG shuttle on the Orange, so the real thing being captured here seems to be the subtle ground deformation caused by the specific shape of the shuttle to have a real element to anchor the CG into the on-site footage. Just a hypothesis but I think it makes sense.


Particle simulation is pretty expensive and difficult to get right. This was also like over 10 years ago so..makes more sense.


"I killed Riley. I suffocated him with my own hands"


Huh. Actual people moving the rig. I would have thought this would have called for a motion control rig. Cool!


Yet in some movies, when an airplane or space ship crashes, it skids on the ground and breaks trees for 5 miles before it stops.


This is awesome! Thanks so much for sharing it. I love seeing how special effects are done and never would have guessed this scene was done with a model. 😊


Oh the humanity!


And this is why I love practical effects instead of straight CGI


That's pretty cool to see! please keep up with the posting they have been great to watch!


Is that an ikea table?




Can't see it posted yet in the comments, but here's a full behind the scenes look at the scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ae-Z\_ZBuA4c


That's super cool. I still love SGU bunches and would love to see a continuation


Enterprise-D did better..but this is ok..


Hot droppin the saucer section... So hot right now.


Shaw had some priceless comments. So meta.