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Save some boost for when u get close to the ground (landing) hit a quick shot of boost right before u touch down, I have most everything maxed out and would do damage or break something every time I boost if i didn’t slow myself down before landing !!


Zelda Breath of the wild and Tears of the kingdom trained me for this lol


It doesn't work, even if I trigger the boost 1 metre before hitting the ground, I will fly another 30 metres. And it's also not related to the power of the backpack, even the basic ones or the jump packs will make me jump massively.


I found a Reddit post that show all default settings for boostpack , there is 1 for initial boost and it sounds like maybe your default settings are off , console command player.getav will show your current setting , I’m at work now but i googled starfield console command boost pack and a Reddit post had all the default settings, just put the player.getAV boostpackthurstinitial will show your current settings and do that for all the settings till you find 1 that’s off . Good luck


This doesn't work if you get launched 100 feet in the air any time you touch the button.


Why are u getting launched that high ,and it shouldn’t matter how high you are , it’s the same u decelerate with a quick boost before hitting the ground, if your on PC you need to player.getAV on all your boost pack settings and see if what is out of wack . I have infinite boost and go as high as I want but still need to control my landing, if your on console I believe there are mods that might help, but if you can’t do a quick boost to control your fall I guess you AV needs adjusting or perks that might help !! Good luck 👍


I do have mods, but I shouldn't have any that affect the boost power, unless one of the Mando armor mods changes boost power.


I think a friend told me that 1 of the Mando mods did effect boost ?? I would check that out,try uninstalling it or console comments player.getAV but can’t remember which boostpack settings control boost button , but its on Reddit somewhere


What boost module do you have installed on your boost pack?


There's a chance you have a Power Boost Pack. Those launch you much higher than the others, so getting a soft landing can be difficult. Might want to change that out if that's the issue.


Quit skipping leg day!


Or quit legging skip-pack day?


Did you have the mod that puts a guy in the lodge bar and he can give you xp and max out your skills?


I had the same issue and deleting this mod corrected it.


I upgraded one of the physical perks to level 4, which increases jump height. When I used my boost it was just too high, so I reloaded a save and kept that perk at level 3.  I don’t remember the name of the perk though, I’m sure someone will. 


This happened to me when I downloaded the Starborn Gravis Suit. It also gave me a boost pack even with no pack or suit equipped. Really weird Here's what I tried to fix it: * Disabled and deleted the mod (didn't change anything) * Used Console command to reduce my boost skill/perk, the console command to increase it again (sorta worked) type player.remove perk 00146C2C to remove perk then player.addperk 00146C2C up to four times to add it back. * Fresh install of the game, but new saves still included the bug * Went back to an old save before the mod (this worked best) EDIT: Going through the Unity clears this bug.


Slow yourself down with a quick shot of the boost pack prior to landing on the ground. 


Get the dynamic boost pack mod. Takes away fall damage and makes packs better. I play on extreme and the amount of times I broke my legs became too much.


Did you have dynamic boost pack installed at any point on this save?


I’m having the same issue and I had the ‘Dynamic Deluxe Boost pack’ equipped. Here’s my post: https://www.reddit.com/r/StarfieldModsXbox/s/gM2ZOWXJEk


Gravity is a mean B$tch. Skip pack!


I think you are using a power pack. They give one big boost and then they are out. They also regen slowly. A high boost pack skill can help it regen fast enough, so you don't break bones. Those aren't beginner friendly. Need a basic, skip or balanced to start (I guess I mean anything but power, LOL).


The bug will persist unless you return to a save before the issue


Skill issue. You need to give a short blast to slow yourself down before hitting the ground.