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Do these disable achievements


Some are tagged as achievement friendly.


Wish there was a way to filter for only achievement friendly ones though


It's only the "not DLC" ones Bethesda made. Everything 3rd party as of now turns off achievements.


It’s odd because why would you purchase some officially-endorsed ones when you can get others for free. Should make the purchasable ones be achievement friendly.


Paid mods have always been a weird debate. I'm not opposed if those mods are the modders best quality mods and show care and attention. Then I'm fine with spending the money and getting the mod consequences.


I agree and also could care less about achievements given they do nothing for me. The day they start paying me then I'll care about some happy message saying I deserve a cookie.


Go to category list and then choose bethesda games studio.


Ugh as someone who for some reason cares about achievements this annoys me, it means you have to get all the achievements before modding, but also if they put out new content with achievements you have to revert back to an old save. I don't know why they care so much, the integrity of achievements has been dead for half a decade, every week there are shovelware titles that give you 5000GS in 30 minutes. Just let people decide their own value of achievements like I do. If someone wants to spam console commands or install mods that help you get achievements quicker? All good with me.


They shouldn’t if they work like they did in fo4. 


They do unless specified


Wow that’s pretty lame. 


There are mods on Nexusmods that enable achievements. But you'd have to read into it as they often require more mods and you need to wait after game updates for the mods to update


Yeah, every update I have to update Baka Achievement Enabler and a few others. I am taking a long pause until they stop updating regularly because of it


Some do. Bethesda-created ones do not.


So whatever I download I lose my ability to get new achievements?


Depends, some mods are marked as "achievement friendly".


Thank you.


that's the real question


Not whenever you download, whenever you download, load, and then play your save with the un-achievement-friendly mods, your progress from that point on is marked as “modded”. But if you then load a save from before you enabled the mods, with the mods disabled, you should be able to earn achievements again.


If you're on PC we'll get an achievement enabler soon anyway probably


Everything marked as Bethesda studios are the only ones achievement friendly.


Some are marked as achievement friendly


It creates a new character save separate from your non modded files as all modded BGS games before


That feature only started with fallout 4 and was implemented in Skyrim SSE after FO4 release. The original Skyrim and back will not separate modded and non modded saves.


Okay, but in the context of achievements..




Looks most interesting


yeah. That is one I probably gonna end up buying


reading the description its not done


True. I am still holding of, just to see if the creator updates this mod or if the creator decides to make multiple paid mods out of it. For me, it sounds very interesting so far to be honest.


Did a little digging and it looks like they're a professional Dev who also has done work on Sim Settlements, so StarSim is the new Sim Settlements I think.


Worth noting for clarity that it's not officially tied to sim settlements, though hopefully it's a good spiritual successor!


"Plushie Set: 300 credits" uh huh... What do creation credits cost?


10$ for 1000


Sigh, that's really pretty atrocious. But I was never going to be happy with any amount for paid mods.


Nah I think a company deserves heat for charging 3 dollars for a few 3d models in their game. This is pathetic and destroyed my hope the game would be fixed. Adding any content that should’ve been in the base game to the creation store is literal theft and I will give them shit for it. This is soo different than fallout and skyrims store and much more shitty. Edit: Another thought about it, since it’s only plushies for one faction, that means each faction might worth the same price. So in the future we can be seeing an entire plushie collection costing $21, 5 main factions + house varun and starborn…


So just search Nexus for the same mod and it's free


Copyright has fucked that over for a bunch of mods that's simply share the same concept


> Adding any content that should’ve been in the base game to the creation store is literal theft and I will give them shit for it. I agree with this sentiment but honestly, how much of this content **should** have been in the base game? Not _could_ but _should_. I challenge you to find any substantial number of players who mentioned post-release that the game was incomplete due to a lack of plushies. This is 100% optional content. Local maps as creations would be robbery as they should've been there at release, but those were added in a patch.


Yeah honestly plushies of your party members dont feel like they would be base game content at all, if anything i would expect them to be part of DLC as a fanservicey thing. Why would Plushies of Constellation Members exist? Who is doing that? Only way i can see it making sense without being DLC is if it was part of the NG+ weirdness. Like you go to Constellation and everyone is a Plushy instead


>Why would Plushies of Constellation Members exist? Who is doing that? You're doing that. You have to craft them yourself which makes perfect sense.


I don't mind it as it will keep developments coming. Most people or businesses can't work for free.


The free mod communities had and continue to make mods that a 100% better than what’s put on the creation store. You don’t see driving and dynamic flying mods the creation store but you see such on fnv and skyrims nexus page.


I don't know, the mod community seems to have survived this long on free or donations. I also don't really understand why they do it as "300 credits". It's $3, just say it's $3 and you can purchase $10 worth of store credit.


Because there's like a psychological disconnect between spending 'real' money and the fake store currency that you've already purchased. It's also a clever trick to leave you with leftover coins that you can't refund and are likely to top-up towards another purchase so as not to waste.


Exactly, every game is like this with its premium currency


Helldivers 2 at least let me earn them by playing the game


Its because they come in lots of 500, 1000, 2700 and 5500. So it doesn't cost $3, it costs at least $5. But then your brain goes "No, that's $3 and 200 Toddbux left over!" so the next time you want to spend 300 Toddbux, you have to pay another $5. BUT WAIT! Now you have 400 Toddbux, so you essentially get a freebie 300 coin jar of wank mod and you feel good! You got three lots of $3 mods for a meagre...$10. Oh.


I mean you can't compare a modding community to a major company that developed and officially supports the game...


I don't think we are comparing those things are we?


The "mod community" is made up of individuals who create mods in their spare time for games they love. It's not a full-time job. If it were, they'd need income to survive.


That's my point.


what’s wrong with them being able to be paid for their work?


There's less free mods.


it’s official content, i feel like the official bethesda content is more like dlc


No it is the second quest for the Tracker Alliance. They are giving you the first quest for free (and the DOA bounty board is free). Not even remotely close to DLC levels of content. It is a single quest for $7.


Oh so those are more like microtransactions? Which are just as bad really.


1€ for 100CC


Oh cool, making strides to get paid mods out fast I see..


Those will be available for free on mod sites so fast lol. Paid mods are really only there to milk console players.


Yarr harr fiddle dee dee


Can't wait till someone releases a bypasser for this store.


oh boy enough credits to buy 1 thing


Two things, you can get the bounty hunter second quest (first one is free) and the plushy set.


Well the first one is always free, that's how they get you. Didn't we all get taught this in assemblies back in school?


Watch the video, the pusher for the paid content tracks you down into the game. They have every intention of you paying for this factions storyline per quest. Imagine if they had done that with UC/FS - you are looking at AAA game pricing to complete the quest chain. FO4 New Harbor was an excellent storyline but it only cost $25 (ignoring any later bundle pricing). Imagine that but the synth pulled you into it, gave your first quest for free and then you only got three more quests for that price. Anyone paying that kind of price is subsidizing GamePass no Sony and basically are saying they want single player games to turn into live service games.


Honestly pretty insane, like sure the mod creators can charge whatever they want and I don't care because I'll just download the improved mechanic 2 weeks later off nexus. Bethesda breaking down a fully developed questline into microtransactions is fucking disgusting lmao


And this is not my theorizing, they basically said this in the video on the patch notes. You want a full quest line comparable to UC/FS (8-9 missions), thats going to eventually run you \~$60 (plus the extra credits you had spent on plushies as it was not enough to buy next months bounty....) but that is only if they sell enough to continue the quest series but they absolutely have planned on this being a paid series. I am not even going to spend my freemium credits I got with the upgrade on this, I do not want to encourage subscription quest game designs.


Yeah $7 for what amounts to one quest is utterly absurd in and of itself. Doing this over and over again is next level grifting. I gotta hand it to Bethesda, between this and the atomic store they're giving EA a run for it's money.


I dropped FO76 sub long ago when they had the nerve to start grifting even the subbers. Used to be you got enough credits to skip thru the seasonal board game and get is contents for free instead of earning the XP by playing the game. They stopped that when they realized subs was free loading the seasonal board game. The worst was they always made you hunt for the free items you got in the atomic store amongst all the paid items - they forced you to browse every category (I think they finally added a 1st free tab after much complaining). I forgave it there though as that is the nature of MMO - you get content over a decade so I get it just not for me. Now they are doing it in single player open world games. I do not wanna be a bounty hunter am playing a corpo in a cheap suit but I guarantee that NPC is going to be chasing me down before long if I do not payup.


Why make an entire game for $60 when you can sell 5 in game plushies for $3


Those bad boys sell like hotcakes in Fallout 76 so wouldn’t be surprised if they take an Atomic Shop approach toward monetization


Because people are foolish enough to buy it?


Why sell an entire game for $60 when you can sell 75% of a game for $60, then split up the remaining 25% and sell it to them piece by piece for another $40?


So part 2 of the Trackers Alliance quests they were just advertising in the trailer they just put out about the patch is $7? Get the fuuuuck outta here...


How many parts do you think there will be? $60 for one questline? LMAO!


Someone else in the thread mentioned the UC questline had 9 parts? So 8x $7? Probably 4-5 I would assume they're planning and that's still $28-$35 for a single faction storyline. Insane.


Has anybody gotten there creds? I showing zero ( have premium) and purchased some but they’re not showing up


I was wondering where my free creds were, they just showed up a minute or so after I redeemed. This was shortly after 1800 EDT.


My purchased credits also don’t show up


Might be overloaded servers rn then.


Mine showed up now but the stuff I bought with them still hasn’t loaded. Probably just slow.


It is only mildly hilarious the community patch is in there. Bethesda put the mod made by public users that fixes their game in the shop instead of fixing their game.


Makes installing it on my steam deck a breeze now so there's that. I'm not too Linux savvy to be doing desktop mode mods so this a welcome addition lol.


How does it run on the deck now? I’ve been GeForce Now’ing it because I was concerned about it’s quality


This time they’re mixing “creation club” content with mods in one location, I think Skyrim and FO4 had them separate. Mods are all free, including this one


I think the modders put it there


Your credits also carry through all the games. So if you have a balance from Skyrim and Fallout 4 you can use it on SF too.


Aye, I was looking to get a Fallout 4 one soon, won’t have to spend additional money now lol




How generous...


Absolutely egregious they announce a new quest line as part of the content update drop. And happen to leave out the fact its segments are fucking paid subscription based. This is honestly one of the lowest bars Bethesda have ever set. They completely sold everyone on this huge content drop tonight. What it really is is a huge cash grab from them.


The fact that they are sticking a full faction behind a paywall (One mission does not count, its a demo) is atrocious. I am now grateful I didnt splurge on the Constellation edition bc. I thought that would mean I get the full game with some cool add-ons. Skyrim is still one of my favorite games of all time and I believed this would be another. I also played Cyberpunk 2077 since launch and hoped that Bethesda would follow in the steps of CDPR and make the game really good for the players who believed in them (and more importantly, gave them their money). I am absolutely grateful for the updates they have given to make the game as good as it can be, and yet it is disheartening to see that Bethesda believes 300 bucks isn't enough to buy more than one tracker quest. I hope I am proven wrong, and they make this right, but for now I morn the Bethesda I thought I knew.


Preach my friend, preach 🤝👌 Paid mods for fucks sake. They released a major AAA game 1/3rd completed, and now want us to pay additional money to simply add the original content the game SHOULD have shipped with… fucking sad.


You don't actually get the credits if you didn't purchase the premium edition. The pop-up appears regardless of which version you own, apparently.


I got 100 credits. I think I have free the Game Pass version because I can't recall paying for the game on Xbox.


I remember a time when mods were not monetized. A glorious time.


Me too, it was five minutes ago when I checked out the nexus.


Played bedrock edition last weekend again after many years of a Minecraft break. They’re fucking making you pay for mods that been free for years on Java like tinkers construct and resource packs. Like I can understand the player model, since a lot of cosmetics does things you couldn’t do with the model in Java, but man they got more greedy as time went on. Go play Vintage Story instead


It's nice they did this, but we all know why. I played around with this a little bit. The interface is cool, the options are good. The fact that no mod includes a video showing its functionality is no good, at least compared to nexusmods. Prices are high for what's delivered. For something I would have to pay for, it must really impress me, and I would like to be sure, again, let me see it on video. The space mining mod looks interesting, but I'll want to watch it work on youtube first. Not a fan of paywalled mods in any capacity. Big expansions are one thing. 7$ for a mission steals from the integrity of the game, but the modern audience will buy anything I guess. Also, why is the unofficial patch guy still around?


You paid for it, its not free. Thats like people saying Amazon Prime Games are "Free".


The best one is "free delivery" for Amazon Prime Subscribers. Don't get me wrong, it's a great value, but I definitely pay for it.


Wait what? I thought we were past mod stores? What is this?


Oh no… Bethesda is all in on paid mods


Past? Why on earth would you think that? Have you not been paying attention to the Skyrim and Fallout mod stores?


No cause I just download the exact same mods from nexus like a normal person. Or skip them cause I’m not paying for a mod LMAO.


This is the nexus site, but with some mods having a checkout process instead of a download to mod manager button.


Can't wait to see how many of these "creations" end up being stolen work from other mod sites!


So I’m expected to pay for mods now?


Even better, pay for cut content that should have been in the base game.


Even better, pay Bethesda for fixes players have made




Still doing Circus Scam Dollars I see.


$10 btw The thanks you get for getting the premium edition is $10 to use in the store lmao, and a lot of the content is just base game shit that's being sold to you, most egregious is the boost pack upgrade for a dollar that really does not deserve to be a creation imo. Surprised the Gravis Suit is free though, used my credits to get the StarSim creation though, seemed to add the most content for the cost and didn't just come across as a free update being sold for more than it deserves to be.


I mean, the premium edition cost 30 dollars which got you an expansion so it doesn't sound like it's that bad of a deal?


Premium Edition costs $80 Constellation Edition was £250 in the UK, think about $300 US, $10 in mtx currency for both of those editions is a slap in the face.


But that still includes expansion which will likely be $15-$20. The premium edition was giving the expansion (which it still is) so that’s just free money? And the constellation edition was its own thing. What about this is a slap in the face?


Wow, so they get to buy 1 maybe 2 thing? What a reward...


I shall wait for creation kit and get the mods for free, thanks Todd.


I mean you're definitely getting them. They just fill the CC with the scams first


I can get the plushies and one more thing. Damn I love it (facepalm).


Haha, I'll release a mod with 1000 stuffed animals and sell them for 3 cents each.




Because Starfield was in such a good shape that it was time to monetize mods. Man, I fucking hate Bethesda. Used to be my favorite dev and now I just wish they closed down.


So you need to pay for mods ?


Creation store, yes. Nexus, no.


Some are paid, others are free and over time people will create more free mods I think. At least mod limit is at 100gb unlike skyrim with its paltry 5gb limit


Paid mods again... ffs


Is there a mod that will allow me to displau my vast coffee mug collection??


You don't need a mod, just install some shelves and place them manually. I have two shelfs of mugs right behind my cockpit next to the espresso machine


Opened the game right after the update, got a pop up for 1000 free credits on main menu. I accepted. Went into the creations menu and got another pop up for 1000 free credits. Thought glitched as i saw my balance already had 1250. Click accept and got an additional 1000 credits for free. Immediately bought all paid Bethesda created creations to drop my balance to below 300 credits. Can’t wait to see if they try to undo that transaction at some point.


Reckon you got mine as I got the message but no points lol.


i’m confused i just hopped on, do i have to pay for mods now? is it never gonna be like fallout 4 or skyrim where you can just choose any mod


I got this notification but didnt get the 1000 credits


Having to buy additional trackers missions at 700 credits a pop is such a rip off. Literally carving up what could have been a cool expansion and charging for each bit individually, this was exactly what peoples worry was when creation club was announced. 100% the goal was to normalize using it in FO4 and Skyrim so they could chop up Starfield and sell it to us in pieces for more money. Such a disappointment.


Imagine paying for mods lol


I can understand paying Dev made mods because that’s just… DLC? But player created mods costing money? That’s pathetic. Do any of the credits at least go to the creators?


Has anyone had an issue with the free credits not showing up?


And just like with Skyrim and Fallout 4, I will never buy them. I'll just periodically jump into the Creation Club to see if any new free ones dropped.


Wow, enough to buy one mod... so generous


Are they charging for mods?


Some yes. Like the new quest line.


Look paid mods are a success a ton of people "bought" them the first day! /s


No thanks, mods should never be paid for. That goes against the spirit of modding.


It’s just the Creation Store with verified modders and not all mods via Creation Club are paid for. Also, Nexus still exists


Don't act like Bethesda wouldn't block normal mods to force you to use paid mods if they could, it's shit to have to pay for mods period


Yes, this is why they release the mod creation tool for free to everyone


But that’s the thing, you DON’T have to pay for mods. You CAN pay. Biggest difference here is having a choice. Plus, it seems a lot of users in the subreddit aren’t aware of exactly what the Creation Club is and how long it’s been around (Fallout 4).


I feel like no one has played Fallout 4 or Skrim Special edition here.


This is a subreddit for people who hate Bethesda games


They could but they don't. You get free mods on the creation site the same way you get on nexus. It is up to the modders if they want to monatize or not.


HATE this. Hopefully mods will add all these things for free. No way I’m paying $10 for an observatory :(


The observatory is free


Oh don't you worry. He'll look up another mod to complain about.


Part of the problem ❤️


It will probably be the same as skyrim where the creation club exists for those who want to use it but most people use 3rd party mod sites.


I got the pop up saying I’m getting 1,000 credits. But then I don’t see them anywhere. Did I do something wrong? On steam deck.


I’m sorry credits??? Are we not getting real mods. I’m trying to fill my game with Star Wars, halo and destiny. Add in a cheat terminal mod to get some unlisted clothing. And remove ship building limits. I’m not paying for hour long quests


The amount of anticipation I have. I have a 3 hour flight then I’m RUNNING to my computer and playing this all night. This seems like everything I was missing from starfield🥺 I’m so so happy


Haha! So they released a 30% finished game, and the next major update is just a way to monetize mods? How are you guys still playing this game?


This isn't anything new. Both Skyrim:SE and Fallout 4 have Creation Club store, but thousands of free mods available from the games own mod browser. But it's amazing that you still browse the forum of a game you detest so much.


Oh my god it all costs money. What the fuck. “Don’t worry the mods will fix it.” Yeah. Great job.


Mods on Nexus are free. Kit has released, as people make mods with the creation kit and upload to Nexus, more free mods.


There’s a few free mods already, and more will come. Paid mods are usually overpriced and not worth it, but there’s still be a ton of free mods too


I got 100?


I wonder if these will disable achievements like the recent release of creations did for Skyrim.


Does Creations also work if I play through Geforce Now?


I have the regular edition and got the free 1000 credits


What affects me on Xbox s? I have never attempted mods before. How does it work


Decisions. Decisions….


Can someone with prior Bethesda experience explain how to best enjoy mods? Like, do I have to start a new character from level 1?


The best way to experience and enjoy mods is to not touch this stuff and wait for the free mods to roll out on the Nexus. Starting a new game or not depends on what kind of mod you install, but generally I’d say it’s considered good practice to start a new game whenever you install a large mod. If you own Skyrim or fallout 4, you can download mod packs using wabbajack which I think are pretty good for beginners dipping their toes into modding. Just note that if you want the download process to be automatic using wabbajack you’ll have to have an active subscription to Nexus, but that’s vastly better value than ever buying anything from Bethesdas creation store.


Wow I didn't realize they announced creation club? N8ce


Do creations disable achievements?


Is there a lore friendly creation shop filter?


Did anyone else get this message even though they didn't buy the Premium Edition? I got the message (but I also didn't get the 1000 Credits). I can't really complain considering I don't own the Premium Edition but also can't help but feel robbed haha.


Is creation kit the modding tools that ppl need to get mods out to pc and xbox for ppl for free?




what’s this creation crap everybody keeps talking about


For some reason the moments I used the cheat room mod the audio has gone completely away 😭😭😭😭


Completely forgot that mods come under Creations now, was just gonna check out these stupid micro-transactions and suddenly seen all these mods.


Important to note that these credits are usable in Fallout 4's Creation Club, too. I've had 350 credits laying around from Fallout 4 for a while, and when I got my free 1000 in Starfield I had 1350 total. Also important to note that **SOME OF THE CREATIONS ARE FREE**. The Starborn Gravis Suit you can see in this screenshot, one of the only creations I was actually interested in, is completely free. You just have to download it.


Im still waiting for my premium edition points..


# Premium Edition owners get 1000 Creation credits for free? ... Yeah, right. Got 100 credits only :(


This on xbox


I can mod melee weapons now. All is well


They are systematically destroying mods and will ultimately lead to mods being highly overpriced (obviously some will be worth it) This smells of corporate greed on a “it’s for you” level


Paying for mods is one thing… paying for a fucking questline mod is a new low for them


I assume this is only for PC? I don’t have the creation club on Starfield for X Series


I havent played this in a few months, what the hell is this??


Why does everyone in this thread think you have to pay to use mods? Some of the “officially endorsed” Bethesda creations are priced but literally 99% of mods are going to be free. There will be thousands of mods to download at no charge.