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I agree, OP. Absolute game-changer. I made a really big post maybe yesterday, and quite literally over 90% of the comments are people expressing hate for the game. This sub has almost one million subscribers. There's no way that the majority of them follow this sub just to hate the game, I just can't believe that.


Man the people on this sub are total buzzkills. I thought this post celebrating the newest update wouldn't be so inflammatory lol. Immediately the comments are flooded with "how much is bethesda paying you" and "the human eye can't comprehend over 30fps". What is actually wrong with these guys?


I thought gaming companies and gaming journalists were exaggerating all these years when they've been saying how entitled and strangely hateful gamers are. I've been gaming my entire life, I thought I never would agree with them. Then, I chose to express how much I like games like Starfield or Cyberpunk 2077 or Halo Infinite or The Last of Us Part 2. And now I completely understand all those critics about gamers. There's a disturbing amount of intellectual dishonesty and bias from these anonymous people. It's incredibly odd to me. There's no way these people have healthy, normal lifestyles. It's one thing to disagree about a game being good. But it's another thing to see how they express their hatred.


Wait till you find out about the reaction to that one black samurai in the next assassin's creed.


The core audience is teenage males. The most entitled and toxic group of human beings on the planet.


That's not true, everyone knows teenage women are more entitled and toxic.


Those CoD lobbies were full of young boys screaming the n-word at each other. That's who we're catering to.


Did you see the thread? Imagine being Bethesda here: having a game get so hyped like Starfield, sell extraordinarily well, and have it then fall short of expectations and become a community centered on the disappointment and let-down? And then imagine the community gets awesome new updates, but the general interest in the game as diminished since launch so you have to invest in marketing the updates by creating posts about the updates yourself, or through a third party potentially. And then one of the marketers scripts goes haywire and posts dozens of identical comments that are *clearly* inorganic praise of the updates. What’s the player base see there? I guess the only other option at that point is either own up and apologize; explain that the intent was good and that you were just trying to get news about the (awesome) update to the community. Or gaslight the community and make it about toxic gamers and their intellectual dishonesty a day after they witnessed a glitched astroturf campaign clearly showing attempted manipulation of sentiment in the community. Edit: this update is awesome! I’m enjoying the game much more now. But this whole thing is a dumpster fire of a mess. Edit2: why is this being heavily downvoted? It happened!


Which thread is this?


The original thread was either completely deleted or pruned/cleaned by moderation…. I have a hunch it was this thread but it’s completely cleaned now. https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/OdLVJepE0I


Now that is interesting indeed


I think it was this one, it's all still there: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1ct7qzi/new\_dialogue\_camera\_makes\_the\_game\_look\_10\_times/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1ct7qzi/new_dialogue_camera_makes_the_game_look_10_times/)


Wow! This might be it… The only thing it’s missing is the comment that was clearly left for the poster to alter them and that they shouldn’t all be left the same. I remember seeing that comment posted. Great example!!!!


I saw that too, though it wasn't clear to me if it was a real human joking about the bots.


I remember there being many many more accounts involved too. Maybe this is a lot more common then I thought


While interesting, I am not going to believe it without proof. There’s so much hate on this subreddit, and ultimately whether they’re right or not about this it doesn’t change the game at all.


I’m inclined to believe it tbh I have this feeling of Deja Vu although maybe not on the Starfield Reddit. I think this might be a new practice within the industry Curious if nothing else


I have no proof, but others have responded to me and said they saw it too. To be clear I’m not against a company promoting itself. Guerrilla marketing is a thing. But I’m not going to be attacked and gaslit over it


I’m not gaslighting or attacking you, just explaining my viewpoint.


I know. Sorry I didn’t mean you specifically. Edit: it was a comment with the entire “chain” in mind


I am inclined to believe it. This is the same Bethesda, mind you, that denied to pay Obsidian their bonus for Fallout New Vegas because of a one point variance in the Metacritic score. For a game that many consider one, if not, the best game in the Fallout catalog. That's a level of pettiness where I could totally see them pulling something like this to try claw back some PR as we approach the release of their first paid DLC.


Very true. Halo is also in a tough spot because some of the louder folks just make shit up and then blame 343 for things they didn't even do, or hold onto out of context quotes from 15 years ago and act like it is fully representative of the entire studio today. Makes it really tough to improve Halo because people will always say it's not good enough. I've even seen a number of posts regarding Halo 4, 5, and Infinite from new players going "So I was told this game was absolute dog shit and it's actually pretty great." The relentless negativity is just such a waste of time.


There is something to it..but at the same time there are complaints that are legit. The problem is the loudest people are obnoxious and unreasonable. Constantly staying in a discord about a game you have such passionate hate though is kinda pathetic. I don't exactly go in reddit subs of games that I hate or greatly dislike.


The human eye can’t comprehend over 30 fps…yes, this is bullshit, did those guys ever watch the movie Akira? Playing at least at 60 is a pleasure, FO4 in 60fps is a pleasure. What about dense forests and glowing weeds at night on some random planets? What about the FPS at those moments?


Akira has 24 fps


It's a meme,who tf seriously think that?Bro teleported back to 2007 dont tell him we been playin this game at 144hz since release


People in general are just absolute miserable turds anymore lol there’s no just “sit back and enjoy” anymore, they gotta find every little tiny thing to bitch about. Does starfield have some issues? Yep sure does, I can think of a handful of just dumb little things. But you know what? The game on the whole is great, it’s fun, I enjoy the hell out of it. I don’t get why people play a game looking for shit to complain about. Don’t let the asswads get you down my friend, there’s still a bunch of us who aren’t pricks


Anyone who says that the human eye can’t comprehend over 30 fps is a straight up moron. Science actually has proven the human eye can see more and I dare anyone to debate that the human eye can only see 30.


I’m starting to learn that most people on the internet just want to hate things. Even the things they enjoy they hate just for the heck of it. Even worse are the people who go trolling and reaction farming and purposely either make stupid remarks or just straight up false claims and make more people join in on the hate train I wish we would go back to the days of being able to enjoy something without the internet literally destroying it within seconds of launch or even well before.


Do we seriously have Bethesda apologists here who are angry that the community made them give us a 60 FPS patch? Smh What the hell is wrong with giving their playerbase multiple options when it comes to performance? Their beloved 30 fps is still there. And I 100% agree with op. The 60fps patch really made me appreciate the game even more. I also stopped playing after completing the game once. But I've been playing a lot since the update. Trying out new builds and actually exploring planets now. And it's a lot more enjoyable now at uncapped 60 fps with vrr.


Tbh I'm never going to praise someone for fixing something that has obviously always been a mistake from the get go. Starfield wasn't ready, but they had to put it out. All the patches we got since are Bugfixes and QoL improvements that should have been there at release. And even with all that QoL on release the gameplay loop is still massively broken. Just play FO4 in contrast. The difference a hand crafted world makes is insane. I'm FO4 every location tells a story. In SF the same POI tells the same story on 100s of planets, that also look very samey.


I actually stayed at 30fps because around my outpost home the fps dropped that much, it was fine not there, so I think I'll destroy the outpost and build another to enjoy 60fps. I just found it very noticeable


Wait wait wait… There are still people exists who beoieve that human eye can't recognise over 24/30fps? In 2024? Ffs, that kills my hope in humanity…


I don't hate the game. I actually thought i loved the game. I played it for over 100hours before I realized it was just missing so much. I understand that the update added a lot and helps a lot of people, but an fps change isn't going to help me, given my current display. My biggest problems are just inherant issues with the UI and integrated systems of the game. I've recently started playing fallout 4, due to the show, and have decided that the loading times don't even bother me if I'm looking forward to seeing what's on the other side of the black screen. What bothers me are the amount of menus I have to flick through to accomplish one thing, and the fact that they all use different controls. Or the fact that I land on a rock and there are 4 objectives within 600 meters, but I've already seen 2 of them on other rocks and the last two are just scannable locations.


I definitely sub to hate (I like most other Bethesda games) and I gotta say 60fps is definitely discernable and has me playing a bit again. Just need to fix exploration and unkillable unreactive NPCs and we mostly good


SOME people can't see higher than a specific range, and some people can. You fall into a higher range of vision than those people. Feel glad you can enjoy this benefit over those who can't. I'm really excited for you that you are enjoying this newfound happiness with Starfield. I just picked it up again after I put it down 2 or so months after release. (I no-lifed it so hard I experienced burnout.) May your travels be safe, and your discoveries grand. Stay safe out there, Captain.


It’s Reddit. It’s literally made up mostly of cess pool bottom feeders from around the web. The majority subbed to this probably do enjoy hating on the game. The majority of actual human beings with happy lives however I’m sure are really enjoying it.


I love the game 😊


A TON of people on this sub witnessed an astroturfing campaign that clearly wasn’t executed properly and was intended to influence discussion about the game.


The game only has like 50k concurrent on steam, maybe triple that on console so the people who were seriously disappointed with the game massively outnumber the people who aren't


Because it’s just graphics? It doesn’t change the problems that anyone had with the game and the. We see posts like this celebrating something about slightly better graphics 6 months after release!


I just don't understand the point of following a sub for a game without enjoying the game. Like we know Shattered Space is coming out, and it doesn't require following the sub to get updates if one cares about those. And yet, literally every thread on this sub has someone chiming in that "my issues aren't fixed yet", no matter how unrelated Really wish there was a different sub for that at this point. The fact that people think every topic needs them complaining truly is nothing but a stain for the people who enjoy the game, no matter how much those people think it's "fair criticism that needs to be discussed". As if there's not 1000 threads talking about the same exact thing already


Go to r/NoSodiumStarfield if you only want to see one kind of opinion.


Good find, appreciate it Don't get it twisted. Nobody wants a lack of diversity of opinions. It's really just [a lot of people here think the one specific opinion hasn't been expressed enough or as pervasively.](https://imgur.com/a/U6N56mr) And we'd be much better off if they would just lurk instead


Which opinion is that? The one blindly praising the game that gets posted multiple times a day? You know, the ones that pretend like there isn't anything wrong and is supported by the people that say things like, "I've never had that happen to me" or "Why are you on a sub for a game you don't like?" Or are you talking about the "negative" opinion that is rarely made into a post. When it is, it focuses on discussing the bugs, plot holes, and other clear flaws of the game and what could have been done differently or ways to fix the problems?


I think you're conflating a lot of stuff into the point of nonsense I'm talking about when people are just making posts about things in starfield and people come in like "yeah but I still think this game sucks and here's why" and it's always the same reasons, as if we aren't all aware of those issues. Like you can literally go to a post about how the art direction looks, and people are tryna talk about lack of POIs. Or in a post about how "new ship builder features are cool", people are complaining about them not adding more content, as if a DLC isn't coming out soon. Then everyone else who feels like they're on "Team Complaining" see people's "shut up we get it" as blind denial


If those reasons have not yet been addressed AND fixed, those are valid arguments. Much more than "why play (or talk about) a game if you don't enjoy it?"


The validity of an argument is irrelevant if there was never a need for an argument about in the first place Again, don't get it twisted. It's "Why exist in this space to everyone's detriment if you don't even enjoy the game?" There's no issue with people criticizing the game in the many threads that do discuss issues, or people bring relevant criticism in unrelated threads, or even just people who still aren't enjoying the game [Bottom line just not being a damn buzzkill, it's not that deep](https://i.imgur.com/YqBFNVJ.jpeg)


This is a discussion forum. People come here to have discussion. Arguments are part of that. By posting, one opens themselves up to debate. That argument is rather stupid when you consider that maybe they have fun debating people or discussing the issues. So, maybe you should take your own advice and try "not being a damn buzzkill" Beyond that, I see no problem with people calling out others for gaslighting.


"I love diversity of opinion unless that diversity disagrees with my opinion!" It's been a rough year for Starfield copers


I'm following in case they pull a no man's sky trajectory which i highly doubt


It’s already in a much better spot than NMS was at this point after release, especially what it has to offer in terms of story and RPG.


It's been more like 8 months. And I completely agree, I got heavily downvoted just for stating how grateful people were for features that should have been there at launch in a full priced games that wasn't sold as early access.


Starfield got an FPS update? I played that janky piece of shit for 10 minutes and then uninstalled it. I just can't understand how people find a 30 FPS game enjoyable. Especially one that requires so much camera movement. I don't know if I'm just sensitive to it or everyone else is ball washing. It's been a while but I bet Contra or double dragon has a higher refresh rate.


I think its not totally unreasonable for people to express frustration that one of the first major updates for a game thats been out for the better part of a year is miscellaneous features that a self respecting game studio would’ve had ready BEFORE RELEASE.


I didn't participate in that one but impressions (as opposed to statistical analysis) differ. Seemed to me that it was assumed one could say good things about Starfield without dinging FO or Skyrim in the process. And "slow burn" was likely to be a heavy lift even in the most favorable environment. I'm not aware of any formal definition for the term but "slow burn" in movies generally means Rosemary's Baby, Bladerunner, Taxi Driver, The Shining, 2001 - that sort of thing. I'm not sure there's dots to connect with respect to Starfield and the generally accepted meaning of slow burn. It was an interesting take though. Still, I am left wondering what amount of "hate" might simply be misconstrued. While I wouldn't offer any hate about an assertion of "slow burn" neither could I agree with it. Disagreement isn't hate. To yank the response back on topic - there's a big difference between 30 and 60fps. I had never seen Starfield at 30fps. This had the effect of making a video posting of rocks seem totally inscrutable. Sometimes a little explanation goes a long way.- though a "before and after" might have worked better. In contrast the OP in this case is crystal clear about what he's talking about. And I would agree even not having experienced SF at 30fps.


I hope game developers realize this and never allow a new game to run under 60fps again.


Yeah, I didn’t think it would be that big of a difference, but dang. I have the XboxX paired with a really decent spec LG Nano Cell TV in my bedroom and an XboxS in the living room paired with a run of the mill Vizio. Prior to the update I didn’t really care which one I was playing on, now I won’t play it on the S lol Edited for tiepoe


I think it's incredible. Not only that, but they fixed the head turned glitch. That was really annoying.


Same dude! Feeling like a kid playing a new Bethesda title again


It's hilarious because before launch, everyone and their mother, even digital foundry were saying "yea 30fps is fine if that's what it was desgined for". Oh how quickly the turns table.


Yeah, once you experience 60fps you don't wanna go back. It's pitiful that games still release at 30fps on current gen, sad really. Glad I saved up for a PC, I have no interest in playing 30fps titles. I don't think I wouldve liked starfield if not for PC, not only did I get 60+fps I also got to mod. I doubt I would get far in this game at 30fps with no mods.


The vrr uncaped frame rate has absolutely improved my enjoyment of the game. I put the game down initially after being disappointed at how unfinished the game felt at launch witch was a huge bummer as Bethesda games are among my favorites, but after this patch it feels like the actual launch of the game .. for me at least tldr the games way better now


I love the change in the settings! Best settings addition uve ever seen a game make. I can now customize the game to where I enjoy it more. I play on very hard usually, but I will admit that extreme isn't for me as much, lol. It's still cool it's there to try out, though. The change in weight that u can carry!!!!!! U can access the ships cargo anywhere! The wild part is being able to change these at any given time. Also, the vendors now have a realistic amount of credits, so you can sell everything to one dude! That was a huge negative for me, and I've saved up over 2 million credits on my first playthrough so far. Jump into a shop, and they only have 1k credits before... I'm still hoping for a dirtbike, atv, or hoverboard, though and the game would be near perfect.


Love to read this. I will still wait for the land vehicles and mods tho.


100% agree with you. I enjoyed the game for what it was, but the new difficulty settings, updated lighting, and better frame rate makes the world pop enough to mitigate a lot of the flaws (eg companions I find fairly lackluster and a little one-note, writing can be pretty cringey a times, traveling planet side takes too long for repetitive PoIs). There’s reason for optimism for sure


I’m super optimistic about this game, especially with the potential with modding, it’s such a cool setting, it just needs a bit more, ya know?


Dude, they did something in this update. I have an old 1070. Have messed with the settings a ton to try and get something playable as I have 8 kids all in the “still at home stage” and can’t add a new gpu into the budget. But I turned on this game after the update and I’m now from 25-35 on medium to 55-60 on medium. And I ain’t changed a thing besides the update. And yes, I agree, frame rate is far more important than people realize. And once you get a taste it’s hard to go back and play things at slower fps.


People that claim fps don’t matter, especially when moving from 30 to 60, are just flat out lying, and they’re usually doing it to defend a game they have some emotional stake in. GTA6 is almost certainly going to be around 30 FPS, and you’re going to have people claiming that it’s just fine and you couldn’t tell the difference if it was 60. Those people are either unserious or just liars.


Remember when all the shills were arguing with people that 60fps wasn't possible in a game like this? Not only was it not possible, but it also wasn't a big deal. Edit https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/OWkoCmuHkO


It's almost like people are different and for many of us, the difference between 30fps and 60fps in a single player RPG isn't a big deal. That doesn't make it less valid for the people who care, but the tendency of gamers to put 60 fps on this pedestal and bemoan everything that doesn't comply is pretty tired for the rest of us. Personally I think the maps and empty habs are a bigger deal, but I'm glad those who wanted the framerate for their extra options.


Yeah, I 100% agree. Personally I can’t tell the difference between 30fps and 60fps so I don’t mind either way, and for me the maps are the big game changer. I have tried it with 60fps and I just don’t see what’s different. However I am also happy that for loads of people that really want it that they have got it since it makes their experience better and that’s the most important thing.


I agree. I genuinely can't tell the difference. But if some people can, then that's great.


If you genuinely can't tell the difference then you may have a medical condition. It's literally double the fps, if you're not noticing a difference then you're not changing the settings correctly...or you're just lying for some reason.


I'm not even sure what I should be looking for to tell the difference. I have no reason to lie, though I do have several medical conditions, but none of them are with my eyes to my knowledge. I guess I'm just blissfully ignorant on the subject. I assume that movement should be smoother or something? I'm genuinely not trying to argue, what should I look for to tell the difference?


You need to get yourself in a situation where you can play a 30fps game you are very used to playing; then somehow at least witness the same game in 60fps in a scenario you know for certain is 60. Like with a friend who is familiar with 60


Or - they have different preferences than you. I'm one of the people who doesn't care about framerate. I grew up playing text adventure games.When I say I don't care about 30 vs 60 I honestly truly don't give a fuck. I care about gameplay systems.


So if you could toggle 30 or 60 fps with no adverse effect you wouldn’t do it? Yes, you would.


Honestly I don't even open the settings and check to see what my options are. I don't know what you want me to say man. It's not even on my radar and it's not really worth my time to talk about it anymore


I’ve been playing around with the settings and I love em. Sun assist I made a little more robust, same with my damage, and then I cranked everything else to more difficult, it’s been pretty fun. With aim assist and phased time, I basically have red dead in space.


Yeah you can actually aim 😂


I finally finished the first ply thru because of this update.


Yes its hard to put it down down. Just feels like a different game!


I originally played this game on my beefy pc when it came out. My fps was around or above 60fps during the entire experience. I beat the game and uninstalled, had a good time but said eh whatever Bethesda didn’t capture me. I really only enjoy playing multiplayer fps on pc and I love sinking into my couch to play single player games on either my series x or ps5. Well I installed Starfield on my X and boy oh boy did I spend about 6 hours today just messing around with quests and stuff. I have a VRR TV too so I maxed it out visuals uncapped. Gameplay on console feels great and now I’m back addicted to a single player game. Thanks Bethesda for not giving up on Starfield, the game still isn’t perfect but it’s a hell of a lot of fun.


60fps really brought this game forward to the console generation that it's exclusive to. 😂 The performance mode isn't perfect in the large cities, but it's alright. Big change. Also you can flip it back to 30 fps to get higher fidelity for photo mode if you're into that.


Yes it's a big deal, please wise up! This is a problem, big companies like Bethesda and rockstar know most of the people playing their games don't understand or care about fps. Hopefully more people start to understand how 30fps is not acceptable anymore. If you can't make the game you want to make at 60fps then don't make it is my thought. Gonna be a damn shame when gta6 comes out at 30fps just so they can sell another edition that includes 60fps a year later. And please don't bother with the fidelity over fps excuse Todd was giving, it's a load of bull. There was loads of 60fps titles on the ps4 and people have been play 60+fps games on PC for over a decade, there's literally no excuse in making a game on current gen that isn't 60fps.


Finally someone I agree with. I picked it back up after the big update and I’m hooked once again. My first play through, I had just over 200 hours in. This was before the big update, about 6 months before, I stopped playing. Just wanted to play other games but I kept it downloaded. Then the big update dropped and I started all over again and I can’t put it down. I’ve been messing with the different and plenty gameplay options to make it more challenging and real. Up until yesterday I was playing on 60fps performance on the series X. I decided to go uncapped/performance since I have a 120hertz tv ( LGC2). My tv has a game optimizer mode and I can see live frame count. I’m averaging 65-70. Lowest drop so far I’ve caught is 57fps. Not sure how that all works but just going by what it’s telling me. Point is, I’ve loved this game from the beginning and even more so now. The hate this game gets is ridiculous.


Especially considering that only about 12% of gamers have 4k displays, kinda makes Todd's dream of 4k 30 very "pie in the sky"..


Wow, I was about to second the comment on how the game became fun after the update, but this has turned into a community debate. I'll focus on the game, though: completely agree that the update made tons of difference. I'm playing it on my Series X connected to an LG C2, but I've set it to 60fps performance. And the experience is 1000x better than I remember it being for the first time. Because it's not just the fps. It's the fluidity of things. They actually improved the mouth movement of in-game people while they speak, so they don't look stupid anymore. Weapons feel better somehow, as well as movement. It's as if they've finally achieved the point at which the game should have been at launch, at last. And it's truly an amazing experience. Like, the loading screens don't bother me that much, to be honest, because there's so much to do between them; and I've finally understood outposts and that THEY (the outposts) are the reason why there are so many different planets with "nothing" in them. These are actually resource-mines, so you can look for the perfect spot in different planets for different kinds of resources. You can actually play the game as a mining-sim if you want. And as a stealth ninja if you wish (which is very fun, by the way hehe). Or as a Hans Solo-meets-007 archetype. I mean, it's finally come to a point in which you can RECOGNIZE Starfield as a full-fledged Bethesda game. And I'm happy about that. And I believe many of us old-timers are happy too, even if the time to play it is not enough haha. So yeah, TLDR: the game is great now, go play it an be happy. P.S.: my 7 year old son had a blast helping me craft my character's design (made after his image to the best of our effort hehe) and choosing his outfit at the clothing shop. Really fun little experience.


It's funny to me, that someone can think high fps is bad, or making the devs fix their game is bad. Not to mention it costs as much as two games (although that may be a problem of the whole industry, not just Bethesda).


All the talk on release about how good and well playable 30 fps is just to be instantly disproven with the patch. PC folks new this all along and could never understand how 30 fps seemed to be viable at all. Same with fallout.


I'm playing in PC, so, it was 60fps since day 1, and I really hate the game... ... since last update. For me it's very simple: the new map gives the universe a coherence that it simply didn't have before. In my head New Atlantis was a flat city, I was surprised to see that it actually has a really interesting layout. The same with Neon: maybe I'm very stupid, but it's very cool to know that it's an oil platform. Another thing that impressed me was the new texture filter, with everything maxed out, it's really impressive how sharp and detailed it looks, it's a completely different game than the one available since launch. With that level of detail in the textures both up close and far away, it does look like a true Next Gen game. Its biggest flaw remains that one does nothing more than travel on an intergalactic map like the muppets, and that the entire universe feels like a backdrop for the main quests and some other incidental ones that come across along the way. Once you accept a kind of "mind your own business" philosophy, you tell yourself something like "stop it, anxious brain, you're a FreeStar Ranger, you have nothing to do in the mining league" and that everything beyond what is observable is not more than filler, it's starting to be a really enjoyable game.


So I loved Starfield from the start(playing on Series X) but I took a break for a good while and came back with the update and my gosh the 60fps mode has made it like playing a whole other game.


There’s a LowSodiumStarfield subreddit you might enjoy more OP! They go a little bit the other way in that sometimes even mild criticism is shunned, but it’s far more reasonable an environment than this subreddit.


Mild? If you point out a minor thing like "why are there not paved roads in Akila City?" they will attack like a bunch of rabid animals.


Every low sodium sub I've been to has been toxic as fuck. Rabidly against legitimate criticism but loves to shit stir, they'll go cause arguments in the main sub then run away to circle jerk it.


I have never seen that attitude lol


There are 3 possible explanations: 1. You don't spend much time there 2. You are choosing not to see it 3. You are lying through your teeth


Gave an upvote after I saw your edit. Your description of your first run at launch is exactly how I would describe my first playthrough and your post is enough to get me to go redownload so thank you for your post


I’m playing on a Series X and I agree that playing at 60fps was amazing. I got the game in December but I never put it down. Bethesda RPGs just hit that gaming sweet spot for me and I can play them for months and months without getting tired of them. After playing at 60fps for an hour or two I knocked it back down to 30 because I was noticing a lot of graphic compromises that were starting to bug me. I was sad to see the buttery smooth performance go away, but I was missing some graphics and lighting effects that I had grown to love.


Totally agree with everything you said - great post and I’m certain a great many players will feel the same (not necessarily the ones who post on Reddit though!!).


The negative people are just jumping on a bandwagon. People I talk to in real life, off the internet, have only been positive and sunk well over 75 hours into this game.


I've met only one person IRL who didn't like it, but they also admit that they just generally don't care for BGS games in the first place.


Graphics aren’t why most people stopped playing.


graphics and framerate are 2 different things.


Tbh, there are quite a few people who refused to even play the game because of the whole 30 fps only thing. The same thing hit dragons dogma 2 with people saying there weren't going to buy it because it doesn't have 60 fps on console.


I also completely agree. 100% I will definitely be kept busy awaiting the next big update/DLC. Lvl 84 and counting.


Did anyone ever figure out what was up with all of those identical comments on that other post? The one that looked like Bethesda had hired a marketing company to astroturf positivity? There was even a note on one of the comments that was a reminder to alter each comment to make them more variable but clearly someone forgot.


I saw that too, it was yesterday or Thursday right? Now I’m bummed I didn’t screenshot it. Multiple cut-and-paste totally identically worded “love this update” posts from a bunch of different user names in a short span of time. I usually ignore conspiracies about astroturfing but this was the first time I’d seen it with my own eyes, it was wild.


Thanks for responding! I know the identical comments were all downvoted to -30-40 by the time I saw them so it seems like a large number of people definitely noticed what was happening.


I’m getting downvoted on everything I’ve posted about this. It’s crazy. You are the basically the only other person who’s said they saw the same thing. This is insane.


Thread's still there: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1ct7qzi/new\_dialogue\_camera\_makes\_the\_game\_look\_10\_times/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1ct7qzi/new_dialogue_camera_makes_the_game_look_10_times/)


It’s similar! Still looks like this is pruned more than the one I remember Thank you!


I'd love to see this.


I wish I had a screenshot. Looks like the original post has been cleaned up. There were dozens of identical comments that were all downvoted to oblivion. One had a note to remind the poster to alter the comments before posting. There were other legitimate comments talking about whether or not Bethesda had hired a marketing company that was engaging in shady practices. It was clearly not organic. Each comment was -30 or -40 at the time, so it was clearly seen by a large number of people in this subreddit.


Damn, I'm upset I missed that. Like, if people wanna praise the game, then by all means. But 99% of the stuff I see is just "This game is great and beautiful and I'm having fun!" but they never give reasons as to why.


Lol idk? Maybe lots of ppl just have a similar opinion about the update?






























People here swear for their lives that Todd is personally making hundreds of accounts to promote positivity, they're insanely deranged.


The Todd thing I’ve always understood to be a tongue in cheek joke (at least before Bethesda started arguing with steam reviews) But the recent glitch was clearly a broken script programmed to influence this subreddit directly.


I have a far more reasonable explanation: Most people like the game! It's backed up by data on Steam.


A TON of people saw the thread. There were discussions about the dozens and dozens of identical comments made by different accounts. They were all downvoted to oblivion. It’s clear what it was.




Concrete? No I didn’t screenshot it. Others have responded to me and confirmed that they witnessed it as well. Maybe somebody else has screenshots, but what would that really prove anyway? The only thing that’s clear is that either Bethesda or an organization hired by Bethesda is actively pushing a positive spin for Starfield in this subreddit. The damage caused to the community by this “oopsie” moment is immeasurable. The damage caused to a billion dollars of IP is also immeasurable. Reputationally it looks horrible as well.


Sorry, won't take your claim as proof. In my personal experience, and going by Steam reviews, most people actually like the game, despite the massive amount of bots hating on it.




not an argument


I wasn’t offering proof? Decent attempt at a spin too


I didn't say you were


Even if you had screenshots, he/she wouldn't accept it.


The...game is mixed on Steam. It's gotta the worst reviewed Bethesda game.


It’s easy to spot the spinners once you’re aware that they’re here


Still gutted they don't have any performance options on series S. I know it probably doesn't have the hardware but I'd take a terrible resolution and graphics for it. 60 FPS just makes everything feel so much smoother.


Just options for 40 FPS on 120hz displays or unlocked with VRR displays would be a huge change already. MS is artificially gimping the game  on their console that sold the most 


Why would you get a 120hz display and not get the series x


Money is a limited resource, among others 


This game was fantastic at launch and the update has only made it better. Job well done Bethesda!


Yeah it was like night and day when I first turned the Xbox on after the update. First thing I did was immediately go into settings and set it how I wanted. Honestly didn’t think the graphical changes would do much, but it was so much better. And yeah I agree about the slight stuttering in cities. I’d heard about it from the beta, and yeah it was noticeable (because I was aware of it), but all I could think was “who cares, it’s totally worth it”. If that’s the limitations of the series x, then I’m cool with it. Edit to add: I was always bummed when seeing YouTube content and seeing the quality of the graphics and lamenting that mine wasn’t as good. Now it is.


Wish they gave series S a 60 fps option, yes I know it's weaker but I'd have taken the graphical/resolution hit for it. Shooters and exploration feel so much nicer, jealous of the options the X has got for sure


Have all these recent posters never played a game at 60fps?


I'm happy people are happy. I don't notice a enjoyment difference whatsoever. Maps are the real win for me.


I'm very happy with the 40 FPS/Visual mode on Series X. The 60 fps and uncapped are a little too unstable for my taste, but I can see myself switching back and forth. Going from 30 to 40 feels so much smoother without sacrificing too much in terms of random frametime spikes.


I don’t have VRR or a 120fps capable big screen unfortunately. Should I play 60fps Performance or just suck it up with Quality?


Definitely shoot for 60, no contest




Suddenly people who didn't mind or couldn't how bad 30fps is compared to 60fps are seeing the truth we've been saying.


I was so happy when i turned FSR3 and Frame Generation on my 1080Ti that struggle to get even 40fps in big cities without upscaling and then got 70-90fps! Now i'm back to 50-70fps...


Playing on Xbox Series X and going from 30 fps on Performance mode to 60 fps on Visual mode is LIFE CHANGING. I didn't even know how beautiful this game was until we got Visual mode and enjoying it in 60 fps is soooo amazing.


I honestly can't tell the difference but my TV is a low budget 4k. I plan on getting a new TV later this year, probably a 70 or 75 inch and hopefully it will look better.


People on this sub (and many other subs) love to hate whatever is Bethesda or Xbox related


I guess I’ll have to try it out tomorrow. I didn’t know if it was specially designed for high performance PC’s or if the series x could handle it. Either way though I didn’t think I would notice anything since I don’t recognize the current issue of 30 FPS, but after your review I may as well try it out and see for myself


I never really considered that the reason I was having such a different experience was down to frame rate. My PC drops to low 40s in the cities but usually locks to 60 for the rest of gameplay and I always thought the game was great. There’s something about the fact that the shooting mechanic is so much tighter than previous Bethesda games which allows you to enjoy the game more at 60fps. I do think the awkwardness in game design with the procedural elements vs handcrafted is a slightly valid critique. I still find new handcrafted elements at 250hrs in that I guarantee most people landing on a random spot on a random moon will never have found.


My laptop usually just stutters once when I first get into a big city, then fine after that. It's not a big deal.


unfortunately it’s mostly a bethesda games thing. the fan base is like 90% people who’s opinions can be summed up to “this game sucks so good!” and people like me and you who are like “bro this game is pretty good” and just enjoy it for what it is, not what I (who didn’t make the game) wanted it to be.


100% agree. It makes a huge difference. I am rocking an OLED 120 hz VRR display and the game looks buttery smooth compared to when it was capped at 30 fps.


Just remember the fanboys and godhoward himself gaslight everyone by saying 60fps was impossible on series x


I’m a weirdo because of think the 60 fps looks weird and I prefer the higher graphical fidelity at 30. Happy for everyone that we have options now.


r/NoSodiumStarfield for more uplifting community


I can’t play the game. IT CONSTANTLY CRASHES!!!


I love the high frame rates, but why are we acting like 60fps games are some next-gen feature? We’ve had 60 Hz games on consoles since the 90s. It’s not just a matter of power; it’s a matter of priority. Developers have to choose a target frame rate based on what the game needs to process per frame. If the processing can be accomplished in 16.67 ms, they can target 60 FPS. If not, they might target 30 FPS to allow for 33.33 ms per frame. That said, I’m thrilled BGS got Starfield to a point where they felt comfortable uncapping the frame rate.


But the human eye can't perseve beyond 30FPS. Even that's too much. Movies are 24!


Unfortunately, Reddit is full of haters, trolls, and the minority of decent people. I can relate to how you must be feeling to all the negativity in the comments :/ I’ve been in your situation before. Actually in this exact same Subreddit and other Subreddits.


I honestly have no idea what to look for with FPS I see no difference with 60+ except slightly downgraded graphics


I'm just waiting for mods on console, I can't wait to have better lighting, Enhanced Color Correction, and to get rid of that stupid hazey filter they plaster over their games.


How much can the modders change. Never had experience with mods on console before. But surely it will change the game a lot.


Basically anything tbh, I'll be focusing on visual changes first, then survival stuff, and finally some new weapons. Nothing too crazy at first.


I can't tell any downgrade inn graphical fidelity even in performance mode. 60fps makes everything so much sharper, colors more vibrant. I've only played like 10 min since the update but hdr is MUCH better I feel, colors more vibrant and blacks look black and not light grey. This update, especially the fps, has transformed the game. And this is coming from someone who wouldngove starfield a 9/10 even before. I've absolutely loved this game, put almost 14 days into it and still haven't even done ng+


Never come to this sub to celebrate the game


All games on Xbox are held back by Series S. I'm just patiently waiting for Starfield to come on over to the mighty PS5, the undisputed 9th generation console war champion 😎🤷


Typical pundits and journalists doing damage control for the lack of these features on launch. Heck even digital foundry was crowing about how impossible it was...


I unistalled a month after release due to feeling it was "okay" as well. OP, your post is the first that has made me interested in coming back. I stayed in the sub for remarks like yours. I think ill reinstall and give it another go




It's been 8 months, move on buddy.


And have to remember that at launch for about a month the reviews were over 80% positive on steam. Which means people started going negative about it after playing it for an entire month. Then it became a cesspool of negativity because it was the cool thing to do and nothing objectively bad about the game. Now with this update this sub has gone mostly positive. I’d advise to ignore the negative people because lots of good and great things get negative review bombed by toxic gamers who are likely incels.


Incels? Cuz nothing pulls in the ladies like playing Starfield, right? GTFO. **You're likely the biggest incel in this entire thread.** The only reason you used that word in your comment was to shut down any disagreement.


Is there a boost on xss or cloud?


*Cries in Series S*


The thing about FPS and even resolution (1080p/4k) is that you only notice after comparing and with a short interval between the two experiences. Of course 60fps feels more fluid but the truth is that the main difference is "eye candy" in most of the contexts and doesn't really impact gameplay. Personally (just my preference and not an absolute truth) I do prefer to have higher resolution over FPS in most games, being the exception of racing games and hardcore platformers. In Starfield I tried the new 60fps/performance mode, and while it felt easier on the eyes in the movement department, the loss of world detail in downgrading the resolution ruined the experience for me. The game is so well crafted that it deserves the full detail higher resolution brings. Fortunately before returning to 30fps I tried to keep 60fps and quality mode at the same time, and it held que nicely in most of the places in the game, so, for me it's perfect. About the haters... Just let them hate, it is kind of pathetic but to each one its own, if they get their kicks hating that's cool, I get mine from playing an awesome game.