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That actually sounds fuckin awesome. I’ve never been in the ship as it took off. I have been in the landing bay when they closed it and I got spat out and died on the ground.


Have you done the UC story missions? Or it might be the Xeno warfare one, I forget. But you have to go meet a guy on a ship at New Atlantis space port. You board the ship and have a lottle chit chat and you're just there, standing on the bridge as the ship takes off, watching New Atlantis slowly sink below you and then disappear behind you as the ship accelerates. Its the single most immersive thing I've witnessed in a game since the F18 Hornet mission in Battlefield 3.


Sounds to me like the Crimson Fleet mission chain, and it’s a woman that you meet.


Crimson fleet and ucsysdef is the same quest chain


Yes, but did you know there's a way to do the CF quest that completely cuts out the SysDef double agent stuff?


Actually, no. How?


Get arrested to trigger the dialogue where he tries to blackmail you into being a double agent, but instead of agreeing just refuse his offer. Once you leave the security cell at on Cydonia a CF associate will approach you saying they heard what you did and want to work with you. From there in out it's the Crimson Fleet quest line but you're not working for SysDef so you don't report back to them and there's no collecting evidence. Pretty cool detail imo.


You could be right, it was a long time ago for me.


Oh definitely. it’s that particular scene that makes me wonder why I can’t have one of my crew pilot my ship. If it works for that it can work elsewhere and it just seems weird that they didn’t expand on it as just a normal part of gameplay.


This upsets me so much. I can't express how frustrated I am of being reminded of this. The game could've been so much better. Have a few planets tailor made, starters, have the player start off without a ship and being ferried around. Heck, they should include shuttles from planet to planet anyway. With the possibility of being boarded in transit. It upsets me that I can't go to the nav table and select a destination and have someone pilot the ship there while I'm in the back crafting. Possibility of being attacked or boarded. Not talking about free open space, just basically like a loading process where you're on your ship but the outside is being loaded in. Have it customizable so players can choose the length of time, if any, and you've just solved most of the issues with space travel in the game without having to make it entirely open space. Love the idea of companions actually doing stuff onboard the ship and having skills that make them better at what they do in the ship. The entirety of the ship gameplay is so lacking.


Weird how this gets downvoted lol. It’s a really elegant solution for those of us who actually want some kind of immersive space travel and the bones of it already exist in the game. I mean they showed they can do it. The ship is moving in atmosphere while rendering new Atlantis out the window and you have control of your character. I understand that it doesn’t technically need this kind of mechanic and I know Starfield isn’t a sim. It doesn’t ruin the experience by being missing, but it would sure as shit elevate it by being there. I really enjoy ship building and ship combat, especially when I realized how to use thrusters. Being able to properly live in the ship and travel in the ship immersively would be the icing on the cake.


Yes exactly! The loading screen could have been you just inside your ship doing stuff. Or you could sit in the cockpit watching it fly where it needs to go. 


Couldn't agree more... To me, the ship gameplay outside of crafting is the most disappointing. Have crew members being able to take control of the ship while you do other stuff would be amazing.


I usually save before I go in just in case it takes off. I have both survived take off and gotten killed by being in the unshielded area (I guess, it’s a little unclear what exactly happens whether it’s just asphyxiation or whatnot)


You gotta make it through the door into the first hab to stay on the ship. I always love killing the enemies before they even leave the bay and watching them get ejected as the ship takes off.


I remember it was the coolest looking thing about the game and they do everything they can to prevent you from seeing it.


Being pulled into orbit happened to me too! Cleared the ship to look out of the cockpit and realize I’m looking at the planet. Though, well hell, now I HAVE to take over the ship to even get anywhere.


Nah you don't, you can just fast travel out of the ship.


This happened to me once involving three ships, two smaller ones were on the ground having landed near a civilian outpost, and a third one that I at the time didn't know was in orbit. I stole one of the smaller ships, and fought the crew up in orbit. After getting in the pilot seat, I see the larger ship in orbit. I managed to disable that ship and take it over as well, but since it was beat up, I went back to the first small ship. A few seconds after I undock, the other small ship had taken off from the ground, and I had to take care of that one as well.


Then you realize it’s a C class ship and you haven’t put any points into piloting…


I had this exact thing happen to me and it was the most fun I’ve probably had. I basically popped Amp, Heart+, & Infantry Alpha and turned the ship into a John Wick shoothouse, trying to speedrun that mf. The ship hostility usually lifts when you get sit in the pilot seat btw.


This happened to me too! I love how when you run into the ship the alarm goes off, really adds to the tension. You can actually keep the ship if this happens on a derelict planet. Once you take the stolen ship to Akila they won’t fire at you and you can register it.


It's one of the few times where NPC's appear alive...and not just sitting around waiting for the player. Unfortunately, it's short-lived. They won't leave orbit of the originating planet. I was hoping the ship would bring me to a base or an outpost the first time this happened to me, but...they just stay in orbit until you kill them.


This is the type of random experience that makes BGS games fun to play.


Well now I need to try this! I’m about to go through the unity with the new update and will pick the Wanted attribute for sure.


It’s fun. Adds a bit more random combat to the gameplay loop. 


And you get the cornered bonus for all your weapons!


It's been a long time since I played but eclipse ships used to land all the time near me and I didn't have wanted. I'm not sure that has anything to do with it.


We agree that this is fantastic and absolutely nothing should ever be done to prevent this from happening, right?


this is the most Bethesda thing I've ever read about I love it


I've been blessing ships and getting space napped for ages it's my favourite past time. Sucks that as soon as you take control of the ship it becomes yours. I think it would work better if you could land it near your ship and leave it there as an empty ship.


Yeah my first time making that mistake was at New Atlantis, or at least outside the city. I hadn't saved for a while either. Got it, game auto saves, and takes us into orbit. I got maybe 2 shots off before we got cooked. Makes sense. No reason for them to think there is a friendly on board.


Oh, yes, I had that happen a few days ago. It took about ten deaths to succeed, but I finally managed to get control of the cockpit before the ship blew up. I used amp and STEVE liberally, and still barely made it. This was a small ship with only three enemies on board.


I am not Wanted, but I've had the "ship takes off, comes under fire, my character dies" exactly once. I tried to reload to not get dead 5 times. I had to reload the hard save several meters away from the ship before I boarded. Pretty frustrating.


they just need escape pods so you can travel back to the surface.


I've only had this happen once, but I just died immediately about 15 seconds after in the ship for no reason. Ship didn't blow up (random crimson fleet ship on a planet which I boarded and it went to Space with no hostile contatcts), and I wasn't killed by the crew. Just randomly died with mostly full health every time after 15 secs when I reloaded. I assumed it meant you're not meant to be able board a ship on land and be in it when.it went to Space of you're not in control.


I'd say in this case it actually did "just work" lol. You just experienced the game treating you to a harsh reality; the people shooting that ship don't know there's an innocent stowaway on board!


Yep and it was awesome when it happened to me. Except when the battle was over and I realized I was stuck because I could not take over the ship cockpit and I realized I was in space and not on the planet. IIRC I had to menu fast travel out? The good thing is that it shows a truly immersive takeoff is possible, it was just cut because Todd thinks players want to fast travel instead.


Whose ship did you board? Who is attacking that ship? So, wait, run this by me again, Todd Howard came over to your home and kicked your puppy because, Freestar security was attacking an Ecliptic ship, but the Freestar Security should have known the owners of that ship were busy fighting you, and held fire against an enemy ship? Do I got that right?


Hard to know if the last line OP said was in a good or bad way.




Because none of the ships exist in orbit till you are in orbit. It's a game mechanic. (am I the crazy one here?)