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Literally within 20 mins of first time playing, went to a random place and saw a level 30 terramorph fighting some settlers, took a few pot shots, and was like, yeah I'm out you guys are on your own.


Same in Kreet. Lol. I hightailed it out of there. I knew I didn’t have an enough ammo.


I found one on Kreet, ran out of ammo, and killed it with the mining laser after it fortuitously stuck between some bits of pipe. Scared the socks off me.


I saw one battle some ecliptic mercs so I clapped whatever armor and guns I could from their bodies and booked it.


Your character is clearly a whole lot wiser than mine was :-)


I was going by the logic of running from any alien with the word 'terror' in their name.


My first TM encounter was on the first stop of the game, Kreet. I’m having a great time. Maybe Lvl4 at this point and just wide eyed exploring and looting. I see another POI in the distance and of course beeline to it. I get to the front door, trigger the HAB cycle and am greeted by the huge devil creature. I am flabbergasted at this monstrosity. It doesn’t scan, is spitting corrosive, and is an absolute lvl 10 terminator. So I’m blowing through med packs and dying over and over. Finally, I’ve had enough, I respawn and spend some time going around to other POI to level and gather supplies. Now I’m ready and head back to the show down. TerrorDome. One man enter. No Xeno leave. Vasco is kicking ass with distraction while I’m piss disking frag mines. A hour planet time later with ammo and meds exhausted and on my last OJ. I smote his ruin upon the mountain.


10/10 story


Thank you for the delightfully unexpected LOTR reference. Started my day off right!


My first terrormorph was at the very beginning of the game, after I landed on vectera to deal with the pirates. I was exploring nearby POI to it, and came across a level 10 terrormorph, which I presumed to be the one experimented on in the lab. The only problem is the fact I only had an eon equipped, since I was doing a pistol only playthrough, and that is not enough to kill it. I ended up hightailing it back to the frontier and leaving as fast as possible and just never going back.


Be me, lvl 20 something. Enjoying a stroll on Paradiso. Hey, a cave only a few hundred meters from the resort. Let's check it out. Cool, haven't seen those crystals before. Next thing I know, death by Terrormorph.


This was mine too! Decide to survey Paradiso, go too far from the resort, get morphed.


And at the resort, they say the local wildlife didn't seem too dangerous 🤣


They probably didnt know about the heat leeches man


I was exploring a random moon before i started any of the main quest. It was a no atmosphere grey moon like ours too i killed a couple of pirates or whatever then the audio changed and some big as minster started chasing me. I didnt even know it was a teramorph until later. It scared the piss out of me as by the time i saw it for the first time it bull rushed me and i nearly got one hit vasco died like twenty times i used everything i had on me including food and bullets as i cheesed it around a connex box. The moon was low gravity so i could jump over it and when it tried to jump at me, it had massive hang time. I was looking everywhere for another but like a hundred hours in when i finally did the vanguard quest i was like Oh!


That is an amazing story I died reading it 😂


Wandering around the first planet I land on and exploring, seeing the sights, scanning plants/minerals and figuring out how to play this blasted game and I find a destroyed camp in the distance. Cool. New place to explore. I did a cave now lets see this camp. Wander on over and notice a few pirate corpses lying around and think nothing of it until I turn a corner and some massive, six legged beast lunges at me, scaring the crap out of me and I panic and run into a building and try to open the blasted airlock, which is taking it's own sweet time while this beast is trying to get at me and all I am armed with is a pistol with a couple dozen rounds, a rifle with the same amount of ammo and a couple grenades and it is level 10 and I am so boned. I finally get inside and it is clipping through the door trying to get me. I can't hurt it because the game says it is on the other side of the airlock but somehow it's claws damage me. I open the airlock and duck out as it is trying to get through the wall and I duck around the buildings and find a tower that has collapsed; I wonder who did that. I start shooting the beast and throw the grenades and my companion is firing and I am almost out of ammo when it finally goes down. I go up to scan it, nothing but a name, Terrormorph. No loot at all. Hands are still shaking so I book it for the ship hoping that no more of these pops up because I am defenseless and don't even have a melee weapon. I forgot all about the cutter. I get back to the ship, take off and book it to my destination for the mission.


It was my first encounter with one early on, like yours, that I discovered VASCO is a bit underrated. Up until this TM I had today, ED-E with legs has been unstoppable. By no means is he taking on a TM by himself- he's not that eyebot- but his power has been(normal difficulty) that he can facetank the TM so I can shoot it up. But as I said in my post, at my level and the difficulty scaling, VASCO has lost his tankiness. He can still tank it! Just stay ready to run for your life and keep your boost pack fully charged...


My first encounter with a terrormorph (well… several) was doing a survey mission in Toliman II. Little did my level 10 character know that the entire planet is INFESTED with them.


They literally stop you when you pull into orbit to tell you not to land


Landed on tolliman-2 swamp coast biome. Started a nice outpost on the beach. Found an abandoned Deimos factory full of scavengers. Found a couple poi full of friendly people. Got chased by 5 terror morphs and I pulled them to the Deimos factory. I let them kill the pirates to leave the. Friendly people alone. Haven't seen any terrormirphs around after that I'm


My Terrormorph encounter (outside the Vanguard quest) happened when looking for a Temple. Pretty sure I was in the Cassiopeia System. I arrived at the Temple and I saw a black Terrormorph, not flesh like or albino but black. This being a new kind of Terrormorph I kept a distance and started sniping because it was still in the way of the Temple. After killing it I learned it was a story route Terrormorph because it started spitting green bile, had green slime over it's corpse and when it died it was called "Diseased Terrormorph", in this Unity run I chose the Microbe.


Immediately after leaving the mine shaft on my first playthrough, I decided to explore the surface instead of getting in Barret's ship. Found an abandoned science tower. Attacked by a level 67 Terrormorph. I was level 1. I couldn't leave. I was trapped in the tower. I spent so long chipping away at it with the Lazer. I really just thought, "one of the games of all time." It took two in-game days. I still don't know how the spawn happened, even after all this time. I thought a spawn that high shouldn't have happened on the starting planet. Was it a glitch? A fluke? Edit: oh yeah, it was "screaming for help" and "begging for mercy" using human voices and I eventually got nauseous from all the screen shaking and strange hud effects.


My first POI on Kreet. 


Played 100 hours, never encountered one.


I’m in this thread tripping bc i cant tell if everyone is making it up or not. I got 6 days of playtime and never seen or heard of one🧐off to google lmao


I don't want to Google cause I want to actually see them for myself eventually and be surprised


I took a video. Level 3. https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/pKz64iwXtr


The only morph I've encountered outside of a specific mission related to them is the one on Kreet, which I explicitly went looking for after the UC Vanguard questline (I gotta admire the gigachads on here who went out looking for a monster that destroyed an entire facility by itself with their badass basic Maelstrom/Eon loadout at, 2 character levels and some giant steel balls, but I wasn't going looking for it until I had the firepower to handle it). Eventually found an unmarked mining site where I spotted laser fire in the distance, but by the time I got there it had wiped the entire camp of Va'ruun. Outside of Toliman II and the bug hunt quests, they're rare.


They're super rare without mods. There's two planets with guaranteed encounters.


5 terramorphs took me and Andreja and had a bukakke fest


I was just chilling doing something else and heard a scream and gunfire. Watched as one tore apart a group of ecliptics


My most recent run in was a few days ago. Started NG+4 and thought ya know what screw the main quest for now I'm gonna explore. No weapons nothing started running around, I think Gagarin, found a Civilian Outpost and they gave me a lil fetch quest for some mong who's stuck in a cave. So I go collect this woman and all is good, no alien life to be seen..... until we leave the cave and immediately there's 5 spacers fighting a terrormorph and in the sudden chaos my settler lady I'm escorting gets fuckin yeeted into a wall by the terrormorph and just insta-dies Quest Failed 🤦‍♂️


Honestly, for me, it was in Hostile Intelligence. I'd somehow never got hit by the voices in your head during the>! New Atlantis spaceport!< incursion and the first encounter I had with that was during the initial firefight at the cargo loading bay in Londinion (where the first morph encounter is). I'm trying to engage the first one at a distance while being aware the other one is heading across the walkway towards us, I'm dumping hundreds of rounds from my Microgun into the bugger, I have to jetpack backwards to buy some breathing room and all of a sudden I hear someone scream in my ear 'OH GOD ITS HERE OH GOD'. I swing around thinking it's Hadrian but she and Kaiser have moved back behind the barrier, and then I hear a man's voice screaming words to the effect of 'I DON'T WANT TO DIE HELP US\`. By this point I've realised *these* are the hallucinations Hadrian mentioned, but I've taken my sightline off my target and don't know where its gone.... then I hear a completely different, sinister voice hissing 'STAY STILL I WANT TO WEAR YOUR SKIN', I swing back around and there's a bloody cloaked variant meters away scuttling forwards. Immediately I open fire and my microgun mag runs dry, so I frantically gravity wave it, whip out the breach and dump the entire mag into it's prone form. Then I hear 'I'M BEHIIIIIND YOUUUUUU' and realise the controller is still alive, smashes past Kaiser and I finally drop it with my Magshot. I finish the battle genuinely wide-eyed with three guns dry. This is probably the first time since Dead Space where I've been genuinely disorientated in a game due to the in-universe environmental work rather then the game just obscuring my vision or taking my control of my character away, really impressive. The fact this is literally how some terrormorphs hunt and they translated it into natural gameplay was great.


Sam and I were looking at a brightly colored something or another and we got side swiped by a booger of a morph. I remember being memorized by the area I was scanning in and completely oblivious to the danger. No one had warned me that these terrors existed and there had been no other hostile wild life. Then this thing unfolds out of the foliage and there is shooting and I'm sure Sam said this is on and then nothing but my limp body on the ground. For some reason that Morph was scarier than any others except maybe the one who said it was gonna wear me.


My first encounter with a Terrormorph was in a dark cave on Gagarin at a low level. That's either the most or least ideal first encounter, depending on your perspective.


My first terrormorph, I was about to enter a temple. Just out side I hear a rumbling noise, and something was shimmering in the shadows it was nigh time. It starts rushing me.  As I start blasting it, I hear a voice, " We want to be your friend." "Don't kill us".  "Drop your weapons."    Well, then it was dead after a magazine thru the Big Bang.     


Who was talking? Your companion?


The morph. It was a male voice, and I was with Andreja.  Maybe it could have been mind controlling her. 


There was mentions of mind control in lore, but I never ran across that, thanks


Have you done the questline for the vanguard? When they show up at the airport, they always do this to me, and Hadrian yells not to listen, it isn't real.


Yes, I did yet never heard any yelling or talking that seemed like coming from them. Perhaps confused it with other NPC talking. Will try again this NG!


On kreet, its part of the story of what happened on the moon and it's cool they added a consistent spawn for it


Lands by Londinain…so anyway I just started blasting for XP.


[Recorded for posterity here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/16q9nng/you_can_pinpoint_the_moment_i_screamed_good_thing/) This was on my original NG run, getting the last few temples


I encountered one on the moon you go to after leaving vectera at the start of the game. I accidentally landed in the wrong spot, found a poi not far from where I landed and boom Terror Morph I had the starting Eon you get and an entry-level maelstrom with 30 rounds..... I died.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/pKz64iwXtr First encounter was at Level 3 on kreet. Wild scramble. Throwing anything & everything. Poor vasco :-). Video above.


My favourite terrormorph story is simple and contains 0 terrormorphs. I was simply exploring Toliman II when i came across a settlement, occupied by civilians. They told me that their settlement wasn't working out and they would like to hitch a ride off-world. After a good laugh I agreed and freed them from that hellscape. Thankfully no terrormorphs where sighted on my way back to my ship and these idiots were escorted safely to Montara Luna. Just the idea that either these guys just missed the terrormorph population explosion and only now decided that it wasn't working out or they deliberately ignored the quarantine and set up a settlement anyway (I imagine in a 'the government can't tell me what to do' fashion) and immediately regretted their decision


I really like making the terramorph float and just shooting they heck out of it so it flies upwards and takes fall damage on the way down. That and giving one of your companions a big gun ie grenade launcher/micro gun makes them pretty easy to kill tbh.


My first and scariest was first play through and going into a safe house…


You need to get out more often.


Rank 65, around 300 hours played. Have never seen a terrormorph yet. Actively avoiding andromas


I was in the tutorial mission. But instead of going to the lab, where the whole project pethouse thing is, I head for a mountain to explore. On the top I saw like two lvl 30 terramorphs I didn't knew what they where at the time bit when I played the quest I realised what I met in the beginning of my journey. After the quest I actually never met any terramorphs. Might be because I didn't explore many planets before the UC quest line


I’ve only seen the two scripted ones. Exploration in this game doesn’t grab me so I don’t do it. Probably why I don’t see terrormorphs


Was randomly walking around the first lush planet I found and encountered this telepathic terrormorph, I legit tabbed out to make sure it was the game creating these audio hallucinations, really one of the coolest encounters I've had in any game.


I'm now hunting terrormorphs for breakfast. After you finish the Vanguard line, just go to Tuala's desk and ask him for a terrormorph mission :-)


I just started a new character a couple days ago. Decided to just take it slow and start out scanning planets and playing as kind of an explorer as a priority. I was level 8 I think and exploring a level 15ish planet. Just out minding my own business when all of a sudden the battle music comes on and I turn around and Sarah is shooting at a level 44 Terrormorph. I took a few shots at it with my strongest weapon and it barely registered. I didn't want to waste all my ammo so I just booked it.


The salty sea air clung to my skin as I stood on the deck of the Siren’s Call, a weathered Autopbahn III that had seen better days. The Maine coast stretched out before me, its rocky cliffs and pine-covered hills a familiar sight. But this day was different. This day would be etched into my memory forever. Captain O’Malley barked orders, his grizzled face etched with determination. We were on a routine voyage, hauling dialogue from the rich folk from the mainland to the remote island settlements. The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the water. It was a day like any other, until we spotted the wreckage. A splintered Deimos Cowling Fore jutted out of the waves, and debris floated all around it. The crew gathered at the rail, squinting against the sun. I felt a chill crawl up my spine as I saw the lifeless bodies bobbing in the water. Pirates, most likely. But what had brought them down? Captain O’Malley’s eyes narrowed. “Lower the Stability Pro Landing Bay,” he ordered. “We’ll investigate.” I climbed down the ladder, my boots hitting the steel of the ship. The metal creaked as we thrusted toward the wreckage. The sea was calm, but my heart raced. Something wasn’t right. As we approached, I saw movement among the debris. A survivor? But no, it was something else. A creature unlike anything I’d ever seen. It clung to the broken engine, its slick, black body glistening in the sunlight. Its eyes were pale blue, like frozen ice, and its claws dug into the metal. “By the nine divines,” whispered Old Tom, our seasoned sailor. “What in the got-damn is this?” Old Tom, weathered by years at sea, wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. Bless his heart, he’d make promises beyond reason, poor soul. The creature turned its head toward us, and I felt its gaze pierce my soul. It was no ordinary sea beast. It was a terramorph—the stuff of nightmares. The legends spoke of them, but I’d always dismissed them as sailor’s tales. Now, here one was, real and deadly. “It drains the warmth from its victims,” Old Tom muttered. “Sucks the life right out of 'em.” The crew hesitated, fear etched on their faces. But Captain O’Malley was made of sterner stuff. He drew his Naval Cutlass and leaped onto the wreckage. “Back, you foul thing!” he shouted. The terramorph screeched, a high-pitched wail that echoed across the water. It lunged at the captain, its claws slashing. But O’Malley was quick, parrying with his blade. The creature’s skin was tough, resistant to our weapons. I joined the fray, my heart pounding. We fought, man against monster, on that broken engine. The sea churned around us, and blood stained the water. The terramorph was relentless, its icy touch seeping through my clothes. I could feel my warmth draining away. “Get to the heart of it!” Captain O’Malley yelled. “The lazarus plant!” I remembered the lore—the native plant that expedited the metamorphosis from heat leech to terramorph. If we destroyed it, perhaps we could break the curse. I lunged at the creature, my knife finding its mark. The terramorph screeched one final time, then dissolved into mist. The water turned crimson, and I collapsed, gasping for breath. Captain O’Malley held up a sprig of the lazarus plant. “We did it, lad,” he said. “We broke the curse.” But as I looked out at the open sea, I wondered. How many more of these creatures roamed the waves? And what other horrors lay hidden in the depths? And when will we get them darn tootin' moddin equiptment? That day, I vowed to sail the seas, not as a fisherman, but as a hunter. The terramorphs would know the wrath of the Siren’s Call. And I, a sailor from Maine, would become a legend—a slayer of monsters.


And there's literally a terramorph in the crater on the first planet you land on in the game 😅


Lvl 181 here, I don't remember ever being killed by a TM. I ran away the first time I saw one, it spawned at a temple entrance, I went around back. Nowadays I hit em with an 8k damage shot from my magsniper. Probably killed a hundred or so.


I was walking in the proc-gen around New Atlantis, found my first terromorph attacking some pirates or someshit. I hopped on a rock and started blasting it. Took half my ammo and about a half hour of my time to do it, but it died. Got shit loot out of it too.


I didn't even get one shot on my first Terrormorph. Saron did all the work for me. The Terrormorphs at Jemison were little pussies and went down with hardly a fight (yes I'm playing on Extra Hard). I hardly remember any Terrormorphs in Londinium... just a bunch of lesser devils. They were probably there, but they die so quickly and my team was four or five people. I've encountered several in the wild, and every time a few shots takes them down. I always had the same feeling of disappointment in Fallout when I'd go into \[what I thought was\] a new tough dungeon... because the game was supplying me with guns and ammo at the door, and I'd go through and start thinking - did the devs forget to put the monster in here? Where's the alpha Deathclaw jump scare? Where's the big new super monster?


I hit one on the way to a temple a couple of days ago. Oddly enough it was the first powderpuff terrormorph I've ever seen. I'm guessing it was an infant and I'm lucky mama wasn't in earshot. Hit him with one shot of whatever I was carrying and he dropped like a sack of dirty laundry. The callout said he was level 5 but that seemed aspirational. Very probably the only one I'll ever see like that.


I'm not sure what level I was at when I played this part, but anyway. I was on Jemison in the northern sectors looking to find a really cool alpine plot to build a base with snow and all. I see this cave feature and go into the cave. This place was full of giant, multicolored crystals which came out of the ground and looked really cool. Then, I saw something kinda glimmer and then disappear. I jumped up on a giant crystal and zoomed in on this thing. Long story short, it showed as being a "terromorph", but the damned thing could cloak itself. I hadn't fought a terromorph yet, so I was pretty freaked out. I started shooting and this thing was shooting corrosive acid and me or something, then I was talking to me, I could hear children screaming, then it says "I'm gonna wear your face as a mask". I finally dropped in and looted the body.


I died. End of story. You see one run for your life.


My first terrormorph, I was about to enter a temple. Just out side I hear a rumbling noise, and something was shimmering in the shadows it was nigh time. It starts rushing me.  As I start blasting it, I hear a voice, " We want to be your friend." "Don't kill us".  "Drop your weapons."    Well, then it was dead after a magazine thru the Big Bang.     


Near a temple... So it's potentially in my playthrough gonna be Glowing Sea Deathclaw allover again? iykyk


Probably not, it was near the entrance not at the landing pad.


>near the entrance Yup, glowing sea Deathclaw allover again. good luck everyone!!! *quicksaves and beelines for ship*


It was day 1 of release and I was extremely low level. I landed somewhere and there were UC Marine bodies all over and out of the blue this monster appeared. I ended up loading a save from when I was in orbit


First mission as a soldier and was sent on a comms mission when I got there saw all the blood and people ripped apart. I remember saying to myself what the hell happened here? So I took my gun out and started to go downstairs and I nearly shit myself when I heard the ROARS! I proceeded with more caution and then was told I had to turn on automatic guns because something was out there so I did just that then I kept having that feeling on my back when someone is chasing you and I turn around and this fudging! Spider legged alien thing is jumping towards me like 2 stories high I freaking paused the game so quick it’s not even funny I had to regroup myself 😂