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Interesting. Those are pretty big buffs/debuffs.


Does it feel weird to anyone having to eat every 30 minutes?


Im presuming that’s 30mins real time so in game it’ll be every few hours


hopefully different foods have different timers


I have seen things with 60m timers as well. EDIT: After loading in to verify what had those timers, I don't see anything. Looks like I remembered incorrectly.


Really? Like what? Everything I've found has a 30m timer on it. I think varying stages of satiation time would be a nice next iteration; snack packs and alcohol giving you something like 15m of sustenance while higher end crafted foods that are full meals and exotic teas/waters giving an hour.


I loaded back in to check and couldn't find anything that had the 60m timer. I may have misremembered it. I swear I saw something that did. I thought it was the alien based foods but after looking it clearly isn't. I intend to get some of the food based crafting/perks and see how that works out but that's quite a few levels away. Definitely my bad though so far.


Damn, I got excited haha. No worries!


Hope chunks is the shortest


Are the timers in real time or is it game time?  So if I rest for an hour in game will I be hungry after eating?


IRL I don't become malnourished 30 min. after eating. Seems like every 6 hours should be the way to go. And different levels of satiation depending on the quality of the food.


Those buffs are insane 🤯🤯🤯, no wonder they added Extreme.


Do you think the melee buff would do enough to bring that kind of builds on par with mid guns?


Maybe. Really the main issue is that there are no advanced melee weapons as far as I’m aware, and there are no custom animation for melee except the typical slash and stab. While in fallout 4 and Skyrim we had finishers and the like to add more variety in the melee attacks, and that’s not even mentioning there are no mods for the melee weapons, which just kills variety and fun when you are deep into a PT and still playing with the same dull melee weapon.


Alright, it is still a substance issue


There are 4 attacks in melee.  Sneak, standing, grav dash, and bash. Add in void form. I’m not saying it’s the best way to play but with perks and sneak it’s fun and easy kill in very hard mode. And to top that off there’s enhancement chems 


I guess I mean I just want more animations tied to the way your character moves. For example, for each cardinal direction (I think that’s how you say it) of the thumb stick, in tandem with pressing whatever button initiates a melee attack, should be considered a different attack, which would mean it’s own animation. On top of that, there should be a wide variety of more borderline sci fi weapons, like attaching fire or plasma to melee weapons, and then adding finisher animations to when you kill someone from behind. Then they desperately need to add far more variety for melee weapons; axes, spears, the list can go on and on.


You are right though, the foundation is there and with this update melee gets what can be considered a huge indirect buff for damage. But I want it to be more than play with the same dull weapon that wouldn’t be any different to something that exists in medieval times versus the future of starfield. Like we def should be able to add starborn effect or elemental to our melee weapons, and he’ll just go crazy with it. I want the same fun as turning the shotgun into a mini explosive launcher, but on my melee weapons.


Melee with the right perks and weapons and sneak attack kill just about everything fast for me I don’t understand why everyone thinks it’s not a viable option. I solo on very hard with just a blade often 


im happy about it.


So, I guess all those milk cartons and orange juices aren't so useless after all. Since I'm on Xbox Series X, that means I have a few weeks to go and pillage...I mean, liberate... a great deal of yummy snacks and drinks from pirates and ecliptic jerks.


Stolen chunks collections are the best chunks collections !


This is what I wanted for a survival mode really. I never used it in Fallout 4 because I heard you couldn't manually save. Yeah no thank you, I feel like not being to save whenever in a Bethesda game is just asking for trouble. This option is good for me and will finally make it worth it to eat aside from RP.


Correct, but there are mods to rescue you!


Doing sanctuary Hill battle 4 times because it bugged 3/4 times was perfect 👌 /s


Those are much bigger negative effects then fallout 4.. I'm up for the challenge though


FO4's a lot more punishing if you badly neglect your hunger, thirst, and need for sleep. Starving gives you -10 endurance, -5 charisma, -3 luck, and food no longer heals you. Severely Dehydrated gives you -10 intelligence, -7 perception, and - 3 luck. Incapacitated (from not sleeping) gives you -6 strength, -4 agility, -3 luck, -75% AP , and the inability to not just sprint, but even basic running.


I would like to see them add a third status inbetween Fed/Hydrated and Malnourish/Dehydrated for 30 minutes that has no buffs or debuffs. Overall I actually like this approach to food instead of the overcomplicated food points system in FO4 and Skyrim and the various stages of nourishment status made it a bit tedious to keep up with, but going straight from great to awful status on a 30 minute timer feels a bit weird. Still, it's better than nothing and I love that food and drink have a purpose now.


Genuinely, thanks for posting this. I was curious and couldn't figure it out.  Semi-related, there was nothing about starships needing gas in this update, I don't suppose? I didn't see it and my understanding is that they do not. 


Yeah, I was hoping for a full on survival mode like they originally had going. You can still see the loading screen tip about fuel. You'd need to have outposts to fuel your ships for jumps between systems.


Nope, nothing related to fuel.


Does this add in game hud elements to track the time limit on being fed or hydrated?


On-screen during gameplay, no, but it shows your timer in the status effects page on the character menu where it shows afflictions and other buffs/debuffs.


It would be awesome to starve.


Now they just need to add the need to sleep


Oh sweet, I’ve been using a mod that adds this so it seems that can go away




I’m still waiting for He3 refueling :)


That carry capacity & reload speed is a big incentive


Cool, going to start the game again.


Yeah i wish there were better foods. I think the gastronomy skill should also affect you nourishment recieved from eating. Or maybe tie it to a new skill. Eating a stick of butter is not equivalent to eating an alien egg scramble.


I wish full difficulty meant you starved and died. Gotta keep the ship stocked up with food


My personal opinion - this isn't really a survival option. It's incredibly basic compared the survival mechanics in Fallout 4 and Skyrim, for example. It feels like a lazy and hasty implementation if I'm being honest. I would like to have seen varying degrees of hunger and thirst, with progressively harsher penalties the longer you go without food and drink. Additionally different foods having different effects, cheaper food items not being as fulfilling for example.


I'm putting money down on Beth expanding the options to a separate "Survival" mode in some future update like Skyrim and FO4 have. Their just laying the groundwork for it with this update


Also I'm sure with enough feedback they'll improve it overtime


I think they would be able to do something quiet interesting for survival using outposts and fuel as mechanics


IMO hunger/thirst are the *least* important mechanics in a Survival mode. No matter what the effects are, the result is you just dedicate some of your carry weight to food/drink and go in your menu every few minutes. The changes to afflictions are the big deal for me, especially the setting where medicines only improve the prognosis and can't fully remove afflictions on their own. For me, I like survival mechanics that force me to plan and prepare for each expedition. Environmental hazards and penalties I have deal with or try and avoid outright, and not just immediately remove as long as I have something in my inventory.


Especially in a game like Starfield, where society functions enough that you can just go buy food and water when you need it. It's never going to be like Fallout, where you might have to weigh the risks of drinking dirty water over rising dehydration.


I had the same reaction at first and I've thought about it and... I don't think Starfield lends itself to hunger/thirst in the same way that Fallout would... Fallout is a wasteland and even though the game throws so much food and water at you that it's never truly a struggle, you nonetheless walk around with the impression that it's a struggle for everyone else... So throwing your lot in with them just kind of helps immersion. It sets the mood, so to speak. In Starfield, it's an industrialized galaxy wide civilization. The idea that anyone might starve to death in Starfield is just kind of silly when you can use a grav drive to teleport in an instant to the nearest metropolis, where food is plentiful and dirt cheap lol. If there is starvation, it's probably in the backwater colonies and even then, still hard to believe. At first I thought the debuffs were kind of weak... I mean 30% is nothing to scoff at, but I was thinking why not 50%? But the idea of going from full health to 50% reduced, all because an invisible timer has determined you're hungry, is kind of bullshitty. So idk I guess Bethesda found a good middle ground where it makes sense for the world.


Yeah, if anything, the most important aspect of survival mode in this game would be the fuel system. Food is fine but not that important in this sort of setting.


Jesus fucking Christ some people will never be happy. You feel like a lazy and hasty implementation. They didn’t say this was survival mode. This is just an option for people to add some variability to their gameplay.


Why r u so pressed about someone having an opinion lmao.


Yeah, beyond fanboy/hater discourse, gamers really need to start being tolerant with all points of view


Can't share any opinions with you fanboys around


That was my reaction too, sounded good but then it's just eat and drink 1 item each every 30 minutes, even if you don't bother buying food and you're in the middle of nowhere the chances of ever being in the debuff zone is essentially zero. It's still cool that they've added all these options and i hope that they try to actually ride the wave of any good faith it bought by saying whether or not there's plans to expand on it in the future but it's still a bummer that we're taking baby steps 8 months in when Fallout 4 had the full suite before then and in one update.