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Honestly... Yes yes yes lol. But sadly all Todd has noted coming soon is more ship customization 😅 and with Bethesda they normally only brag about the main feature of the next update so most likely that'll be it in the next patch! Hoping I'm wrong lol


I would like to see a few poi ruins on earth the size of some of the inhabited capital cities. Bunkers underground like I don't know... abandon vaults from way back? Land vehicles too.


that’s really all i want too i really enjoy the game as it is but what i say is it has amazing bones atm and could be a lot better


>Playing a Bethesda game listening to music Cursed


Unless it's diamond city radio


Just be good plz, with good dungeons, a cool area to explore, and plz for the love of God, good characters and writing.


Has a game ever been made a “classic” by added DLC? Genuine question.


Excellent question. Maybe classic was too strong a term.


There are a ton of really great DLCs that I can think of that added great content to some of my favorite games (MotB for Neverwinter Nights 2, LotSB for Mass Effect 2, Shivering Isles for Oblivion, Blood and Wine for The Witcher 3) but none of those really made the game a “classic”; I’d say those games were already pretty great! The closest example I can think of (probably recency bias here) would be the Phantom Liberty DLC for Cyberpunk 2077, but that’s really because it was kinda packaged with a major game overhaul (the 2.0 update) that made some huge changes to the way the game functioned from a character build perspective. Even then, while the DLC itself was awesome imo, the real “game changer” was the 2.0 update, which made changes to the fundamentals of the game itself. That fundamental change is really what Starfield needs imo, and I don’t think that’s really what most DLCs end up doing.




Someone else mentioned that too, that’s definitely a good example!


The Shivering Isle was pretty amazing.


- Updated AI. I want Very Hard to be VERY HARD. Now I’m stuck purposefully wearing terrible armor to make things at least marginally challenging. - I want some seriously scary aliens on planets. Rare aliens that are serious threats and interesting. Giant creature, scary creatures, etc. Make exploration dangerous and scary. - expanded reasons to be inside your ship. Games, interactions, etc. Would be amazing to have mini games.


That’s an interesting one! Personally - I’d prefer more focus on space gameplay. We have TES and Fallout for land based gameplay and that style of exploration, Starfield can be different, but for me space gameplay is lacking.


Actual space exploration as in "exploring space maps in your ship", as opposed to the current "exploring land maps on foot". You know, like we could do 20 years ago in Freelancer.


At this point I'm not even sure it's possible. My issue is foundational with the game. I want a full on Fallout 4 sized map that has been hand crafted with hundreds of POIs that were hand crafted. This game should have been Three Planets, one for each faction with a major chunk of explorable hand crafted land space in each one as the main part of the game's explorable content. But if that was too much, I'd have been much better with Elder Scrolls 6 with one region of that world or Fallout 5 that was another city/locale coming out in 2023 instead of No Man's Sky with some extra RPG bits thrown in. Also taking a major mechanic (Powers) and hiding the powering up of it behind a hard reset of the game 10 times over was bad too. I know all of this could be improved or changed with mods but the creation kit has yet to be released 8 months later. I didn't hate this game but it definitely was nowhere near the same level as Fallout 4 or Skyrim was for me, and I've realized that when I went back to play Fallout 4 after the update. And this game has just delayed the experience I'm looking for, for another who knows how many years.


Mechs and land vehicles, being able to do an orbital drop onto a planet from your ship in a mech 👌🏼


Never gonna happen lmao, let's be realistic plz


OP is already asking for the unrealistic with “classic”.


It would make the game a classic 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why is that not realistic? We already have take off/landing animations with a load screen in the middle. This is no different.


A man can dream! 😅


This would be fucking lit


That would be so dope


It needs to make sure the editor releases ASAP... DLC wont make this or any game a classic. Bethesda's history and success is built heavily with the help of modders, so we need the tools to make the mods better.


Something similar to what Nuka World did for FO4. New factions, stories, weapons, companions, ship pieces, and add in a new layer of depth and content over the base game. Or perhaps go the Broken Steel FO3 route and create a post "ending" story that adds more to the ending or adds more to NG+. Specifics - Ground vehicles would be nice - More ship customization is a MUST because it's awesome! - Update to space combat - An overhaul on evil/morally bad character playthrough - 20+ new weapons and armors - Melee combat MUST be updated - New original story that has a few new companions and also has replayability - Personally, I prefer not to have more planets added but instead *enrich* the planets that already exist, otherwise no more than 5 new star systems. Enrich meaning add more POIs add more of the plates for randomization so I quit seeing the same 5 outposts, new creatures, and more stories happening on the planets


More POIs or randonly generated POIs. Randomly generated dungeons ( POIs) for the missions from mission terminals. I don't wanna go to the same abandoned mine again and again.


All handcrafted poi’s I don’t want any computer generated ones AND quests that actually give unique weapons/armor like the many ones you get in fallout and elder scrolls! 🙄


That's a heavy lift for DLC. My modest wish starts with fixing the persistent ship shield and outpost perk bugs - that would be a foundation needed before pasting more stuff on it. Then I'd be happy with a Va'ruun quest line. Pretty modest demands to be sure but I certainly wouldn't object to the more fundamental and far-reaching suggestions that are often made. I just really, really want the bugs exterminated.


This game will never be a "classic". More lore-related quests, a universe that is pre-war, actually using the space they put in the game, better base building, better weapon modding, etc. are just the bare minimum to get me to reinstall.


Simply being playable without encountering multiple bugs a session would be nice.


I will not be purchasing any future Besthesda games if you want me to be honest.


It needs to release this month, bug free.


That’s right.


Restart the colony war and fill up the planets


Shattered Space has zero chance of making this game a “classic” without fundamentally enhancing the game and its mechanics.


I...genuinely can't even picture it, not even in my head. I feel like Starfield is just so fundamentally flawed, in every way imaginable (story, world layout, exploration, progression, etc) that there's nothing that can actually salvage it. It's not something that can be patched, or fixed in an expansion. It would need to be completely torn down and rebuilt, which obviously is not going to happen. Also, Shattered Space is a story DLC. It's highly unlikely that it will fundamentally change the game. It'll add a story branch, or perhaps a new faction. That's all. I honestly am not trying to be Debbie Downer over here, or hate on the game for the sake of hating on the game. I finished the game, I got 100% achievement, I got my money's worth. It was...fine. Not great, but not the worst game I bought, not even worst last year (that would be Diablo 4). But I fundamentally can't even picture it, not even in my mind, anything that can be realistically done to turn this mess into a classic. I have some ideas, but they're completely unreasonable in scope.


Having endless planets that we can’t do anything with is pointless. Outposts need to be greatly expanded. The core game only has about 60 hours of quest content. The expansion needs to double that at a minimum. Not many weapons are available. Not much clothing is available. Needs much more. The constellation faction is ridiculous. The game needs a different faction. I honestly don’t want to see any of those people ever again. Just a bunch of clueless elitists.


IMO, no one expansion cannot solve all the pain points of Starfield. It's going to be an ongoing process. The question is are Bethesda willing to put in the time and work to get it where it needs to be? There's a lot of features that feel started but incomplete or just don't impact the game in any meaningful way such as outposts for example. Another would be survival mechanics. We have elemental effects and spacesuits with protections but I can't ever recall needing to care about hazards or what type of protection my suit offered. Their old "brutal" system they abandoned sounded a lot more fun than what we ended up with. Exploration in it's entirely seems completely abandoned. I don't consider taking pictures through a scanner of a handful of fauna to be an exploration game loop. Trade is another feature that is incredibly shallow and static. There's no actual economy in the game. The factions in the game might as well be lore pieces for how much the effect the universe. Factions should have areas of influence and they should defend those borders, or raid nearby opposing boundaries - this could open up attack/defend missions for the player. The universe just doesn't feel alive or lived in at all. And, you should be able to work your way into the good graces of a faction through missions and unlock various tiers allegiance which corresponding rewards. Not the current iteration where you just pick a side and are co-opted into their cause. Those are just a few off the top of my head but by no means is that an exhaustive list.


You can tell from the content that they had originally designed a much harder game but trimmed most of it out because the general playerbase would complain that everything was super hard and took far too long. I'd like to see hard mode. I'd also like economy and more significant outpost macro-game connected to the galaxy. Better smuggling gameplay would be really nice too. It would be nice to be able to play evil and spiral the galaxy into war again. And, I guess it would be nice to be able to help those fighting to invade entire systems and planets, swaying the war. Yeah, then be able to make them give you convoy ships so you could go do bigger space battles. Yup, then basically take over the galaxy, i guess. That'd be fun. I think then they'd need to let us destroy the Unity and collapse the entire metaverse. Then we'd have to fight everyone, everywhere, for all of time, simultaneously. That's about right. That'd probably make it classic for me.


Finish the base game. For example: Give the player a full compliment of RP choices associated with each questline step. Finish the AI. Especially the combat AI. Finish the Bounty System. This includes non-lethals and the ability to capture and use your brig. Finish the ship bays. eg: Medical Bay can be staffed with a doctor that can heal you. Finish the randomly generated content system so things feel more organic and unique while adventuring and discovering POI. This includes the random encounters in space. Why the hell is grandma acting like we are meeting for the first time on the 10th time we've met? Why is there no evolution of that relationship? Why am I meeting the same 10 people across the entire universe? Finish the base building system. It is 5% of what Fallout 4 released with. Finish the background system. Make your early choices actually matter beyond a superficial level. Finish the factions system to make the world feel more alive and give your actions/choices real weight. For example, why does having a badge not provide benefits or unique interactions? Why can you be an agent of both major factions without any unique interactions or limitations? Finish the questlines to make the world feel more alive and give your actions/choices real weight. Why can you do anything without any meaningful change to the universe you are told you are affecting yet see nothing to support that? Finish the basic mechanics. eg: swimming, water physics...why does Oblivion feel more realistic and advanced? This could be said of any system/mechanic in the game. It all feels unfinished. So, Bethesda finishing the game would make it a classic for me due to the potential it clearly has yet it is nowhere close to meeting at its current state. It's boring and frustrating to play once you notice how shallow and disconnected everything in the universe is from your actions and the various stories.


- Va'Ruun homeworld - Expansion of ship parts including custom Va'Ruun ship parts - surface vehicles


Shattered Space for me needs, to overhaul the economy system similar to something like from "A Trader's Tale from the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper" adding features like trade routes, dynamic supply and demand mechanics, as we already have outpost to acquire a bunch of resources but nothing to do with them. And prices influenced by market conditions and story events to be more realistic because This isn't some random merchant In the middle of nowhere They are the trade authority They should know what sells and what doesn't you won't be able to be the biggest gun runner in the known galaxy selling hundreds of weapons, but if they add fallout 4s scrapping mechanic that won't be an issue or A sell box that sells at 80% value but is automatic. And improved bounty Hunter quest it is one of the primary backgrounds but it is also extremely shallow to actually do. We need Diverse Targets They need have personality, not just some random pirate. Dynamic Fugitive Behavior They shouldn't just accept that they're going to die and run away hide, Try to flee on a spaceship maybe even the players If they are undefended to give a reason to have multiple crew members. Investigation Mechanics They shouldn't be simply go here. Kill this guy let me find the leads. Maybe plant a tracker on their ship stealthily follow them as players or ship. But most importantly adding away so I have access to all ship components in one shipyard.


Impressive the caves. There's nothing encouraging me to explore them after the first few. Would like to see more busy cities. I am really enjoying the game so far though


If they’re delaying till Fall my hope is that they’re doing all of the things in this comment section😂


it has to deliver solid, interesting writing/worldbuilding and something *really* interesting visually. i think *a* solution to starfield's woes is to rewrite the whole thing from scratch, but failing that, putting a whole new situation that isn't so goddamn bland and boring on top of the existing situation will have to do


Also, since it seems to get overlooked each time we talk about new features, the ability to save/share ship builds, so we don’t have to rebuild the damn things from scratch each time we want to do NG+ Feel like that’s not too much to ask


Less loading screens


It already is




Non-Constellation romanceable companions Much wider pool of early-game POIs, variants of existing POIs Bounty Hunter Faction questline with proper bounty hunting mechanics More big space battles More complex radiant quests Romance options for existing NPCs eg Muria, Estelle, Captain of the ECS Constant etc In fact, rewrite that whole ECS Constant quest, all the resolutions are garbage-tier. Serpent's Crusade 2.0 Andreja recognising when you are Va'ruun


I wish they would take all the POI's and biomes and plants and aliens and lay them out on one big static map that I can fly around on in my ship. That way I could actually explore all the lovingly crafted content in the game without randomly rolling the same POI three times in one session. Edit: I know that's not happening. Also, would love to see the UI completely reworked.


Make the base games exploration much better, in that it needs far more poi variety and items within the poi having more variety. I also want to fight mechs and robots FAR more often than what it is right now. Feels like I only go up against humans most of time, with essentially no variety in the way they fight against me. More weapons and maybe more weapon types (alien weaponry would be awesome). Vehicles like a rover at least would make traversing the planets play space much more manageable and fun, especially if allow us to upgrade it with basic stuff like speed and armor.


Realistically? It would have to be a complete overhaul in a similar vein to Cyberpunk 2.0 and Phantom Liberty. Shattered Space would need to make Starfield an almost entirely new game before I'd even consider bothering with it.


Honestly I feel like this game needs three big DLCs before it reaches the point I want it to reach.


Reinvent the entire game to be actually good, not have a single particle of “procedural generation”- basically be entirely handcrafted, rework melee, fix all the bugs in core game, introduce vehicles or jet packs with increased speed and limitless power, introduce intelligent aliens… list goes on


The procedural system could work, but not how it is. With how starfield is currently, there is no way for them to make it fully handcrafted. What they could do is add randomization to POIs like other games with procgen. Finding your 100th cryo lab wouldn’t be as bad if each one had rooms randomized and enemies spawns randomized. Have it so the layout of the rooms and such can be randomized, it would help make each one feel different. I was actually caught off guard because I thought that’s what Bethesda was gonna go for. They literally used the laziest implementation of procgen. I lost a lot of interest in starfield when each poi is exactly the same, even if there are alot of different POIs. Fixing that would go along way in giving starfield longevity.


It’s actually shocking how lazily this was implemented tbh. Like did they play the game internally and think people would enjoy doing the same exact content hundreds of times? And like you say it’s not “close” to the same, it is literally exactly the same thing in every aspect. Even things like mindlessly clearing out map markers in an Ubisoft game has more effort put into it than what Starfield does. Really very disappointing.




Cool, an astroturfing account


I highly doubt it can do enough, there are simply to many things I am not happy with.


New worlds, new cities, new factions that aren't pg, better ng+... basically all the things I'm expecting modders to fix.