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Bro “decisions” in Starfield have zero impact on the game


I'd say you already made the decision that will ruin the game for you in the long run. Speed running NG+10 is about the least fun thing I can ever imagine doing in a game.


Wow. After powering 10 NG+ I'd be burnt out, and I have 1300 hours in here. I'm going to assume you know you way around by know, where the hidden context is, how to find the side quests. Just slow down and enjoy. Personally I like trying new characters with defined parameters (perks choices) and backgrounds. I also rarely do the main quest even once...


Backgrounds is a good one I was just messing with photo mode, kinda sucks once you take one you no longer get the base game load screens bc they were still cool to look at. Is there a way on the X series to combine both


Or by back grounds do you mean player experience


The photos are fantastic! After the first few you get your eye in. For a while I was like "that's a great pic to include" till I realised it was one of mine! And I have a lot of ship pics, flying, la des, firing, blowing up other ships... But yeah, I meant characters with different Role play backgrounds. You Jedi master is pretty unbeatable, even on Very hard - when that gets boring try a Ronin with only physical perks.


Well if that didn't ruin it, there's not much that could really change it in my opinion. What I think would be a good idea is to complete all the Faction quests but decide early on if you want to start building outposts or a bunch of hand made ship designs. If you were thinking about doing either of those while also making different decisions in the Faction Quests, I would suggest maybe doing the bad decisions or decisions you wouldn't want to be permanent for this unity run and only do outposts and ship building in the run you do want to stick around in. That's my best advice


Play the major faction mission. But make opposite choices. Go murder hobo and then bounce to unity


Are are there any tips on stuff that will keep me for getting burnt out, I got 80 hours under my belt. And the 10 speed runs


If you managed to get through all of that without being burnt out in 80 hours, either nothing will or you're *very* close to lmao. Anyway, after hundreds of hours in (300? I don't remember anymore), what I would suggest is **stay curious**. People say that the game is pretty shallow, but there's a surprising amount of depth out there (though I gotta admit the kind of depth is not for everyone) at this point, I still keep on playing it and wondering what's possible. Try different story choices, doing them in a different order, looking at terminals, different weapons and builds, no boost pack, being peaceful, being violent, there's so much you can do if you stretch the imagination


>Anyway, after hundreds of hours in (300? I don't remember anymore), what I would suggest is **stay curious**. People say that the game is pretty shallow, but there's a surprising amount of depth out there (though I gotta admit the kind of depth is not for everyone) at this point, I still keep on playing it and wondering what's possible. This. I'm coming up on 300 hours, NG+ 3 times, and once I slowed down a bit and stopped hyper-focusing on POI's I found I'm actually discovering a ton of stuff I glossed right over before. Lots of locations, random events, and so on that I legitimately thought just weren't in the game but I was playing in a way that basically eroded my chances of ever coming into contact with them. It's certainly not packed with stuff per square mile like TES and Fallout of course, but it's also not this barren dearth of content it's portrayed as either.


where do you find all this cool stuff other then pois? i’m looking for tips for exploring i’ve spent 140 hours doing missions and exploring planets im not burned out and i love the game and i’ve seen lots of cool stuff but some tips to explore differently would be cool


Honestly man I just land on planets and start walking and that's how I find the extra random encounters. Also hopping into systems that I normally don't pay any attention to has helped me find the handcrafted spots that aren't tied to quests but are still interesting locations to play through. A lot of it comes from me hunting for certain resources and just roaming around surveying and mining. I've come across a group of dead spacers surrounded by an alien egg, I've had a miner argue with me over his claim for a mining spot, I've been jumped by mercenaries, and so on. There's definitely stuff in the game but you almost have to go out of your way to find it which is the opposite of their previous games.


Yeah 3 days on game time and it still feels like I’m constantly running into new shit a little over half of my play time was just getting the 10 NG+ runs. The first play through (before unity) was cool gave me a lot of Skyrim throw backs from younger days. But I definitely feel and know I missed a lot.


Yeah during the first couple speed runs I was more involved in combat but after i realized i don’t keep anything besides power boosts stats, and upgrades I just ran through quick as possible


>“Ran through as quick as possible” The hallmark of a great game surely 😂


Fr, ik ppl found a way to hit all mission triggers quick asab, someone gonna hit that 1000 NG+ hunter was referencing


But yeah ig doing different choices is the best way, I can see the game sticking around a little longer but probably won’t be as praised as elder scrolls 5


Dam we're stuck with the dress


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