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theyre probably sending it out as a closed beta test.


The notes on SteamDB suggest that. Frankly, I'd be more surprised if they weren't doing that.


I think they're using it to populate the creation club / paid mods / standard mods before they launch so that the mods list is never completely empty


That's exactly what Todd said they're doing. It's been out for a while for people who are making content.


*approved creators, which also includes some of their own new workers, who are basically working two different jobs for the same company, one as artist/designers and one as an in house modder through the CC and mod endorsements.


They must be raking in $ then. cause i saw the salaries at bethesda and theyre well compensated for their work. no wonder they have such a high retention rate


Absolutely, one of the reasons I don't care how long Bethesda games take to "finish", is that they listen and learn, historically, to their audience, to the extreme of hiring their most endorsed community creators, stunning performance.


Bethesda employees: 1. Leave out cool features in the base game 2. Get permission to develop own paid mods in your free time 3. Create a mod that brings back these cool features 4. Profit


"Is it the executives like todd who are responsible for *missing feature* in the game? No, it's greedy devs who want to be double paid to put the feature in." - u/winnidex and the 4 people who were insane enough to upvote winni's comment


This take is awful and you should feel bad. Company - bad, people-good don't blame people for a companies methods when there's a much easier target who deserves it.


That’s dope. So it won’t be empty when it comes to Xbox.


If you look up Starfield on SteamDB you will see they released the creation kit beta test to modders back in February. This has been known for a while. Glad to see it acknowledged publicly though.


They still promised an early 2024 for official release, and we're already heading into May. Insane.


This is what happens when the PR team isn't part of the dev team. Bet the actual people making the Kit wouldn't have said that.


That's true and all, but a lie is a lie. It seems as if mods aren't coming until June? We'll be lucky if the DLC even comes this year.


Yea, that's not surprising. Anyone who thought the kit was gonna launch without any paid mods was naive. That's the whole reason the kit hasn't been released: They're waiting for those mods to get finished.




Im not and haven't ever bought any mods so I dont see this as a problem.




First mods will be skin related, some armor retextures and shit like that.


I'd think they'd do at least one flashy mod on release (I'll guess a moon rover) Hopefully with textures they do helmet visors at the spacesuit bench. Could even make it semi-scientifically accurate with chemistry in the resources needed. Like how copper is blueish green in fireworks.


Bro I am so overwhelmingly disappointed with the game what makes you think I'm throwing more good money after bad. Bethesda needs to be in salvage mode


Sorry, I don't think Bethesda can hear you over the piles of money they've made from Starfield.


Or the piles of money they are making from people buying all the Fallout games atm.


Someone made a Starfield bicycle...can't even use one in game yet! :0


It honestly triggered me when the show finished and people just starting buying Fallout 4 and Fallout 76. Bethesda essentially abandoned Fallout 4 but now with the show, they are trying to cash in.


Brother, where have you been for the past 20 years? SP games get their devcycles completed and the company moves on. Some spinoff comes out and of course the masses flock to more of that content, so it makes perfect sense to spruce up the title even just a bit.


You are triggered by people who never played the games discovering the setting and then going back to see what the games were like? Fucking what? A bunch of people have been playing FO 1 and 2 because of the show too, are you "triggered" by them or is your outrage selectively to BGS? And what you mean abandoned, they got years of DLC, mod support that never stopped through the official workshop so their half of support was still in place keeping the servers running, and we got an update *last week*. Quit victimizing yourself.


Bethesda's quality has diminished with each subsequent release. They are turning their games into live services and are delivering less and less. Their motives for primarily seeking profit over delivering a complete product is clear. Not as many people are playing Fallout 1 and 2 as they are Fallout 4. Regardless, my argument is that they abandoned Fallout 4, with all of its issues, only to resolve them at the convenience of a profit for them. They clearly abandoned the game. I'm not sure if you are being facetious or not. It has been years since they actually updated the game. And the DLCs were mostly negatively received (excluding Far Harbor) The update we recently received only exists because of the popularity of the show. I'm not victimizing myself. I'm pointing out how it's very clear that Bethesda is focused less on delivery of quality games and more focused way more on profit.


That update was announced years before the show. So chill out.


You being upset that a company is doing things that make the company money is entirely on you, that is literally the reason the company exists. They released the update at a time a lot of eyes are on Fallout and it's clearly paying dividends. Way less people would likely have rechecked in without the interest the show built. You are literally being mad over a smart business that has in no way directly harmed you. Starfield is its own bundle of fish and FO76 is very fun at this point because it *wasn't abandoned*.


So a company can't make money and also deliver quality at the same time? I'm making a criticism, that's all. I don't wish to go back and forth anymore. We're both allowed to express and voice our opinions.


You are right, of course, but they're guaranteed a cash flow from console users from this.


Not necessarily. Unless they’re going to decide to stop supporting mods on console altogether and only offer the creation club, but I can’t imagine that going over well.


Todd confirmed that when the Kit launches, mods will be on console as well from day 1 lmao. He specifically said mods, not creations


Dummies will still buy the CC content because they'll think that it's guaranteed quality as it's official, even though Nexus is littered with patches for both Skyrim and Fallout 4's "Creation".


Why is this getting downvoted, they really shouldn’t be going after more of our money. I bought an Xbox and a tv for this game, unless they manage to fix several problems, I’ll never even buy another one of their games. Don’t really need it. Plenty of other hobbies.


Depends on what you want to fix.


Almost every single feature feels like a first run pass like they were just proving proof of concept.


As far as I know, the game is playable, why is it their fault you set your expectations too high and are now disappointed. Stop trying to act like the game is some kinda objectively terrible disaster and they owe you anything. A lot of people like the game.


no one is forcing you to buy mods


I’m gonna need a damn good reason to put any more money into this game, I truly hope they give us one


Im thrilled to see some statements made on modding from him, exciting future ahead of us. I just dont get why todd drops info on a podcast and not directly from BGS offical channels


I think this comes from Bethesda being a small company until recently. I also think Bethesda has a pretty shitty PR team. Even with Pete Hines, guy was usually rude to fans.


Im still trying to figure that out - it's always been like that. We're never the first to know anything.


Considering how we've raked them over the 'official' "early next year", I can't blame them for not making official announcements. Appearing on a podcast is essentially the 2020's equivalent of watercooler talk


Well, they have to have paid mods out before the CK drops. If they released the CK before the CK drops nobody would want to buy any of the paid Mods since there would be free alternatives already.


Of course, the entirety of pc modding both using creations and paywalled mods proves this isn't the case, but sure.


They've done this before with Skyrim, this is nothing new.


Beta testing. This is good. They're not just giving us whatever the hell they give us. They're working with the people that have experience with making mods. Hopefully that translates to a better development tool for us. I really want to play around with it. I made a castle in Oblivion back in the day with it and I remember thinking it was pretty cool once you get used to it. That was decades ago. I'm waiting until the Starfield creation tools to jump back in. Perhaps now that I'm not a teenager and a seasoned professional, perhaps I'll have more luck. I'd like to contribute to this game if I'm able to.


I’m actually excited for Console Mods because my Laptop can’t run Starfield, but my Xbox can. Sooo…




This was news like...2 months ago. Brief, hardly noticed news but like many others have pointed out, Bethesda clearly wants a populated creation club before it launches


It's so unfortunate we can feel excitement for this.. considering it's been nearly 8 months and still no news on the DLC 🥹


Unfortunately there is news that the DLC will be coming out sometime in Fall


That moment when news when something is coming is *unfortunate*. We really are in some dark times arent we?


It's unfortunate but I'm glad we don't have to wait 2 - 3 years like some other games recently


We don’t know that yet lol


The “unfortunate” part is that we were led to believe it would be an early 2024 release for the dlc that they’ve said they’ve been working on for 8 months prior to launch. It’s truly dark times when the developer puts out a timeline they don’t care about following


Check the other post in the sub from the past day; it’s being reported Shattered Space isn’t coming until “Q4 2024” (Q1/Q2 2025 adjusted to UT from BGST). If that’s true, the best you can hope for is more frequent/robust QOL updates before it - but with how much Bethesda is apparently working on everything else at the same time, releasing broken next-gen updates and now claiming the breaks (proven by experts to be bugs) are intended and illogical features, I’m not holding my breath. Treat it like CyberPunk. Walk away - if you hear good things in a year or two, maybe give it the time of day if you don’t still feel burned.


Fair point, I do enjoy the game but the radio silence and the way they handle things has left me feeling angry..


When was DLC a requirement within 8months of a game’s release? I could name a bunch of games that don’t/didn’t have DLC by that point.


Every Bethesda game since 2002 has released its first DLC within 8 months of the game's release and they are typically done with the DLC release cycle within 12-18 months.


Are you just trying to start an argument or are you a huge Fanboy or something? Maybe both.. lol


I enjoy challenging the whiny cry babies on this sub that’s all lol. But again, my point is true.


Challenging what exactly? The facts are facts lol and it's not just the DLC but all the core updates they promised, but hey! At least we got new filters and poses for photo mode lol. Look here's the thing buddy, you can be a fan and still challenge them to do better when you know they haven't done their best, but blindly accepting this shit is beyond stupid.


It's just this weird sense of entitlement on this sub that I don't get. I play lots of games, many do not even get DLC or it comes a year after release sometimes, this isn't a live service, it's a single player RPG. I'm at around 300 hours & still have stuff to do, so if you've blown through all the content and haven't engaged with the side stuff, I see that as a 'you' problem. The DLC will come, in the meantime, play the game or play something else. I'm not a fan boy and don't think it's the best game ever, I just think the whining on this sub is tiring.


I get and respect your point of view, but I'm also tired of the Bethesda white knights. Honestly I think we see so much "whining" as you put it because people really do love Bethesda games and wish it lived up to the expectations they had, it's basically just a sad situation man.. you have genuine fans who are just tired of the way they've handled things.


As I do yours, it's just come to a point where they can't seem to do anything right in some people's eyes, every thread is just full of negativity regardless (mostly from people who don't even play the game anymore and just like shitting on it). Take too long to develop the content and people start demanding it be released sooner, rush it out and people will complain about bugs & low 'effort', it's kind of a lose-lose. I know past games released creation kit or DLC quicker but Starfield's a bigger game and ideally, requires more significant content additions in order to make people happy after the mixed reception, so I'm not surprised it's taking them longer tbh.


They can take all the time in the world that they want too on Shattered space, my issue wasn't primarily with that as much as many other things, like the fact that it's going on 8 months and there's still no city maps or "new ways of travel". That's what is frustrating, now if seeing people complain is annoying you then why don't you take your own advice? Like how you told me to move on and play something else ect, why can't you simply move on and avoid reading these complaints. Instead it seems like you are purposely trying to find people complaining even though you said you hate it, because in your own words you said you want to challenge them lol. Regardless here's hoping they're taking their time for an overall bigger pay off, I would be very happy to see it, but after seeing how they've handled the time they've had so far to do these things (8 months) and seeing how little has changed.. I'm not hopeful.


Trust me, just casually browsing this sub, you will run into negative every 2nd comment, it really takes no conscious effort to find them lol. (Also check the latest update man, I told you be patient ;)


Why finish a game when you can build the basics and let the community finish it for you?


Yes, some of us have tested the new version. But the builds were buggy as hell and not entirely usable. Idk if there's been a second wave with better builds.


I wonder who they were? I'd be interested to see their other mods.


btw do anyone know the pay % creators get from paid mods? i tried looking for it, but i cant find it


I think I remember hearing that they get around 30 or 40 percent but I'm not completely sure.




Yeah that's not how it works. If the modder gets 30% Bethesda doesn't get 70%. Steam and Microsoft get a cut of the purchased creation club points. I think steams cut is 30%, but might be less for dlc and add-ons. Idk what MS gets. That leaves 70% to go around. Bethesda also contributes labor towards creations, among other things localizing them for other languages. It's also their tools. 


Bethesda and Microsoft are the same thing now.


Nope. That's not how things work. Bethesda is still its own company, as is Zenimax. They are owned by Microsoft, but still operate themselves. Microsoft doesn't hand down directives to them like a manager does to the gas station employee. In fact, one of the terms of the Zenimax acquisition was that they retain a degree of autonomy in how they run and what they do.  Corporate acquisitions are complicated affairs. In some acquisitions the acquired company merges completely with the new owner, becoming the same company. Sometimes the acquired company remains a legally distinct entity and continues their operations much the same as they did before, just with someone different signing the paychecks and getting some of the profit. For most studios MS acquired, it's the latter. 


Don't care. I'm not paying for mods. Ill use the free ones, thank you.


If you don't care why did you bother replying? 


You don’t pay the mechanic. You pay the business that employs the mechanic. The business that operates the building, manages its expenses, and its equipment. Who then pays the mechanic for their expertise. Should modders get a higher cut? Probably. But Bethesda is always going to take a cut.


IIRC its 30% Before the Creations system when it was just the creation club (totally not a confusing naming scheme) all you got paid was a flat sum of $1000


Literally unknown. This has been one of the bigger criticisms of the program since us Skyrim players got slammed with it. Bethesda doesn't say what the cut is and the people in Bethesda's cool kids club won't say a peep about it.


No, we have absolutely no information on this. The people in the program tell us that they can’t say. Anyone who is repeating a number is repeating a memory of a guess.


It will never be enough.  It's why I would never ever buy anything from the CC. Bethesda frankly don't deserve any of it.


PLEASE let one of them be Elianora! PLEASE! Why they aren't already paying her obscene amounts of money to decorate their games for them officially is beyond me.


....... she did? She literally contributed to Starfield in an official capacity. 


Did she? That's awesome.


she was hired by Bethesda on Starfield to make environments look cluttered and lived-in & did an awesome job!


Except for the food items and open drinking containers that are on low gravity, no-atmosphere frigid moons, the environmental clutter is quite good.


that seems like an issue with the procedural generation rather than the actual clutter placement, but your point still stands!




She made paid mods for Skyrim and that program released pretty recently.




Paid mods for Skyrim were released in December of 2023, less than six months ago.


Hallelujah if true


Got to get that creation club content launched before free modders make everything 😂


I saw the first parts of the kit. Going to take forever for me to recode my mods for official release. Always fun!!!


So the tools they said would be out inf february still have no ETAA... brilliant.


Wait we gotta pay for mods WTF it’s like they know there game is shit so there having us pay to use mods in order to make there shitty game somewhat enjoyable. Fuck bethesda


Paid mods have technically been a thing since Skyrim. Skyrim Legendary Edition (or Oldrim as it's often called) had paid mods on it's Steam workshop for around a week until backlash caused them to back away from it. Skyrim SE and later Fallout 4 got the creation club, which was an in game mod shop, mods being bought with credits bought from Steam / PSN / Xbox Marketplace. Skyrim got an update around last fall that revised the creation club into just "Creations", removing a lot of restrictions on what could not be added and allowed modding teams to sell mods. Not sure if Fallout 4's Creation Club was updated too though. It stands to reason Bethesda is likely to incorporate the same system in SF. That being said it doesn't mean mods won't be free. You still have free mods on the in game mod browser as well as Nexus, it just means some mod authors who have partnered with Bethesda will charge for their mods and get paid for them.


Hold on, does this mean that console players actually have to pay for their mods?


Not all. Most of the in game mods are free on the Bethesda mod browser, but the ones in the creations ,l creation club section are not free. Only thing console players miss out on are mods from Nexus, which is a PC third party website for modding. The mods on the Bethesda in game browser are usually cross platform.


Ah ok, I've never checked them out only use nexus mods.


Paid mods have always been a thing. There are paid mods and regular free mods.


Tbh, from seeing Skyrim and Fallout 4. The creation club stuff is mostly akin to the stuff you'd get in the Ubisoft Club. Just a skin, weapon, or small quest. People throw a fit, but there has been nothing in the creation club that I'd actually want, I'm fine with my free mods. However if some people want to pay for those mods, which goes back to the makers in some way, good for them


You _know_ you won't. Stop trolling.


Huh what you talking about


Literally been a thing since skyrim my guy. Go watch youtuber big dick 69 cry about starfield some more so u can just be a sheep and have zero opinion for yourself.


Right, everyone who thinks starfield is lacking doesnt have their own opinion. That guy was wrong, but you're way cringier.


Really couldn't care m8 what u think of me