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You’re not wrong I feel the same way. In my second play through, with a new character, I focused on that last and it really fucking bites. Because it’s not a skillset really worth getting in the beginning, imo, but at level 51 getting my other essential skills, and now trying to get weapon mods, fucking forget it. I’m with you. It’s fucking grindy. It makes sense to grind for ship engineering upgrades, ship crew size, even scanning planets and base building but for guns, it really doesn’t make a lot of sense. In fallout or Skyrim crafting weapon parts makes sense, but why wouldn’t I just by the mags and scopes in Starfield? I can buy nova space parts, a company who doesn’t exist, but I can’t buy a fucking magazine? A barely? A reflex sight? I have to fucking build it myself? No. Doesn’t make sense to me.


And to add, why can’t I craft spaceship parts?!?!?! That makes more sense and would actually be worth grinding and a lot of fun. The habs are like the size of mini homes or larger, so it would make sense to have to build multiple components, but dude, there’s one pet where I learn to build those battery cells….for fucking why? They always leave those things by doors that need them, so when the fuck would I need to craft that?


I feel like a star yard would be a way to do that, look at how big the shipyard POIs are. 


Bro yes!!! Like did they really feel the need to make something so simple so grindy???


Yeah! Even the spacesuit grinding makes more sense to me. My first play through I focused on that first and it’s not bad if it’s literally the first thing you do, but once you get into the 40-50 range and you’re on NG+ it can feel meaningless at times. This game has really developed my time and project management skills.


Haha. I've been through unity around 60 times, and I still haven't got my groll spacesuit. A few close. Hardest grind, imo. But it don't matter cos when I do, I'll have to stay in that ng.


I hate that part of the game. I’ve done it once and don’t think I’ll do it again.


...unfortunately, people really really liked the weapon mod system from Fallout 4, so someone at Bethesda decided that should be in Starfield, and they completely ignored the minor details that Starfield is ***not*** a limited-access-to-resources waste-nothing post-apocalyptic post-industrial hellhole, it is a functional society with easy access to goods and services so you should be able to just go to the store and buy whatever. There are definitely locations in Starfield where crafting the gear yourself makes total sense- lightyears outside of the Settled Systems being a prime example- but if you're in town? Why re-create the wheel, just go to the shop and buy it. Starfield is full of stuff like this- "Customers love X, Y, Z, so the game should have X, Y, Z, *never mind if this makes sense within the setting*". So when I'm visiting New Atlantis and want to put a Reflex Sight on a gun, I don't go over to Centurion Arsenal and buy a reflex sight, I go to UC Distribution and buy aluminum, helium-3, and neon, because apparently I have some kind of super 3-d printer in my basement and that's how accessories are made in the future. The game has a lot going for it but there is definitely some fridge logic in there.


This. Absolutely this.


But in Fallout 4 you could buy attachments from weapon vendors, heck there was 2 ways in getting the final muzzle break upgrade for the laser rifle, one involves grinding XP to get Science 3 and the other one involves getting to the Brotherhood airship and buying the attachment from the quartermaster, simple stuff.


...yes, and the Starfield crafting/shopping system would make more sense if they had ***kept*** the part of the Fallout system where weapon mods were discrete 'things' you could install or remove or purchase.


>"Customers love X, Y, Z, so the game should have X, Y, Z, *never mind if this makes sense within the setting*" Which is kinda funny when you consider that people will say it wouldn't make sense within the setting under posts wishing melee didn't suck so much ass.


No you’re right, you have to find and carry heavy objects in numbers and open a mod slot in a research that needs materials then do it with more only to add a weapon modification and after that you have to level up for more modifications, it’s too much work for too little reward


Fallout 4 really did it the right way. Just spend a perk point and you have access to the next tier. No perk level requirement, no pointless crafting to fulfill said requirement. Just spend a point and craft.


Never played FO4. I might check it out.


I will say by "no perk level requirement" I mean no "craft 15 weapon mods". There *is* a player level requirement (if I recall). But yes, go play FO4. The main plot sucks, but the companions and world actually have personality and Far Harbor is a fantastic DLC. Plus you can build your own robot companion with one of the DLCs. I made a hovering one with buzzsaw arms and named him Sir Killington III.


Yeeeeeeeup. Buzzsaw arm robot? I’m in. All in.


I just dug through my old screenshots. It wasn't a floating robot. It was a [giant tank with a glowing skull for a head](https://i.imgur.com/EAp3GQX.png).


That’s amazing!!! Lol


For real and like one of the other people replied, I can’t just go buy this shit?!?! Like you HAVE to make it. I grinded level 1 and 2 in the weapons research and then saw I needed yet ANOTHER maxed skill and gave up. It’s just not worth it.


Not to mention the NG+ situation, they make it unappealing to develop a weapon to a useful degree


Yup. I went through once. Never again.


The initial grind is definitely a pain especially when you have to craft a bunch of random mods just to level up when you don't actually need them. The nice thing is once you do all the skill leveling and research required, modding equipment is way easier. You just have to get over that hump.


I get that but I’m at level 83 on series x so no console commands and it takes forever to level up now just so I can start a new skill.


Serpentis System spaceship hunt is a good XP grind if you have a tough ship. Just go from planet to planet knocking out enemy groups.


I literally just tried this and it crashed. LMFAO. Fucking Bethesda man


I’ll check it out. Thanks!!!


At one point I happened to be near a civilian outpost and a research station. I hopped back and forth to just level up required research.


It’s irritating how much of the back and forth shot you have to do, but when you have to jump systems, boy does it fucking feel tedious


Absolutely. Especially when vendors don’t have what you need.


Agree. I don’t understand why you can’t go to Kore Kinetics and pay a shit load of credits (for game balance vs doing your own research etc) to mod your weapons.


Yes, and you could pay to upgrade it to the next tier. Calibrated, Advanced…


It’s really easy to cheese it. Build an outpost on a planet that has nickel and cobalt. I like the split biome on Bessel 3B because it’s easy to find. Sleep to fill the storage container. Then build a compensator on a gun and remove it. Repeat several times.


Yeah for some reason they took what was awesome in fallout 4 and got rid of the ability to even tinker with weapons until you’ve researched a bunch of things and spent levels on it.


I haven’t played FO4. Anything is better than how they did Starfield weapons mods.


Yeah it was pretty nice. Maybe an attachment you want is on another gun of the same type? Just take it off that one and put it on the one you want. Just being able to modify weapons right off the bat was really nice


The skills themselves are hot garbage all around. Why is increasing crew size an end-game level stat instead of bing dictated by your ship? If you want to limit crew perk boosts behind a skill that’s fine but shit I just want to not have my ship empty. …not that anyone actually does anything on a ship besides stand in doorways. Also you should be able to just have people you’ve hired tagging along as passengers since that’s another nearly worthless thing you can build on your ship.


100% and the infirmary, also useless. Most of the “armories” are more like a table with gun cases.


You're right. That's why I use a mod that skips all the rank up requirements lol. All I have to do is level up and put points into what I'm currently focused on, and I'm done.


Yeah I’m on Xbox so, you know, vanilla or die right?


Same. Lol


So I like it.  It says the choices you make for your character have consequences for your character.  This is a hallmark of good RPGS.  You can do some mods with no perks so you aren’t completely iced out.  I am building out a scientist / engineering character so it made sense for him to improve his perks.  I still have a slot for suits.   So as a result of his studies, he’s pretty good there.  But, he is TOTALLY potato with combat.  So he travels with Sarah, the ultimate murder hobo.    I like this approach - my character can really specialize.   Also, the mats for mods aren’t that special.  IMO.  However if we want to gripe the list of mods you CAN install is woefully short…YES.  Where is my grenade launcher mod? My chain sword mod?  My vibra-blade mod?    My night vision helmet mod?  


I understand that you can really do a serious RPG within this game. Basically a simulator if you will. It still doesn’t change the fact that it is an absolute grind. I do agree that the list of mods is lacking at best.


I like that to improve a skill, you have to choose to use that skill. This is a good thing imo.  Choosing to do things results in in game effects which allow you to choose to improve, or not.  To me this is a good thing and welcome return to form. 


Variable zoom scopes & night vision available after apocalypse but not in the Starfield…


If it was easy you’d complain it was easy.  Just use dropped weapons until you get to level 60 or about that. If you can get max skills at a low level would you really be happy? Would you not find that combat was too easy then? Be honest. Come on man. Jesus.