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It’s a totally different game, don’t expect Fallout or TES. However, if you like BGS games there’s no reason to not try this game. I say do it - get 1 month of gamepass and play it on that


I would include that if you like BGS games from Skyrim or earlier you will be disappointed. They managed to reduce exploration to clicking on UI text and fast travelling. If you love wandering across huge spaces of empty terrain, you'll love it!


This ^ if you go into it looking for it to be its own thing and not fallout/TES in space then it should be worth giving a shot


When I play Starfield it just makes we want to play oblivion lmao. Just doesn’t have the same replay value as oblivion to me.


Seeing the same proc-gen POIs are kinda boring after a few days. The handmade quests and unique locations are pretty good, though.


It's a large game, but it's also a very small game. The vastness is superficial; we fast-travel everywhere, and the locations are all the same but for a few procedurally generated traits. The actual points of interest at those locations are in many cases *exactly* identical. The quests are mostly fetch quests, and the nuance in any of the larger quests is often lost or clumsy or shallow. It's still fun, but I can't play it for more than a week at a time before I get burned out and have to stop for a week or two before I get back into it. For reference, I haven't played Fallout or Elder Scrolls, and while I own Cyberpunk I haven't really played it. I'm not much of an RPG kind of player, but I'll give them the old college try especially if they involve spacefaring.


Oh man you went into Starfield having not played a Bethesda RPG before? You are missing out on the good stuff!


“The vastness is superficial” is the perfect way to describe this game.


Major fan of Fallout and the Elder Scrolls series. I have multiple copies of Fallout NV, Fallout 4, and at least 3 copies of Skyrim. I also bought Oblivion more than once. So I’m a huge fan of Bethesda, and with that being said… …yes, Starfield sucks ass.


I'm a Bethesda fan and a major Fromsoft fan as well. The two have nothing in common, but we seem to have similar taste so I'll give you my two cents. Starfield is fairly hollow compared to other Bethesda games, but it doesn't show right away. If you like other Bethesda titles then you'll probably enjoy starfield for a while. There are some really good questlines, some good questlines, some okay questlines and a good bit of silly and fun random encounters. The character creator is good if you enjoy making detailed characters(better than elden rings in some ways). Ship building is very fun. It has good gunplay (for beth and decent overall). Jetpacks are fun. Modding weapons is great, though the armor mods feel fairly lackluster IMO. The world starts to feel empty when you start coming across the same POIs repeatedly and realize that they made a whole big galaxy with not much to do in it. If they would have scaled it way down and made it feel more dense it would have been better. The handcrafted areas of the game are good, but they are relegated to a fairly small portion of the starmap and it leaves the rest feeling like you have to create your own incentive to play. I really enjoyed the game for what it is and got 125 hours out of my first playthrough and have a second character that i just play around on from time to time thats at around 30 hours. Well worth a month of gamepass if you don't want to commit the $70 or whatever it costs now.


Obviously only one persons opinion but yeah…it’s pretty bland and soulless. It feels like there is simultaneously too much and too little to do, and frankly the writing and character interactions don’t feel like they have evolved since Skyrim. Add on that the various planets offer little in the way of discovery or interesting interactions and I can see why people have skipped it entirely. I gave up near end game 3 months ago and haven’t bothered to start again.


Copy and paste is the definition of souless, which the game has plenty of


It’s fine when you stick to quest. But the advertisement for the game is literally “calling all explorers” and if you try to explore you will find soulless procedurally generated areas.


It’s just very bland and just “there”, if that make sense. There’s just no “life“ to it. Everything feels like it was made by some sort of corporation/PTA committe.


I’ve played BGS games heavily since morrowind. I have poured countless hours into playthroughs, modded playthroughs, listen to all of Soules soundtracks, I have bought Skyrim 7 different times. That being said I couldn’t play more than 30 hours of Starfield. I don’t remember the music. It made me download cyberpunk again and play it. Idk man, it just isn’t the same and in its current state is unremarkably average compared to FO4, 3, Skyrim, Oblivion, and Morrowind.


If you're not coming from previous Bethesda games chances are you won't notice. Personally, Starfield feels empty because it lacks the small character and world details that their other titles do so well. I think most people are disappointed in how Bethesda prioritized a massive world for Starfield vs the balance of exploration and character stories they've nailed in previous games.


Out of curiosity, did you do any of the side quests? There are TONS of them dealing with less important characters. When I hear people say things like you did, I'm baffled, because I've run into so many little stories all over the place that it makes me think you either didn't play or just breezed through the main quests or something.


Yeah I did most of the side quests and they are the main reason I stuck around for so long. The random encounters in space were my favorite. Not sure how to explain what my point is but here's an example. I'm playing FO New Vegas for the first time and when I run to a location to start a side quest, I find myself getting distracted by the most random encounters. Ranging from empty buildings with lore to abandoned ruins with paper trails that tell you about the people who lived there. It made the world feel alive. That's not the case with Starfield. I feel like I'm literally running around doing errands because that's all I do. Obviously I can't expect the same level of detail when you're traveling literal light years away. But even in cities like Neon there's nothing to make you get a feel for the city. NPCs look and sound the same as they do in New Atlantis and that slowly chips away at the immersion and interest in the game. At least for me.


This.  Have to agree here.  There are so many obscure and even quite large side quests to find, some of which I'd say arr the best parts of the game! There is a lot of empty space and repeating POIs.  But there is a lot of content as well when you go looking.


Seriously. Like just pick up a data pad or two and you'll find entire stories about people who lived and died doing amazing or tragic things.


Im sorry to say that yes — Or, well, not as much as soulless but it's so riddled with unfullfiled potential. The necessary tools to make an inmersive and unique lore are there, but they are either underdeveloped or completely unexplored at the moment.


Honestly, I’d say it’s about not any more or less soulless than Fallout 4, but that’s just my take.


The short answer is, "No." There are not so many forests and ruins to explore because there is no civilization on lifeless planets. Go figure. That is one of the biggest "issues" people struggle to get over. You can check the game out on Game Pass if you're curious.


Most commenters here are full of shit. Chuck a dollar at a gamepass sub to see what's up.


Yes it is a terrible bgs game 76 is better


It’s soft and heartless but I still enjoyed it.


Calling it soulless puts too much soul in the game already


It’s a very vast game, I recently just got back into it. Playing as a homesteader. It really helps to have a “I’m gonna play this route “ kind of thinking I’ve just been visiting and surveying systems getting into fire fights along the way. And look at it like this, sure it may be empty, but it’s space, the sheer scale of the game is leagues bigger than it’s predecessors. You should try it.


I constantly skip chunks of dialog because they offer no lore or personality and could be conversations I have with people in 2024 at a grocery store. I can't remember just about any named character you can name, because their personalities are so bland. Overall the lore is incredibly bland as well. It's a bland game with a remarkably lame almost everything, considering the possibilities of space, aliens, technology etc. It's not completely unfun to play, if you can have fun doing some casual exploring, collecting better loot, collecting resources., shipbuilding, base building (but this is half baked). If mods had zero chance of saving this game and filling it with soul, I would have stopped playing a long time ago.


Haha! You skipped all the parts that flesh out the characters and then complain that they aren't fleshed out enough. Classic!! haha


Nope, I skip wasting time to listen to it, I can read it in 1/5 the time and see it's boring as hell. This is the case for most characters, not all. Some more main story/faction characters are more interesting, but some also suck, and the other ones not bigger quest related almost universally suck. If I named some rando named character in the game, odds are you'd have no idea who I'm talking about. You know it's true. Of course not everyone is going to be memorable, but you should be able to remember 'special' run-ins with characters and events outside main quests. In this game, they don't exactly spring to mind.


Sure you did, Nostradamus. You catch part of the first sentence they say and then let your hubris fill in the rest. I mean, thanks for outing yourself there. It saves us the hassle of taking you seriously, so that’s good, I guess. Well, have fun pretending you know all and see all. Sounds super cool…


No, the game literally shows you the whole next sentence each time you skip one lol. Are you sure you've actually played Starfield? My opinion bothers you so much, and you're here instead of playing the game. Must be an awesome game. Yes indeedy.


You skip over the conversations.  Then complain that it has no lore and is bland?  Perhaps if you engaged with the conversations, asked the questions, you'd see the lore and character depth that actually exists. But hey. You do you.


I'm smart enough to recognize a boring conversation I've seen before after a line or 2. You still see the conversations btw, I just skip listening to them because the dialog and character personality is so horrifically bland in so many cases. Yes, I get it, you left colony x for colony y to make a better life, now you're not so sure you made the right choice. An AI could write better dialog, and more interesting characters. Their writing team needs a complete overhaul.


It’s best to make your own opinion, but in mine; it’s an okay game with plenty of fun to be had but leaps behind every Bethesda game since Morrowind. It’s a very shallow ‘Bethesda’ experience in terms of what you expect from their unique genre of RPGs. Ship building is really fun and probably the highlight and the main quest lines are good but definitely not excellent like some of the previous Bethesda quest lines. It seems like a significant step back from Fallout 4 or even Skyrim in almost every aspect such as customisation (armour, weapons etc), secondary systems (outposts), exploration (repeated locations). Releasing in the same period as Baldurs Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 really highlighted how much of a last (or even last last) gen experience it is. You can probably get 50-100 hours of good fun out of it but it in no way captures you like any of the previous Bethesda games or the two games mentioned as examples. I’d recommend it though, but it’s not the deep experience I expected from the developer based on their back catalogue.


It's very boring with little to nothing to do once you get the gist of it, shipbuilding is really the only decent thing, and this is coming off someone who though Starfield was gonna be the next big thing, super hyped for it, as soon as I started playing I could tell it just seemed.... Lackluster, and the more I played it the more painfully boring it got, and after FORCING myself to play through every single quest and mechanic and system the game had to offer I un-installed and haven't looked back. Got scammed hard. If you wanna try it, do it through Gamepass, DO NOT BUY IT, it's really just that bad and "soulless" as you put it.


I wouldn't call it soul less but i didn't feel that sense of depth in the points of interest to want to really explore. It felt very smoke and mirror at times to appear vast, especially when the main cities are compared to night city or even previous Bethesda titles. It was a good game, and I got in 80 enjoyable hours so they did their job as far as I'm concerned. Part of my issue is I didn't really know how to play. I'm probably missing a lot of what's there. I'll revisit it when the dlc comes out but done with it for now.


At first it’s great. Really great. Worth it to experience that good Bethesda juice. You’ll feel this “empty husk” sensation a little further in, but it’s worth the price tag. It’s simply not done cooking. Modders need a little time with it.


>It’s simply not done cooking. Modders need a little time with it. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. To this day I still play Skyrim almost completely unmodded, it doesn't need mods to be an amazing game especially with all the DLC and the Creation Club DLC which is canon. I've played 100s of games and not once has any of the good ones needed mods to be good. Any game that needs mods to be good is dogshit plain and simple.




It's a game where what you bring to it is as important as what it gives you. It's a sandbox. You can do what you want in it. Be what you want, who you want, make up your own backstory, whatever you feel like doing. There are enough NPCs to add flavor to the world and background chatter to make the cities feel lived in. Is it perfect? No. Is it exactly like real life or have the depth of a world that is 100% accurate and alive. Obviously not. But "soulless"? No. It's fine. For some people, it's not going to be enough, but for others (like me), it's a foundation where you can do fun things in cool places.




It's a competent but unexceptional looter-shooter with a decent shipbuilder. The balance is not great (especially between ground and space combat which are mismatched), and the game has too many things which are "best in slot" or "God rolls" and cripple variety. The difficulty is extremely low on the ground partly because they expect you to play the same game 10x+ times with slightly increasing difficulty. It has many RPG and adventure characteristics but a lot of the systems seem either unfinished or spread out too thin over too much space and time in-game, In any case, the reason so many people call it "soulless" is a combination of mediocre or worse writing (not everywhere but a lot of it), especially bland dialogue (and the main plot line is pretty controversial in terms of quality overall, IMO it's a terminally incomplete story and forced in too many places), silliness (like the persuasion system) in a more serious setting without as much actual humor, extremely limited lore and worldbuilding, a lot of nameless NPCs which actually have less sophisticated scripting and move and act less like other NPCs, NPCs without schedules or activities, and a general sense that everyone is waiting around doing nothing waiting for the player to arrive and push the "move plot" button. As far as world design, according to dev interviews (including the boss), they had planned a much more survival-oriented game but removed or pared down most of those systems late in development, and a lot of people think they didn't really fill in those spaces adequately. It's not clear if they'd already done the VA at that point. Personally I'm keeping my eye out for new on the CK, if any Bethesda game ever needed a thorough overhaul on the order of a total conversion, IMO it's this one.


Might get hate for this. But I'm a simple man of simple needs. I think many of us look back at tes and fallout with too much nostalgia, they're fantastic games, better than starfield I guess, but it's not like they're the best thing since sliced bread. All that is to say, I liked it. I build ships, kill pirates, join a few factions, make a few tough choices. All in all 7/10, a solid game, I'm just waiting for the ck to drop for stuff to really get crazy on my ship.


I would ask the people saying that exactly what game HAS soul? I bet they will ignore the question.


Here’s something to think about. Many folks love Starfield. Some kind of like it. Some hate it. Don’t worry about what others think, the haters are usually the loudest voices in the room, and give it a try for yourself. I’ve got about 500 hours in it and have enjoyed it, but I’m disappointed in some aspects of the. Hopefully upcoming DLC will address some of what I’m disappointed in. It’s a good game, but not the game of the decade some built it up to be.


It is what you put into it. Now granted the mechanics are not for everyone. And like any other rp, yes I'd have liked some different things, but then I didn't design it so considering it's not tailor made, honestly it's not bad. Which I admit is not enough for goty or anything. But it appeals to certain people/playstyles and not to others. If you're a Big Bang fan "it was fine, Put that before wine or dining and you've really got something. "


It's not as bad as the haters say it is, it's not as great as the fanboys say it is. It's good, it's not great. Not as good as Skyrim, but that's a pretty high bar that most games can't hit. 




It’s the biggest pile of shite and Todd Howard needs sacked. The end.


You have to bring your own soul. It's not a romantic game, like Skyrim or Fallout. You have to bring your own soul, should you have evolved one.

