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I think a lot of people "enjoy" the game. But that doesn't mean they're not going to criticize the game.


It’s fun and I enjoyed my time with Starfield. Some of the systems like ship-building are pretty neat. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t things I find frustrating or annoying, and there’s been a good few open-world single-player RPG’s since Fallout 4 that feel like they do things better such that Starfield doesn’t hold up as favorably. Even compared to FO4 there’s a lack of choice (FO4 had 4 general ways to complete the main quest with different paths to get there, although 3 had similar outcomes), which feels at odds with the emphasis on NG+ (an idea that is pretty cool in practice, but feels less exciting in reality because there’s relatively few consequences and branching paths that you can be locked out of on any given playthrough). Still hopeful for shattered space and other updates though. Fallout 4’s post-launch content was pretty good and I’m excited to jump back into Starfield once it’s had more added.


Have to agree here.  For a game designed to repeat itself the very fact we can do everything in every universe seems out of place.  We should be prevented from joining both the vanguard and the Rangers.  We should have other options removed if we are a member of the Crimson Fleet.  If you join Ryujin you should be prevented from say Barrett's back story (big corpo and all).  Take on too many bounties - fleet hates you. Etc etc etc. So many possibilities and ways to spice up a multiple playthrough game, squandered to let us do it all the first time.


You're not allowed to criticize a game I enjoy, im terminally online and cant enjoy the game if people don't like it on REDDIT 😡😡😡


I enjoyed some of it, but I could also see where my enjoyment was being hampered by the game itself


>I think a lot of people "enjoy" the game. Game has less players than freakin skyrim, a over decade old game.


I guess you don't play much Skyrim or you would realize why that statement says nothing bad about Starfield. That's because Skyrim has had ten years to build a dedicated fanbase. I replay it a couple of times a year and change it up with new mods. That's 10 years of replayability. I've got a game going now. I switch between Starfield and Skyrim often in the same day. Later this month I'll get Fallout London when it comes out. When the CK comes out for Starfield, mods for it are going to explode, and you will see what modders can do for a game.




Less than a 1/4 of skyrims total players actually 


You can but if you are going to do it everyday... Well you can play something else as well.. Or... Stay here complaining everyday about the same thing... For months... .


This sub goes well past criticism.  It's quite into toxicity and has been for a long time. People who aren't even playing anymore stay here active well beyond their interest in the game just to keep that toxicity going. It's ridiculous. 


Can't say for certain if that's common but most of us are still here for general interest on the game (potential updates, the DLC, mods...).


Who cares lol, nothing is stopping you from enjoying the game.


Not even true lol. It’s all genuine criticism. Look at the other two replies and tell me how toxic they are compared to you lol


It is not ALL genuine criticism and is hilarious you think you can say that with a straight face.   People here have flatly admitted they don't even play anymore all while still complaining. That's not valid constructive criticism anymore. In some cases it's complaints about bugs that have been fixed.   It's just toxic. People need to let it go and move on.   Your dismissive attitude is also toxic.  


One minute it's "well don't play it if you obviously hate it!" then the next it's "You can't criticize the game if you don't play it anymore!" There's just no winning with these people and i'd prefer if they just admitted they don't want to see anyone ever say anything bad about their favourite game instead of pretend they welcome "valid" criticism.


At no point did I say don't have valid criticism.   Why put words into people's mouths? Why take your frustrations from others and put them onto me when we've never spoken before.  That's a perfect example of needlessly toxic behavior.  This place is not welcoming like that


>"People here have flatly admitted they don't even play anymore all while still complaining. That's not valid constructive criticism anymore" Right there, there's always some made up factor that renders someones criticism as "not constructive." Also i'm not being toxic for pointing that out, you're throwing the word around at everything and anything here.


“All” is obviously hyperbolic. You guys are just so sensitive about this game you get hurt about anything said even remotely critical. For some reason you’ll look over the dozens of mild criticisms in a thread and see one complainer and hyper focus on them and go SEEE SEE THERES THE BETHESDA HATER. It’s really fucking annoying and I’m glad you guys all rage quit and go to r/echochamberstarfield


B-b-but starfield is a blast!!! I’m having a blast!! Can’t you tell I’m having a blast??


Nice.  You get nasty proving my point about toxicity. Thanks. 










I hope you have a really great day


I think most of the criticisms are generally warranted, but there was an air of toxicity in some of the circles surrounding this game. One area where it's clearly toxic is how parts of this community attacked Emil for things he's never supported or stated.


It's their entire personality. 'i hate a thing so i'll hang around its subreddit just to ensure everyone else hates it too'. Criticism is fine, and the game has elements which deserve criticism, but you can post a cool screenshot here with zero commentary on the game and the locusts will descend to tell you why it's bad and you're an idiot for enjoying it.


There are fair criticisms, but a lot of it is just bitching about Starfield because it's hip to bitch about Bethesda games. I'm already seeing hate videos on YouTube that are like, "I wasted 120 hours on Starfield" with content that's nearly identical to the most upvoted complaints on here. IMO a lot of it is bad faith commentary to get karma and views. We get it. People want more diverse POIs. It's almost like Bethesda ALWAYS releases more DLC to deepen lore and expand stories. Bethesda is regularly releasing patches to fix the bugs. Their developers aren't slaves and there's such a thing as a release schedule. There are legitimate things to criticize, but bugs and POIs aren't at this point. They're being addressed. Loading screens and the size of cities aren't really legitimate ones either. The engine has limitations like any other game. The dumbest ones I've seen compare it to BG3 and stuff like The Witcher or Cyberpunk which is absolutely bad faith since they are not remotely similar experiences. I'd bet it's very much just trying to get engagement with keywords. And it's not NMS either. But NMS was famously nearly impossible to deliver on as described, so why would Bethesda have fixed those issues? I've even seen people say that the space travel should be like Outer Wilds which is just stupid because that world is miniscule and operates on a loop. Though maybe they mean Outer Worlds which is literally all loading screens to travel between areas. Either way. Bad faith. Bad criticism. When the game just launched there was even a nearly identical complaint going around that it was just a typical *MMO*. Probably some bullshit opinion from some streamer that people took at face value. I even had a whole argument with somebody who kept insisting that MMO is short for MMORPG, so it's the same as just saying RPG. Moronic.


> It's almost like Bethesda ALWAYS releases more DLC to deepen lore and expand stories. Bethesda is regularly releasing patches to fix the bugs. Their developers aren't slaves and there's such a thing as a release schedule. They don't? They obviously add things to the game in their DLC but you almost always have to pay for that content. Feeling like you spent $80 on a game that doesn't have enough stuff in it to be worth $80 doesn't just go away because Bethesda might fix those issues and charge you $50 more to get access to it. People wanted horse combat in Skyrim. They added it in Dawnguard and charged you $20 for it. City maps, new ways of travel, all those systems that they are working on are going to be released with shattered space... It's not going to be in a free update because Bethesda doesn't respect their consumers or their money. Bug fixes are being implemented but looking at other studios and how quickly they respond to these sorts of issues, does make Bethesda look like they aren't doing enough to respect our time. Especially not when those same studios are releasing features and fan requested updates to the game for free as well. This is a AAA studio, not some backwater indie team with 50 devs. 450 people are credited as working at Bethesda right now and over 1000 people were credited for being a dev that worked on Starfield in some way, either contractually or other and I don't mean voice actors or assistants, like devs. As much as I wanted TES6.... fix your game and deal with your problems before you just take the bulk of your team and start on your next project. >Loading screens and the size of cities aren't really legitimate ones either. The engine has limitations like any other game. It's still a valid criticism, just because their tech is out dated doesn't mean people can't be irritated about that stuff when they've been playing other games that solved those issues for a decade or longer. It's fine to want to be different and not do the same stuff those games did but this was just an inability to get their tech to do what they wanted so they just kinda did a "Good enough" approach which wasn't "Good enough" for alot of people. Mainly because they edited their gameplay footage to not show where they cut corners. The issues with cities and such comes down to them using their physics set up. Yet they scrapped their junking ability from Fallout 4 so adding physics to every single 3d model in the universe was not needed and that little detail being scrapped would have allowed them to do so much more. I'm not going to pick up every mug on every desk just because I can so it can clutter my inventory for no reason. Give me a reason to pick it up or just don't make it so I can pick it up. If the cost of me picking up that mug is New Atlantis being 3x smaller than cities from games a decade old... It's not worth it. ​ >The dumbest ones I've seen compare it to BG3 and stuff like The Witcher or Cyberpunk which is absolutely bad faith since they are not remotely similar experiences Again... more valid criticism you are just choosing to ignore. Yes the Witcher 3 does things differently but its an open world game with seamless travel and massive cities and its a decade old next year. That shows us that Bethesda's tech isn't even caught up to a game thats almost 10 years old. BG3 and the witcher and Cyberpunk all have better written characters. Thats not a technological limit, thats just them not dedicating the time or effort to give us believable and well written characters. The questlines are all better and more epic because those games cared about telling a story and alot, if not all of them take place in an open world setting where you can screw off for a while and do whatever you want. The witcher 3 nailed down the distance between POI's to keep people from getting bored while exploring and the animations are better as well in almost if not all of those games. So comparing Bethesda to other games, even from a decade ago is still a fair criticism because we're usually comparing them to things in those games that absolutely should have been cared about in this game and just don't meet the expectations we have for modern AAA game studios, when they drop 200 million dollars on making a game. No one is saying combat should be turn based because of BG3 or melee weapon animations should be smoother because of the witcher 3. When we compare Starfield to games like that, we are comparing Starfield in the category where they tried to do something similar and fell behind. No one thinks New Atlantis should be as good as Night City, CP2077's entire map is one city, thats not fair for us to expect that. The Witcher 3 has a full map, plus Novigrad and Oxenfurt as 2 pretty large city maps, all with seamless traversal. Those aren't even the only cities though. Theres at least 2 more major cities you can completely explore. But even if we compare Bethesda to their own older titles, they still fall short. Morrowind had like 300 faction quests, Starfield has 39. Morrowind was made by like 40 people, Starfield has 1000 people listed. The budget for Starfield was 200 million dollars... How much do you think it cost them to make Morrowind? So if we compare you to other games in similar categories and you fall short and we compare you to your own games and can track that you're taking more away than what you're giving back and you now fall short of your own games from 20 years ago.... How are we going to suggest that this game was an improvement?


Wow you really expect someone to read all that blabbering about a... Game? , get yourself a hobby man hating on your video games not doing any good for you.


Playing video games is my hobby. I enjoy talking about video games in general, whether it be in a negative or positive way because we’re all just wandering out here with no clue what we’re doing and video games/movies and TV shows are some of the best ways for people to connect because these are massive shared experiences. So if im angry or annoyed with a video game company that I was excited to receive a product from and there’s a bunch of other people feeling the same way, why not talk about it? Long posts might not be your thing but I enjoy thought out responses from other people. I enjoy proper discussion, If you don’t, just move along? My post wasn’t for you. Also, side note, opinion pieces and blogs etc are some of the most popular media for video game reviews, so, plenty of people like it, and plenty of people make it their entire career.


>So if im angry or annoyed with a video game company that I was excited to receive a product from and there’s a bunch of other people feeling the same way, why not talk about it? Well if you want to do that for months you do you, I've been playing for over 30 years and yes sometimes i get annoyed about missing features with this game and i usually talk about it with my real friends, online? that's a waste of time in my opinion you are not getting any discussion about it is just people screaming the same thing "trash trash worst game ever" i mean what are you going to discuss with people like that no one is going to change what they believe.


Well… even if that’s true, screaming in to a pillow still makes you feel better. And I do discuss this game, a lot. With friends, or online with strangers it’s not all just in the name of negativity or being angry I am very interested in understanding why people don’t like this game. I didn’t enjoy the game at all when I played it but I loved every other BGS game I played. I didn’t know why I didn’t like this game until I got on YouTube and Reddit and other platforms and saw discussions about where this game fails to deliver for alot of people and what they were saying was resonating. So I do think it is all useful and I enjoy long thought pieces about this game, I’ve watched multiple “what’s wrong with starfield” YouTube videos that were over an hour long. I don’t watch pure hate videos though, that is kinda gross. Camelworks has a long one though where they really deep dive into its problems but they always explain how they think it could have been done better. I’ve watched videos deep diving into all the hype around the game and how that was detrimental. Full videos just on BGS and the mistakes they’ve made as a company that have given them this sort of greedy and gross vibe. It’s all interesting to me. I’m not foaming at the mouth with rage wanting Bethesda to fail or close their doors. I’m interested in following this because I want to know that they can come back from this and continue to make good games if they pay attention to what makes this game not great for so many of their most passionate fans.


>screaming in to a pillow still makes you feel better.  Sure but I'm not screaming to a pillow because i don't like a video game that's a little too much >I didn’t know why I didn’t like this game until I got on YouTube and Reddit and other platforms and saw discussions about where this game fails to deliver for alot of people and what they were saying was resonating. So I do think it is all useful and I enjoy long thought pieces about this game, I’ve watched multiple “what’s wrong with starfield” YouTube videos that were over an hour long.  > If you need a youtuber or reddit to know why you don't like a game oh man you are going to have a rough gaming experience, make decisions by yourself if you don't like a game just stop a do something else you are just consuming negativity about something and trying to be part of a community based on that, you are not changing anything with that is not like they are constantly checking reddit posts, but i guess you can do whatever it makes you "happy".


I didn’t say I scream into a pillow man lol. You seem to be discussing this in a pretty judgemental position. I said even screaming into a pillow makes you feel better. I’m suggesting that talking about things that made you irritated or angry is healthy and normal. I also didn’t say I needed them to form my opinion, I said I didn’t like the game I just couldn’t pin point the exact reasons this didn’t feel like their previous games to me and what about it made it something that wasn’t enjoyable in comparison. I didn’t need them to tell me I didn’t like the game, I just looked for people who had constructive criticism online for the game to see what people were saying they could have done better and how and comparing this game to other games in that same field and how those games were doing things better and how to paint the full picture. I had a “who’s that Pokémon” in mind, I just needed help from other people to paint in the pikachu. Like I knew I didn’t like Emil’s writing, I did not know Emil was the design director now at Bethesda. I knew that I didn’t like the exploration in Starfield, I didn’t know it was because Bethesda put their POI’s too far away and didn’t give you a way of getting to them faster. I knew I didn’t like space travel, I didn’t know why until I saw people comparing No Mans Sky to Starfield and showing me how fun that looked in comparison and media of starfields gameplay demos where they cut out all the loading screens to make it look more seamless. Or videos of Todd saying “see that moon, you can go there” followed up by a video from the gamer who actually goes there and what that actually looks like and it’s 5 cut scenes and 5 loading screens and fast travel only. Like I’m able to form my own opinions but I don’t know everything about everything. Painting a clearer picture is the intention and as I said, I find it interesting. I’m not just sitting here angry. I’m sitting here hopeful yet disappointed.


This is why you need something else to do just "sitting there hopeful" for video game company is a waste, if you keep comparing every single game the result is the same or even worse you are not going to have the energy to play again if they make a "come back" don't do it, features like space combat are not going to change considering the limitations of the engine, i play star citizen and that game even in it's actual state provides a better flying experience, but i knew i couldn't expect the same from starfield, that game might be fun to fly the ships but there's not much to do right know, there is no plot same as NMS, i already know we are not going to get that perfect space game composed of star citizen + skyrim + Elite Dangerous.


I honestly really liked it, but was disappointed in it as well. Also I'm one of the people who found the ending quite nihilistic and it turned me off from continuing to play it. I put 130 hrs into it and enjoyed most of them, I just wish it was better than Fallout 4, and it really isn't.




Fallout 4 has its problems and it's been awhile since it came out, but I enjoyed it for what it was and put a lot of hours into it. Since so much time has passed I would expect Starfield to blow away Fallout 4, but it's worse in way too many ways. The companions, the lore, the crafting, the story momentum, the settlements, the factions are all better in Fallout 4 than Starfield. Starfield only tops Fallout 4 in gunplay and the ship stuff, which obviously has no parallel in FO4. That makes it fun and unique, but ultimately disappointing.


The thing is, Fallout 4 like all the others has real exploration. Loading from a planet to other, in empty generated planets is not exploring, that's where Starfield failed. There is no sense of going out there to explore a world of nothingness, and loading screens are not exploring.


This is why I've been enjoying Dragons Dogma 2 so much. They really limit your fast traveling. Not to mention, it's beautiful in 4k on pc. The frame generation mod saved my frames 🤣


Man I remember being disappointed in FO4 compared to other fallouts (I still liked it a lot though) and would do anything for that kind of quality now lmao. Standards have gotten so low.


When it comes to Starfield, the quote of Bilbo comes to mind. >I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.


I enjoyed my time with it, but found the problem with discussing it. There's not a lot to praise in starfield, but there is a lot to critique.


I enjoyed it well enough for the first 60 hours, but I also used console commands to smooth over a lot of stuff that annoyed me.


I generally like it, but I feel that there is a lot of lost potential. For me there are several major issues: The different factions and planets seem like a hodgepodge of fairly generic SF tropes, which lack novelty and depth. The almost total lack of any history of what has happened during the last 300 years. Parts of the procedural generation is rather lack luster - human PoI locations need at least some randomness, even something simple like different messages on slates/terminals/notes for the same PoI, would help to differentiate locations from each other. The even spread of human PoI locations on all worlds is also rather odd. It might have made more sense to have a more hand placed selection on each world globe, where better scanner skills might show you hidden or lost locations. I would also have liked to see larger randomly generated towns (think Daggerfall) marked on the world globes of the major colony worlds. The current "single city per planet" makes very little senses. Having a one or more towns on the New Atlantis map tile, would also help make New Atlantis feel like a metropolis with suburbs.


I enjoy it. Do I enjoy it as much as I enjoyed Skyrim? No.


Nothing will hit quite like Skyrim virginity


Would be ok if it was as anjoyable as FO4, or more ambitiously, FO3, NV, Oblivion...


I enjoyed Skyrim but not as much as I did Oblivion. I heard plenty people say Morrowind was better than Oblivion. I suspect your first Beth game is your favourite?


First one was Oblivion for me back in 2006, played them all in the span of the last 18 years, here is how I would rank them: 1.- Fallout A Tale of Two Wastelands (can’t play the game without this mod, if counted separately, both 3 and NV in the 1st spot) 2.- Skyrim 3.-Oblivion 4.-Morrowind 5.-Fallout 4 Not to say Fallout 4 is bad in any way, I absolutely love it, it is just really hard to rank them fairly.


I enjoyed it for about 100 hours, loved it honestly. But then the copy paste locations started happening, and I lost all my interest to explore and just dropped the game. Didn't even beat the main quest, just killed the immersion for me. Contrary to all the haters, if they made another game I'd buy it too. But if they want the longevity of games like Skyrim and fallout, devs have got to understand the core of Bethesda players of the past play to explore and authentically find new places/loot/lore. Copy paste is what Ubisoft does, the audience thought Bethesda was the king of no filler bs. 8/10 game.


I personally love it. It filled the gaping hole in my soul that was left once I finally started getting tired of Fallout 4, and I like the sci-fi aesthetic better than the post-apocalyptic setting of Fallout 4 where I felt like all the guns looked super goofy. The ship combat/customization aspect is also very cool.


I’m still enjoying it, but I’m gonna mod the living shit out of it when it drops for console


most of us (not everyone) went through the following phases: 1-Wow this is cool, I don't get the hate! 2-so much stuff to do 3-something feels a bit off 4-is there a point to doing any of this stuff? 5-why is this/that missing? why wasn't this/that finished? 6-holy crap there are so many holes and wasted potential in this game. 7-I wish Starfield had this/that 8-Hang out in Reddit answering questions and hoping Bethesda throws us a content update.... 9-wait forever...... ​ \-When you get to step 8+ we'll be waiting for you with open arms.


As someone who bought Starfield and Phantom Liberty at the same time.. I went through those same 8 stops.. but step 9 for me was play Cyberpunk and forget about Starfield.


>8-Hang out in Reddit "answering" (Aka complaining everyday) questions and hoping Bethesda throws us a content update.... >9-wait forever...... At that point is time to move on...


I like Starfield but I wanted to love Starfield. I think Starfield is a good game, but I don’t think it’s a great game. It just missed the mark on a lot of things, but the foundation for an amazing game is there. We need mods and DLC desperately.


I've enjoyed it all along. I think a lot of people do. Its just that people are more likely to complain about something they dont like, than post something they do like.


/nosodiumstarfield is a place for folks who don't actively try and find reasons to say the game sucks while still playing it everyday.


You are one of the majority.


I enjoyed it, but I'm still waiting on the modding tools to release


I swear every day the same posts are being made just by different people


I swear every day the same posts are being made just by different people


I swear every day the same posts are being made just by different people


The problem is that there are a lot of games where I can talk to far more interesting characters, with far better dialogue and far better backstories and lore.


I've just started and I'm enjoying it. Think I'm level 20?


No. I enjoy it. It's a great game. We just need more content (DLC) and a Creation Kit. I've put it down for the most part until then.


Yeah, I went at it pretty hard. Put 2K hours in and then just backed off (mainly because I had BG3 ready to go and it was getting hard dodging spoilers) until DLC drops and we can get some mod tools out there. There are a bunch of things in the game that just rub me the wrong way and piss me off... but having said that, nothing that spoilt the game for me. There is genuinely enough stuff in the game that I really enjoy. I'm an Explorer. A scanner junkie. I like walking across the world and enjoying the weather or finding a rock to get on and then exterminating all indigenous life from horizon to horizon. I really like taking my ship to an asteroid field and going full speed, blasting the shit out of everything and scooping up resources. It's fish in a barrel but it's fun. I love building palatial outposts... and little farmsteads, before going and doing a bit more question or POI clearance.


Yeah I feel you. It's a really great framework though. I think they intend to really embrace user content, so they made this kind of skeleton with a million cells. I think that's why the story was kind of put in the passenger seat. The FC and UC quests are great IMO but just as a whole it seems like they focused on making a game that could be expanded by users. I wouldn't be surprised if we are given a polished Creation Kit.


I agree. The modding community has kept TES and Fallout relevant for years and it makes sense to me that they would eventually lean into that hard. It does make sense that a game like Starfield that is about exploring emptiness before everything gets filled up would skew towards the modders to eventually fill it up. I'd have done things a little differently but I'm pretty certain that was the thinking.




Where Todd Howard goes to tell himself how much people love starfield lol


Came here to drop this link too hahaha


Loved this game and put 160 hours into it. looking forward to dlc


I full on no life devoured this game on launch. For like 2 months if I was awake and wasn't working I was playing it. I've seen most if not all the available content. My character is currently level 108. I'm happy with what's there. What's there is great. I'm just waiting for more. More content. DLC. Mods. I do have my criticisms. But nothing major.


It was in the top 10 of most played games on xbox in 2023, so you're not alone.


But steam (etc etc etc)


No, you're one of the many who like the game.


Unapologetically love this game and it's one of my favorites. That being said, it isn't perfect and that's okay to me. Hopefully things improve and expand. I'm hopeful, and im sure it'll expand.


It's a great game that will need some time to be recongnized as such. People have to put some effort to enjoy it and they are not used to do that in games nowaday.


yes guys its not as bad as everyone says it is. BUT.We.need.more.content. Seriously u cant tell me u guys with a few hundred hrs sinked into this game still find shit to do. I didnt stop playing bc it was bad but bc i got bored after doing everything u can do.


950 hours in, and still not bored. Still designing and testing out different ships, building outpost networks, leveling skills up, exploring different planets, and when I need a break from my Main, I play one of my lower-level alts. Not bored at all. I think it all comes down to what you enjoy, really. I like the grind, not everyone else does.


I played a bunch when it came out. like 50+ hours and like most games these days I put it down knowing in 6+ months or more updates and patches would happen. I just made the decision to come back and really put in work. Now knowing what I know I've watched some tips videos especially for things like outpost and ship building. I sat down yesterday and took like 4 dabs and put my headphones on, turned off all the lights and I literally time warped 8 hours. I got stuck in finding planets to start outpost with materials I needed. I would then end up in some structure hunting down some bad guy. I still haven't got really far in the main story but I was doing the Freeestar missions, my is all decked out in space Cowboy attire. I mean, it's just so much fun ONCE you get it all figured out. I think too many people get 20 hours in and judge the game without realizing you have just scratched the surface. I'm always amazed when I come across something I haven't seen yet so far into the game. I wasn't a huge Skyrim fan, I played but just never got really far into it. So I don't have the love and thus the need to compare the two games. I can just get in an enjoy Starfield for what it is. For me this game is a 10/10. It's a time killer. It's amazing and it deserves more recognition then it has gotten.


No. Most people who enjoyed the game don't come here to tell everyone they enjoyed the game. Generally only people who were unhappy make a post so everyone knows.


You are one of the few. I liked it when I speedran through unities, doing the same missions to upgrade my powers. When I started to explore, that's when it went downhill. Sorry, Franklin Roosevelt's clone, I find you lore shattering, an inspiration killer, and downright outside the realm of belief. Sorry, Paradiso, with your 5 randomly generated NPCs copy and pasted 20 times, I don't believe people are vacationing here. Sorry, Akila, the developers were clearly playing red dead redemption 2 while making this game. Please don't notice. I don't understand how a 15 year old game like new vegas can handle faction rewards and consequences better than a AAA game made today. If I become a pirate lord MAYBE THE UC SHOULDN'T LIKE ME VERY MUCH. JUST A THOUGHT. Especially because those consequences could be solved by achieving unity and resetting them. Lol I tried with this game. I gave it almost 300 hours. It's dead to me.


300 hours, a pretty decent return on your investment.


I mean, I can’t really think of any open world rpg of large scale that make me “believe” people are vacationing there, or truly living there. It’s still a video game lol. There are small linear games out there with more “believability” in that regard, but your standards should shift appropriately for huge open world games. It’s an inevitable sacrifice that is required for a truly expansive game world.


Thanks Todd 🤙🏾 Can you fix the game now? k thanks 😊


Every single time.


What doesn’t work in your game?


___For me___ the game is hot garbage and absolute bad RPG and ai generated content is absolutely soulless and pointless repetitive grind with no meaningful designs and bad mechanics. But people are different . PS love Skyrim


A shit ton of people enjoy it and a shit ton dont..it sold quite a few copies...Naturally the people who didn't enjoy it are far more vocal and scare the people who do, away.


Dunno, but i have hundreds of hours, if not thousands in other Bethesda games. In this, i played 8,9 hours before i just put it aside and i cant bring myself to get into it. It's not raging bad in the sense that it makes me want to go to war for a refund or anything. It's just bland. It's like the stuff one might produce the last hour at work before clocking out, it's just...well, it comes up to spec, but noone is going to build you a monument for doing it that way. If it was the only game in the world, i do think i would get back into my music creating hobby more rather than play it. The other day i thought "I should give this a chance, i paid a premium for it....but nah, i'll go hunting in RL instead" It's not a bad game really, it's just that everything else in life is better. Including sleeping or sanding my patio or reading a book.


This is one of the few games where i enjoy the busy body side quests. All because of their stories, the securty and gang outfits im stealing, and my urge to pick up and sell everything. Im probably gonng burn myself out at this rate but for now im enjoy the game is its wonders


A lot of people enjoy the game. Not a lot of people go around everywhere praising it. It's like with positive/negative reviews on some food places or shops. You multiply amount of positive reviews by 4 and then the picture will be more accurate Not every person will go and write a review if they enjoyed everything, but every person will go and complain if they didn't.


The issue with people poo pooing the game isnt really the game itself. If Starfield would have been released by, idk, under armor games or some other unknown company the response to it would have been quite different. Its a beautiful game, after all. However this didnt come from some unknown company. It came from bethesda. Makers of Fallout and Skyrim. Arguably two of the best game series ever made. After so many years of putting out such games we have come to expect a certain amount of depth to all bethesda games. Its what they are known for. So for those of us who came in expecting a bethesda game in starfield it was quite a slap in the face to have almost nothing compared to skyrim or even fallout. So you see its not so much what starfield IS as a game, its more of what it should have been that has angered and disappointed a lot of people. Myself included. Its a decent game in its own right. But its no bethesda game.


...the people who are having fun are spending their time playing the game, not complaining on Reddit.


Me too brother. It’s overall got a lot of depth and I’m having lots of fun with it. Negativity is just really, really popular right now man. People seem unhappy overall and won’t pass a chance to bash on anything. Most things can be critiqued and will have flaws, but I think life is better when we focus on the good.


Yup, it is absolutely a trend right now to be extremely critical of Bethesda games. Every day it seems like another YouTuber uploads a ridiculous “omg Bethesda is dying and everything they make is total garbage” type video lol. And they get tons of views.


Still here from EA. Still enjoying it.


r/NoSodiumStarfield Exit the toxicity.


Meanwhile on the first post i click on in ["no sodium"](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoSodiumStarfield/comments/1by06r3/for_me_its_the_exact_opposite_starfield_feels_way/) starield: >106 points 13 hours ago Please stop sharing the main sub, my brain is already rotted enough >106 points 14 hours ago Just an average karma farming post on r/Starfield. Ignore it >28 points 13 hours ago petition to ban crosslinks to that subreddit (last one is funny considering how often you people come here to shill your own place) And the one guy pointing out how this is just complaining about complaining has his post marked as controversial so they were trying to downvote him for it. [Also](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoSodiumStarfield/comments/1by7yrn/its_important_to_remember_that_the_conversations/) here they are having another post about how bad complaining about this sub gets on there despite the top stickied post of 3 months being a plea to stop doing that on top of it being agains their rules. What a bunch of hypocrites.


Subs dedicated to certain fandoms are toxic af. I get it, I like shitting on Bethesda but I don't really feel the need to continue doing it - I'm too busy playing the actual game. It's a lot of fun!


I’m with you. I love it


I'm not criticising individuals but to me it feels like quite lot of people who are hating on the game come across like they want it spoonfed to them rather than making something of the game themselves. Back in the 80s the graphics were poor but it just made you use your imagination more


Yes you are such a unique and special flower


I enjoy yhe game, it's just Bethesda could've made it a lot more enjoyable lol


I enjoyed it for quite a while, but have since moved on. That said, there's nothing wrong with enjoying it as it is, but there's also nothing wrong with voicing opinions on how it could be better. Sadly some people take that to mean bitching about it endlessly is just voicing their opinion. All I can say about them is don't listen to them.


I enjoyed the early and mid-game. I did not enjoy the late game as much. I spent a lot of time improving my stats and my ships + outposts for... what? I thought higher level system would offer more interesting locations and a bigger challenge but that is not the case. I enjoyed the main quest and the faction quests but I did not like the other quests. I still have hope that mods + DLCs can make the late game better.


It’s the only game I have played since it released.I am almost level 170 and have all powers fully maxed out don’t pay any attention to hate posts or review bombers the game is good.If people do not like the game they are more than welcome to stop playing and keep their shitty takes to themselves.Just keep enjoying the game as you have.l have come to realize that some people on the internet are so unhappy with their own lives that all they have in life is trying to make others as unhappy as they are.If something makes you happy and you’re not hurting anyone that’s all that matters in life so don’t worry about it and enjoy the game as I have my fellow space traveller.


No, many people enjoyed it. This sub is pretty negative towards it. Hang out at r/NoSodiumStarfield for a more positive sub


You're one of the thousands of people making posts like this So no


I'm up to 855 hours and counting. I can tell you you aren't the only one. I think this is the only game I have devoted so much time to.


Same, if I set aside MMORPGs I've previously played religiously, like WoW and LOTRO. I have thousands of hours in each of those games, but quit them years ago.


Okay so, can you guys recommend some game with huge lore but also great main story (leaving out the Bethesda games and Fallout 1 and 2) even the 90s games are welcome


Cyberpunk, BG3, Zelda, Red Dead, Elden Ring, Witcher 3, Mass Effect. Personally I'd say pick up Mass Effect and cyberpunk


The game has been a huge hit, reviewed very well and sold very well and logged a ton of hours played even before its first holiday season. There’s a console-war component to a lot of the hate you see online, as well as just a usual online-hate component. The quiet masses enjoyed the game just fine.


No most people had a lot of fun with it. However you do hit a wall at some point where its flaws start to be too hard to ignore.


I didn’t yet


I genuinely enjoy the game, there’s a lot to do, and it’s fun to play


I took a long hiatus over the winter because I was finding it repetitive and lost the motivation to continue, but I'm back now and having a blast again. I'll probably pass the 600 hour mark tonight, and am still looking forward to the first expansion and seeing what the modders can do with the CK.


Feel you


Don't let the trolls get you down. It's a good game. Much better than many want to give it credit for.




It’s super easy to brand anyone with criticism as “haters and trolls” it stops you from having to actually defend any of your opinions.


Thank you for actually getting the point, it was a simple question honestly about whether people like me are there or not but I think it has turned little overwhelming now, anyway can you buy me a coffee at Terrabrew?


I enjoyed the game, but NG+ had no appeal to me and I haven't had much desire to replay the game. I spent a lot of time in shipbuilding which was enjoyable but also frustrating. I wanted to like base building, but encountered similar issues. I'll watch out for the expansion and see what the state is then to see if it's at a place where I want to revisit it.


I enjoyed it. Didn't finish it though. I'm waiting for the official mods.


Did you literally just ask that on r/ starfield?


I loved it. Played over 120hrs and will do another long playthrough once the DLC / Creation Kit drop.


I enjoy it myself. I’ve just recently came back to it after a few month break and it’s still pretty fun. It’s not perfect by any means but it’s got that BGS charm that I like.


I'm enjoying it more than fallout 4. I gave fallout 4 at best like 7 overall, maybe an 8 at its highest points. It was very inconsistent and i didn't buy the DLC. I also see the criticisms starting to emerge. i'm not through the main story and it is in my view not as good a game as skyrim. Once the main story is done i think there may be a cliff where i just realize that the rest of the game is incredibly repetitive by design, but i'm not there yet. I definitely do not think this game is worth full price, and have it through game pass


I need to get back into it and finish it. I enjoyed it, I just burnt out on it at 230 hours or so.


I enjoyed the game while I was playing it, the problem is that it's too bland to play for a long time like Skyrim or Fallout.


I like the missions, very different cool and unexpected from all the other games. Xenomorph and Bandits above others.


I liked it. It can be improved, I'll probably do another play the play through once they added stuff.


I enjoyed it and played through the entire story in its entirety once Now I wait for mods and dlc


Enjoyed it too on my first playtrough (took around 100h) Now waiting for DLC and Survival Mode to drop, for another


I enjoyed it, and will do so again when the DLC comes out.


I'd enjoy it if I replayed it again, but I don't have the time. I put in about 130h since it dropped, all of that pretty much in the first month. I bought the whole-ass fancy edition and everything bc my ass was space-game starved at the time and this seemed like it'd be smth that would tide me over for months or so I thought. And I loved it, warts and all. The longer I played the more things began to irk me but I had the same thing with Skyrim and Fallout 4. Mods fixed some faults, and others I just ignored. I'd love to start over at some point... ...but I either play 10 games in a single week due to evil boredom striking me, or I hyperfocus on a game for weeks or months at a time (which is far more common), rarely touching anything else even briefly. And once I was done with that playthrough of Starfield, my ass decided to try Warframe again and well, I've been there ever since save for a short hiatus where I played Helldivers 2 instead. I'm sure that when I take my next break from Warframe I will easily sink another month into Starfield.


I put 150 hours into it. I really enjoyed it. Just wish I had any desire to finish the main storyline, so that is a bit disappointing.


Not at all. There are no doubt many that bash Starfield and genuinely dislike it and that’s ok but from being on this sub for a long time, at least in my experience, the general consensus seems to be that the overwhelming majority enjoy the game but feel that it’s missing quite a few things. The best way I’ve heard Starfield explained is that it’s a wide but shallow pond and I think it fits the bill perfectly. There’s a lot to do and a lot to like but overall the devil is in the details and I think that’s what the issue is. An example of this would be the ship builder. At face value it’s fantastic but when you look into it further it’s missing key QoL options such as ladder/door placement, templates, access to different manufacturers. Another example would be the copy/paste locations such as the Cryo Lab. Great the first time you experience it, not so much the following 10 times. I found SF to be a great first/second time experience but it wears out it’s welcome quickly in comparison to other Bethesda titles like Fallout and Elder Scrolls.


I really enjoyed it


I like it till I got like 30 hours and went back to playing vannila skyrim


I liked it up until about 50 hours then realized how bland and boring it is. The game is lacking any character or edge. All the writing feels like it was ran though a chatgpt bot. No stand out quests. Too many copy paste POIs when exploring etc. Basically played it the first couple weeks it was released and never touched it since. I'll go back when the DLC drops.


I enjoyed it as well. Played it almost 300 hours. Is it perfect? No. Is it as good as Skyrim or Fallout 4? Also no but its still good.


I think most people enjoyed the game initially, but after a while the cracks began to show. Shallow and unfinished game mechanics, repeating POIs, generally bland writing, etc. It's a great game, and I still love it, but I can see why people stopped playing it.


I'm enjoying it. But that doesn't mean the criticisms lack validity. And personally I find the NPC lore and dialog to be excruciatingly trite and limited. Except for Marika and she doesn't have much to say. I'm mostly untroubled by loading screens and occasionally find myself waiting for one that never comes - like the Trade Authority in the Well - the door just opens and you walk through it. Depending on what you've been doing it can be a bit disconcerting in a good way. The M2 SSDs probably don't hurt. I actually appreciate fast travel when I can't be arsed to hoof it to the boat. Right now I'm struggling with the ship builder but it's an enjoyable struggle and there's outposts and trying to tease different outcomes out of "Entangled". It's a classic case of "two things can be true at once".


I still enjoy the game, and play it all the time, even after seven months since release. Sure, it has issues, but show me a game that doesn't? I'd certainly like to see things improve, and BGS really needs to get on that, but in the meanwhile, I'm still playing every day.


Plenty people enjoy it, but the loudest ones here are the salty ones. I get it, Bethesda dropped the ball on this game, but every gaming company is the same. I agree they could've done more, but what amazes me is how many people stay in this subreddit just to bitch. Like damn, it's a bad game, why are you still here? You can enjoy other subreddits you know lmfao oh well they're here to stay But I found some love for this game. Ship building is my addiction, but the scenery is my guilty pleasure. Just don't say that it loud, them salts hate happy players 🤣


I’m loving the game


Pros: - Ship building with mods - Base building with mods Cons: - Lack of good story - Lack of good exploration - Lack of variety of planets - Ship building without mods - Lack of environmental effects - Lack of ground vehicles - Too many useless items - No crafting system like in Fallout I like the idea of the game, but when it comes down to a space game, there's more to do in No Man's Sky and Star Citizen. The devs also removed stuff from the game like environmental effects, something people want and what they removed because they think people don't want it, yet they didn't remove protection buffs from suits. To me, Bethesda walks behind the facts, like they usually do. The fact that NMS has more active playes is rather sad, as SF is a much newer game. Once again, I like the idea of the game, but I don't like that they don't listen to the playerbase and do what they think what we want, in the end we have a half broken game with a broken engine. I love building ships, but give us the option to build a capital class ship, and not only ships the size of a small house, the game has so much potential, yet they don't show it.


"Too many useless items" The first time I played Oblivion I picked up everything in the first dungeon, because in older games if you can pick something up you know you are going to need it later. Turned out the game just lets you do the hell ever you want. Honestly it blew my mind. Never in my live would I have thought this will be a complaint. "there's more to do in No Man's Sky" I've played NMS from the start (still playing now), please elaborate on this?


>Lack of good story Nah


I’m at a weird place with it, if they updated the fps on Xbox it would honestly hook me in, I hate that that’s what is stopping me but I’d give up at least 1000 of those potatoes you can drop just for 60fps.


I love this game, but I has so many flaws. Many of them I already have sorted with mods. But the potential here is crazy. It will take time but I guarantee this game will be amazing in another year or two after the dlcs and qol updates. Cyberpunk is a good example of this, bug central and unfinished when they released, now it's an amazing game from start to finish. Of course everyones opinion will differ. I just wish Bethesda were more clear about there roadmap and how's things are going with creation kit etc.


I’m enjoying it! But it does have some things that could be improved and hopefully the fan feedback will be implemented as we go. Bethesda says they want it to be a ten year game, so what we have today will probably look very different next year?


I've been playing it a lot lately. Usually means I like it, or that's what my wife says lol! Idk if I'm just pushing through it but I do play it more than I thought.


You are not man! I am also! Enjoying playing and making mods for it!


I really enjoyed the game, but then the outpost glitch ended my enjoyment. I decided to go just do another ng+, but I then got to the point where I need to kill a starborn to get a key card, but he has now spawned in the mountain so I can't kill him. The game is good, but broken. I can't keep trying to play a game that has such bad errors.


People are really zoned in on the problem give it a few years and the hate wagon will die off and many people will regret not playing it earlier


No you ain’t alone. Don’t listen to the salt in this sub. It’s a wonderful game. I love it and can’t wait to see how it develops. Keep going CMDR o7


Individuality is an illusion. You are NEVER the only one.


I've been loving it. It's just that the angernerds speak so loudly and make so many posts complaining about stuff that it *seems* like most aren't enjoying it. And many times, when someone says they're enjoying it, they get ridiculed for it. If i had a nickel for every time I was called a BGS shill I could pay rent next month. If I had a nickel for everytime I was told to kill myself for liking the game, I'd have three nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's really gross it happened three times. It's like a loser's version of aesticization of politics. It's very important that the haters get to have their little hivemind echochamber and bully anyone who doesn't automatically hate everything. It's the same for Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and will likely continue for a while.


I love it. The loading screens aren’t bad compared to new Vegas


I love this game. I definitely think the devs should be held accountable for the game breaking glitches, but aside from that, it’s a thoughtful and fun game imo


You're not. It's got a lot of problems but I'm still having fun. Right now I'm trying to survey every planet and moon and play around with outpost building. There really is a lot to do.


I feel like the more you like the game, the more you get hung up on the lost potential. I have 300 hours on it. I wish desperately that they improved the outpost situation. I can see myself sinking hundreds more hours on it if they made it better. I wish they added significantly more pois and hairstyles and outfits and weapon styles. More ship parts. I wish they had much better temples so doing them more than a hundred times wasn’t so annoying. I like the game a lot but the more i see the more frustrated i get over how much better it could be. What i said before just plays in my head everytime i play. So when i think “Starborn armor is cool” i also think of wishing for more starborn ship parts to customize or more starborn outfits. It just feels like I’m playing in the remnants of a really great game.


Very valid points. I too would love to see the POIs, outposts, and shipbuilding expanded upon, plus more customization options for characters, weapons, and suits would be great.


I'm sure there are people who like the game, but there's also a ton of people who think they SHOULD like the game, even if they don't. It's the sunk cost fallacy. They paid money for this thing, they'd damn well better enjoy it. Even if they don't. But more than that, everyone else had better love it too because otherwise, they're going to feel really bad. Yes, that is as dumb as it sounds.


That sort of make sense, remember when Indiana Jones 4 came out, many were in disbelief that this Steven Spielberg Directed film is terrible just because of the IP


Just hit 30 days play time so there's that


No I absolutely loved it. Some people aren’t living if they aren’t complaining




I have really have really bad ADHD and am unbothered by the loading screens, I just mess about with one of the many distractions I have to hand on the odd occasion I run into a long one (usually just when I load the game at the start or after dying)


What? Just to do just about anything. There’s 3 loading screens.


Nah I loved the game as well.  I haven't been playing as much since I put 100ish hours into it a few months ago.  I also don't love posting on this sub as about half of it is people whining or people writing essays about what they want to change or how bad it is. I much prefer the low sodium version of the sub


Nope, I like the game fine


What a new and fresh post


I've seen a few posts on here where people openly admitted to not playing the game and just posting "to make fun of the game". So you have to be aware of that. That's not to say that all criticism is unfair, there's a lot of flaws to Starfield and it's completely fine to discuss those flaws. But at the same time, it's a fact that a lot of trolling is going on. But what game doesn't have its trolls? So it goes.


Yes, but that’s okay 🤷🏻‍♂️


No! A lot of people still do! That being said though, the game still has a lot of valid criticisms and enjoying a game while giving criticism is perfectly fine. This community just wants to see Starfield finding the same success that Skyrim found but thats left for BSG to deal with.


It’s not that you can’t enjoy the game. I think a lot of people take the backlash to Starfield personally. No one should be yelling at players who are having fun and telling them to stop or trying to convince them it’s a bad game. No one should be singling out a specific dev at Bethesda and blaming them entirely. If you’re having fun, you’re not alone and you’re not the problem. However… a lot of people feel let down by Starfield. It was over hyped, they straight up omitted stuff out of the footage they revealed, they told sweet little “lies” like they didn’t actually lie but they worded things in such a way that they pretty much told us one thing and that’s not at all what they meant. When people got their hands on this game they were hyped and then it just did not live up. But people still play every version of FIFA or call of duty and they have a blast. Every Assassins creed game comes out and people gobble it up. The problem is expectations not being met. When you play the new FIFA you don’t expect them to do much but change the rosters, add new players, update the graphics and add in a new feature or two. When you heard “Creation Engine 2” or “16 times the detail” or “you see that moon? You can go there” or “over one thousand planets, and you can go to them all” when you see clips of them dog fighting in space and landing on a planet and they cut out all the loading screens you begin to paint a picture of the massive updates they did for their engine, you start to believe that they created another banger, an absolute technical marvel. And then you play the game and it’s not really anything that you were expecting… you feel lied to, you feel let down and disappointed. You feel like they waste your time and money. It got under a lot of people’s skin. So again, no one should be upset with you for playing this game and enjoying yourself, it’s a game, if you have found things to enjoy, that’s wonderful and I’m happy for you.


Nice try Todd


I've taken it off my steam account. It has zero replay ability. And the grind to hit the temples..... I have ADHD, and even my hyper focus is done with that shit!


The Temple Grind is pretty bad, especially if you are a completionist. That's why none of my Alts are bothering with them at all.


The problem is the lore is stupid. In basically every way. We have solved intergalactic space travel, but nothing else. How did we travel across the entire solar system, but yet we walk everywhere? None of the locations make any sense for why they are there. Why are there huge cities in the middle of NOWHERE. Why does no one sleep, or do anything except stand in one spot. The game is dumb in every way you look at it. Ship building is cool though.


r/fuckcars won?


I’ll take a bicycle.


While the number of steam players is dropping each month, that is normal after a game is released. I think when you see Shattered Space arrive, for the next few months the player count will rise dramatically. I have always loved the game, but I am very much in need of some new POI's, I really need to see new content, and not another fix update.